85TD Restaurant 》關於台北 101 捌伍添第餐廳的五個重點

Last Updated on 2025-01-19 by Foodelicious

(2025.1 更新) 捌伍添第 85 TD Restaurant 台北 101 餐廳美食之一 , 也是「 米其林入選」的台北高空景觀餐廳 , 這篇文章會提到捌伍添第菜單, 訂位包廂等五個重點.
(2025.1 Update) 85 TD Chinese Restaurant is one of the Taipei 101 Restaurants and also a Taipei Michelin Selected Restaurant. This article will mention 85 TD menu , reservation, private room ..etc.

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捌伍添第 怎麼去 & 停車

How to go to 85 TD & Parking

捌伍添第餐廳地址為台北市信義區信義路五段7號 85 樓, 也就是在 台北 101 85 樓

✅ 捷運: 走出 101 世貿捷運站進入台北101 美食街, 在美食街中間找到手扶梯 (圖一) , 抵達ㄧ樓會是 101 辦公大樓的信義入口, 直接到搭手扶梯的地方 (圖二), 會有櫃檯詢問訂位資訊 (圖三) , 左邊那一位是捌伍添第餐廳店員
✅ Uber/Taxi: 請他們停在 101 辦公大樓的信義門口, 不是購物中心
✅ 停車: 建議直接停在 101 地下停車場. 餐費可抵停車費

85 TD Restaurant is located at Taipei 101 85F.

✅ MRT/Subway: Walking out of Taipei 101 MRT station and enter Taipei 101 Food Court. You will need to find escalator (Pic 1) to go to the Taipei 101 “Business Tower” Xinyi Entrance. You will need to find the escalator again (Pic 2). There will be a counter with restaurant staffs (Pic 3). The left hand one is 85 TD restaurant staff.
✅ Uber/Taxi: Please let them park at Taipei 101 “Business Tower” Xinyi Entrance instead of Taipei 101 Mall
✅ Parking: I would suggest to park at the Taipei 101 parking lot.


捌伍添第 訂位與低消

85 TD Reservation and Minimum Charge

捌伍添第訂位是用 inline ( https://inline.app/booking/85td/85td ), 訂位頁面已清楚標示“非包廂” 的低消, 請注意午餐低消與晚餐低消不同, 座位區域也會有不同低消, 以官方公告為準

You will need to use inline to reserve ( https://inline.app/booking/85td/85td ). The page stated public seating area minimum charge. Please note that lunch time and night time minimum charge is different along with the seating area section.



捌伍添第 包廂

85 TD Private Room


Jade Mountain Private Room

捌伍添第餐廳與其他高空景觀餐廳一樣都有很多包廂, 包廂費用在網站與inline 頁面, 我們是選擇

✅ 玉山包廂
可容納 20位以內賓客, 有沙發

Just like other restaurants with view, there are lots of private rooms. The price is stated at their website and inline page. We choose

✅ Jade Mountain Private Room
20 Guests and there is a sofa area



Snow Mountain Private Room

I dined in this private dining room at my 2nd visit

捌伍添第 菜單 ⭐

85 TD Restaurant Menu

REGULAR MENU LINK (平常菜單連結) : https://www.85td-101.com/menu/12/


捌伍添第 包廂菜單

85 TD Restaurant Menu for Private Room



Impressive Dishes


Steamed King Crab with Chinese Hua Diao Wine and Egg White

上次在“晶華軒”品嚐過陳年花鵰蒸蛋鱈場蟹柳, 頗為驚艷, 這次在捌伍添第餐廳吃到的則是帝王蟹, 味蕾可以感受到鮮美蟹肉與花雕酒的一抹香氣, 不錯吃
I had a similar dish, which is also steamed crab with Chinese Hua Diao, at “Silks House Taipei”. This time at 85 TD restaurant, I am glad that I have the chance to taste this impressive steamed king crab. The tastebuds can sense the fresh and delicious crab with Chinese Hua Diao wine aroma. Overall, it tastes quite delicious.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》三訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)



