2021 台中台北米其林餐盤餐廳名單 (分區 ) 》2021 The Plate Michelin Guide Taipei Taichung (By District)
Last Updated on 2023-05-14 by Foodelicious
(2022.5 更新) 2021 台中台北米其林餐盤名單懶人包 (The Plate Michelin Taipei Taichung) 名單會以區域分類, 以下包括餐廳地址, 電話, Google Map 和 Facebook, 我花超多時間整理這篇文章!
(2022.5 Updated ) 2021 The Plate Michelin Guide Taipei Taichung will be categorized the restaurant with district. The following information would include restaurant address, telephone number, Google Map, and Facebook. I spent lots of time organizing this article.
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♛ 2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List
延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)
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目錄 / Table of Contents
台北米其林餐盤餐廳 2021 The Plate Michelin Taipei
信義區米其林餐盤餐廳 XinYi District
1. Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳
地址: 台北市信義區逸仙路32巷7號
Tel: 02-8786-9663
Address: No. 7, 32th Lane,Yixian Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/zFi9civAHFA4jDGW8
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/chateauzoe
2. The Ukai
地址: 台北市信義區松仁路100號46樓 (微風南山)
Tel: 02-7730-1166
Address: 46F, No. 100, SongRen Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/zHuyUFEvKLdJAzkP7
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theukaitaipei/
3. Chope Chope Eatery
地址: 台北市信義區松高路19號4樓 (新光三越信義新天地A4館)
Tel: 02-2723-8118
Address: 4F, No. 19, Songgao Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/6rA69jxz4yuhuF1bA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chopechopetw/
4. 寒舍食譜 My Humble House Restaurant
地址: 台北市信義區松仁路38號
備註: 位於寒舍艾美酒店
Tel: 02-6622-8018
Address: No. 38, SongRen Road, Taipei City
Remark: Located at Le Meridien Hotel
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/CKaCbNvVM6Q2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LM.taipei/
Website: https://www.lemeridien-taipei.com/websev?lang=zh-tw&ref=pages&id=4
5. 寶艾西餐廳 Bel Air Bar & Grill
地址: 台北市信義區松壽路2號
備註: 位於君悅酒店
Tel: 02-2720-1230
Address: No. 2, Songshou Road, Taipei
Remark: Located at Grand Hyatt Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/1CW6c5gFSkm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BelAir.Taipei/
6. 穆記牛肉麵 Muji Beef Noodle
地址: 台北市信義區吳興街239號
Tel: 02-2723-9372
Address: No. 239, WuXin Street, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/HW9DUxLs7aG2
7. 鮨七海 Sushi Nanami
地址: 台北市仁愛路四段452巷6號1樓
Tel: 02-2758-0266
Address: No. 6, 452th Lane, 4th Section, ReAi Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/M1oCQPESCdH2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SushiNanamiTaipei/
8.心潮飯店 Sinchao Rice Shoppe
Tel: 02-2723-9976
Address: 2F, No. 68, 5th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/mNuLD3Fnm5WVkBBw7
大安區米其林餐盤餐廳 Da’an District
1. 隱丹廚 Hidden by DN
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街261號
Tel: 0909-849-937
Address: No.261 ,Yanji Street , Taipei City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/N3hfBw4WbtP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hidden.restaurant.taipei/
► More Details 詳細內容
2. Gēn Creative
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路2段63巷24號
Tel: 02-2707-3348
Address: No. 24, 63th Lane, 2nd section, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/qz9YNSVFnhQ2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gencreativetaipei/
Website: https://gentaipei.com
3. JE Kitchen
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路346巷48號
Tel: 02-2741-7115
Address: No. 48, 346th Lane,Guangfu South Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/YQ9cGsB7Rxw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jekitchen.tw/
Website: https://www.jekitchen.tw
► More Details 詳細內容 (2019 Spinrg Menu)
4. 香宮 Shang Palace
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路二段201號6F
備註: 餐廳在遠企飯店, 香宮並沒有FB 粉絲頁
Tel: 02-2376-3229
Address: 6F, No. 201, 2nd section, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City
Remark: The restaurant is at Shangri-La Hotel. Shang Palace doesn’t have fan page.
