Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)

Last Updated on 2023-04-20 by Foodelicious

(2023.4 N訪 更新) 香港九記港式海鮮餐廳是知名的台北粵菜餐廳推薦, 也很適合家庭聚餐, 九記海鮮菜單裡的山楂陳醋骨則是蔡康永心目中的台北 500 盤之一.
(2023. 4 Update) Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood is a Taipei Cantonese restaurant recommendation. Their Deep-fried Pork Ribs Tossed with Vinegar and Chinese Hawthorn Berries is a well-known famous dish among foodies.


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前言 Preface – Must Read ⭐

香港九記港式海鮮餐廳是我常去的台北粵菜餐廳. N 訪後, 決定將我吃過的菜餚整理成「 九記菜單推薦精選排行榜⠀」

✅ 有些菜餚是需要預訂並沒有在菜單
✅ 有些菜餚是季節性且時價
✅ 有些菜餚是限量看情況

Jui-Ji Cantonese restaurant is one of my most-visited Taipei Cantonese Restaurants. After several visits, I decide to organize a「 Jui-Ji Restaurant Menu Dish Recommendation Rank List 」

Please note that
✅ Some dishes need to be reserved and not on the menu.
✅ Some dishes are seasonal and price may be vary
✅ Some dishes are limited quantity and depends on the Situation


延伸閱讀: 台北粵菜餐廳 & 港式飲茶 懶人包 》Cantonese Restaurants in Taipei Guide

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》三訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)



Jui-Ji Seafood Reservation and Parking

香港九記港式海鮮餐廳地址為台北市中山區長春路104號, 離松江南京站8號出口約15 分鐘路程, 附近停車場我放在圖一 (Pic 1) , 雖然看起來很多收費停車場, 實際上附近停車位不太好找, 建議提早抵達找停車位. 香港九記港式海鮮餐廳訂位是打電話 02-2541-0546.
Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant address is No. 104, Changchun Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is about 15 minutes walking distance near Songjiang Nanjing MRT station Exit 8. The nearby parking lot is at picture 1. However, based on experience, it is not easy to find a parking space. You would need to call to reserve seats 02-2541-0546.



Jui-Ji Seafood Private Dining Room

香港九記港式海鮮餐廳在 2021 年重新裝潢過, 包廂位於二樓, 包廂低消請直接問店家, 樓梯還算好走. 圖一為包廂, 可坐12 人, 二樓其他座位 (圖二) 則是8 ~ 10 人座位. 餐廳二樓也很適合包場.
This restaurant was remodeled during 2021. The private dining room, which can fit 12 people, is at the 2nd floor. You would need to ask the restaurant regarding the minimum charge. The stairs are easy to walk through. Other seats at the 2F are mostly 8 ~ 10 people seats.




Jui-Ji Seafood Other Seating Area

九記一樓有窗邊兩人座位, 也有 6-8 人座位.
There are two people seating area near the window. There are also tables for 6 ~ 8 people.



 Jui-Ji Restaurant Menu Dish Recommendation Rank List 


蝦餅 & 山楂陳醋骨 (預訂)

Fried Shrimp Patties & Deep-fried Pork Ribs Tossed with Vinegar and Chinese Hawthorn Berries (Reserved)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

此為預訂菜餚, 我不確定菜餚價格. 九記的手作蝦餅一直都是我想吃的菜餚. 飽滿外型如同我在 “富士豬排 とんかつ富士“ 吃的炸豬排外型, 蝦漿內餡緊實, 外層酥脆口感且每一口都滿足, 當天我們那桌是每人分到一個, 我其實很想吃更多.小桌可能要問餐廳最低數量是幾個蝦餅, 我推薦大家點這道蝦餅.
This is reserved dish, and I am not sure about the price. I always want to eat Jui-Ji Restaurant hand-made shrimp patty. The large patty size appearance is similar with the fried pork chop that I ate at “Fuji Pork Chop”. The shrimp filling is fixed and delicious along with crispy texture appearance. We each have one piece (But, I wish to eat more!). If you have less people, you might want to ask the minimum shrimp patty order. I definitely recommend to order this dish.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Tonkatsu 》富士豬排菜單點什麼 ( 內有訂位方式


山楂陳醋骨 (預訂)

Deep-fried Pork Ribs Tossed with Vinegar and Chinese Hawthorn Berries (Reserved)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