Soft Scrambled Egg with Shrimp and Crab Sauce

這道菜餚是花雕蛋白蒸帝王蟹的延伸菜餚, 作法類似“喜相逢”的魚汁滑蛋, 上一道留下來的螃蟹醬汁直接加雞蛋翻炒且勾芡, 再與另一道海鮮食材- 蝦仁結合 , 滑嫩口感, 微鹹香與美味, 這是我當天最喜歡的一道菜餚.
This dish cooking method is similar with the soft scrambled egg with fish sauce at “Xi Xiang Feng restaurant”. They cook the egg and shrimp with the leftover crab juice from the previous dish. The soft texture of egg absorbs a bit of saltness and seafood flavor. This is my favorite dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易




Fish Maw and Chicken Wonton Soup

這一道需詢問是不是可以預訂, 因為此款湯品是在 85 TD 年菜菜單裡. 許願捌伍添第 85 TD 將這道菜餚成為 需預訂的 Regular Menu! 這次喝到的魚肚花膠濃湯雲吞雞 榮登我心目中的美味台北雞湯排行榜前五名. 也許你會覺得雞湯裡有豬肉雲吞很奇怪. 雲吞的皮薄不容易破 , 飽滿豬肉內餡也吸收了濃郁黏口雞湯的精華. 我認為是意想不到地的美味.
You would need to ask in advance if you can reserve. The reason is that this soup dish appears to be at their Lunar New Year menu. I sincerely hope 85 TD will add this dish to their regular menu! This Fish Maw and Chicken Wonton Soup has officially earned a spot in my personal top five chicken soups in Taipei. The wonton wrappers are delicately thin and hold together perfectly, while the plump pork filling absorbs the rich, velvety chicken broth beautifully. It’s an unexpectedly delightful dish that’s full of flavor and depth.




Braised Pork Knuckle

這一道需詢問是不是可以預訂, 因為此款菜餚是在 85 TD 年菜菜單裡.外皮不會過於 Q 彈, 膠質滿滿. 餐廳店員分切容易是優點.豬腳則是有濃郁醬香與鹹香. 比 “阿香工作坊” 的豬腳美味.
This dish requires confirmation on whether it’s available for pre-order, as it is part of the 85 TD Lunar New Year Menu. The outer skin isn’t overly chewy but is packed with rich collagen. One notable advantage is that the restaurant staff makes it easy to cut and serve. The pork knuckle itself is infused with a deep, savory soy-based flavor. In my opinion, it tastes even better than the pork knuckle from A Xiang Restaurant.

延伸閱讀: 阿香工作坊 A-Xiang 》 除了茄汁獅子頭也有其他拿手的私廚桌菜



Steamed & Pan-Fried Crab Meat

這是我第一次吃這一道經典粵菜, 樸實菜餚外型讓人摸不著頭緒, 先蒸後煎賦予外脆內嫩的口感, 原本以為只有新鮮蟹肉與蛋白, 後來得知還有第三樣食材 – 燕窩 , 品嚐時, 蟹肉的海鮮風味頗細緻, 與印象中的重口味粵菜截然不同, 適合宴客桌菜之一.
This is my first time tasting this classic dish. It is difficult to imagine this dish is composed by fresh crab meat, egg white and edible birds’ nest. The seafood flavor from the crab is obvious and elegant. It is overall different from the classic salty Cantonese dishes. This dish is suitable for people who would like to treat the guests.



Roasted Goose

當時用餐的朋友們幾乎都吃過捌伍添第餐廳, 因此這次包廂的菜單上並沒有常見的點心或是烤鴨等基本菜餚, 這一道灌湯燒鵝可以歸類於升級版粵菜菜餚. 我上次吃鵝是 ”喜來登辰園“ 的黃金片皮鵝四吃. 灌湯燒鵝並非簡單的烤鵝, 店員解釋是將調味滷汁灌入鵝肚 , 再高溫燒烤. 皮脆肉嫩是基本, 每一小口都有醇香滷汁風味才是美味.
Most of my friends already visited 85 TD restaurant at least once. So, this time, we didnt order the basic dish, such as dim sum or roasted duck. However, this roasted goose is more like a upgrade dish. Last time I have roasted goose is at “The Dragon Taipei “ at Sheraton Hotel. This method is to put the braised sauce into the Goose and roast with high temperature. The goose skin is crispy and the meat is tender. Every bite with braised flavor and aroma is truly delicious.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)