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/kpxyBhdeycU2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shangrilataipei/
► More Details about Review 詳細內容評論
5. Chou Chou 法式料理餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段170巷6弄22號
Tel: 02-2773-1819
Address: No. 22, 6th Alley, 170th Lane, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/A32Vqer3qU12
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chouchou.taipei/
► More Details 詳細內容
6. ulv
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段160巷18號
Tel: 02-8771-0828
Address: No. 18, 160th Lane, 1st section, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/SX5fhs8umENY2ohA6
7. 蘭 Orchid Restaurant
地址: 台北市大安區安和路二段83號1F
Tel: 02-2378-3333
Address: No. 83, 2nd Section, Anhe Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/vXmnrPsm1yN2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrchidTaipei/
8. Ephernité
地址: 台北市大安區安和路二段233號
Tel: 02-2732-0732
Address: No. 233, 2nd section, AnHe Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/xExVLBDnGuQ2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ephernite/
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
9. Indulge Bistro
地址: 台北市復興南路一段219巷11號
備註: 同時也是亞洲50大酒吧第5名,世界50大酒吧第28名
Tel: 02-2773-0080
Address: No. 11, 219th Lane, 1st Section, Fuxing South Road, Taipei City
Remark: Indulge Bistro is also 5th place of Asia 50 Best Bar, and 28th pace of Worldwide 50 Best Bar
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/Zx1jedN2c6Q2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/indulgebistrotaipei/
10. 驥園川菜餐廳 Gi Yuan
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段324號
Tel: 02-2708-3110
Address: No.324, 1st Duanhua South Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/6xXGQuKQ7Zy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/驥園川菜餐廳/174569459253402
11. 桌藏 Toh-A’
地址: 台北市大安區和平東路二段96巷14號
Tel: 02-2377-0952
Address: No.14, 96th Lane, 2nd section, Heping East Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/4JKnaseaD652
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Toh-A桌藏-1705611549658864/
12. 肉割烹 ゆう-Nikukappou Yuu
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段216巷33弄15號
Tel: 02-2711-2080
Address: No. 15, 30th Alley, 216th Lane, 4th Section,Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/ZkApBpPXWLm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nikukappou.yuu/
13. 五月雪客家私房珍釀 May Snow Hakka Food
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段329巷16號
Tel: 02-2711-2080
Address: No. 16, 329th Lane, 1th Section,Duanhuan South Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/FS6YEbDx5rH2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/五月雪客家私房珍釀-178937112148025/
14. 格登炸雞 (通化店) Golden Fried Chicken (Tonghua Branch)
地址: 台北市大安區通化街39巷50弄33號
備註: 在通化夜市內
Tel: N/A
Address: No. 33, 50th Alley, No. 39 Lane, Tonghua Street, Taipei City
Remark: It is inside the Tonghua Night Market
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/NeB9M3TSKyH2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MilkWuuuuu/
15. 橘色涮涮屋 (大安) Orange Shabu Shabu
地址: 台北市大安區大安路一段135號B1
Tel: 02-2776-1658
Address: B1, No. 135, 1st Section, Da’An Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/xneqeJYy7XS2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Orangeshabu/
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
16. 真的好海鮮 Really Good Seafood Restaurant
地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段222號1樓
Tel: 02-2771-3000
Address: 1F, No. 222, 1st section Fuxing South Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/WdGKFuLcv7n
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rygdsd/
17. The Tavernist
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段27巷25號12樓 (金普頓大安酒店)
Tel: 02-2779-0688
Address: 12F, No. 25, 27th Lane, 4th Section Ren-Ai Road, Da’an District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/2cjee2pidvth7HtW8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTavernist/
18.壽司芳 Sushiyoshi
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段216巷19弄12號
Tel: 02-2721-5560
Address: No. 12, 19th Alley, 216th Lane, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Da’an District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/Ko1D1UUTA2afG8Hj8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sushiyoshitaipei/