此道是蔡康永推薦的九記菜餚, 也是在台北 500 盤之一, 此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格, 需預訂. 即使山楂與陳醋皆有不同程度的酸度, 實際上吃起來則是被包覆著嫩豬肉的甜醬香平衡, 不會衝突, 反而非常好吃. 初訪可以試試餐廳的原始版本. 如果是二訪, 可問餐廳可不可以做成“山楂多”的版本, 山楂賦予少見且獨特的果香, 比原始版本更具特色, 也更美味.
Famous Taiwanese Host Mr. Tsai recommends this pork ribs dish as one of the Taipei Best 500 dishes. This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. Chinese Hawthorn Berries and the vinegar both contain different level and types of acidity. The sweet sauce on the tender pork ribs balanced the acidity. Overall, this dish is quite delicious. If it is your first visit, you can regular version dish. If it is 2nd visit, you can ask the restaurant if they can increase the Hawthorn berries, which offers unique and rare fruity flavor. This upgrade version is far more delicious than the original dish. 

龍蝦伊麵 – 麵硬無奶油( 預訂)

Lobster Noodle (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

此為不在菜單上的預訂菜餚, 且海鮮為時價. 朋友有特別交代 “麵硬, 無奶油”, 這次在九記吃到的龍蝦是水姑娘, 我上次吃水姑娘龍蝦是在 “Will’s Teppanyaki “. 我喜歡微硬彈牙的伊麵, 重點是每一口麵都有蝦汁的海鮮風味, 沒有奶油的干擾, 我很喜歡且推薦這種單純的龍蝦伊麵, 只是要看運氣有沒有龍蝦食材.
This is reserved dish with current seafood price. My friend asked specifically for “al dente noodle and no butter”. This time at Jui-Ji Restaurant, we have high-end lobster. Last time I had high-end lobster was at “Will’s Teppanyaki “ . I like the al dente noodle along with fair amount of shrimp seafood flavor. There is no butter, just plain seafood aroma and flavor. I like this simply and straight-forward lobster noodle. I definitely recommend this dish. But, it will depend if there is lobster ingredient.

延伸閱讀: Will’s Teppanyaki 》高檔卻價格合理的新開幕台北鐵板燒



Sautéed Pork Intestine with Fermented Black Bean Paste
Price: NTD $460
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

豉椒炒生腸是九記招牌菜餚. 我上次吃豉椒炒生腸是在“喜來登辰園” , 九記的豆鼓醬鹹香並不會像辰園下手如此重, 涮嘴的微脆炒生腸也帶些微辣, 份量適合 4 ~ 6 人吃, 九記完勝辰園, 我個人推薦點這道豉椒炒生腸.
This dish, which is Sautéed Pork Intestine with Fermented Black Bean Paste ,is the signature dish. My last time eating the similar dish was at “Sheraton The Dragon”. Jui-Ji Seafood restaurant is much more delicious since it is not too salty. The crispy pork intestine has a mild spicy flavor too. The quantity is suitable for 4 ~ 6 people. I would definitely recommend to order this dish.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)


XO 百花釀油條

Stuffed Fried Dough Puffs with Shrimp Paste with XO Sauce
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

XO 百花釀油條是我每次到粵菜餐廳都會尋找的菜餚 , 可惜並不是每家台北粵菜餐廳都有, 之前在 “鴻寶港式海鮮”有吃到 Size 比較小的 XO 百花釀油條. 九記海鮮有兩種口味的XO 百花釀油條 – 三星蔥 or 蝦. 咬下去有酥脆不油膩, 蝦泥內餡頗為飽滿且美味. 我也很喜歡另外一道的鹹香三星蔥內餡, 可自行選擇淋上附的海鮮醬汁. 由於一道要六個XO 百花釀油條, 我個人推薦雙拼 – 也就是三個三星蔥內餡, 三個蝦內餡.
Not every Taipei Cantonese Restaurant has this particular dish. I tasted smaller size at “Hon Buo Cantonese Seafood Restaurant”. Jui-Ji restaurant has two flavors – Shrimp and Green Onion. The appearance is crispy but not oily. Both fillings are delicious and stuffed inside the fried dough. You can choose to pair with the seafood XO sauce on the side.Since one dish has 6 units, I would recommend to order 3 x green onion and 3 x shrimp fillings.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Seafood 》鴻寶港式海鮮菜單除了海鮮也有其他菜餚選擇


馬蹄條 (預訂)

Deep Fried Water Chestnut Cake (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格,需預訂. 非常好吃!
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. It is delicious. It is a bit like Chef’s special.