Tofu with Spicy Century Eggs Sauce and Nuts

雖然我只吃小辣, 但我在台北餐廳吃過無數道麻婆豆腐, 例如 “鄒記食舖”的麻婆蝦仁豆腐 , “晶華蘭亭”的經典四川麻婆豆腐, “聚苑”的和牛麻婆白子蝦仁豆腐.捌伍添第餐廳的作法有些不同, 很明顯知道概念發想於台灣的皮蛋豆腐, 豆腐切片與 “喜相逢” 皮蛋豆腐菜餚裡的豆腐切片一樣薄且整齊, 將皮蛋泥與辣椒醬融合賦予麻與皮蛋香氣, 蔥花與花生的點綴增加些許口感, 創新菜餚證實捌伍添第並不是專做粵菜的餐廳.
I can only eat small amount of spicy flavor. I have several Mapo Tofu dishes in various Cantonese restaurants – “Zou Ji” ,”Lan Ting “ and “Ju Yuan restaurant”. 85 TD restaurant cooking method is a bit different. The concept is obvious from Taiwanese dish- Tofu with Century Eggs (Thousand Years Old eggs ). The Tofu slice is thin as the tofu slice that I had “Xi Xiang Feng restaurant”. The century egg paste mixed with spicy sauce has duo flavors – peppercorns and classic century egg aroma flavor. The green onion and nuts bring more textures. This creative dish shows that 85 TD restaurant is not only a solely Cantonese cuisine restaurant.

延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易

延伸閱讀: 聚苑 Ju Yuan 》關於這家台北無菜單料理餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: Regent Taipei Hotel Lan Ting 》終於吃到神秘的晶華蘭亭餐廳

延伸閱讀: 鄒記食舖 Zou Ji 》關於這家台北私廚的五件事 (內有 500 盤的菜餚)



Duo Style Fried Rice ( Hong Kong Ying Yang Fried Rice )

為何我在台北港式或是粵菜餐廳菜單都沒注意到有鴛鴦炒飯?? 捌伍添第餐廳的太極鴛鴦炒飯有兩種醬汁, 以太極弧線圖示呈現, 蛋炒飯上有橘色茄汁, 搭配洋蔥與肉絲, 另一種勾芡白色醬汁則是搭配蝦球, 我是先吃白色醬汁, 蝦球脆口感也有些許海鮮風味, 我個人比較喜歡茄汁搭配粒粒分明的白飯入口, 很多人建議結合兩款醬汁一起入口, 與之前在“玉喜” 吃燴飯的感覺不同.
Why didnt I notice this particular dish – Duo Style Fried Rice at the Taipei Cantonese restaurants? This dish has two different sauces in Ying Yang Icon picture. The orange sauce is tomato sauce with onion and meat. The other white sauce is with shrimp. I prefer the tomato sauce pairs with the rice. Many people suggest to mix two sauces together.It is different from the fried rice that I had at “Yu Hsi Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )


楊枝甘露 (紅心芭樂)

Guava Sago Cream
Price: NTD $220

曾經在 “樓上見餐酒館” 吃過創意楊枝甘露, 也在 “晶華蘭亭” 吃過經典的楊枝甘露. 這次在捌伍添第餐廳吃到的是採用 “台灣紅心芭樂” 取代芒果, 適量甜度是大家都可以接受的程度.
I had creative Mango Sago Cream at “See You Bar & Restaurant”. I also dated the classic Mango Sago Cream at “Lan Ting”. 85 TD restaurant uses Taiwanese Guava instead of the Mango. The fair amount of sweet flavor is accepted by everyone.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》在台北新開幕樓上見餐酒館菜單點了哪些菜餚

