小南門/Xiaonanmen G24

Taipei Chinese Restaurant 》川揚郁坊小館菜單推薦哪些菜餚輕鬆吃

Taipei Chinese Restaurant 》川揚郁坊小館菜單推薦哪些菜餚輕鬆吃
川揚郁坊小館 是少數台北市適合家庭聚餐的平價中式餐廳 , 此篇文章會提到川揚郁坊小館菜單除了樟茶鴨 , 還推薦點哪些菜餚. Yu Fang Restaurant is a Taipei price-friendly Chinese restaurant that is suitable for family gathering. This article will recommend severa...

重熙老麵 》新開幕拉麵店 | 小南門捷運美食| Taipei Ramen

重熙老麵 》新開幕拉麵店 | 小南門捷運美食| Taipei Ramen
光看店名會給人的錯覺是賣古早味麵店, 事實上,位於小南門捷運站附近的新開幕”重熙老麵“是一家專賣雞白湯底的拉麵店. 店面頗小但帶有點深夜食堂的感覺. By judging the store’s name, you probably would think that they are selling Chinese noodle. This newly-opened store, “Chongxi...