地址: 台北市大安區信義路四段152號
Tel: 02-2755-3999
Address: No. 152, 4th Section, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/TNYZobfrsHe4QaQL6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/申浦尚宴-753770964983819/
20.MU: Taipei 沐目
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段190巷54號
Tel: 0965-259-952
Address: No. 54, 190th Lane, 1st Section, Dunhuan South Road, Dean District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://g.page/mu-taipei?share
Website: https://mutaipei.com
地址: 台北市大安區四維路28號
Tel: 02-2700-0901
Address: No. 28, Siwen Road, Da’an District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/qKxR2xUA6DZ1TfSy5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mume.taiwan/
Tel: 02-7751-5598
Address: No. 24, 122nd Lane, 4th Section, Re’ai Road, Da’an District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://g.page/Embers12224?share
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/embersdining/
23.南村私廚 44 SV Bistro
Tel: 02-2711-7272
Address: No. 10, 33rd Alley, 216th Lane, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/YnvyUqb5oadUF5vJ9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/44svbistro/
24.筌 壽司割烹
Tel: 02-2700-8779
Address: No. 37, 78th Lane, 1st Section, Anhe Road, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/dSpFTN5qvrVHCita8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/筌-壽司割烹-1173040079374831/
25.八和和牛燒肉專門店 Baho
Tel: 02-2325-0531
Address: No. 4, 102th Lane, 1st Section, Anhe Road, Taipei City
Google Map: https://g.page/BAHO-YAKINIKU?share
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BAHO.YAKINIKU/
26.梵 燒肉 Vanne Yakiniku
地址:台北市大安區敦化南路1段235號2 F
Tel: 02-2771-0597
Address: 2F, No. 235, 1st Section, Dunhuan South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/GYVD7K7yTFv3nu6P6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yakinikuvanne/
中山區米其林餐盤餐廳 Zhongshan District
1. No. 168 Prime Steakhouse (中山)
地址: 台北市中山區敬業四路168號4F
備註: 位於維多麗亞酒店4樓
Tel: 02-6602-5678
Address: 4F, No.168, Jìngyè 4th Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/Hnbf3Ph1JsM2
Website: http://www.grandvictoria.com.tw/dining/ins.php?index_id=19
► More Details 詳細內容 (敦南店)
2. 雞家莊 (長春路) Chicken House (Changchun Branch)
地址: 台北市中山區長春路55號
Tel: 02-2581-5954
Address: No. 55, Changchun Road, Taipei City
Remark: It doesn’t have official Facebook fan page
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/CSBRwiHsL842
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/雞家莊/258624467582967
Chinese and English Review: https://globalfoodelicious.com/taipei-michelin-chi-chia-chuang/
3. 頁小館 Restaurant Page
地址: 台北市中山區北安路595巷20弄4號1樓
Tel: 02-2532-8003
Address: No. 4, 20th Alley, 595th Lane, Bei-an Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/JAuFyKFhRdw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/restaurantpagetaipei/
Website: http://www.restaurant-page.com/index.html
4. Anima
地址: 台北市中山區中原街40號
Tel: 02-2541-6901
Address: No. 40, Zhongyuan Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/LtNRnwsQrHiMXQwf8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/animataipei/
5. 晶華軒 Silks House
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路2段39巷3號3樓
備註: 位於台北晶華酒店3樓
Tel: 02-2522-8236
Address: 3F, No. 3, 39th Lane, 2nd section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Regent Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/K9a4w5aVYUB2
Website: http://www.regenthotels.com/tw/regent-taipei/dining/silks-house
6. Joseph Bistro 想想廚房
地址: 台北市中山區松江路69巷13號
Tel: 02-2508-1329
Address: No.13, 69th Lane, Songjia Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/RMQqGnDL6KFv5fRF8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/josephbistro/
7. Robin’s Grill Steakhouse
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路2段39巷3號2樓
備註: 位於台北晶華酒店2樓
Tel: 02-2521-5000 #3930
Address: 2F, No.3, 39th Lane, 2nd seciton, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at the 2nd floor of Regent Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/aYnV3Df4qhQ2
Website: http://www.regenthotels.com/tw/regent-taipei/dining/robins-grill
8. Tutto Bello
地址: 台北市中山區雙城街25巷15號
Tel: 02-2592-3355
Address: No. 15, 25th Lane, Shuang Cheng Street, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/3A2NF7QYAT62
