台灣艾爾精釀啤酒 》不用開罐器的水果酸啤酒 | Taiwan Sour Beer

Last Updated on 2018-12-29 by Foodelicious

台灣艾爾啤酒在2018 年夏天新推出水果酸啤酒, 分別是荔枝酸啤酒, 青芒果酸啤酒和蕃茄酸啤酒, 單瓶除了在合作餐飲通路有販售外, 在特定超市與大賣場通路皆有販售.這次很榮幸受邀品飲台灣艾爾的水果酸啤酒.
Taiwan Ale Brewery is promoting their new Fruity Sour Craft Beer series. There are three different flavors of sour beers – Lychee, Mango, and Tomato. Now, I have the opportunity to drink these products.


台灣艾爾精釀啤酒廠在2015 年於台灣五股設立, 顧名思義就是台灣第一家專門生產艾爾型精釀啤酒的公司, 近年來不停地創新釀造新款精釀啤酒,讓我印象最深刻的是桂圓黑啤. 台灣艾爾的麥芽都是選用德國進口BESTMALZ 品牌, 最特別的是台灣艾爾部分酒款會用台灣國產米代替少許進口麥芽, 公司網站上提到台灣米可帶給啤酒清甜與微蜜香. 但是因為這次品酌的是酸啤酒, 已將台灣米的特色蓋住.
Taiwan Ale Brewery is located at New Taipei City since 2015. As the name stated, this company is the first company that specialized in Ale Craft Beer. They have been developing new flavors non-stop. Taiwan Ale Brewery always use Germany BESTMALZ brand malt. The most special part would be they also substitute parts of malts with Taiwanese Rice in exchange a bit of refreshing and sweet. However, since it is sour beer, it covers the rice unique character.


這次推出的防水酸啤酒標都相當年輕化且討喜, 且以粉嫩暖色系為主, 跟之前以剛硬文字為設計主軸的酒標截然不同. 這次禮盒用可攜帶的環保紙盒作為包裝, 從禮盒窗口可看到每個玻璃罐裝啤酒用厚紙板隔開, 避免玻璃罐互相撞擊, 設計相當得體. 在拍攝時, 我將準備好的開罐器放一旁, 孰不知這三款啤酒完全不需要開罐器, 以光速直接從罐口拉扣, 細節請看文末影片.
The water-proof beer label represents young generation. The warm color is the main color. The beers are packed with recyclable paper gift box with thick paper boards to separate the beers. So, there wont be any glass bottle bumping sound while carrying the gift box. The most surprisingly part would be the beers wont need the cap opener. You just need to open the beer with the snap ring on the side.



產品名稱: 水果酸啤酒禮盒

容量: 330ml x 3 玻璃罐
ABV: 分別會在以下文章說明
原產地: 台灣
禮盒價格: 請電洽台灣艾爾精釀啤酒公司 (02) 2299-9760
單瓶定價: NTD $109
單瓶可購買地點: 家樂福, Jason’s, 頂好超市

Tel: 02-2299-9760

Foodelicious 美味程度: The reviews are down below

Product Name: Fruity Beer Gift Box
Package: 330 ml x 3 glass bottle
ABV: I will explain individually down below
Country of Origin: Taiwan
Gift Box Price: Call Taiwan Ale Brewery to Confirm (02) 2299-9760
Single Bottle: NTD $105
Single Bottle Sales Channel: Carrefour, Jason’s, Wellcome Supermarket



Lychee Sour Beer
Package: 330 ml
ABV: 4 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

啤酒一打開時, 近聞玻璃罐時, 完全被濃郁荔枝香氣迷住, 若酒標上沒有標酸啤酒, 我會以為是荔枝汁. 倒入如沙士般的啤酒, 泡沫很快就消失, 喝下第一口時, 酸勁十足, 但荔枝風味也非常強勢, 喝完在舌頭上存留著荔枝味而非苦味. 通常看到的水果酸啤酒都是用酸度充足水果, 比較少看到用帶甜的水果. 我會推薦給平常愛吃烏梅汁的人.
When opening the bottle, I was enchanted by the thick lychee aroma. The beer foam disappeared quickly. When taking the first sip, both lychee flavor and sourness are very strong. The ending is long with lychee instead of bitterness.  I would recommend this beer to people who like to drink plum juice.



Tomato Sour Beer
Package: 330 ml
ABV: 4 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

斗大蕃茄圖案在酒標上, 第一個反應是 “該不會喝起來像波蜜果菜汁吧?”, 但實際喝起來與想像中不一樣. 開罐後會有一種義大利蕃茄醬的柔和香氣, 酒體依舊渾濁, 蕃茄酸度與酸啤酒的酸並存, 都是具衝擊性, 每喝一口, 舌尖都會存留著微鹹. 若對酸啤酒較沒有概念的人,可從這罐蕃茄酸啤酒開始.
Before drinking this beer, I already prepared to drink this beer as thick tomato juice. But, when opening the bottle, the Italian tomato paste aroma appeared. The acidity from the tomato and sour beer acidity are both going strong. When finished one sip after another, the tastebuds will sense fair amount of saltyness. When you are not sure if you will like sour beer, you can try this beer for a start.



Mango Sour Beer
Package: 330 ml
ABV: 4 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

青芒果是未成熟的芒果, 也就是台灣人熟悉的情人果 (對, 就是那個情人果乾), 請注意不是外國人所熟悉的甜美芒果, 開罐時並沒有奔放熱帶水果香氣, 喝第一口時, 酸甜青芒果風味顯弱, 只有在尾韻時, 情人果的酸甜風味才會較明顯. 上網查才發現這款青芒果酸啤酒在2017年日本亞洲啤酒大賽(Asia Beer Cup) 獲得銀賞榮耀. 這款是最具台灣特色的啤酒代表作. 這款我會推薦給平常有在喝酸啤酒的人, 畢竟這款酸度是這三罐中最具刺激性.
Even though the label stated “Mango”, the actual ingredient is actually immature mango, which doesn’t have the usual sweet and tropical mango flavor. There is only hints of mixed sweet with acidity from the immature mango at the end. The acidity from the sour beer is quite strong and long lasting. After googling, this Mango Sour Beer won the silver medal at 2017 Asia Beer Cup at Japan. I would suggest this sour beer to people who always drink sour beer. After all, this beer has the most acidity among all.



*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康 <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!
