歐陸傳奇食材 Book Review 》Europe Signature Food Ingredients Introduction

Last Updated on 2018-01-03 by Foodelicious

林裕森所著作的歐陸傳奇食材第一版早在經濟蕭條的2008年就已銷售亮眼, 在 2017年開始銷售全新修訂版, 也就是所謂的第二版, 而非第二刷.
Mr. Yu-Sen Lin already had his first version of “Europe Signature Food Ingredients Introduction” promoted on 2008. Now, he renewed and added more informations to become the 2.0 version of this particular book and started selling on 2017.

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Book Name 書籍名稱: 歐陸傳奇食材 Europe Signature Food Ingredients Introduction
Author 作家:林裕森 Mr. Yu-Sen Lin
ISBN: 978-9864-590810
** This book only has Chinese version.
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大致上整理出細讀後這本書的的特色和重點 There are a few selling points about this book!

作者為華人 Author is Asian

多數人認為關於歐陸食材的書應該直接看原文書, 但是有些原文書內容的基本知識是較為缺乏, 因為大部分外國作者都會認為讀者理所當然早就應該知道細節. 林裕森在酒界是一位舉足輕重的前輩, 直接以最白話且搭配表格, 也就是類似教科書方式, 讓讀者熟悉基本知識與認識食材.
Most people think that they should read the food ingredient related book in the original language version. However, most basic informations are lacking in those books. Most foreign authors always assumes that readers already know about the basics. Everyone in the wine industry in Taiwan know about Mr. Yu-Sen Lin, who is more like an idol. He uses the easiest wording pairing with data forms to let Asians to be familiar with the text.



八種傳奇食材 Eight Signature Food Ingredients

很多喜好歐式料理的饕客幾乎都熟悉其中少數食材, 這八種食材裡, 討論度最低的為 “侯克霍藍黴乳酪 (Roquefort)”, 也就是法國乳酪之王, 洋洋灑灑寫了 28 頁關於這款食材的歷史, 製作過程, 甚至最後一小段有提到該搭配哪種酒較適合.
Most foodies already know about several signature food ingredients. However, there is a food ingredients , Roquefort Cheese, that is rarely appears in Taiwan foreign cuisine restaurants. The author wrote about 28 pages to explain its history, producing process, and a small paragraph about which would be the best wine to pair with.



標出地理位置的圖片 Geographic Map for Terroir

跟葡萄酒產區一樣, 食材產區地理位置很重要, 作者將此概念帶到講解食材, 讓讀者較快速地認識一項食材.
Same as wine, each food ingredient might taste differently due to Terroir. The author had geographic map pointing out each food ingredient Terroir to let the readers know more informations.



這本書相當適合初學者或是喜好講解食材的饕客們閱讀, 雖然無從比較第一版, 我依舊建議有第一版的讀者繼續購買第二版.
This book is suitable for beginner and also foodies. Even though I couldn’t compare with the first version, I would still recommend to purchase this 2.0 version.



