台北父親節餐廳推薦 2023 》Taipei Father’s Day Restaurant Recommendation
Last Updated on 2023-07-22 by Foodelicious
這一篇 2023 台北父親節餐廳推薦 懶人包文章 有分為 傳統老爹 (Traditional Dad) 與 潮流老爹 (Trendy Dad) 分類, 也會註明有無包廂, 建議提早詢問.
This Taipei Father’s Day Restaurant Recommendation is categorized with Traditional Dad and Trendy Dad. I will also state if there is any private dining room. Please reserve in advance.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
前言 Preface – Must Read
父親節餐廳是從 我另一篇 “台北適合家庭聚會的餐廳懶人包” 選出來, 我決定不把熟客制的 台北三大私廚 放進此篇懶人包, 也不會將訂不到位的 “元味” , “明福台菜海鮮餐廳” , “牛肆” , 米其林三星 “頤宮 Le Palais ” 放進文章裡.
I select the restaurants from my other article “Taipei Family Restaurant Guide”. I decide not to put Taipei three VIP-only restaurants in this article. I also won’t put “Yuan” , “Ming Fu” and “Niu Si Taiwanese Beef Hot Pot” in the list since it is impossible to reserve.
備註: 有些餐廳有 2 ~ 3 層樓, 有一整層可以當作開放式包廂, 請記得問清楚
Remark: Some of the restaurants have 2 ~ 3 floors. One Floor can become private room.
延伸閱讀: 台北三大私廚推薦 》Taipei Private Kitchen Recommendation
台北父親節餐廳推薦 – 潮流老爹
Taipei Father’s Day Restaurant Recommendation – Trendy Dad
饗食天堂 (無包廂)
Eatogether Buffet Restaurant
如果訂不到最近很夯的最高價位 Buffet -「饗 A Joy」, 建議可以到這一家饗食天堂吃, 有許多家分店, 也有價格友善的下午茶時刻, 家人們不會因為價格而拒絕去用餐
If you are not able to reserve seats at the most popular buffet restaurant「 A Joy」, you can try to reserve this Buffet restaurant instead. There are many branches. They also have price-friendly afternoon tea time. Your family won’t refuse to go due to the price.
餐廳店名: 饗食天堂吃到飽餐廳
Restaurant: Eatogether Buffet Restaurant
Branch Information (分店資訊)
Website: https://www.eatogether.com.tw/zh-TW/home.
晶華軒 (包廂)
Silks House (Private Dining Room)
晶華軒與其主廚鄔啟明越來越受歡迎, 也積極地研發粵菜新菜色, 晶華軒登上 2020 台北米其林入選餐廳推薦名單, 如果 2 ~ 3 年前去過, 推薦可以再去一次. 訂位不易, 且有些菜餚需要預訂
Silks House and its chef are getting more attention and popular lately. They also spend time on new Cantonese cuisine dishes. They are awarded with 2020 Michelin Selected Restaurant award. If you already visited 1 ~ 2 years ago, I would recommend you to revisit again. It is not easy to reserve seats, and some dishes need to be reserved.
朧粵中餐廳 (包廂)
Longyue Restaurant (Private Dining Room)
朧粵 Longyue 有米其林等級的簡師傅與其廚師團隊, 也曾獲得許多台灣 500 盤榮耀 , 如果父親是喜歡追求米其林等級廚師菜餚的人, 可以考慮到朧粵用餐. 餐廳位於春大直
Longyue Restaurant has Michelin standard chef and his chef team. The restaurant also is awarded with “Taiwan 500 Plates” . If you father likes Michelin standard cuisine, you can consider this restaurant. The restaurant is located at Chung Place
捌伍添第 (包廂)
85 TD Restaurant (Private Dining Room)
捌伍添第是「 米其林入選」的台北高空景觀餐廳, 雖然 台北101高空餐廳無法用明火, 主廚與其廚師團隊依舊可準備不錯吃的菜餚, 價格偏高, 推薦訂包廂.
85 TD Chinese Restaurant is one of the Taipei 101 Restaurants and also a Taipei Michelin Selected Restaurant. The price is a bit high. And I definitely recommend to reserve the private dining room with views.