瑤柱粥 & 避風塘海草蝦 (預訂)

Dried Scallop Congee & Deep-fried Shrimp with Garlic (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格, 需預訂.瑤柱粥份量頗多, 我們同桌共 12 人, 每人大概都吃2 碗粥左右, 瑤柱類似乾干貝, 九記的瑤柱粥吃起來鮮味十足, 老實說, 單吃粥就已經很美味. 店家通常會建議點另一道避風塘海草蝦來搭配瑤柱粥, 我在 “大三元” 與 “泰和樓” 吃過避風塘系列菜餚, 目前九記的避風塘蝦蒜酥是最香脆, 很適合搭配瑤柱粥, 如果用餐有 6 人以上, 我會推薦點瑤柱粥與避風塘海草蝦.
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. The quantity of the congee is suitable for 12 people, which each person can have approximately 2 small bowls. The scallops offer a great deal of seafood flavor into the congee, which is yummy. The restaurant usually would suggest to order deep-fried shrimp with garlic to pair with the congee. Honestly, the garlic at this particular dish is quite flavorful and great pairing with the congee. I would definitely recommend those two dishes if you have 6 people or above.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )


香酥蚵仔捲 (限量看情況)

Fried Oyster Roll ( Limited Quantity and Depends on the Situation)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

限量看情況的原因是目前只有主廚在製作, 需要手工現包, 立馬現炸. 端上桌時, 工整的蚵仔捲外型與台灣蚵嗲完全不同, 而且比“隱食家 Inns+”的炸蚵捲飽滿. 每一口都有酥脆且ㄎㄠˇ的口感, 多汁鮮蚵搭配新鮮韭菜與蔥是絕配, 非常美味, 如果主廚有空, 我個人會推薦點這一道菜餚.
“Limited Quantity and Depends on the Situation” means that the executive chef is the only one who makes this dish. They hand-made this oyster roll and fried at once. This oyster roll appearance is different from Taiwanese traditional fried oyster roll. And it has more filling than “Inns+” oyster roll. Every bite has the crispy sound. Juicy oyster pairs with the fresh leeks and green onion is a classic combination. It is very delicious. If the chef has spare time, I would definitely recommend this dish.

延伸閱讀: 隱食家 Inns+ 》菜單除了紅糟肉還推薦哪些菜餚


鹹魚薑米炒勝瓜 (季節性/預訂)

Steamed Loofah with Ginger & Salted Fish (Seasonal/Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格,需預訂. 勝瓜即是絲瓜, 當這一道鹹魚薑米炒勝瓜端上時, 我本來以為是蒜粒, 單吃入口後, 才知道是薑粒與鹹魚粒, 鹹味十足, 讓絲瓜的鮮甜味更加明顯, 非常適合搭配瑤柱粥.
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. Most foreigners are not familiar with loofah. However, loofah ingredient is quite common in Chinese cuisines, such as “ Din Tai Fung Xiaolongbao”. The sweetness from the loofah stands out because the ginger and salted fish offer fair amount of salty level. This dish pairs well with the congee dish.

延伸閱讀: Din Tai Fung 2021 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2021 推薦美食排名



荔蓉釀帶子 (預訂)

Deep Fried Taro Scallops (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格, 需預訂, 請記得詢問最低預訂量. 荔蓉釀帶子就是干貝釀入芋泥再進行酥炸. 芋泥細緻綿密並不會過乾或是過水, 我會建議先單吃一口, 微甜芋頭的香氣蓋住干貝鮮味, 我個人並沒有再另外淋上九記附的蒜蓉薑蔥香菇醬, 我個人喜歡單吃. 如果愛吃芋頭, 可考慮點, 畢竟目前在台北不容易吃到, 建議一人一個.
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. Please remember to ask the minimum reserve quantity. The taro paste wraps around the scallop. The creamy taro paste is not too dry nor watery. I would suggest to take a bite without the garlic mushroom sauce. The taro sweetness covers scallop seafood flavor. If you like taro, you can consider ordering. After all, it is not common to eat this dish at Taipei City. I would suggest one unit per person.


