慢慢弄乳酪坊 》台北新鮮義式手工起司專賣店 | Taipei Fresh Cheese

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

( Closed Down ) 慢慢弄乳酪坊 (Man Mano Cheese Lab) 位於台北大稻埕大橋頭捷運站一號出口附近, 也是少數有新鮮義式手工起司的專賣店.
(Will Closed Down Soon)  “Man Mano Cheese Lab” is located near Taipei Daqiao Tou MRT station Exit 1. It is one of a few stores that offers Italian fresh-made cheese.


延伸閱讀: Cucina Man Mano 》六人品嚐民生社區的慢慢弄餐廳 (內有菜單)



菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

慢慢弄乳酪坊位於意想不到的迪化街外圍的巷弄內, 並非熱鬧大馬路, 當走進簡陋的巷弄內, 我第一反應是我是不是迷路? 為何跟 K. Lab 甜點一樣在完全違和的地方? 慢慢弄乳酪坊有著跟Tori Coffee的米色布簾招牌, 進入店內後有著一張木製大長桌讓互不相識的客人可聊天, 若想看Chef做乳酪, 可坐在高腳椅區域, 只是需要提前詢問做的時間. 除了可購買不同種類的新鮮起司外, 也可馬上做料理給客人吃, 這是大部分台北市乳酪工作坊無法做到的, 雖然 Chef Isabella 的主要客戶為義大利餐廳和私廚, 但還是有設一區販售乳酪給一般消費者.
Man Mano Cheese Lab is located in the quite alley instead of traffic-loaded road, which is similar with K. Lab Dessert. The store sign is similar with Tori Coffee, which is beige color. There is a long table inside the shop. If you want to watch the chef to make cheese, you can sit at the high chair area. However, it would be better to call in advance to check the chef’s schedule. Besides purchasing various cheese, they can also make the cheese light food for customers. Even though most main customers are Italian restaurants and private chefs, it also has an small area that sell various cheese for customers.




English Name: Caciocavallo Salad
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當時店員推薦“綜合起司火腿盤”, 但是我還是點了“馬背起司沙拉”, 點完後, 店員就在身後的烤盤開始煎烤起司與鮮蔬. 這時我之前買的“世界起司輕圖鑑”就可以派上用場. 馬背起司 (卡丘卡巴羅起司) 在義大利中南部的莫利塞區Molise最常見到, 屬於風味較濃郁的熟成起司. 馬背起司的名稱非常有趣, 將起司塑造成葫蘆型或水滴形用麻繩綁緊, 垂掛馬背兩側, 因此有了”馬背起司“的稱號.
The staff recommended mixed cheese plate, but I ordered Caciocavallo Salad. After ordering, the staff started cooking the cheese and various vegetables at the back of the counter. Caciocavallo is originated at Molise area, Italy. It is an aged cheese.


”外酥內軟“是最佳馬背起司形容詞, 當咬下第一口馬背起司 心想著“不虧是用新鮮牛奶做的起司“ , 起司風味不會像進口起司如此的濃郁, 而是有風味十足的乳香,雖然只有兩片馬背起司, 但口中滿滿迷人的乳香風味. 當令蔬果配置則是脆度十足, 尤其是有著烤痕的皎白筍. 也許看文章的你會覺得NTD $220 昂貴, 那只是因為你不知道進口起司加了哪些成分, 而且採用新鮮起司, 且在$360以下的料理台北哪裡找?
Man Mano Cheese Lab uses Fresh milk to make cheese. Therefore, the milk aroma and flavor is stronger than any imported cheese. Even though this dish only has two slices, the mouth will be fulfilled with milky aroma. The grilled vegetable are crispy, especially the bamboo. Some of you might consider NTD $220 is expensive. But, I consider NTD $220 is worth it because it is not possible to find a fresh-made cheese dish under NTD $360 in Taipei City.




English Name: Mikkeller “Not Just Another Wit”
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

店家有提供開水跟販售氣泡水, 但我還是點了米凱樂品牌比利時小麥啤酒, 四種酒花卻不會有過濃與苦的風味, 而是有著甜鳳梨的果香, 口感極為柔順, 很適合搭配任何起司料理, 因為絲毫不會蓋過起司風味, 反而加分.
They offer water and sparkling water. But I still order Mikkeller “Not Just Another Wit”. Four different kinds of hops are unexpectedly co-exist well. It has sweet pineapple fruity aroma instead of strong hops aroma. The texture is smooth and suitable to pair with cheese. It wouldn’t cover any milky flavor or aroma of the cheese.



如果深愛著起司/乳酪, 我會建議這家店, 而非需要預約的Gusto-Market of Taste, 因為“慢慢弄乳酪坊”可以現場馬上準備起司料理.
If you love Cheese, I would suggest this store instead of “Gusto-Market of Taste”. The main reason is that “Man Mano Cheese Lab” can prepare the cuisine right away.

延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide

♛ Eatpire 會員優惠好康連結頁面: 慢慢弄乳酪坊





Restaurant Name 店名: 慢慢弄乳酪坊 Man Mano Cheese Lab
Address: No.16, 272th Lane, 2nd Section, Yanping North Road, Taipei City 台北市大同區延平北路二段272巷16號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lab.manmano/
Nearby MRT station: Daqiao Tou MRT station 大橋頭捷運站
電話: 02-2553-6863
營業時間: Call to Confirm 請打電話確認營業時間與做起司的時間