Bencotto (包廂)
Bencotto ( Private Dining Room )
Bencotto 義大利餐廳是台北米其林入選餐廳之一, 近期有新到位的義大利籍主廚與副主廚, 菜單已更新, 不錯吃. 若是父親喜歡吃西式, 可考慮這一家. 若有開車,文華東方酒店有很好停車
Bencotto at Mandarin Oriental Hotel is one of the Taipei Michelin Selected Restaurants. They now have new chefs from Italy, so, the menu is updated. If your father prefer western cuisine, you can consider this one. If you drive a car, it is easier to park at Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
辰壽司割烹會席 (包廂)
CS Club Sushi Kappou Kaiseki restaurant ( Private Dining Room )
日本料理餐飲業在台灣已經是非常成熟, 也相當受歡迎. 如果父親愛吃日本料理, 而且對割烹或會席比較感興趣, 可以考慮海峽會的辰壽司割烹會席, 推薦包場, 才能依照父親的喜好決定菜單與價位
Japanese cuisine is quite popular and trendy in Taiwan. If your father love to eat Japanese cuisine and also prefer Kappou or Kaiseki, I would suggest CS Club Sushi Kappou Kaiseki restaurant. I would recommend you to reserve the private dining room. So, you can discuss more details regarding custom-made menu and price.
台北父親節餐廳推薦 – 傳統老爹
Taipei Father’s Day Restaurant Recommendation – Traditional Dad
喜來登請客樓 (包廂)
The Guest House (Private Dining Room)
喜來登請客樓是台北米其林二星餐廳美食, 有許多需預訂且不在菜單上的 傳統台式/中式菜餚 , 並沒有所謂的 ”米其林明星主廚“ , 水準較為平穩. 我最愛的是 “花膠一品雞湯” 與 “藤椒油手絲雞 (不在菜單上) ”
The Guest House , which is located at Taipei Sheraton Hotel, is a 2022 Taipei Michelin Two Star Restaurant. There are many reserved-only traditional Taiwanese/Chinese dishes, which are not on the their menu. Surprisingly, they do not have Michelin Star Chef, so overall dishes performs in a steady standard. I love their “Fish Maw and Chicken with Jin-Hwa Ham Soup in a Clay Pot” and “Marinated Chicken With Sichuan Mild Chili Oil (not on the menu)”.
泰和樓 (包廂)
Taihe House restaurant (Private Dining Room)
泰和樓包廂在三樓, 老人家請斟酌. 泰和樓餐廳 是台北酸菜白肉鍋餐廳之一,酸度偏溫和, 而不是尖銳的酸度, 而且裡面配料有海鮮, 販售的銀絲卷非常美味.
Taihe House private dining room is located at the 3F, which the elders might need to take into consideration. Taihe House restaurant (Taihe Lou) is one of the Taipei Pickled Cabbage Hot Pot Restaurants.Please note that Taihe House pickled cabbage hot pot doesn’t have too much acidity. And it has seafood at the broth. Their Chinese Crispy Roll is quite delicious.
曉鹿鳴樓上海菜 (包廂)
Tai Da Table Restaurant (Private Dining Room)
曉鹿鳴樓上海菜 是 台北公館美食 之一, 也是台大週邊美食餐廳, 銷魂東坡肉是曉鹿鳴樓菜單裡最受歡迎的菜餚. 用餐環境也不錯, 價格合理, 這裡頗適合那些表面說不用特別父親節的父親, 也可以把曉鹿鳴樓餐廳放進週末家人聚餐的餐廳名單. Very Casual.
Tai Da Table Restaurant is one of the Gongguan Restaurants and NTU restaurants nearby. Braised Dong Po Pork on Tai Da Table menu is the most popular dish. The dining environment is pretty good along with the friendly price. This restaurant is suitable for fathers that always say do not prepare anything for them during Father’s Day. You can also consider to put this restaurant into weekend gathering restaurant.
玉喜飯店 (包廂)
Yu Hsi Restaurant (Private Dining Room)
玉喜飯店是許多饕客們的台北東區餐廳美食之一, 美味的台北港式點心不多, 我個人覺得 “金獅樓” 與 “兄弟飯店” 推車點心不好吃. 而且台北粵菜餐廳的點心價位都偏高, 玉喜飯店適合喜歡吃美味港式點心的父親
Yu Hsi Restaurant is a popular restaurant in Taipei East District. There aren’t many delicious Dim Sum in Taipei City. I personally consider “Brother’s Hotel Dim Sum” and “Golden Lion Cantonese Restaurant” not delicious. And Dim Sum price in several Taipei high-end Cantonese restaurant are higher than expected. Yu Hsi Restaurant is suitable for the father who like delicious Dim Sum.
香港九記港式海鮮 (包廂)
Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant (Private Dining Room)
香港九記港式海鮮餐廳的包廂不好訂, 文章裡有我N訪後的菜餚排行榜, 我推薦給喜歡吃海鮮與粵菜的父親來這裡用餐
Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant private dining room is not easy to reserve. The article has my dish rank list. I would recommend to the father who like seafood and cantonese cuisine to dine here.