Ambassador Chinese Cuisine 》台北國賓中餐廳菜單不是只有港式點心而已

Last Updated on 2023-05-14 by Foodelicious

(已搬至遼寧街) 並不是很多人知道台北國賓中菜廳 , 大部分饕客只知道台北國賓大飯店裡的 A Cut Steakhouse 與 國賓川菜廳.
(Moved to Liaoning Street ) Many people do not know that Ambassador Chinese Cuisine Restaurant.  Most people only know about A Cut Steakhouse and Ambassador Szechuan Court.


台北國賓粵菜廳菜單在文末 》Ambassador Canton Court Menu is at the end of Article

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About Ambassador Canton Court Reservation and Information

台北國賓大飯店離雙連捷運站一號出口大約 15 分鐘路程, 進入大廳後直接走上二樓或坐電梯即可看到. 除了自家飯店 B1, B2 停車位外, 也有 國賓Smart大樓公共停車場 ( 台北市中山北路二段65巷9號B1-B4 ), 附近有台灣聯通停車場 (如圖). 國賓粵菜廳訂位目前只有提供電話訂位 ( 02-2551-1111 #2370). 當日用餐是平日晚上, 比較沒有客人, 但聽其他朋友說, 國賓粵菜廳平日中午與週末較多人.
Taipei Ambassador Hotel is about 15 minutes walking distance from Exit one of Shuānglián MRT station. You can walk via stairs or just take the elevator to the 2nd floor. Besides Ambassador hotel B1 & B2 parking lot, there are also other parking spaces nearby (See pic). You can call (02-2551-1111 #2370 ) to reserve seats. There are more people doing weekday noon and weekend.

延伸閱讀: 台北飯店餐廳酒吧懶人包 》Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar Guide

延伸閱讀: A Cut Steakhouse 》國賓飯店牛排餐廳 | Taipei Steakhouse



About Ambassador Canton Court Private Dining Room

飯店餐廳通常都很多包廂, 國賓國賓粵菜廳也不例外, 大包廂 (如圖一) 可容納 40 人,可說是獨立且隱密度十足, 至於低消部分需要直接詢問店員.

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Jasmine Tea
Price: NTD $100/人
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

國賓粵菜廳的茶資比 “晶華軒”貴, 晶華軒貴妃烏龍茶資只需 NTD $80/人, 雖然是不同茶種, 但是至少晶華軒有特別找茶行客製化合作, 若是茶資 NTD $100/人, 我會期待這款茉莉花茶喝起來有些不同, 可惜並沒有.
Comparing with “Silks House Taipei”, the tea price per person is more expensive at Ambassador Canton Court. Even though the tea is different type, but Silks House Taipei cooperates with the tea vendor to custom-made the tea leaves. I was expecting the Jasmine Tea to be different. But, sadly, no.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》晶華軒值得再訪 (內有菜單)



Crispy Fried Chicken with Pepper Salt
Price: NTD $780
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

菜餚名稱常被誤會而拿來與日式唐揚炸雞和普通炸雞來比較, 實際上脆皮炸子雞是一道粵式名菜. 許多人都不知道其實除了醃製外, 還需要經過風乾與兩次油炸, 販售 NTD $780 是可以理解. 脆皮炸子雞外皮比預期地酥脆, 雞肉嫩度高, 再加上椒鹽更多層風味, 很難想像我當天最喜歡的菜餚是這道脆皮炸子雞吧?!
The name “Crispy Fried Chicken” sounds normal (boring) and often got compared with the regular fried chicken and Japanese fried chicken. In fact, this dish is a famous Cantonese diSH. It has to go through air-dried and fried two times. I can understand the price is NTD $780. The thin skin is crispier than expected. The chicken meat is quite tender along with salt and pepper. It is hard to imagine that my favorite dish of the day is this dish.



Supreme Lobster Broth with Crisp Rice
Price: NTD $1980
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

圖片裡是兩份龍蝦泡飯, 因為我們有十位, 所以共 NTD $1980 x 2 = NTD $3960.
The picture is two dishes quantity because we have 10 people. The total price is NTD $3960.


