earnestos 餐廳 是 2024 新開幕台北餐廳之一 , earnestos 菜單由老闆之一, 也是新加坡籍主廚 Ernest Toh 卓均仰所設計. earnestos restaurant is a 2024 new Taipei restaurant. Singapore Chef Ernest Toh , who is also one of the owners , designs...
(2023.10 更新) 榮榮園浙寧餐廳 是 台北米其林必比登餐廳推薦 之一, 這次二訪吃到榮榮園必點的光餅夾 (㸆) 烤排骨 , 也有品嘗到榮榮園推薦且需預訂的傳統菜餚. (2023 Oct Update ) Rong Rong Yuan Chinese Restaurant is one of the Taipei Michelin Bib Gourmand Restaurants. We t...
AW Cafe Wine Bistro 是少數有戶外座位的大安站美食, 白天為早午餐與下午茶, 夜晚則是餐酒館, 頗具特色. AW Cafe Wine Bistro is one of a few restaurants that has outdoor seating area near Da’an MRT station. During day time, AW Cafe is a brunc...
Fa Burger 菜單推薦是帶骨牛小排巧巴達, 戶外吧台座位與食物好吃程度讓 Fa Burger 法堡 成為我的大安站美食推薦之ㄧ. Foodies consider Short Ribs Ciabatta as Fa Burger menu No.1 item. I would consider this place as one of the my food recommendation n...
餵公子吃咖哩是 2020 新開幕台北餐廳 之一, 餵公子吃咖哩菜單 中午販售印度香料與日式咖哩飯, 晚上則是下酒菜選項, 晚上包場則是可成為台北私廚. Feed the Curry is one of the newly-opened restaurants at the end of 2020. The restaurant offers curry rices by day, and omak...
近期到 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦化店 2F 用餐, 發現不僅 肉 RÒU 菜單 完整, 更有專業侍酒師顧問, 已可以列在我的台北餐酒館名單上. I went to dine at RÒU by T-HAM Dunnan Store 2nd Floor. RÒU menu has lots of dishes. They also have Sommelier as wine pairing...
位於台北四維路的 Chinois 餐廳是 2020 新開幕餐廳之一, 每一道菜餚以中文名稱命名, 以西式烹飪手法來完成 Chinois 菜單. Chinois Taipei is one of the newly-opened restaurants at 2020. Each dish is named with Chinese traditional dishes but with weste...
新開幕的台北 Alma 西班牙餐廳是大安站美食餐廳之一, 台北 Alma 菜單由知名隱丹廚主廚 Daniel Negreira 設計與監督, 有不同類型的 Tapas 和正統西班牙料理. Newly-opened Taipei Alma Spanish Restaurant is one of the Spanish Restaurants near Da’an MRT station. Alma...
專屬台北葡萄酒吧越來越多, 但是像 肯自然 這種下午開始營業的台北自然葡萄酒吧則是非常少見. There are many Wine Bars at Taipei City. “ Can Nature Taipei ” opens from afternoon through night, which is quite rare at Taipei City.
奧瑞岡義大利餐廳是台北大安站附近適合聚會的平價義大利餐廳, 也在大安區CP值高商業午餐名單裡. Oregano Italian Restaurant is one of the budget-wise Italian restaurant near Da’an MRT station. It is also one of a few places that offer price-friendly...