Musée Kitchen & Bar 》世貿捷運站商業午餐 | Taipei World Trade Lunch

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

Musée Kitchen & Bar台北世貿附近上班族商業午餐選擇之一, 午餐提供的營業時間也拉長至3pm.
Musée Kitchen & Bar offers Business Lunch Menu for the nearby 101 or World Trade office workers. They provide lunch until 3pm in the afternoon.

菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

Musée Kitchen & Bar 位於愛迪達球場附近, 也就是四四南村附近的巷弄內, 餐廳外跟 La Mole Taipei 一樣有多個室外座位, 室外佔地頗大, 秋冬季節溫度低時, 可以想像會有很多客人想坐室外, 不由自主會有種歐洲慵懶且放慢腳步的氛圍. 室內的裝潢感覺偏工業風, 唯獨窗邊的桌椅有點偏向 Coffee Smith 的英倫風, 也有在Beer Smith看到的高腳桌椅.
Musée Kitchen & Bar is located nearby Adidas Basketball Field. Its outdoor is similar with La Mole Taipei, which has lots of seats. Its indoor design is a bit similar with Coffee Smith British Industrial theme, especially the sofa area near the window. There are also high chairs, which can be seen at Beer Smith Beer Restaurant.



由於當天朋友請吃飯正逢上班族用餐時間, 餐廳裡坐滿了人, 我跟朋友聊天的聲音需要拉高分貝.  午餐的經營方式與台北市政府捷運站附近的JK Studio 經營方式類似,  商業午餐的 Menu 主菜都是單點, 若要套餐則是會另外加錢, 我點了湯與飲料 (+ NTD $70) , 朋友則點了沙拉與飲料 (+ NTD $70), 值得一提的是Menu下方提到若是素食者可洽服務生.
My friend treated me lunch that day. The restaurant was packed during lunch time. Similar with JK Studio near Taipei City Hall,  the business lunch is for main course. If prefer set, there will be extra charge. If you are a vegetarian, you can also consult with the waitress in advance.




English Name: Handmade Sausage Farfalle Pasta
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

主菜端上桌時, 跟網路上說“份量不夠多”的說法不一樣, 因為我認為單點的份量已足夠讓女生吃飽, 蝴蝶麵不會軟爛, 而是我較喜歡有嚼勁的口感, 但不會過硬, 由於沒有醬汁的輔佐, 肉與其他配料變得十分重要, 所謂的義式自製肉腸其實是加了義大利香料的碎肉末,香料不至於蓋過豬肉香味, 若是正統的Pepperoni (義大利辣味香腸), 就不會是NTD $260的價格,配 料的部分則是用真材實料的辣椒, 而非其他店家會用的辣椒粉. 淺綠色花椰菜與偏黃的紅色小蕃茄則是帶給料理不同顏色與口感. 整體上表現其實不錯, 很適合上班族一小時的用餐時間.
Google mentioned that the dish size is not large as expected. On the contrary, I think this particular size is suitable for lunch size. The Farfalle is cooked well since it is not soft. I prefer my Farfalle’s texture is hard. Since there is no sauce in this dish, the side ingredients become very important. Handmade Sausage is not Pepperoni!! If it is pepperoni, the price would be higher than NTD$260. The so-called handmade sausage is more like medium size ground pork. Musée Kitchen & Bar uses real hot pepper instead of pepper powder. The broccoli and tomato brings different texture and more colors to this dish. Generally speaking, this dish is suitable for nearby office workers to enjoy for one hour.


蕃茄蔬菜湯 & 可樂

English Name: Tomato Soup & Coke
Set Price: +NTD $60
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
若蕃茄湯是每日例湯, 多數餐廳通常只用蕃茄泥, 但Musée Kitchen & Bar 則是也有採用真材實料的小番茄, 如同羅宋湯有著中等酸度, 香料不多, 不至於蓋住蕃茄風味, 雖然湯頭沒有POPINA 餐酒館的法式蕃茄湯濃郁, 但湯的份量與風味已達到上班族對於商業午餐例湯的標準. 放在玻璃杯的可樂大概是在7-11 看到的鋁罐Size. 若例湯是蕃茄湯, 我會建議點套餐.
Most restaurant uses tomato paste or canned chopped tomato to make Tomato Soup. However, Musée Kitchen & Bar also uses little tomato as fresh ingredients. The spices are not too much to overcome the sourness. Even though the soup broth is not as thick as POPINA Bistro, but the size and flavor of this soup is already above average for Lunch daily soup. As for the coke, the size is about the aluminize can that you see at 7-11.




English Name: Smoked Salmon Risotto
Price: NTD $270
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

我朋友點的, 我只吃了一口, 原本以為柴魚的海鮮風味會蓋住菌菇風味, 但是似乎需要搭配煙燻鮭魚才會有滿滿的海鮮味, 因為我只吃一口, 比較不方便Review.
My friend ordered this. I only took a bite. The mushroom flavor overcomes the dried bonito flakes seafood flavor. However, it is only one bite. It wouldn’t be fair to rate it.


沙拉 & 熱美式咖啡

English Name: Salad & Coffee
Set Price: +NTD $60
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

我朋友點的, 我並不品嚐, 比較不方便Review.
My friend ordered this, I didn’t taste it.





Restaurant Name 店名: Musée Kitchen & Bar
Address: No.15, 178th Lane, Zhuangjing Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區莊敬路178巷15號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: 101 MRT station 世貿101捷運
電話: 02-2345-0100
營業時間:11:30am ~ 5pm ; 6pm ~ 10:30pm





