再訪 2023 台北米其林一星餐廳推薦 - A CUT 牛排館 , 品嚐 A CUT 菜單上的商業午餐, 餐廳搬新家後, 依然在我的台北牛排推薦名單! I revisited A Cut Steakhouse, which is a 2023 Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. My friend and I choose Business Lunch Set...
(2023. 8月 更新) 新開幕 梁湯良湯港式煲湯.鍋物 餐廳在我的台北火鍋推薦名單, 可先試喝菜單裡的三款天然食材湯頭 , 饕客們最喜歡金湯花膠雞湯鍋. (2023. 8 Update) Leung Soup Restaurant is a Taipei new restaurant that offers Cantonese Style Broth Hot Pot. You can tria...
(2024.2 更新) 台北南京復興站美食推薦懶人包陸續更新中, 除了南京復興餐廳美食推薦外, 也有台北冰品甜點推薦與台北餐酒館, 列出讓大家一目瞭然. (2024.2 Update ) I will keep updating this “ Nanjing Fuxing Restaurant Recommendation Guide ”. This list includes Bistro, ...
(2024.1 更新) SAPORI 義品味小餐屋是許多饕客的台北義式餐廳推薦, Sapori 菜單並不存在, 這裡只有前梅帝騎餐酒館主廚 Riccardo Ghironi 準備的小白板菜餚. (2024.1 Update) SAPORI d’Italia is one of the Taipei Italian Restaurant recommendation. Sapori menu doe...
( 2023.7 更新) 新開幕又一間商行 Spaghetti 賣起義大利麵 , 菜單不僅清炒義大利麵好吃, 青醬中卷與紅茶也值得一試. 我會用排名方式來寫這一篇文章. (2023.7 Update) Yu Yi Jian Spaghetti Restaurant is one of the 2022 new restaurants near Nangjin Fuxin MRT station. ...
海派上海小吃菜單不再是小吃類, 而是晉升台北無菜單料理餐廳之一, 更是饕客心目中的台北桌菜餐廳推薦. Hai Pai Shanghai Restaurant no longer offers simply Street Food. Instead, Hai Pay restaurant becomes one of the Taipei Omakase Chinese restaurants.
兄弟飯店二樓梅花廳是少數有推車的台北港式飲茶餐廳, 也是南京復興美食之一 , 菜單除了有平價港式點心外, 也有經典粵菜, Brother Hotel 2F Plum Blossom Room is a Taipei Cantonese Restaurant. The restaurant is near Nanking Fuxing MRT station. Its menu includes D...
近期 很牛炭燒牛排外帶 很有名, 這次到 很牛炭燒牛排餐廳台北小巨蛋店內用, 發現這裡也是附近台北上班族聚餐餐廳的選擇之一. TGB is the initial of The God Beef. TGB Steak Restaurant’s to-go menu is quite famous these days. I went to Taipei Arena branch restauran...
骨力牛已結束營業, 老闆開了另一家 “ 牛敘溫體牛火鍋 ” (Link) . 台北哪裡吃得到台灣溫體牛? 骨力牛餐廳是台北少數有溫體牛肉料理的餐廳, 也是南京復興站美食之一. Gu Li Niu Restaurant is closed down. The owner opened another restaurant - Beef Tale Restaurant (link) . Where c...