Come Up Patisserie 是內用士林甜點店推薦之一 , Come Up Patisserie 菜單上的外帶常溫點心以達克瓦茲與費南雪最為有名. Come Up Patisserie is one of the dine-in Shilin dessert recommendation. Come Up Patisserie menu is famous for its dacquois...
Coffee and Couple 目前是我唯一的台北士林捷運站咖啡店推薦, 坐在二樓喝著店裡招牌咖啡和吃著Haritts甜甜圈則是所謂的小確辛. Coffee and Couple is my Shilin MRT statin coffee shop recommendation. Besides single origin coffee, they also have Haritts don...
Podium 台北 是少數位於士林的台北私廚, 台北 Podium 餐廳雙主廚運用東南亞辛香料融合於法式料理, 設計出令人意想不到的 Podium 私廚無菜單料理. Podium Taipei is one of a few Taipei Private Kitchens located at Shilin District. Podium has two executive chefs, whi...