台北東區餐酒館之北歐餐廳 》JE Kitchen 2019 新菜單裡有令人難忘的料理

Last Updated on 2023-10-01 by Foodelicious

JE Kitchen台北米其林餐盤餐廳, 也是國父紀念館站餐廳之一, 這次有這個榮幸品嚐到 JE Kitchen 2019 春季新菜單.
JE Kitchen is one of the Taipei Michelin Plate Restaurants. It is also one of the SYS Memorial MRT restaurants. I have the honor to try out JE Kitchen 2019 Spring Menu.

JE Kitchen 2019 菜單在文末 JE Kitchen 2019 Menu is at the end of article


JE Kitchen 最靠近國父紀念館捷運站二號出口, 往 “IL MERCATO 餐酒館光復店” 方向走, 快到仁愛路四段時再向右轉巷弄內, 裝潢低調且高雅, 並沒有過於浮誇的裝潢,  JE Kitchen 窗邊除了有兩人座位適合約會外, 很多人也將 JE Kitchen 列為適合公司商務聚餐的餐廳之一, 文末影片有更多裝潢細節.  JE Kitchen 新主廚 Constant 將北歐永續概念用在少許食材裡, 間接搭配其他新鮮食材, 善於運用當季食材的堆疊, 展現美不勝收的視覺效果, 讓 JE Kitchen 成為台灣的北歐料理代表餐廳, 也因此登上台北米其林餐盤餐廳名單. 這次品嚐的是 NTD $1780 晚餐套餐 (9道菜), JE Kitchen 主廚也特別提到這次 2019 春季新菜單是他近期最滿意的菜單.
JE Kitchen is near Exit 2 of SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. You would need to walk pass” IL MERCATO BISTRO GuangFu Branch”, and then turn right into the alley. Besides the two-people seats by the window, there is also a long table suitable for business dining. The video at the end shows more details regarding the restaurant indoor design. Nordic cuisine is more like a theme, which is to aim to make maximum use of ingredients. They only use small amount of reserved ingredients pairing with large amount of fresh ingredients. This time, I try out NTD $1780 Dinner Set (9 Dishes). Chef Constant also mentions that 2019 Spring Menu is one of his favorite menu.


延伸閱讀: 台北適合約會的餐廳 》Taipei Romantic Restaurants

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



JE KITCHEN 晚餐套餐 ( 9 道料理)

價格 (Price): NTD $1780



干貝 , 水田芥, 小黃瓜

Scallop, Water Cress, Cucumber
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

揭開序幕的第一道料理並不是佐餐麵包, 而是這一道視覺極具美感與創意的料理, 這是一道午餐晚餐套餐裡皆有的菜餚, 乳白色棉花糖置放在黑色鵝卵石, 當我這在研究干貝在哪裡的同時, JE Kitchen 店員解說生食級大干貝隱藏在用牛奶和貝類湯汁做成的棉花糖裡, 品嚐後發現棉花糖的口感類似軟綿大福, 而非熟悉鬆軟口感, 最值得稱讚的是內餡是跟 “小後苑 Backyard Jr.”一樣的完整飽滿大干貝, 而非切塊或是干貝泥, 單吃帶有微鹹海鮮風味, 也可沾水田芥碎末和小黃瓜冰沙沾醬, 冰涼且微酸風味堆疊出另一層風味, 一如往常, 我仍舊喜歡簡單且純樸的不沾醬方式, 這是我當天最滿意的菜餚, 也是第一個令我難忘的料理. 
The first dish is not bread and butter. This beautiful dish appears at both Lunch and Dinner Menu. The marshmallow appearance is made with milk and scallop broth. As for the filling, it is an actual large scallop, just like at “Backyard Jr.”. The texture is a bit like mochi instead of marshmellow. The dish has seafood flavor with hints of saltness. The dip sauce is made with water cress and cucumber, which brings hints of acidity and refreshing flavor. However, I prefer the original seafood flavor without any dipping sauce. This dish is my favorite dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 》 台北信義區新光三越美食 | TAIPEI BISTRO

延伸閱讀:  二訪 Backyard Jr. Taipei 》小後苑成為全方位的台北威士忌酒吧

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


透抽 , 綠草莓, 豬背油

Squid, Green Strawberry, Lardo
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

