茶百科 Book Review 》The Tea Book

Last Updated on 2018-02-15 by Foodelicious

這本“茶百科”全名為 “茶百科 全世界最美的茶藝聖經”, 作者是外國知名品茶師 Linda Gaylard , 但內容相當用心與細膩, 出乎意料之外.
This completed book name is “The Tea Book: Experience the World’s Finest Teas”. The author is Linda Gaylard, who has Tea Master Certifications. Even though she is not from Asia, the book content stated detailed information about teas regardless its country origin.

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Book Name 書籍名稱: 茶百科 The Tea Book
Author 作家: 琳達 蓋拉德 Linda Gaylard
ISBN: 978-986-377-281-1
** This book is translated book. The book also sells at Hong Kong. There should be an original version book at Amazon.
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大致上整理出細讀後這本書的的特色和重點 There are a few selling points about this book!


1. 作者為國際品茶師 The author is a well-known Tea Master

多數台灣人對品酒師與品油師已經相當熟悉, 品茶師反而在台灣並沒有很流行, 週遭朋友們只知道日本茶道. 光是作者是值得尊敬的專業品茶師職位, 就會讓讀者們打開書本詳讀.
Most Taiwanese are familiar with Sommelier and Oil Taster. But, we are not exactly familiar with Tea Master. Most of my friends only know about Japan Chanoyu Performance. Since the author is a respect tea master, it is worth for readers to read this book.


2. 記載風味輪圖 Flavor Wheel

在另一本 “看圖學葡萄酒 Wine Folly” 裡酒的風味輪圖, 這一本則是有茶的”風味輪圖”, 相當適合一邊品茶一邊看圖辨識風味, 因為跟品酒有點類似, 我個人覺得不會太困難, 只是對初學者也許會有點困難,
In “Wine Folly” book, it also has Flavor Wheel Picture. This book has Flavor Wheel regarding Tea. It is suitable to drink tea and check the flavor wheel at the same time. It is similar with tasting the wines, it is not as difficult as expected. However, it might not be easy for first-time learner.



3. 各個產區的茶種

看了這本書後, 我才知道台灣茶只佔世界茶葉生產量的0.6%, 書本上也有附整個國家的產區地圖,例如南投是著名高山凍頂茶之鄉. 最讓人驚訝的是肯亞也有茶產區, 竟然佔了世界茶葉生產量的7.9%, 遠遠超過越南 (4.8%), 這本書都有介紹.
After reading this book, Taiwanese Tea only has 0.6% of world tea production. This book also has the tea production area map. The most surprising part would be Kenya also has tea production area too. Its production (7.9% of World Tea Production) is far more than Vietnam (4.8% of World Tea Production).



雖然這本書有 65頁(共 225頁) 關於茶飲調法, 我還是覺得這本書不錯.
Even though there are 65 pages about blended tea recipe, I still think that this book is worth the time to read.