Website: http://www.tuttobello.com.tw
9. 國賓川菜廳 Szechuan Court Restaurant
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段63號12樓
備註: 位於台北國賓飯店12F
Tel: 02-2551-1111
Address: 12F, No. 63, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City Remark: it is at the Ambassador Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/1p9T62BesPu
Website: https://www.ambassador-hotels.com/tc/taipei/dining/szechuan-court#story
10. 旬採 (中山店) Shun Sai Japanese Restaurant (Zhongshan Branch)
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段50巷3號
Tel: 02-2521-9679
Address: No. 3, 50th Lane, 2nd section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/L3LDanLxEXR2
Facebook: https://goo.gl/maps/51LKSDj9h5m
11. 林家蔬菜羊肉爐 Lin’s Vegetable Lamb Hot Pot
地址: 台北市中山區吉林路327號
Tel: 02-2592-5174
Address: No. 327, Jiling Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/Rwfo9SKQgSk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linsvegelambhotpotintw/
12. 欣葉台菜(創始店)Shin-Yeh Taiwanese Cuisine
地址: 台北市中山區雙城街34之1號
Tel: 02-2596-3255
Address: No. 34-1, Shuāng chéng Street, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/aE55QstCm942
Website: http://www.shinyeh.com.tw/content/ZH/Index.aspx
13.田園海鮮 Tien Yuan Seafood Restaurant
地址: 台北市中山區八德路二段174巷5號
Tel: 02-2781-5137
Address: No. 5, 174th Lane, 2nd Section, Ba-De Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/UYf8F1nGK1u
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/田園海鮮餐廳/162024863853815
14.笹鮨 SASA Sushi Japanese Restaurant
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段42巷6號
Tel: 02-2561-1246
Address: No.6, 42th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/YD5UT5oMkC72
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sasasushi.taiwan/
15. 國賓粵菜廳 Canton Court
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段63號2F
Tel: 02-2551-1111
Address: No. 63, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Ambassador Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/fursatr9Lak
Facebook: https://www.ambassador-hotels.com/tc/taipei/dining/canton-court#story
16. YORU-よる 和牛日式法餐
地址: 台北市中山區八德路二段332巷16號
Tel: 02-2776-0322
Address:No. 16, 332th Lane, 2nd Section, Ba-de Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/dMQct1MSLNpbf6L87
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yorutaipei/
17.鐵板教父謝樂觀 Iron Chef
地址: 台北市中山區植福路215號
Tel: 02-8502-7689
Address: No. 215, Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/jCKYTFYWjbaUoWVD8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ironchefteppanyaki/
18. 巴黎廳1930 x 高山英紀
Paris 1930 de Hideki Takayam
Tel: 02-2597-1234
Address: 2F, No. 41, 2nd Section, Minquan East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/i29NXPD7twHsQDN49
Website: http://taipei.landishotelsresorts.com/chinese-trad/dining-detail.php?id=2
19.山秋 Shanchiu Japanese Restaurant
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路一段83巷38號
Tel: 02-2521-8636
Address: No. 38, 83rd Lane, 1st section, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/EY3HG56AiRwmXBUa6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SHANCHIU2019/
20. CEO1950 總裁藝文空間
地址: 台北市中山區新生北路三段62巷24號
Tel: 02-2592-6692
Address: No. 24, 62nd Lane, 3rd Section, Xinshen North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/zGSc6L6mr3o8NFWNA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEO1950/
21.月夜岩 Tsukiyoiwa
地址: 台北市中山區雙城街25巷9號1樓
Tel: 02-2585-9221
Address: 1F, No. 9, 25th Lane, Shuangcheng Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://g.page/tsukiyoiwa?share
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsukiyoiwa
Website: https://tsukiyoiwa.com/tw/menu
內湖區米其林餐盤餐廳 Neihu District
1.美福乾式熟成牛排館 Fresh & Aged Italian steak house
Tel: 02-2796-1566
Address: 2F, No. 128, Mingshen Street, Neihu District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/V7EJTpztp3M9W3Nx5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freshandaged/
萬華區米其林餐盤餐廳 Wanhua District
1. 華西街台南擔仔麵
Tainan Tan Tsu Mien Seafood
Tel: 02-2308-1123
Address: No.31, Hwa-Xi Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City
Google Map:https://goo.gl/maps/GMEjqzaqx7KqDuYk8
Facebook: N/A
文山區米其林餐盤餐廳 Wenshan District
1. 景美米粉湯
地址: 台北市文山區景美街119號左邊
Tel: N/A
Address: No. 119 ,Jinmei Street, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/PrfXhZJaZB12