在台灣餐廳吃到的透抽幾乎都是像“廚子市場 Le Marché de Cuistot” 一整條透抽, JE Kitchen 則是將現流透抽低溫烹調後, 再發揮巧思將豬背油夾在每片透抽之中, 讓透抽不再只是炙燒或是香煎賦予的焦香, 油脂的圓潤在味蕾徘徊, 也讓透抽有一抹濃郁肉香. 我承認在這道菜餚端上時, 我誤認綠草莓切片是豬背油凍, 品嚐綠草莓切片時,也許是隱藏在透抽切片裡的豬背油, 讓綠草莓切片並存微酸甜風味和適量鹹度, “意想不到的組合”是這道料理的最佳形容詞.
Most Taiwanese restaurants always offer a whole squid, just like at “Le Marché de Cuistot Restaurant”. JE Kitchen inserts the lardo in between each squid slice. The fats enhance the seafood flavor and increase the meaty flavor as well. Green strawberry slices are displayed at the top of the squid. It tastes surprisingly interesting since it has acidity and salty flavor at the same time. I am quite satisfied with the outcome flavors.

延伸閱讀: 廚子市場 Le Marché de Cuistot 》台北內湖餐酒館推薦


牛舌, 芭樂, 杏仁

Beef Tongue, Guava, Almond
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

不禁要稱讚 JE Kitchen 的擺盤美學, 深綠紫蘇葉撒上少許繽紛食用花, 絢爛色彩勾勒出春季的迷人視覺. 先單獨品嚐藏在紫蘇葉下的炙燒牛舌, 牛舌並不是像 “犇 牛肉食堂”有脆度, 口感反而有點像火腿, 雖然盤底有西班牙杏仁奶, 牛舌的鹹香肉味依舊主導這道料理, 芭樂用橙汁與醬油醃漬後切塊, 帶給味蕾短暫的微甜風味. 這是少數兼具賣相和美味的菜色, 這是第二道讓我難忘的料理. 
I love JE Kitchen plate design, especially 2019 Spring Menu dish. The grilled beef tongues are hidden under purple perilla leaf. Unlike “Ben Teppan & Grill Restaurant”, the beef tongue tastes quite like ham. Even though the almond milk is under beef tongue, both salty and meaty flavor still dominate the tastebuds. The guava cube has hints of sweetness due to tangerine and soy sauce flavor.

延伸閱讀: 犇 牛肉食堂 》台北和牛鐵板燒餐廳 | Taipei Wagyu Steak Teppanyaki


麵包, 酸奶油

Bread, Sour Cream
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

酸奶油原本就是我愛的抹醬, 每次吃貝果 (Bagel) 都會抹上酸奶油. JE Kitchen 溫熱歐式麵包並不會過乾, 搭配JE Ktichen 自製酸奶油相當不錯.
I always spread the sour cream on the bagels and breads. JE Kitchen’s warm bread is not too dry and pairs great the custom-made sour cream.


皇帝豆, 蛋黃, 甜豆

Emperor Bean, Yolk, Sugar Bean
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

皇帝豆切片有如綻放花瓣圍繞著蛋黃, 蛋黃並不是像港式醃製蛋黃的乾硬口感, 而是油封蛋黃, 這是我第一次吃到油封蛋黃, 綿密口感相當不錯, 是一個稱職的主角, 皇帝豆切片則是帶給饕客不一樣的嫩脆口感.
The sliced emperor beans are surrounded the yolk like flower petals. It is yolk confit by using Olive Oil. The yolk is not the typical Cantonese dried yolk with hard texture. Instead, it has creamy texture and grabs all the attentions. The sliced Emperor bean brings the crispy texture as well.


魚, 海草, 乳化奶油

Fish, Seaweed, Buttermilk
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

從第一道吃到這一道, 很明顯的可感受到春天綠色主題色系, 當天用餐的魚品是印章魚, 也可稱作日本鯛, 鲂魚或是多利魚 (Dory), 置放在盤底的綠色海草汁裡, 店員一邊注入另一道醬汁, 一邊解說第二道醬汁是用之前透抽的頭足部位再加上奶油檸檬汁和杏仁片烹調製作而成, 先切一小塊入口, 反倒先感受到印章魚肉表層的豆渣粉, 與杏仁片一樣存在感十足, 肉質鮮嫩的印章魚海鮮風味反而成為配角.
JE Kitchen uses Dory fish. The green sauce is made with seafood. The second sauce is almond slice along with milk and lemonade stewed with the squid. The tastebuds can feel the bean powder first instead of the tender fish meat. The almond texture and flavor are also obvious.