琥珀百花釀帶子 (預訂)

Shrimp Ball Stuffed with Scallop
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

如果你不吃九記另一道以芋泥做主軸的荔蓉釀帶子, 你可以考慮點這一道琥珀百花釀帶子, 干貝置於蝦漿的中間, 這次香煎代替油炸, 每一口皆是飽滿海鮮風味與 Q度口感, 非常美味, 再微勾芡, 香脆綠蘆筍會讓人一口接一口, 菜餚名稱裡的琥珀是指自製腰果, 我個人非常喜歡這一道菜餚!
If you don’t eat the other similar dish that are made with Taro, you can consider ordering this dish. The scallop is in between the shrimp paste. Instead of frying, the chef choose to pan-fried. Every bite is full of seafood flavor, along with the great texture. It is delicious as expected. The asparagus is refreshing and crisp. The custom-made cashews are very delicious as well. Overall, I love this dish.


蒸蘿蔔糕 (預訂)

Steamed Turnip Cake (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此為預訂菜餚, 我不確定菜餚價格. 上次吃清蒸蘿蔔糕是在 “鴻寶港式海鮮”, 九記的清蒸蘿蔔糕比較多醬油膏與蔥花, 稍微蓋住我想吃到的清香蘿蔔絲風味. 我比較喜歡煎的蘿蔔糕 (例如: “玉喜”) .
This is reserved dish, and I am not sure about the price. Last time I have steamed turnip cake is at “Hon Buo Cantonese Seafood Restaurant”. Jui-Ji Restaurant’s turnip cake has more soy sauce and green onion. It covers some of the light radish flavor. Instead, I prefer the grilled turnip cake at “Yu Hsi Restaurant” .

延伸閱讀: Taipei Seafood 》鴻寶港式海鮮菜單除了海鮮也有其他菜餚選擇

延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )


家傳核桃花生露佐油條 (預訂)

Walnut Peanut Dessert Soup with Deep-Fried Dough Sticks (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格,需預訂, 核桃花生露是知名港式甜點, 九記主廚不計成本地用很多核桃與花生, 造就這一鍋微深褐色的家傳核桃花生露, 這一鍋我們共 12 人享用, 我們雖然說吃得很飽, 這道甜點還是吃光光, 濃郁花生香, 適量甜度且不膩, 我本來就是愛吃花生的人, 這道核桃花生露我個人會推薦.
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. The Walnut Peanut Dessert Soup is a famous Cantonese dessert dish. The chef uses lots of peanuts and walnuts to create this light brown dessert soup. This pot is suitable for 12 people. Even though we are full, we still finish this dessert. The thick peanut flavor and aroma is charming. The most important part would be that it is not too sweet. I am a peanut lover, so, I would definitely recommend it.



Sautéed Tiger Shrimps
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此道生抽煎草蝦的價格是論時價, 並沒有固定價格. 生抽蝦在九記是招牌必點菜色. 很難想像看似單調的蝦, 口感則是酥脆到可以蝦肉連殼一起吃, 很適合我這種懶惰鬼, 生抽帶些微鹹風味, 整體不錯吃, 我推薦一人一條蝦.
The seafood price may vary. Sautéed Tiger Shrimp dish is their signature dish. The shrimp texture is crispy. You can eat with the shrimp shell too. The sautéed soy sauce is only average salty. Overall, it is quite delicious. I would recommend one shrimp per person.


清蒸黃衣石斑魚 (預訂)

Steamed Grouper (Depends on Quantity)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

朋友提到黃衣石斑魚很難捕獲, 所以要看漁獲產量, 這次我們幸運地有這款黃衣石斑魚. 比起油浸筍殼魚, 我個人比較喜歡清蒸方式, 更能夠凸顯魚肉特色, 這款石斑吃起來厚實與嫩滑, 沒有其他調味醬 (例如: “晶華軒” 的剁椒醬蒸龍虎斑) , 只有九記自製醬油, 並不會干涉到魚肉的鮮甜. 可事先詢問餐廳可不可以用剩下的醬料製作魚汁瑤柱滑蛋, 成為另一道菜.
Friend mentioned that this type of fish is not easy to get. We are lucky enough to have this fish. Comparing with Oil-Poached, I would prefer the steamed cooking method. It can present the original flavor of fish meat. This group is tender and thick at the same time. There aren’t extra sauce (For example: “Silks House” steamed fish with spicy chopped pepper ). They only use their custom-made soy sauce, which enhance the freshness from the fish. You can also ask the restaurant if they can make the egg fish with the left over fish oil and sauce.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)



Egg with Fish Oil and Sauce
許許醬汁在盤底, 端回廚房與瑤柱做成滑蛋. ”類似的魚汁滑蛋作法“ , 九記的比較不像一般港式的滑蛋, 依舊鮮味十足不錯吃.
There are small amount leftover fish oils at the plate. Unlike other Cantonese restaurants, Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant egg is less dry but still full of umami flavor.