Supreme Lobster Broth with Crisp Rice Ingredients

龍蝦泡飯是港式著名菜餚, 網站敘述亮橘色的湯頭用龍蝦, 鯽魚, 蟹熬煮六小時, 店員將備料用推車推至餐桌, 備料一一倒入鍋裡, 再將一整盤油炸香米倒入, 滋滋作響, 海鮮香氣逼人.
This dish is famous Cantonese famous dish. The website mentioned that the supreme lobster broth is stewed with lobster, fish and crab for 6 long hours. This dish is basically table served. The ingredients are placed on the carts and cooked in front of the guests. They also pour in the fried rice (crisp rice) in the broth. The seafood aroma is quite strong.



How does the Supreme Lobster Broth with Crisp Rice taste?

一份龍蝦泡飯大約是 4 ~ 6 人份量. 圖片裡兩份龍蝦泡飯分十位客人, 每個人大概就分到如圖一的份量, 份量足足有餘, 在燈光照射下, 湯頭顏色就如同 “Port 23 餐廳 ”義式鄉村馬賽海鮮魚湯的亮橘色, 在喝第一口的同時, 也感受到直球般的濃郁海鮮風味, 沒有多餘香料輔佐, 龍蝦肉彈牙, 搭配酥脆不硬的炸香米是不錯組合. 喜歡吃新鮮海產的人可能會不習慣, 這款菜餚比較適合喜歡吃重口味的饕客.
One dish of Supreme Lobster Broth with Crisp Rice is for 4 ~ 6 people. We have 10 people and each one get the size as the picture shows. The broth color is like Bouillabaisse at “Port 23 “ restaurant. The seafood flavor impact is way stronger than expected without spices. The lobster meat is quite delicious. The crispy fried rice is without any hard texture. If you like to eat fresh seafood, you probably would have doubts about this dish. This dish is more suitable for people who like heavy flavor.

延伸閱讀: Port 23 Taipei 》Folio Hotel 台北大安區飯店餐廳之海鮮饗宴


國賓粵菜廳烤鴨 (二吃)

Cantonese Style Roast Duck Served in Two Ways
Price: NTD $2600
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍



Duck Meat Sautéed With Hoisin Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

師傅將一整隻烤鴨端出在桌邊切片, 再將片皮鴨做成捲餅 Serve 給每一位, 刀功算是不錯, 不會過厚過乾, 吃起來中規中矩, 記得甜麵醬不要加太多, 以免蓋過肉香. 台北國賓粵菜廳烤鴨 (二吃) 的價格比香宮烤鴨便宜一些, 用的也是宜蘭鴨, 但是我還是覺得”香宮”的烤鴨比較好吃, 也是烤的方式不同?!
The chef cut and served the roast duck at table side. The slice is even and in medium size. However, the overall taste is just regular.Please remember that don’t add too much Hoisin Sauce to cover the meaty flavor. Canton Court Roast Duck price is cheaper than “Shang Palace”. They both uses the duck from Yilan, Taiwan. But, I still prefer “Shang Palace”. Maybe their cooking method is different?

延伸閱讀: Shang Palace 》在台北香宮除了烤鴨還推薦點什麼



Duck Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

鴨湯不會過鹹, 只是因為當天用餐我們有點龍蝦泡飯, 鴨湯顯得比較沒有特色.
The overall taste is not too salty.



Abalone Shaomai
Price: NTD $380/ 3 Units
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

鮑魚燒賣一個平均 NTD $127, 我上次吃到鮑魚是在 “Chinois Taipei”, 這次在國賓粵菜廳則是吃到與豬肉搭配的鮑魚燒賣, 吃完我覺得這道燒賣就如同一道宴客菜餚, 有重要客人點這道頗為氣派, 除非家裡有人愛吃鮑魚, 我會建議家庭聚餐點鮮蝦燒賣即可 (NTD $180/3入).
Each Abalone Shaomai is NTD $127. Last time I ate abalone was at “Chinois Taipei”. At Ambassador Canton Court, this Abalone mixed with pork tastes quite interesting. I personally think that this dish is suitable for people to treat important guests. Unless your family members like abalone, I would suggest regular family ordered the shrimp Shaomai (NTD $180/3 units).