延伸閱讀: Regent Taipei Hotel Lan Ting 》終於吃到神秘的晶華蘭亭餐廳



Roasted Pigeon

我只吃過西式餐廳的乳鴿 ( 例如““ ) , 因為台北 101 高樓層不能用明火 (例如柴火 ), 無法做出像 ”nku “ 的柴燒乳鴿有迷人柴香,雖然菜餚名稱像 “SEA TO SKY” 的鹽焗全魚, 但是並不是將鹽於抹乳鴿表皮. 這一道鹽焗乳鴿表皮依舊脆, 味蕾可以感受到調味滲透至每一口微扎實的乳鴿肉裡.
I only tasted roasted pigeon at Western cuisine restaurant (such as “Orchid “ ). Since the restaurant cannot use typical wood fire at Taipei 101, the restaurant is not able to make the roasted pigeon with wooden aroma ( For example: “nku” ). Even though the dish name sounds like the salted crusted roasted fish at “Sea to Sky”, the overall dish is not salty. The roasted pigeon skin is still crispy. And every bite of pigeon meat is flavorful with spices.

延伸閱讀: Orchid by Nobu Lee 蘭餐廳 》二訪菜單的威靈頓牛排與羊排皆美味

延伸閱讀: nku 餐廳 》二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些不同的飲食風格

延伸閱讀: SEA TO SKY 台北 》 菜單除了點巨大藍絲絨蛋糕還能點哪些菜餚? (非業配)



Other Dishes


Deep Water Ling Fillet in two ways

Stir-Fried Deep Water Ling Fillet with Snow Pea

餐盤上的青衣魚份量頗多, 搭配簡單的過油炒時蔬 ( 荷蘭豆 ), 讓饕客們皆可感受到魚的鮮美.
There are fair amount of Ling Fish Fillet for everyone. Cooking with the snow pea is simple and you can sense the freshness from the fish.


Deep Fried Ling Fish Slice

我本來以為會像 ”朧粵 Longyue“ 的金沙鱈魚條般細長, 捌伍添第餐廳的炸青衣有嫩魚肉, 椒鹽搭配脆口感, 完全是下酒菜無誤.
The deep fried fish slice has small amount of fish meat. With salt and pepper and crispy texture, it is great pairing with wines or alcohols.

延伸閱讀: 朧粵 Longyue 》 菜單除了叉燒皇還點哪些菜餚 (內有訂位資訊)



Oven-Baked Milk Tea Flavor Egg Tart
Price: NTD $180/3 units

粵菜餐廳最常看到的點心是蛋塔, 比較讓我驚訝的是搭配濃郁奶茶內餡後的塔皮依舊酥脆, 我必須說, 這一道有創意巧思的酥皮奶茶蛋塔很適合外國客人.
Egg tart is probably the most common dim sum at Cantonese restaurant. The most surprising part would be that the tart appearance is still crispy with milk tea paste. This creative egg tart is suitable for foreign guests.



Stewed Taiwanese Lamb Brisket

台灣有羊肉爐 (例如 “豐光溫體羊肉爐” ) , 香港有羊腩煲. 只是這次的枝竹羊腩煲並不像羊肉爐湯品, 而是像一份菜餚, 建議吃的時候可舀一口醬汁/湯, 帶皮羊肉沒有羶味, 而且肉質軟嫩適中, 不錯吃.
Taiwan has lamb hot pot (such as at “Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot” ). Hong Kong has another type of lamb hot pot. However, it is a different version this time. It is more like a dish instead of soup. I would suggest to eat the lamb and lamb skin with the sauce/soup. It tastes quite good.

延伸閱讀: 豐光溫體羊肉爐 Lamb Hot Pot 》如果不點全羊大餐那推薦點什麼




Braised Abalone with Mushrooms and Goose Foot

此款菜餚是在 85 TD 年菜菜單裡. 我不吃鵝掌. 干貝則是多餘. 鮑魚與花菇不錯吃. 目前我吃過最好吃的鮑魚花菇是在 “德馨坊” 的蠔皇原汁鮑.
This dish requires confirmation on whether it’s available for pre-order, as it is part of the 85 TD Lunar New Year Menu. The scallop seemed to be a bit extra. The abalone and mushroom are quite good. However, I would prefer the abalone and mushroom at “ De Xin Fang “.