火鴨海鮮冬瓜盅 (季節性/預訂)

Winter melon soup with Duck and seafood (Seasonal/Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此為預訂季節性菜餚, 我不確定菜餚價格, 而且不一定會有食材. 我必須說「冬瓜盅」外型完全出乎意料 , 冬瓜當作容器來燉湯, 夏季很適合喝這種清甜無負擔的湯, 而且內容有鴨絲與海鮮.
This is a reserved seasonal dish. I am not sure about the price. And there might not be ingredients. I have to say that the actual winter melon container is impressive. Summer is a great time to drink the winter melon soup. And the filling includes duck slice and seafood.


沙母蒸肉餅 (預訂)

Crab with Steamed Pork Patty (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格,需預訂. 先吃一小塊熱騰騰的蒸豬肉餅, 除了適量肉香外, 意外地也有蟹肉的鮮味, 九記主廚也在肉餅加入荸薺, 吃了不會過於油膩, 如果愛吃螃蟹與豬肉, 可考慮這一道菜餚.
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. I took a small bite first. It is full of meaty flavor and small amount of crab seafood flavor. The chef adds water chestnut at the pork patty to make it less oily. If you like both crab and pork, you can consider ordering this dish.



古法杏仁茶佐油條 (預訂)

Apricot Kernel Drink with Deep-Fried Dough Sticks (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格, 需預訂. 我在 “頤宮 Le Palais”有吃過自家研磨的杏仁茶,也吃過 “大三元酒樓“自己研磨的杏仁茶, 這次在九記則是吃到古法杏仁茶, 濃稠口感與濃郁杏仁香, 不錯喝, 可是我愛九記甜點 “家傳核桃花生露”多一些.
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. I tried the apricot kernel drink at “Le Palais”. I also tried the similar one at “Three Coins Restaurant”. This time, Jui-Ji’s apricot keel drink is full of almond flavor. Overall, it tastes good. But, I would prefer their Walnut Peanut Dessert Soup.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀


芝麻花生球 (預訂)

Deep-fried Sesame Peanut Dessert (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格,需預訂. 我個人本來就很愛芝麻與花生類甜點, 九記這道我也覺得不錯吃.
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. I personally like the sesame and peanut related dessert. I like this dessert as well.


黑椒牛小排煲 (預訂)

Beef Short Ribs with Black Pepper Sauce (需預訂)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

港式料理結合了西餐元素, 成為「 煲 」類料理. 牛小排微有嚼勁, 原本以爲會有直球般地大辣, 入口後, 味蕾有感受到適量黑胡椒辛香, 後來得知主廚加入秘密武器 – 椰漿 , 讓整體菜餚不會過鹹與過辣, 不錯吃.
Cantonese dish combines with western cuisine style. The beef short ribs has great texture. I thought that it is going to taste very spicy. But instead, there are only fair amount of black pepper spicy flavor. The chef reveals his secret weapon as coconut milk/cream. The overall dish is not too spicy nor salty.


古法陳皮蒸鮑魚 (預訂)

Steamed Abalone (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格, 需預訂. 帶殼鮑魚 Size 頗大, 建議用店家的刀叉切, 我個人覺得不錯吃.
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. I would suggest to use the fork and knife to cut it. I don’t usually eat abalone, but I like it.


油浸筍殼魚 (預訂)

Oil-Poached Marble Goby (Reserve)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

九記菜單上是清蒸筍殼魚, 此道油浸筍殼魚不在菜單上, 價格是論時價, 並沒有固定價格, 油浸筍殼魚的魚肉厚實, 酥炸後,外皮焦脆襯托出魚肉的微嫩, 重點是並沒有油味, 而且口感不乾硬. 但是我個人還是比較喜歡簡單的清蒸筍殼魚.
This is the oil-poached, and the menu has another steamed marble goby. So, this dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. After deep-frying and oil-placed process, the fish appearance is quite crispy. It is a surprise that the fish meat is quite tender. But, I personally prefer the steamed process though.