延伸閱讀: Chinois Taipei 》Chinois 菜單適合喜歡創新且 Fusion 料理的探險型食客



Pork Rib in Chinese Black Vinegar Sauce
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

端上桌時, 我第一個反應是豬小排份量似乎有點少, 單吃排骨, 肉質比預期地軟嫩, 搭配醋香味也不會衝鼻過於刺激, 醃製並不會過頭過鹹, 可以說是搭配扒飯的最佳餐點!
Honestly, I personally think that the pork ribs quantity are less than expected. The meat texture is tender with fair amount of vinegar sauce. It is not too salty nor overwhelmed acidity flavor. This dish is suitable to pair with the rice.


拼盤 (蜜汁叉燒, 玫瑰油雞, 乳豬)

Meat Plate – BBQ Pork, Chicken Marinated in Herbed Soy Sauce & Crispy BBQ Suckling Pig
Price: NTD $980
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

叉燒與“晶華軒”的叉燒肉一樣是用梅頭肉 (上肩肉), 可惜吃起來有點硬度, 單吃甜鹹風味偏重,乳豬與油雞則是中規中矩, 讓我懷念起我在“中山市場吃的燻雞”, 餐廳裡的雞肉菜餚如果可以做成中山市場等級的燻雞不知道該有多好!
Both Canton Court and “Silks House” both uses Pork Shoulder Butt. However, the texture is a bit hard. Without any rice, the sweet and salty flavor is quite strong and overwhelmed. The suckling pig and the chicken is just average. The chicken reminds me of the smoked chicken at “Zhongshan Market”. I sincerely wish that the hotel restaurant chicken could be as delicious as the Zhongshan Market smoked chicken.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》晶華軒值得再訪 (內有菜單)

延伸閱讀: Taipei Zhongshan Market Food Guide 》低調的台北中山市場美食推薦



Turnip Cake
Price: NTD $160/3 units
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

圖片是兩份, 一片價格平均 NTD $53. 主廚用蘿蔔絲製作而成, 也加臘腸與蝦米讓菜餚名稱名符其實, 吃起來不會過油, 也不會過苦, 整體算是不錯吃, 在多年前, 這道蘿蔔糕應該會受到很多人喜愛, 但是 2020年 有許多蘿蔔糕團購 ( 例如:“梁家瘋味蘿蔔糕” ), 這道特色蘿蔔糕顯得中規中矩.
The picture is two dishes quantity. Each Turnip cake is NTD $53. The chef uses fair amount of turnip and sauce and shrimp to make this Cantonese Dim Sim. It is not too oily nor bitter. The overall taste is above average.



Dragon Fruit and Osmanthus Jelly
Price: NTD $240/4 units
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我個人覺得不錯吃, 頗具特色, 適合宴客.
I like the taste and quite special. This dish is suitable for treating important guests.



Steamed Mint Custard Bun
Price: NTD $240/3 units
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

我沒吃, 但是聽其他人說, 清爽薄荷搭配蛋黃流沙內餡是個很有趣的組合, 比較不習慣.
I didn’t try it. But, other people mentioned that it is an interesting combination since it is refreshing mint pairs with yolk filling. They are not used to the combination.




Ambassador Canton Court Information

餐廳: 台北國賓粵菜廳
地址: 台北市中山區遼寧街177號2F  (Map)
捷運站: 南京復興捷運站
電話: 02-2536-2370
Restaurant: Ambassador Canton Court
Address: 2F, No. 177 , Liaoning Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shuānglián MRT station
Tel: 02-2536-2370



Ambassador Canton Court Menu

