棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 》搬家後重新開幕與轉型的台北餐酒館
Last Updated on 2023-09-25 by Foodelicious
(結束營業) 棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 2020年搬家新開幕後成為台北東區餐酒館之一, 棧直火廚房菜單上的直火煙燻美國牛排搭配精釀啤酒與紅酒完全就是夢幻組合.
(Closed Down) C-Kitchen by FUK restaurant moves its location and becomes one of the Taipei Bistros at Taipei East District. The US Smoked Steaks pair great with draft beers and red wines in this restaurant.
棧直火廚房 菜單在文末 》F C-Kitchen by FUK Menu is at the end of article
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關於 棧直火廚房
About C-Kitchen by FUK
棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 離忠孝敦化3號出口與國父紀念館2號出口皆有約 15分鐘步行距離, 餐廳內外裝潢有工業風格設計與霓虹色逗趣字樣, 非常有個性, 甚至有一組沙包與拳擊手套可讓客人發洩壓力打拳擊. 棧直火廚房座位舒適程度高, 適合朋友聚餐或是公司部門聚餐, 不同於其他餐酒館, 棧直火廚房中午有營業. 廚房裡的烤爐是 Josper 高級品牌, 用的是龍眼木炭 ,賦予肉品與食材獨特燻香, 讓餐點上桌時香氣繚繞. 店員也有提到骨邊肉可以再回烤繼續吃. 這次有品嚐到煙燻布里乳酪, 大火烤28天熟成波特紅屋牛排 35oz (Prime 等級), 皇宮菜拌燻肉, 辣味玉米通心粉, 煙燻冷燻紅玉雞小腿斧頭.
C-Kitchen by FUK is located near Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station Exit 3 and SYS Memorial Hall Exit 2 about 15 minutes walking distance. The industrial design and neon light style are definitely full of characters. There is even a punching bag for the customers to release their stress through boxing. The seats are quite comfortable, which is suitable for friends’ or department co-worker gathering. Unlike other bistros, they are opened during lunch time. The restaurant uses high quality Josper Charcoal Oven and Logan wood charcoal. While grilling, the special smoked flavor would stay on the grilled meats. This time, my friend and I tasted smoked Brie Cheese, 28 Days Dry-Aged Porterhouse Steak 35oz (USA Prime), Mexican Style Spicy Macaroni, Ceylon Spinach & Salami and Grill Tomahawk Chicken Leg.
延伸閱讀: 台北公司聚餐推薦餐廳 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide
About C-Kitchen by FUK Minimum Charge and Other Rules
🔥 可網路預約 (Link: https://pse.is/w9vu9 ) 或是打餐廳電話預約座位 02-8773-9938
🔥 棧直火廚房低消 NTD $300/人
🔥 Last Order 9:30pm
🔥 紅白酒洗杯費 NTD $80/人
🔥 烈酒洗杯費 NTD $100/人🔥 Reservation Link: https://pse.is/w9vu9 or Call restaurant to reserve 02-8773-9938
🔥 Minimum Charge is NTD $300/per person
🔥 Last Order 9:30pm
🔥 Red Wine/White Wine Glass Fee NTD $80/per person
🔥 Strong Alcohol (Whiskey or strong alcohol ) Glass Fee NTD $100/per person
Smoked Brie Cheese
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 主廚與老闆共同發想菜單, 我很驚訝看到 直火煙燻布里乳酪在菜單上, 目前在台灣, 我只在 “慢慢弄乳酪坊” 吃過簡單烤馬背起司. 說真的, 沒看過有餐廳會不計成本在 Josper頂級品牌烤爐烤布里乳酪?! 主廚將布里歐乳酪放置於鑄鐵鍋, 進爐後直火煙燻, 再馬上 serve, 布里乳酪在鑄鐵鍋裡滋滋響, 濃綿口感, 煙燻香與奶香並存是一個新境界, 這是一道我絕對推薦的菜餚.
C- Kitchen by Fuk restaurant owner and chef brainstormed the menu. I am surprised to see the smoked brie cheese on the menu. In Taiwan, I only tried baked cheese at “Man Mano Cheese Lab”. Honestly, who would think of grilling and smoke Brie Cheese in an expensive high-end brand Josper oven? The chef serves immediately with sizzling sound right after grilling. The smoked aroma pairs incrediblely well with the cheese milky flavor. This is a dish that I would definitely recommend.