牛, 蘑菇, 山蘿蔔

Beef, Mushroom, Chervil
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這是一道午餐晚餐套餐裡皆有的菜餚, 當天用餐的肉品是成本高的澳洲和牛橫膈膜, 換算之下可以說是非常超值. 切開主廚推薦三分熟的和牛橫膈膜, 在光線輔佐下, 牛排表層油亮且滋潤, 品嚐時, 通過舌尖先送上奔放濃郁肉香, 帶有些許嚼勁口感, JE Kitchen 搭配牛排的醬汁有兩種, 第一種是原本就在盤底用山蘿蔔 (香葉芹) 製作的荷蘭醬, 第二種醬是用 Table Service 注入的蘑菇醬汁, 我個人比較喜歡沾有獨特大地氣息的菌菇醬汁, 兩者互相襯托, 讓牛排肉香更加明顯.
This dish appears in both dinner and lunch menu. JE Kitchen offers high-cost Austrlian Waygu Beef Diaphragm (Hanger steak). Chef suggested medium-rare. The steak is full of meaty aroma and also with chewy texture. There are two sauces. First one is chervil thick sauce. The second one is mushroom sauce. I prefer the mushroom sauce, which can enhance the meaty flavor.


奶油起司, 石頭

Cream Cheese, Stone
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道菜餚一年四季都有, 黑白色搭配的原因是主廚 Constant 最疼愛的寵物狗是黑白色, 可食用的竹炭粉製成碎石形狀. 藍紋乳酪作成冰淇淋, 濃郁乳酪風味依舊強烈, 間接主導整道料理.
This is not a seasonal dish. JE Kitchen executive chef Constant’s favorite dog is black and white color. So, this is how the black and white color pairing concept comes from. The small stone shape ingredient is made with edible charcoal. The gorgonzola cream cheese is used in order to make the ivory color ice cream. The cheese flavor dominates this whole dish.


甜豆 , 薄荷 , 發酵藍莓

Sugar Bean, Mint, Fermented Blueberry
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道菜餚處處可感受到北歐料理永續理念, 發酵是永續概念之一, 發酵藍莓汁有如天空之鏡, 讓人眼睛為之一亮, 酸甜風味就如 “淡水朝日夫婦” 藍莓優格刨冰, 看似餅乾片裝飾的是烘乾綠草莓切片, 善用食材不浪費也是永續概念之一. 充滿綠意盎然美學的甜豆冰淇淋以豆香稱霸整個味蕾,   JE Kitchen 主廚加入薄荷冰沙在底層, 不僅有跳耀般的薄荷香氣, 也同時刺激著舌尖 . 這是第三道讓我難忘的料理! 
You can sense the Nordic cuisine concept all over this dish. The fermentation is one of the main concepts. The fermented blueberry sauce appears to be glassy. The blueberry’s taste is similar with “Tamsui Shaved Ice”. The chef puts the dried green strawberry slices on the top as decoration. The whole dish is dominated by the bean flavor from the sugar bean ice cream. The minty slush at the bottom stimulates the tastebuds as always.

延伸閱讀: TAMSUI SHAVED ICE 》在淡水朝日夫婦吃冰看淡水河景


台灣香草豆莢, 雲朵

Taiwan Vanilla & Cloud
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這次甜點名稱雖然與上ㄧ季菜單相同, 但雲朵加上靜岡抹茶粉, 風味並不會過於苦澀, 鬆軟程度比棉花糖更輕盈且入口即化. 形狀神似香草莢其實是牛蒡與竹炭粉, 這次的牛蒡棒有明顯的蜂蜜風味, 牛蒡酥脆口感依舊存在, 比上一次美味.
The name of the dessert is the same as last menu. But this time, the Cloud’s texture is still fluffy and full of great tea flavor. The The vanilla bean shape dessert is made with the burdock, edible charcoal, malt beverage, beer and honey together going through the pickled process for two weeks. This time, the burdock tastes much more sweet than last time.

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

套餐可選茶或是咖啡, 我是選冰紅茶, 微甜不會澀.
You can select Tea or Coffee. I chose ice black tea, which has hints of sweets and not bitter at all.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Eatpire 會員讀者餐廳優惠好康連結頁面:  JE KITCHEN




餐廳: JE Kitchen
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路346巷48號 (MAP)
電話: 02-2741-7115
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jekitchen.tw/
Restaurant: JE Kitchen
Address: No. 48, 346th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT: SYS Memorial Hall
Tel: 02-2741-7115
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


JE Kitchen 2019 春季菜單 》 JE Kitchen 2019 Spring Menu




