【 DUCHESSE DE BOURGOGNE 】比利時女皇爵黑啤酒 | Belgium Beer | 酸味愛爾

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

女皇爵品牌Logo就如神秘的蒙納麗莎是自畫像, 市面上啤酒品牌商標較為男性化,神化,或是卡通化, 多數人都會好奇想知道這家釀酒廠為何要把女皇爵和一隻獵鷹當做logo. 口感是狂野還是細膩?
Duchesse De Bourgogne’s logo is self-portrait, just like the mysterious Mona Lisa. You would wonder what kind of beer would use a woman and a falcon as a logo.


Product Name 產品名稱: DUCHESSE DE BOURGOGNE 比利時女皇爵黑啤酒
Country of Origin 原產地: Belgium 比利時
Foodelicious 美味程度: 🎉🎉
Channel: 朋友分享啤酒 Sharing beers with friends
** No Beer Body picture because I use paper cup to share with my friends. Haha **
** 無啤酒酒體的圖, 因爲跟朋友分享是用紙杯**
Price: N/A
Total ml 總容量: 330 ml
ABV 酒精濃度: 6.2 %
Bottle Bar Code:  5411364151355
進口商: 麥米魯國際有限公司
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此款啤酒分類為““Flanders Red Ale”, 字面意義就是西法蘭德斯(West Flanders)紅色酸味愛爾, 簡單來說, 這就是一款比利時酸啤酒,釀酒廠將桶陳8個月和18個月的Ale混和放置橡木桶.倒出如紅酒般深褐紅色酒體, 泡沫單薄且揮發速度快, 中度醋味在拿起酒杯時釋出, 膽戰心驚地品嚐一口, 舌尖立即感受到比“工研醋”更明顯強勁的衝擊, 過多單寧酸成為主導, 甚至像跳跳糖般肆意地在味蕾上不停地刺激,尾韻則是微澀但不苦.品飲後發現這款啤酒非常受女性大學生的愛戴, 只因為喝起來頗像年輕女生愛喝的果醋, 若妳/你很愛吃泰國料理, 也可考慮此款啤酒.

This beer is categorized as “Flanders Red Ale”. Literally, it means red beer of West Flanders. The brewery produced this beer with 8 months  and 18 months ales in oak casks for maturation process.  Pouring out the dark brownish ruby color beer body, you wouldn’t have guessed it is beer until you see the thin beer foam. You can immediately detect the sour aroma. Tasting the first sip (not gulp), the impact of distinct sharp vinegar attacks the tastebud. The overwhelmed sourness becomes the sole impression just like popping candy. The finished note is dry without bitterness. Surprisingly, young girls love this kind beer because it tastes just like fruit vinegar. And of course, if you like Thai food, you might also love this beer as well.


警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康  <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!