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/景美米粉湯/333092723853719?hc_ref=ARTPqzj6fpGMOHdEumiNhLtwO92QH9V30qxExFKcGC12sU_wX1hrS162sZ7jgRw0QQI&fref=tag
2. 景美鵝媽媽鵝肉切仔麵
地址: 台北市文山區景美街 37-3號
Tel: 0981-089-096
Address: No. 37-3,Jinmei Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/38GVJXbnQhM2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/鵝媽媽/128998763834348
3.義興樓 Yi Hsing Pavillion
地址: 台北市文山區景文街121號
Tel: 02-2931-3966
Address: No. 121, Jinwen Street, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/rcC2RRiG7TuHMsV69
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/義興樓/159143440804169
松山區米其林餐盤餐廳 Songshan District
1. 50/50 Cuisine Française
地址: 台北市富錦街448號
Tel: 02-2765-3727
Address: No. 448, Fujin Street, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/uBdTn7PHAoS2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5050CuisineFrancaise/
2. Bencotto Italian Restaurant
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路158號
備註: 位於台北文華東方酒店
Tel: 02-2715-6868
Address: No.158, Dunhua North Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/DLSEj8yct9A2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bencotto-at-Mandarin-Oriental-Taipei-617403884973727/
Website: http://www.mandarinoriental.com.hk/taipei/fine-dining/bencotto/
3. L先生義法餐廳 Monsieur L
地址: 台北市松山區民生東路四段131巷21號
Tel: 02-8770-5505
Address: No. 21, 131th Lane, 4th Section, Mingshen Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/WDcpxLPav9S2
Website: http://www.monsieur-l.com.tw/tw
4. La Locanda 蘿莎娜小廚房
地址: 台北市松山區八德路三段12巷52弄18號
Tel: 02-2579-2922
Address: No. 18 , 52th Alley, 12th Lane, Ba-De Road, Songshan District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/nkD2C4X4pey
5. Thai & Thai
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路158號
備註: 位於台北文華東方酒店
Tel: 02-2715-6868
Address: No.158, Dunhua North Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/DLSEj8yct9A2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thaiandthairestaurant/
Website: http://www.thaiandthai.com.tw
6. 但馬家涮涮鍋 Tajimaya Shabu Shabu
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路166號5樓
備註: 位於台北文華東方酒店5樓
Tel: 02-2712-1606
Address: No.158, Dunhua North Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/DLSEj8yct9A2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tajimayaSHABU/
7. 先進海產店 Hsien Chin Seafood Restaurant
地址: 台北市松山區延吉街23巷5號
Tel: 02-2578-4397
Address: No.5, 23rd Lane, Yaji Street, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/DLSEj8yct9A2
8. 日本橋玉井 Tamai Japanese Restaurant
地址: 台北市松山區復興北路313巷23號
Tel: 02-2719-6660
Address: B1, No. 111, 3rd Section, Mingshen East Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/HQfevBXETcC2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tamai.Anago.Taiwan/
9. 東發號 Tung-Fa-Hao
地址: 台北市松山區饒河街94號
備註: 位於饒河街夜市
Tel: 02-27695739
Address: No. 94, Raohe Street, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Raohe Night Mark
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/eEus7cho9P32
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tung.fa.hao/
10. 麻糬寶寶 Mochi Baby
地址: 台北市松山區饒河街11號
備註: 位於饒河街夜市
Tel: 0958-088-550
Address: No. 111, Raohe Street, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Raohe Night Mark
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/k4Ge8xnXhVq
Facebook: N/A
地址: 台北市松山區饒河街224號
備註: 位於饒河街夜市
Tel: 0958-126-223
Address: No. 224, Raohe Street, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Raohe Night Mark
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/SNjr5K8AY1S8QNAE6
Facebook: N/A
短評 Review:
每次到饒河街夜市都會看到胡椒餅攤位大排長龍, 我喜歡現做現烤, 外皮酥脆, 肉汁又多, 可是福州世祖胡椒餅2020 得到米其林餐盤這件事跌破大家眼鏡, 我以為必比登已經是路邊攤的最高榮耀.
Every time when I visited Roahe Street Night Market, the pepper pastry booth is always lining up. I like the custom-made method for the pepper pastry. The appearance is crispy and the filling is definitely juicy. However, when they won the 2020 Michelin Plate, I was definitely surprised. I thought BIB Gourmand Guide is the highest honor for street booth.
12. 鮨 をう Sushi Wou
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路155巷110號
Tel: 0922-222-775
Address: No. 110 , 155th Lane, Duanhua North Road, 1 Songshan District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/EX2GUKPZ8EKrmTXx9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sushiwou/
