No. 168 Prime 牛排館 》 敦化 SOGO 高級牛排餐廳推薦 | Taipei Steak House

Last Updated on 2023-05-15 by Foodelicious

No° 168 Prime Steak House台北大安區頂級牛排餐廳之一, 位於忠孝敦化捷運站週邊的敦化 SOGO 七樓, 用餐空間相當適合宴客與家庭聚會.
No. 168 Prime Steak House is one of the high-grade steak house restaurant in Taipei Da’an District. it is located near Duanhua Sogo 7th floor. The dining area and atmosphere is great to host events for guests or simply family gathering.


Menu 菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


抵達餐廳門口, 隨即入目的是一整面葡萄酒牆, 牆後方則是寬敞挑高的用餐環境, 並不會像維多莉亞本店擁擠. 黑與白為主要裝潢色調, 金色與銀色為輔. 跟 “紅點熟成肉餐廳 ( Osteria Rossa Taipei )“ 一樣都有熟成室, No. 168 Prime 牛排館 放置著日本宮崎熟成黑毛和牛與其他美國牛排. 開放式廚房讓客人可觀察主廚們料理過程, 料理台下放置橡木, 並不是裝飾用, 而是將橡木放進商業進口烤箱煙燻, 讓特殊橡木香氣包為食材增加淡淡煙燻風味.
Arriving at the restaurant front, the wine shelf is almost as tall as the ceiling. The dining area is not as crowed as another branch store at Victoria Hotel. The indoor design theme color is mostly black and white along with hints of gold and silver color. It also has the temperature and moist-control aged room, just like “Osteria Rossa Taipei”. Now, in their aged room, they have wagyu beef from Japan and various US steaks. The customer can observe how the chefs work at the open kitchen. Surprisingly, those chopped woods are not for decoration. Instead, they put the woods inside the oven to burn in order to create light smoky aroma for coating the ingredients.

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

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娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




No. 168 Prime 牛排館敦化店總共有5個大小包廂, 我跟友人們這次是到 10 ~ 12 人包廂, 窗外可看到敦化誠品與台北101, 座位並不會擁擠, 有專屬 1 ~ 2 位餐廳員工在一旁服務, 讓用餐氣氛愉悅.
There are about 5 large and small private dining room. My friends and I reserved the 10 ~ 12 seats private dining room. We can see the Eslite bookstore and 101 from the window. The seats are not crowded and there will be 1 ~ 2 staffs to assist throughout the dining process.

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娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


7 oz 美國頂級肋眼牛排套餐

English Name: 7oz USDA Prime Ribeye Steak Set
Price: N/A
備註: 當天是包廂也剛好是聖誕節
Remark: It was private dining room and also Christmas Dinner



開胃小品: 炙燒明太子山藥

English Name: Amuse-Bouche Grilled Roe and Chinese Yam
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

炙烤後的明太子有著適量鹹度, 原本以為山藥會因為明太子油脂釋出而變軟, 但切下時能感受到依舊有一定的脆度. 兩種食材相輔相成, 缺一不可.
The grilled roe has fair amount of salty taste. The Chinese yam is unexpectedly crispy, instead of the soft. The combination is interesting.




English Name: Oyster Duo
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

套餐正式以進口生蠔揭開華麗序幕, 店家採用跟 “香頌私宅洋樓”ㄧ樣的法國頂級法國吉拉朵生蠔 (左) , 右邊則是南非生蠔. 法國吉拉朵生蠔依舊滑順鮮美, 濃郁海鮮風味刷去先前明太子的油膩感. 較陌生的南非生蠔視覺上比法國生蠔豐腴, 生蠔肉光滑, 海鮮風味偏淡,甜度相對地被提高, 相當推薦這兩款生蠔.
The set officially started with two imported oyster. The steak house uses the same oyster, which is French Gillardeau Oyster, as in “Chanson Bistro”. At the right-hand side, it is South African Oyster. The Gillardeau is expected smooth and delicious with fair amount of seafood aroma. However, the South African oyster is another story. Even though it is larger than the Gillardeu Oyster, it only has hints of seafood flavor, but fair amount of sweet flavor. I strongly recommend both oysters.




English Name: Bread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

店家自製的巧巴達拖鞋麵包 (Ciabatta Bread) 相當鬆軟, 比想像中美味, 並不會像經典歐式麵包硬或是有嚼勁, 整體並不會乾, 沾橄欖油與巴薩米克醬可增加適度刺激味蕾.
Custom-made Ciabatta Bread is soft instead of chewy. It tastes very delicious eating alone or pairs with the extra virgin olive oil and balsamic sauce.




