大師兄銷魂麵舖 》中山捷運站美食 | Taipei Spicy Noodle

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

新開幕大師兄銷魂麵舖中山捷運站美食之一, 藍白色的布製招牌則是紛紛出現在IG與FB上.
Newly-opened “Master Spicy Noodle” is located near Zhongshan MRT station. Its blue and white sign often shows up at social media.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

此餐廳與南京三民捷運站的大師兄咖啡與台北東區的大師兄麻辣鍋物是同一個老闆, 但是我都沒去過其他兩家, 所以這是我吃銷魂麵的初體驗. 當天用餐時間是星期五下午一點半, 依舊需要排候補, 因為用餐限制一小時, 大概平均只需等10~ 15分鐘. 由於坪數不大, 餐廳裡的桌椅稍微擁擠 ( 餐廳太多人, 並沒有照餐廳內部) , 服務生親切帶位且告知先劃想要的餐點後先至櫃台付錢. 主餐的部分只有分麻辣類與清燉類搭配銷魂麵, 小菜與飲料另外點.
I arrived the restaurant at 1:30pm on Friday. However, the restaurant is still packed. Due to the small restaurant space, the tables are closed to each other like Starbucks. The customer would order at the counter and pay in advance. The menu only has two options – spicy and original stewed.



麻辣半筋半肉湯 & 銷魂麵

English Name: Spicy Half Meta and Half Tendon & Master Noodle
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

“大師兄銷魂麵舖”剛開幕時, 有人在網路上把這家拿來跟街口巷弄的牛肉麵相比, 可是本來就是看牛肉的部分就知道不能拿來相比, 最符合條件拿來跟這家餐廳比較的只有“麻膳堂”. 麻膳堂的”麻辣牛肉片麵“為湯麵合一, 銷魂麵為乾麵, 深褐色的鴨血旁放著誘人半熟蛋, 捲麵的寬度比麻膳堂寬, 上面再撒上少許蔥花當點綴, 配料並沒有像麻膳堂的麵有豆芽與豆皮.
Honestly, it wouldn’t be fair to compare this restaurant with the regular beef noodle that you ate at Yongkang Street. The only restaurant that is similar with “Master Spicy Noodle” would be “Mazendo”.Mazendo put noodle into the beef soup. The master noodle (on the left side of picture) is dry noodle mixed with small amount of soy and spicy sauce. The side ingredient is duck blood , half boiled egg, and green onion on the top. The menu mentioned that if you don’t eat duck blood, you can tell the counter in advance. The master noodle is wider than Mazendo. However, Master Noodle doesn’t have bean sprouts nor tofu sheet.



麵一端上來建議迅速將底部的醬汁與麵拌勻, 第一口總是最Q彈, 醬汁則是有鹹度適中且帶有微弱甜度, 也許是第一口, 味蕾並沒有察覺到所謂的銷魂辣油, 其實服務生有提到若覺得不夠辣, 可以跟服務生要辣油來搭配, 至於是不是銷魂辣油就不得而知, 至於鴨血的部分, 我會建議一端上桌就先放入牛肉湯裡增加風味.
The best way to eat master noodle would be stir the sauce with noodle right away. The noodle absorbs small amount of sauce, which is medium level of saltness and hints of sweetness. But, my tastebuds couldn’t taste their custom-made spice oil. As for the duck blood, I would suggest to put the duck blood right away into the beef soup.



與麻膳堂一樣都是帶少許油脂的牛肉片, 而非台北東區食徒牛肉塊或是或是品川蘭的牛腱, 吸收的湯汁有限, 但是可沾托盤上的辣醬, 辣度是可以愛辣的人所喜歡的重口味, 但麻度只有隱約的程度. 麻辣半筋半肉湯的牛筋則是非常有嚼勁, 我個人是偏愛較為軟的牛筋, 如菜單上所提到, 牛肉湯是小辣帶有微弱的麻度, 非常適合直接喝, 不像麻膳堂我需要一邊喝湯一邊喝冰水. 整體上, 我個人是偏好麵與湯分開的組合, 依照自己可接受的辣度來搭配, 至於風味的講求, 銷魂乾麵是我喜歡的Q度與簡單風味, 湯頭的牛肉風味與麻度再加強會更好.
Similar with Mazendo, it is sliced beefs instead of tenderloin from “Loyal Chef” or beef brisket from “Pin-Chun-Lan”. The waitress instructed that I can dip the sliced beef into their spicy sauce. Honestly, the spicy level is higher than expected. However, the soup only has hints of spicy, but perfect for pairing with the master dry noodle. Generally speaking, I prefer the dry noodle and soup broth separately.




English Name: Black Tea
Price: NTD $40
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

因為大師兄咖啡是姐妹店, 我原本期待紅茶是不是會喝起來不一樣, 事實上跟期待頗有落差, 帶點甜味一點都不苦, 我會建議直接喝店家提供的水即可.
I would suggest not to order their black tea. The flavor is sweet without bitterness. But it is NTD$40. The restaurant offers free water.




延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide



Restaurant Name 店名: 大師兄銷魂麵舖 Spicy Noodle
Address: No.36, 42nd Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City 台北市中山區中山北路二段42巷36號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/masterspicynoodle/
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan MRT station 中山捷運站 4號出口
電話: 02-2523-5700 (無法訂位)
營業時間:Everyday 11:30 ~ 2:30pm ; 5:30pm ~ 8:30pm