延伸閱讀: De Xin Fang Restaurant 》關於德馨坊的三個重點



Traditional Style Braised Spotted Grouper

此款菜餚是在 85 TD 年菜菜單裡 , 我比較喜歡吃蒸魚的菜餚
This dish requires confirmation on whether it’s available for pre-order, as it is part of the 85 TD Lunar New Year Menu. I would prefer steamed fish dish.



Sticky Rice with Preserved Meats

The sticky rice is with savory flavor and meaty flavor.



85 TD Steamed Shrimp Dumpling

台北有許多餐廳販售港式點心. 捌伍鮮蝦餃雖然不錯吃, 我心目中最好吃的蝦餃依舊是 “玉喜飯店”.
There are many restaurants that offer Dim Sum. 85 TD Steamed Shrimp dumping is delicious. However, my Top 1 steamed shrimp dumping is at “Yu Hsi Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )



Steamed Seafood Dumpling with truffle

Creative Dim Sum.



Fried Shrimp Ball with Cheese Filling

Creative Dim Sum.




Stir-Fried Kale with Garlic

芥蘭脆度高, 只是依舊有些偏苦.
The Kale is crispy but still with a small amount of bitterness



Mango pomelo sago

85 天地紅心芭樂風味的楊枝甘露比較美味.
The guava flavor tastes better.




Coconut Milk Red Dates Layered Rice Cake

此為熱的港式點心. 但是可以選擇更有特色的港式甜點
This is a hot dim sum. However, you can choose other unique dim sum



Yuenyeung Milk Tea ( Coffee with tea )

有柑橘風味的鴛鴦奶茶. 我比較喜歡傳統的鴛鴦奶茶
The Yuen Yeung Milk tea has citrus flavor. I would prefer the traditional Yuenyeung Milk Tea.





Steamed Minced Beef with Dried Tangerine Peel and Water Chestnut

厚度比預期地薄, 細緻程度頗高, 牛肉餅口感依舊嫩滑, 肉味也濃郁.
The beef patty is thiner than expected. The texture is smooth along with strong meaty flavor.



Stewed Soup with Squid, Lotus Roots and Ribs

我個人是比較喜歡日常的燉煮蓮藕排骨湯, 這一道湯品多了來自章魚的海鮮風味.
I personally prefer the simply stewed soup with ribs and lotus roots. This soup has extra seafood flavor from the squid.

延伸閱讀:台北雞湯名店餐廳推薦懶人包 》Taipei Chicken Soup Guide




Sichuan Style Beef

因為我只吃小辣, 我只吃了一小口, 辣度偏高.
Since I only eat mild spicy, I only have one bite and the spicy level is quite high.



Stir-Fried Vegetables



Marinated Suckling Pig Knuckles



Red Bean Bun in Peach Shape


捌伍添第 適合誰 ⭐

Who is suitable to dine at 85 TD?

捌伍添第 適合誰
✅ 宴客: 生日, 商業餐會, 家庭聚餐
✅ 喜歡高空景觀的人, 中午可能比較適合
✅ 不介意吃中式套餐的人, 菜單裡大部分是套餐
✅ 不介意吃粵菜以外的菜系, 菜單裡不僅有粵菜, 也有川菜與台菜之類

Who is suitable to dine at 85 TD
✅ To Treat Guests: Birthday, Business, Family
✅ People who like the views. Lunch might be better for you.
✅ You dont mind eating Chinese Dish Set. Most menu items are in set.
✅ You dont mind eating various cuisines, since their menu also offer Taiwanese cuisine and Sichuan cuisines.


延伸閱讀: 台北粵菜餐廳 & 港式飲茶 懶人包 》Cantonese Restaurants in Taipei Guide


捌伍添第 餐廳資訊

85 TD Restaurant Information

店名: 捌伍添第
地址: 台北市信義區信義路五段7號85 樓 (台北 101 85F) (Map)
捷運站: 台北101 / 世貿站
電話: 02-8101-0085
Website: https://www.85td-101.com/
inline: https://inline.app/booking/85td/85td
Restaurant: 85 TD Chinese Restaurant
Address: Taipei 101 85F (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei 101/World Trade MRT Station
Tel: 02-8101-0085