English Name: Mushroom Cappuccino
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

寬口咖啡杯表層的乳白色奶泡較為稀釋, 並沒有任何香氣 , 深藏不露的獨特菌菇香氣在口中散開, 與 “Moda Vita Caffè”充滿奶香的牛肝菌濃湯截然不同.
On the appearance of the “cappauccino soup”, the foam is a bit watery instead of fluffy. Therefore, there isn’t any milky aroma. The unique and strong mushroom flavor is hidden under the foam. It is completed different from “Moda Vita Caffe”’s mushroom soup.




English Name: Crab Louis
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

主廚採用特級蟹肉, 蟹肉本身有稍微提味, 但沙拉醬稍微蓋住蟹肉原本的鮮甜, 較為可惜. 此外, 若是盤子能換成像 “Popina Bistro”的收口更小的沙拉盤會更完美, 因為此款在視覺上是較沒有吸引力.
Sadly, the salad sauce overly covers the seafood flavor from the crab. Also, if the restaurant change the plate to the one at “Popina Bistro”, it would at least look like a large portion.



7 oz 美國頂級肋眼牛排

English Name: 7oz USDA Prime Ribeye Steak
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

因為都是美國頂級肋眼牛排, 難免要跟 “Le Blanc Taipei” 的 10oz 美國頂級肋眼牛排比較. No. 168 Prime 牛排館的油筋較少, 深褐色表層煎烤程度較高, 焦香氣味在還沒拿起牛排刀之前就已聞到, 高溫鑄鐵鍋將肋眼牛排的油脂徹底滲入五分熟的鮮嫩肉質裡, 少不了經典的嚼勁口感, 每一口皆有充足牛油香氣
It would be difficult NOT to compare “Le Blanc Taipei”’s 10oz ribeye steak with No. 168 Prime Steak House. This restaurant’s steak has less tendon, which is good. The grilled smoky aroma appears when the staff serves the dish. This particular medium-rare steak with grilled marks is tasty and juicy. Each bite satisfies the craving for meats.



若覺得只吃牛排無趣, 可取一小片香烤蒜球提味, 濃郁蒜味會蓋過牛排香氣. 至於店家所配置的四種牛排調味料 – 法國鹽之花,芥末籽,辣根醬,玫瑰鹽 (左到右), 我會建議搭配法國鹽之花簡單提味即可, 若喜好辛辣口味, 也可考慮芥末籽醬.
You can also add a piece of the grilled garlic next to the steak. However, the strong garlic flavor would cover the meaty aroma. There are also 4 spices/flavorings – Fleur de sel, mustard seeds, horseradish sauce, Himalayan Rock Salt (from left to right). I would suggest the simple Fleur de sel can add more flavors into this dish.




English Name: Grilled Daily Vegetable
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

端上牛排時, 服務生會準備白盤給每位客人, 再將炙烤櫛瓜,馬鈴薯與菌菇從手中的鑄鐵鍋中夾至客人盤中, 我會建議一邊吃牛排, 偶爾吃蔬菜增加不同口感.
When serving the steak, another staff would offer white plate to each customer. Then, the staff would put the grilled zucchini, potato, and mushrooms on the plate. I would suggest to eat the steak and also enjoy the vegetables at the same time.



溫巧克力蛋糕 & 薄荷熱茶

English Name: Warm Chocolate Cake & Mint Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

雖然甜點名稱為溫巧克力蛋糕, 但配置中有香草Oreo冰淇淋, 一溫一冰相當有趣. 切開蛋糕時, 濃郁巧克力漿從中流出, 熱愛巧克力者會非常愛這道甜點. 最後的薄荷熱茶刷掉巧克力膩感.
Even though the dessert’s name is warm chocolate, it has vanilla oreo ice room as well. When cutting down the cake, the thick lave-like chocolate paste falls out. If you like chocolate flavor, you would love this dessert. The mint tea would clear up the tastebuds from the thick Chocolate aroma.



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Restaurant Name 店名: No°168 Prime Steak House
Address: 7F , No.246, 1st Section, Duhuan South Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區敦化南路一段246號7樓 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station 忠孝敦化捷運站
營業時間: Check Facebook

Regular Menu Link
12/23 Menu