13.鮨 增田 Sushi Masuda
Tel: 02-2712-6828
Address: 5F, No.166, Dunhuan North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/VT2tLanzv55rZigs9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/鮨增田Sushi-Masuda-Taipei-101738004784034/
地址: 台北市松山區民生東路三段113巷6弄11號
Tel: 02-2545-1113
Address: No. 11, 6th alley , 113rd Lane,3rd section, Mingshen East Road, Shongshan District, Taipei City
Google Map:https://g.page/holt-tw?share
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holt.tw/
中正區米其林餐盤餐廳 Zhongzhen District
1. 山內雞肉 Shan-Nei Chicken
地址: 台北市中正區中華路二段307巷20-3號
備註: 位於南機場夜市
Tel: 02-2303-0100
Address: No. 20-3, 307th Lane, 2nd Section, Chunghwa Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/zEiADzXWZWF2
Remark: It is located at South Airport Night Market
Website: http://www.shannei-chicken.com
2. 辰園 The Dragon
地址: 台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號B1
備註: 在台北喜來登大飯店
Tel: 02-2321-1818
Address: B1, No. 12, 1st Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei cITY
Remark: It is at the Sherwood Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/DuLpJ2XU5MS2
Website: http://www.sheratongrandtaipei.com/restaurant_content.php?id=3
3.鈺善閣 Yu Shan Ge Restaurant
地址: 台北市中正區北平東路14號
Tel: 02-2394-5155
Address: No. 14, Bei-Ping East Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at the Sherwood Hotel
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/8VRnBDdbPQs
Website: https://www.facebook.com/yushangetaipei/
地址: 台北市中正區中華路二段311巷34號
Tel: 0955-572-506
Address: No.34 , 311th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhonghwa Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/t23yLczvCsxmHpd47
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Taiwanese-Restaurant/阿男麻油雞-1998217143768377/
5. 大三元
地址: 台北市中正區衡陽路46號
Tel: 02-2381-7180
Address: No. 46, Hunyang Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/4xhNBhUG9FeF5KLN8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threecoins
大同區米其林餐盤餐廳 Datong District
1. 圓環邊蚵仔煎 Roundabout Oyster Pancake
地址: 台北市大同區寧夏路46號
備註: 在寧夏夜市
Tel: 02-2558-0198
Address: No. 46, Ningxia Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Ningxia Night Market
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/jACs56ZwZV82
Facebook: N/A
2.雅意 Artbrosia
地址: 台北市大同區承德路一段3號6樓 (君品飯店)
Tel: 0975-684-833
Address: 6F, No. 3, 1st Section, Chengde Road, Datong District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/6enbwX33Yn3o24rE6
Website: https://www.palaisdechinehotel.com/tw/restaurant-info.php?id=7
士林區米其林餐盤餐廳 Shilin District
1. 阿輝麵線 A-Hun Noodle Food Stand
地址: 台北市士林區大南路52號
備註: 在士林夜市
Tel: 0952-672-655
Address: No. 52, Da’Nan Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Shiling Night Market
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/uM2MEvrGV4r
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/士林廟口阿輝麵線25元豪大支豬血糕-117414441696930/
2. 興蓬萊台菜海鮮餐廳 Shing-Peng-Lai Restaurant
地址: 台北市士林區中山北路七段55號
Tel: 02-2877-1169
Address: No. 55, 7th Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/ypRJvPNLBCp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SPLR.28771168
Website: http://www.splr.com.tw
3. 松園禪林-原心 Pine Garden
地址: 台北市士林區菁山路101巷160號
Tel: 02-2861-3578
Address: No. 160, 101 Lane,Jingshan Road, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/tdCinbcxRCo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pinegarde/
4. 讚 鐵板燒 Zan
地址: 台北市士林區承德路四段192之1號B1
Tel: 02-2880-1880
Address: B1, No. 192-1, 4th Section,Chengde Road, Shilin District, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/BEPfr4iYihaCd1PC9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zan.matsutou/
5.馨亞法式小酒館 Bistro Le Jardin
Tel: 02-2877-1178
Address: 1F, No.80, Tienmu East Road, Shilin District, Taipei City
Google Map: https://g.page/BistroLeJardinTM?share
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BistroLeJardinTM/
6. 陽明春天 (士林) Yang Ming Spring Shilin
地址: 台北市士林區菁山路119-1號
Tel: 02-7722-3391
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/kgiaBwP1oAqrcsh98
Website: https://ymspring.com.tw
北投區米其林餐盤餐廳 Beitou District
1. 蓬萊精緻台菜 Peng Lai Restaurant
地址: 台北市北投區中和街238號
Tel: 02-2891-2778
Address: No. 238, Zhonghe Street, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/yAKzLCxQ73E2