延伸閱讀: 慢慢弄乳酪坊 》台北新鮮義式手工起司專賣店 | Taipei Fresh Cheese
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
大火烤28天乾式熟成波特紅屋牛排 35oz ( Prime )
28 Days Dry-Aged Porterhouse Steak 35oz (USA Prime)
Price: NTD $120/1oz
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 用的都是美牛, 以稱重來計算金額, 例如這一道 35oz 牛排價格就是 NTD $120 x 35oz = NTD $4200, 且附兩道下酒小食 (Side Dishes), 全部加起來的份量夠四人以上分享. 波特紅屋牛排看似 T-Bone, 有一片菲力牛排 (偏鮮嫩) 與一片紐約客牛排 (有嚼勁), 波特紅屋牛排的菲力較多, 我自己的定義就是波特紅屋牛排比 T-Bone 高級. 主廚基本上會烤三分熟, 主廚會在廚房烤完切好再 serve, 節省客人的麻煩.
C-Kitchen by FUK only offers American Beef. The price is calculated by oz. For example, this 28 Days Dry-Aged Porterhouse Steak 35oz price is NTD $120 x 35oz = NTD $4200. The main course comes with 2 side dishes. All together, this dish will be suitable for 4 people or more. Porterhouse Steak is similar with T-Bone but with more tender Filet. There are two parts on the Porterhouse Steak – Filet and New York Strip Steak.The chef would cut before serving with custom-made smoked salts. at its medium-rare level.
牛排藉著煙燻炭香讓食慾大開, 嗅覺挑逗著味覺, 餐廳提供店家自製顆粒細緻的煙燻鹽置放於一旁, 我先單獨吃了一口菲力, 表層焦酥與肉質高嫩度是我喜愛的牛排風格, 沾一些煙燻鹽後, 食材與調味料互相襯托帶出最佳效果, 就跟上次我在 “三元花園韓式餐廳“吃到的經驗一樣, 從火侯到調味皆扎實到位, 展露美國牛排的經典魅力. 至於紐約客牛排, 牛筋充滿彈性, 肉質比較有嚼勁, 我相信在一群用餐團體裡一定有人鍾愛紐約客牛排. 基本上美牛與煙燻對我來說就是邪惡的誘惑, 四人以上可點這道熟成波特紅屋牛排, 若是想要每個人都吃到一樣的肉品, 菜單上也有價格合理的帶骨牛小排 (35oz) 與適合兩人吃的厚切肋眼 (10oz / 20oz).
The meaty aroma arouses the appetite. The restaurant places smoked salts on the side. The Filet tenderness with grilled crispy appearance is my favorite steak style. The Filet steak pairs with the smoked salt makes the great combination. The New York Strip Steak is a bit chewy since there are still small amount Beef Tendon. I believe that there are still some amount of people who like to eat New York Strip Steak. You can order Porterhouse Steak for 4 people or more to share. If you want everyone to taste the same meat texture, there are also smoked beef rib (35oz) and rib eye (10oz/20oz) on the menu.
延伸閱讀: Samwon Garden 》在 三元花園韓式餐廳瑞光店菜單單點才是王道
Mexican Style Spicy Macaroni
Price: 主餐配菜 / Main Course Side Dish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 與 “Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei“ 一樣都是主餐選兩樣配菜, 配菜是從菜單裡的 ”下酒小食“區選, 這道老墨辣味玉米通心粉並不是小辣, 而是中大辣, 還原墨西哥粗獷無修邊幅的辣度. 老實說, 吃小辣的我不太習慣, 但是我相信吃辣的饕客一定會吃得很過癮.
Same as “Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei” , the main course comes with two side dishes. Mexican Style Spicy Macaroni is very spicy, which I am not able to handle. So, I tasted one bite. It tasted just like the jalapeño flavor, which brings impact on the tastebuds. I believe that people who eat spicy food would like this dish.
延伸閱讀: Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei 》絕對是台北美式 BBQ 木柴燒烤餐廳推薦
Ceylon Spinach & Salami
Price: 主餐配菜 / Main Course Side Dish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
老闆有解釋這道菜餚是以中式熱炒作為發想, 皇宮菜吃起來就像川七, 燻肉則是邊肉, 並沒有培根的油脂滋潤, 所以口感是偏硬. 若是覺得皇宮菜不夠, 可再另外單點沙拉來搭配.
This dish is inspired by Chinese Dish. The Ceylon Spinach is in smooth texture.The salami is smoked meats with hard texture without fats. If you think the Spinach is not enough, you can also order Single Dish Salad.
