鄒記食舖 Zou Ji 》關於這家台北私廚的五件事 (內有 500 盤的菜餚)

Last Updated on 2022-10-17 by Foodelicious

鄒記食舖熟客制台北私廚推薦之一, 鄒記食舖菜單與價位不定期更換, 我這次有吃到台灣 500 盤裡的薺菜炸春捲, 螃蟹年糕, 麻婆蝦仁豆腐, 清蒸羊肉.
Zou Ji Private Kitchen is for loyal and returned customers only. Their menu and price may vary. Zou Ji Private Kitchen is quite famous among the foodies.

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延伸閱讀:   台北三大私廚推薦 》Taipei Private Kitchen Recommendation




Zou Ji Private Kitchen is for Loyal and Returned Customers Only?

鄒記食舖離中山國中捷運站約 15 ~ 20 分鐘, 與另一家預約困難的私廚 – 徐家私廚在同一條巷弄. 鄒記食舖的招牌仍舊是關於炸醬麵與滷肉飯家常小吃, 孰不知已經成為最難訂位的台北私廚之一. 鄒記食舖是熟客預約制 (跟 “喜相逢”一樣 ) , 目前網路搜尋並沒有提供餐廳電話. 餐廳裡只有兩桌, 一桌坐 12 個人坐起來比較舒適, 那天我們一桌14 個人, 不會太擠.
Zou Ji Private Kitchen is about 15 ~ 20 minutes walking distance from Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station. It is at the same alley with “OUAH.HANCHI restaurant”. Both Zou Ji Private Kitchen and “Xi Xiang Feng” are difficult to reserve even among loyal customers. They didn’t put the phone number online. There are two tables in the restaurant, 12 people for each table. And of course you can ask for 14 seats per table.

延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易




Zou Ji Private Kitchen Price

鄒記食舖價位不定期更改, 因為是熟客制, 熟客通常都知道如何跟餐廳老闆溝通, 溝通 SOP & 細節我不太清楚. 2021.12月我們吃的菜餚是 NTD $3000/人.
Zou Ji Private Kitchen Price may vary. Since I am not a returned and loyal customer, I am not sure about the details of communication. The dining price of that particular day ( December, 2021 ) is NTD $3000/person.



Zou Ji Private Kitchen Menu

鄒記食舖菜單與價格都是不定期更改, 只有少數食材與季節有關. 我直接講我當天最喜歡的菜餚


Fried Spring Roll with Shepherd’s Purse filling
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

與 “at ease by Paul Lee” 是不同類型的炸春捲. 每人一條薺菜春捲, 雖然是油炸卻不油膩, 吃起來口感酥脆, 薺菜內餡也很美味, 這道也在台灣 500 盤名單裡, 很值得推薦.
It is a different type of fried spring roll than “at easy by Paul Lee”. Even though it is fried, but not oily at all. It tastes very crispy and delicious along with the Shepherd’s Purse (vegetable) filling. This dish is one of Taiwan 500 Plates award. It is worth recommending!

延伸閱讀: at ease by Paul Lee 》訂位不易的立食台北餐酒館



Thin Noodle Crab Roe
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

這道蟹黃拌麵一端上桌, 驚豔度高, 攪拌麵時, 還可以聞到辛香味, 細麵很爭氣地吸收非常多香辣十足的蟹黃, 只吃小辣的我難得不在乎辣度, 盛滿兩碗來吃, 真心覺得美味.
The dish is impressive at the appearance. While stirring the thin noodle, there are fair amount spice aroma. The thin noodle absorbs quite amount of crab roe. Even though I can only tolerate mild spicy, I still have two full bowl of the noodle.



Beef Tongue
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這一道牛舌與薺菜春捲辨別度高, 類似 “logy “ 的招牌菜餚 – 茶碗蒸. 朋友說牛舌也有分部位, 而每一片牛舌都是整齊刀工, 辛香並不會蓋住蔥香, 重點是牛舌很嫩, 比 “牛肆火鍋”的牛舌好吃太多.
This beef tongue and fried spring roll dishes are this restaurant’s signature dishes (just like the steamed egg dish at “logy” ). Each beef tongue is perfectly sliced. The spices won’t cover the green onion aroma. The most important part would be the beef tongue is very tender. And it is much better than the beef tongue at “Niu Si Taiwanese Beef Hot Pot”.

延伸閱讀: 牛肆 Beef Hot Pot 》關於這家訂位困難台北溫體牛肉火鍋的五件事

延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》2020 台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食



Rice Cake with Crab
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

鄒記食舖的螃蟹年糕在台灣 500 盤名單裡, 14 人分蟹肉其實不多, 我個人蠻喜歡吃這道的年糕, 因為吸附不少辛香料, 適合吃中辣的人.
The rice cake with crab dish is also at Taiwan 500 Plates awards. The crab meats aren’t enough for 14 people to share. But, I like the rice cake since it absorbs fair amount of spices. It is suitable for people who like spicy food.


鄒記食舖 500 盤的菜餚?

Zou Ji Private Kitchen Dishes in Taiwan 500 Plates

鄒記食舖 500 盤如圖一, 包括煙燻圓鱈, 螃蟹年糕, 麻婆蝦仁豆腐, 清蒸羊肉 (排骨三層肉 ), 花膠元蹄燉鮑魚,薺菜炸春捲與豬腳. 當天也與朋友吃到清蒸羊肉 (排骨三層肉 ) 與 麻婆蝦仁豆腐.
Zou Ji Private Kitchen Dishes in Taiwan 500 Plates are shown at Picture one. The dish includes Smoked Cod, Crab Rice cake, Mapo Shrimp Tofu, Steamed Lamb rib, Abalone, Fried Spring Roll and Pork Knuckle. During our dining day, we had the steamed lamb and Mapo Shrimp Tofu dishes.



Steamed Lamb Boneless Rib
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

鄒記食舖清蒸羊肉 (排骨三層肉 ) 比預期地嫩, 與 “豐光溫體羊肉爐” 嫩五花羊肉一樣好吃.
This steamed lamb boneless lamb is unexpectedly tender. It is just as delicious as the lamb meat at “Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot”.

延伸閱讀: 豐光溫體羊肉爐 Lamb Hot Pot 》如果不點全羊大餐那推薦點什麼



Mapo Tofu with Shrimp
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

與“ 綠境 Aroma “的偏麻的麻婆豆腐不一樣, 鄒記食舖對我來說太辣, 吃兩三口還是覺得不錯吃, 辣多於麻.
It tastes different from the Mapo Tofu at “Aroma Restaurant”. Zou Ji Private Kitchen Mapo Tofu is a bit too spicy for me. There are more spicy flavor than the stimulation.

延伸閱讀: 綠境 Aroma 》菜單不定期更換卻依舊美味令人想再訪




Zou Ji Private Kitchen is worth going?

如果你有機會讓熟客帶你去, 我推薦你去, 吃小辣的人也可以去, 因為並不是每一道都是辣味菜餚.
If you have the opportunity to visit Zou Ji restaurant with the loyal customers, I would definitely recommend you to go. Please note that not every dish is spicy. You can enjoy the food even though you only tolerate mild spicy.


鄒記食舖 短秒影片

Zou Ji Private Kitchen Short Video




Zou Ji Private Kitchen Information

店名: 鄒記食舖
地址: 台北市松山區復興北路313巷43號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國中捷運站
電話: N/A
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/鄒記食舖/277695632909676
Restaurant: Zou Ji Private Kitchen
Address: No. 43 , 313th Lane, Fuxing North Road , Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station
Tel: N/A