Website: http://www.ponlai.com.tw/index.html
2. The Restaurant
地址: 台北市北投區中山路32號
備註: 在北投三二行館
Tel: 02-6611-8888
Address: No. 32, Zhongshan Road, Taipei City
Remark: It is at Villa 32
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/YBMd6qyEYEB2
Website: http://www.villa32.com/tw/dining_a.php
南港區米其林餐盤餐廳 Nangang District
1.Pasti Trattoria
地址: 台北市南港區中南街30號
Tel: 02-2785-1588
Address: No. 238, Zhonghe Street, Taipei City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/Xrp2EqjrnJJNBk5V6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PASTiTrattoria/
延伸閱讀: PASTi Trattoria 》關於這一家台北義大利餐廳的五個重點
台中米其林餐盤 2020 The Plate Michelin Taichung
台中太平區米其林餐盤 Taichung Tai Ping District
台中新社區米其林餐盤 Taichung Xinshe District
1.又見一炊煙 Fooding Smoke
地址: 台中市新社區中興嶺街一段107號
Tel: 04-2582-3568
Address: No. 107, 1st Section ,Zhongxinling Street, Xinshe District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/LCFt4nvUxzF9ybdp6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foodingsmoke/
台中北屯區米其林餐盤 Taichung Beitun District
台中南屯區米其林餐盤 Taichung Nantun District
1. 元 Yuan
地址: 台中市南屯區大墩十七街35號
Tel: 0966-667-067
Address: No. 35, Dadun 17th Street, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/8vuYH2B84h66GhwG9
Website: https://www.facebook.com/2019YUAN/
2.一流海鮮美食館 (惠中路) Yi Liu Seafood (Huizhong Road)
地址: 台中市南屯區惠中路三段30之6號
Tel: 04-2252-3519
Address: No. 30-6, 3rd Section, Huizhong Road, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/nHKMgaJ2D8Yk9T9E9
Website: https://www.facebook.com/一流海鮮美食館-大鵬店-143248329204993/
3.銘心割烹壽司 Min Shin
地址: 台中市南屯區大觀路66號
Tel: 04-3609-0099
Address: No. 66, Daguan Road, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/kZgyyiuGCwVw7Ja37
Website: https://www.facebook.com/minshinsushi
地址: 台中市南屯區公益路二段612號
Tel: 04-2252-3899
Address: No. 612, 2nd Section, Gongyi Rd, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/BDqjMZmmsMjw7wgs6
Website: https://www.facebook.com/meelang2018/
5.与玥樓 Yu Yue Lou
地址: 台中市南屯區公益路二段783號
Tel: 04-2382-9128
Address: No. 738, 2nd Section, Gongyi Rd, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/T7XRpTQ1DG1534ef8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YuYueLouTaiwan/
6.橡木炙烤牛排館 Meat GQ
地址: 台中市南屯區益豐路四段699號
Tel: 04-2383-0258
Address: No. 699, 4th Section, YiFung Rd, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/SaD14wriPBKgTjbZ7
7.森鐵板燒 Mori Teppanyaki
地址: 台中市南屯區益豐路四段502號
Tel: 04-2382-7779
Address: No. 502, 4th Section, YiFung Rd, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/UGgAaw2ihXBBXzEs5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moriteppanyaki/
8. 湄南河泰式庭園餐廳 Maenam Thai
地址: 台中市南屯區龍富十五路36號
Tel: 04-2386-2678
Address: No. 36, LungFung 15th Road, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/7AUT1zKFNG64pkwq8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maenamthairesturant/
9.金悅軒 Jin Yue Xuan
地址: 台中市南屯區公益路二段213號
Tel: 04-2255-7942
Address: No. 213, 2nd Section, Gongyi Road, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/LzxkwVeWH6UZLAyk9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kinggarden.tw/
10.千味海鮮 Chien Wei Seafood
地址: 台中市南屯區文心南五路一段326之3號
Tel: 04-2473-2373
Address: No. 326-3, 1st Section, Wenxin South Road, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/NH2jDjHSvWRyxtSC9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HH8000
11. REVIVRE 品法法式餐廳
地址: 台中市南屯區永春東路1320號
Tel: 04-2380-0148
Address: No. 1320, Yongchun East Road, Nantun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/gFYNpy4wJ2bu18c97
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revivre.taichung/posts/1397968233688616
台中西屯區米其林餐盤 Taichung Xitun District
1. 游日本料理 Abura
地址: 台中市西屯區精誠路50巷12號
Tel: 04-2329-1858
Address: No. 12, 50th Lane,Jingcheng Road, Xitun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/CwfvKpAJsaFVuXhD6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Sushi-Restaurant/游日本料理-356782958519775/
2. 漢來名人坊 台中店 Celebrity Cuisine
地址: 台中市西屯區臺灣大道三段301號4樓 (新光三越)
Tel: 04-2255-8511
Address: 4 F, No. 301, 3rd Section, Taiwan Blvd, Xintun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/zWxYWpqTCKiXHzrb7
Website: http://www.hilai-foods.com/zh_TW/brand/Celebrity-Square-Cantonese-Restaurant/taizhong-dian
3. KR Prime Steak
地址: 台中市西屯區市政北二路52號
Tel: 04-2252-556