Grill Tomahawk Chicken Leg
Price: NTD $850
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 也有白肉選擇 – 雞肉與魚. 別讓菜單名稱誤導你, 這道的 size 其實是半雞, 適合 4 人以上享用. 冷燻並不是舒肥, 店員提到是以50度的煙冷燻6小時, 冷燻最主要目的是讓肉汁不流失, 再進烤爐煙燻, 主廚將烤出來的雞油搭配煙燻鹽成為沾醬. 烤出來的半雞均勻上色, 在 serve 之前將雞肉切好, 最特別的是主廚也會修剪雞爪僅留下無名指, 幽默風格都展現在菜餚設計巧思. 雞皮油亮偏酥脆, 雞腿則是預期地嫩.雞胸的肉質扎實, 建議搭配雞皮, 若覺得偏乾可搭配沾醬,
The customer can also order white meats- such as chicken and fish. Don’t let the name confuse you. The size is actually half chicken, which is suitable for 4 or more people. The slow smoked condition is not “sous vide“. It is 50 C low temperate grilling for 6 hours. The purpose would be to keep the meat from drying. The chef would slice the grilled chicken before serving. The chef mixes the chicken oil with custom-made smoked salt and creates a dip sauce. The chef also cuts its chicken feet fingers into the ring finger to post a special gesture. It basically shows the humor of this restaurant. The chicken skin is oily-bright and crisp. The chicken leg with fats is tender. The chicken breast meat is a bit dense. It would taste better with the chicken crispy skin. If the meat taste a bit dry, you can also dip into the sauce to taste.
Modern Times Brewing Fruitlands Gose (Large)
Price: NTD $350/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 想推廣的是精釀啤酒搭配餐, 因此裝了許多啤酒管線, 餐廳與多家品牌合作, 也會不定期更換酒款, 因此有不同價格, 酒單有大杯與中杯的選擇, 有啤酒搭餐經驗的店員建議搭配 Modern Times Brewing Fruitlands Gose 酸啤, 啤酒頭泡沫消失地迅速, 風味並沒有 “Duchesse De Bourgogne” Flanders Red Ale 如此強勁, 也沒有“台灣艾爾精釀啤酒”的濃郁果味與酸味. 這款精釀啤酒的百香果與芭樂風味不會覆蓋住味蕾, 牛排肉香依舊.
C-Kitchen by FUK wants to promote draft beers with foods. They have several brands of beer taps. The beers would have different price. The beer size option has large and medium size. The staff recommended Modern Times Brewing Fruitlands Gose sour beer. The beer head evaporates fast. The overall taste is not as strong as “Duchesse De Bourgogne Flanders Red Ale”. It also doesn’t have the strong fruit flavor and acidity like “Taiwan Ale Brewery”. The passion fruit and guava flavor do not cover the tastebuds and the meaty aroma stays.
警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
Black’s Station Yolo County Malbec 2017
Price: NTD $250/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
雖然棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 推廣精釀啤酒搭餐, 餐廳目前只有 Malbec 與 Cabernet Sauvignon 葡萄酒, 我選來自美國加州的Malbec. Black’s Station Yolo County Malbec 2017, 皮革味並沒有預期地重, 建議先將那杯紅酒放置一旁, 柔和單寧與成熟甜美莓果風味非常適合搭配濃郁肉香的熟成牛排.
Even though C-Kitchen by Fuk promotes beer pairing with dish. The restaurant has Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon. I select Malbec. Black’s Station Yolo County Malbec 2017 is originated from California, USA. The leather aroma is not too strong. You would need to put the red wine on the side for a while. The soft tannin and ripped berry flavor pairs great with aged steak.
警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
結論 Conclusion
棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 轉型成為類似有 Fight Club 風格的餐廳, 並不是有白色桌巾的高級餐廳, 棧直火廚房也會不定期舉辦有趣的活動.換句話說, 可以吃牛排的餐廳不再是女生或是約會專屬, 男生也不用再選居酒屋或是快炒店當作聚餐地點, 至於餐點部分, 棧直火廚房是肉食主義絕對不能錯過的餐廳, 也很適合愛吃煙燻食材 (尤其是美牛) 的人
C-Kitchen by FUK transferred into a Fight Club Style restaurant. It is not a high-end restaurant with white table cloth. The restaurant also hosts different type of events. In other words, the steak restaurant is no longer for girls or dating solely. Men don’t have to choose Izakaya or stir-fried restaurant as dining location. C-Kitchen by FUK is for people who like to eat smoked food (Especially USA Steak).
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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餐廳: 棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段345巷4弄4號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站 or 國父紀念館站
電話: 02-8773-9938
FB: https://www.facebook.com/CKitchenbyFUK/
Reservation Link: https://pse.is/w9vu9
Restaurant: C-Kitchen by FUK
Address: No.4, 4th Alley, 345th Lane, 4th Section, Ren’Ai Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station or SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-8773-9938
棧直火廚房 菜單 》F C-Kitchen by FUK Menu