Address: No. 52, Shizheng North 2nd Rd, Xintun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/95NweZdkdhGff1tG6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/krsteak52/
4.富彩軒 私房粵菜 Fuchai
地址: 台中市西屯區市政北二路60號3樓
Tel: 04-2252-556
Address: 3F, No.60, Shizheng North 2nd Rd, Xintun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/TmqM4iAt98fMHm799
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fuchia2017
5.The Wang
地址: 台中市西屯區朝富路137號
Tel: 04-2252-5525
Address: No.137, Chaofu Road, Xintun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/9yTWBTkpsuzhFg426
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/THEWANGPRIMESTEAK/
6.響海鮮 Hibiki Seafood
地址: 台中市西屯區市政北二路356號
Tel: 04-2252-2127
Address: No.356, Shizheng North 2nd Rd, Xintun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/RuimRcSJ1qNngzXz5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hibikiseafood
7.頂園全鴨坊 Ting Yuan Roast Duck
地址: 台中市西屯區市政北二路305號
Tel: 04-2259-8957
Address: No.305, Shizheng North 2nd Rd, Xintun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/gfwnuJsGWd3zFDUo9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tingyuan.roastduck/
8.極炙牛排館 The Prime – Grill & Lounge
地址: 台中市西屯區市政路77號24樓 (日月千禧酒店)
Tel: 04-2259-8957
Address: 24F, No. 77, Shizheng Road , Xintun District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/fqViJsbUavFRVVgTA
Facebook: http://www.millenniumtaichung.com.tw/dining/ins.php?index_id=21
台中中區米其林餐盤 Taichung Central District
1.茂川肉丸 Mao Chuan
地址: 台中市中區臺灣大道一段401號
Tel: 04-2227-7477
Address: No. 401, 1st Section, Taiwan Blvd, Central District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/EXCX83GJSYoKsaYLA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Food-Stand/茂川-肉丸第二市場ʕﻌʔ-304667476379814/
台中西區米其林餐盤 Taichung West District
1.老吳的西洋料理 Restaurant Go
地址: 台中市西區忠誠街26號
Tel: 04-2329-1239
Address: No. 26, Zhongcheng Street, West District, Taichung City
Google Map📍 https://goo.gl/maps/X7ZcrB6J6tmqaUou7
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/restaurantgo
2.鮨鈴木幸介 Sushi Suzuki Kosuke
地址: 台中市西區華美街392號
Tel: 04-2320-2155
Address: No. 392, Huamei Street, West District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/pksWtA9JfMzWYftG7
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sushisuzuki01
3.膳馨 Shan Shin
地址: 台中市西區存中街21號
Tel: 04-2320-2155
Address: No. 21, Cunzhong Street, West District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/YhsLQZgqnWCMg7NG8
Website: https://www.shan-shin.com
4. いさぎ isagi 潔 無菜單料理 Isagi
地址: 台中市西區存中街29號
Tel: 04-2376-1536
Address: No. 29, Cunzhong Street, West District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/NTnxMKZ1BBeKAHBf6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Local-Business/いさぎ-isagi-潔-無菜單料理-344838669499866/
5.Restaurant le Plein 滿堂
地址: 台中市西區五權一街57號
Tel: 0910-833-755
Address: No. 57, Wuquan 1st Street, West District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/yBNJTpzQKMttUqnW7
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leplein57/
6.中山招待所 Yet Sen Mansion
地址: 台中市西區五權西六街27號
Tel: 04-2377-0808
Address: No. 27, Wuquan West 6th Street , West District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/Nype3ExdptBMtzJm8
Facebook: http://www.yet-sen.com.tw
7.脂‧板前炭火燒肉 Abura Yakiniku
地址: 台中市西區五權六街61巷1號
Tel: 04-2371-2525
Address: No. 1, 61th Lane, Wuquan West 6th Street , West District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/RjffcWHb6EsazszK9
Website: https://www.abura.com.tw
8.鳥苑地雞燒 Yakitori&wine
地址: 台中市西區忠明南路48號
Tel: 04-2326-2080
Address: No. 48, Zongmin South Road, West District, Taichung City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/VBTac9X5pSEdJ8Hr5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/鳥苑地雞燒-Yakitoriwine-1557789167821733/
9. 鮨戎 Sushi Ron
地址: 台中市西區民生北路107號
Tel: 04-2305-3156
Address: No. 107, Mingshen North Road, West District, Taichung City
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/pcjPXJX9fNpqSU1W9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sushi.ron/
台中北區米其林餐盤 Taichung North District
1.英才大麵焿 Ying Tsai Ta Mien Keng
地址: 台中市北區英才路215號
Tel: 04-2201-1718
Address: No. 215,Yingcai Road, North District, Taichung City
Google Map📍https://goo.gl/maps/CeiWdqGRvWQVVYLK8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Food-Stand/英才大麵焿-242069995913484/
參考資料 Reference