魚汁瑤柱滑蛋 (預訂)

Egg with Fish Oil and Sauce
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此為預訂菜餚, 要跟油淋筍殼魚菜餚一起點, 我不確定菜餚價格. 油淋筍殼魚吃完後會有些許汁在盤底, 端回廚房與瑤柱做成滑蛋. ”類似的魚汁滑蛋作法“ 菜餚在 “喜相逢”吃過, 九記的比較不像一般港式餐廳的滑蛋, 依舊鮮味十足不錯吃.
This is reserved dish, and you have to order with Oil-Poached Marble Goby dish. I am not sure about the price. After eating the oil-poached fish, there will be small amount leftover fish oils at the plate. I tasted the similar dish but more watery at “Xi Xiang Feng Restaurant”. Unlike other Cantonese restaurants, Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant egg is less dry but still full of umami flavor.

延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易


老梅乾菜蒸筍殼魚 (預訂)

Steamed Marble Goby with dried aged mustard cabbage
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 請自行詢問價格,需預訂. 我在台北雖然吃不多中餐, 但是有注意到高級粵菜餐廳似乎喜歡用陳年食材 – 例如 “頤宮 Le Palais“ 用老菜脯. 這次在九記則是吃到主廚採用 “老梅乾菜” , 我並不是梅乾菜愛好者, 所以我個人吃清蒸筍殼魚即可.
This dish is not at the menu. Please ask for the price before reserving. I don’t eat lots of Chinese food at Taipei City. But, I noticed high-end Cantonese restaurant (such as “Le Palais”) like to use aged ingredient. This time, I had salted dried aged mustard cabbage ingredient at Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood. However, I still prefer the simply steamed marble goby.

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀


北菇鵝掌煲 (預訂)

Goose Feet/Pad with Mushroom
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: N/A

此為預訂菜餚, 我不確定菜餚價格, 而且我不吃鵝掌, 所以這一道我只吃北菇
This is a reserved dish. I am not sure about the price. Since I don’t eat goose feet/pad, I only eat the mushroom.



Soup of The Day
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

九記菜單的湯類蠻多樣化, 點每日例湯之前記得先詢問, 我去過九記兩次, 兩次的明火煲例湯都不同.
Jui-Ji restaurant soup of the day may vary. You can ask before ordering it. I visited there twice, and both time has different soups.


皮蛋 & 花生

Preserved Egg & Peanut
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

店員會先將小菜放在桌上, 請注意小菜並不是免費, 可選擇請店員拿走或是直接品嚐. 我兩次拜訪皆是子薑皮蛋與鹽炒花生, 我個人蠻喜歡皮蛋小菜, 至於鹽炒花生, 我個人比較喜歡 “喜相逢麵館”的麻辣花生.
The restaurant would place the appetizer on the table. Please note that the appetizer is not free. You can ask the staff to remove the appetizer if you want. I personally like the preserved egg appetizer. As for the peanuts, I would prefer the spicy peanut at “Xi Xiang Feng”.

延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易


結論 Conclusion ⭐

九記菜單裡的菜餚有些多, 朋友們跟我吃的多數是需要預訂 , 或是沒有在菜單上的季節性菜餚. N訪後, 決定依照人數推薦菜餚, 僅供參考. 要提早預約座位與菜餚, 用餐人數建議六人以上, 四人也可以, 只是可能需要外帶.

📣 3~ 4人 點的推薦菜餚
✅ 龍蝦伊麵 ( 麵硬, 無奶油) – (預訂)
✅ 蝦餅 & 山楂陳醋骨 ( 預訂)
✅ 豉椒炒生腸
✅ XO 百花釀油條: 建議蝦內餡 x3 , 三星蔥內餡 x 3
✅ 馬蹄條 (預訂)


📣 6-8 人 點的推薦菜餚
✅ 龍蝦伊麵 ( 麵硬, 無奶油) – (預訂)
✅ 蝦餅 & 山楂陳醋骨 ( 預訂)
✅ 豉椒炒生腸
✅ 荔蓉釀帶子 or 琥珀百花釀帶子 (預訂)
✅ XO 百花釀油條: 建議蝦內餡 x3 , 三星蔥內餡 x 3
✅ 馬蹄條 (預訂)
✅ 瑤柱粥 & 避風塘海草蝦 (預訂) : 我們吃的是 12 人份


📣 8人以上點的推薦菜餚
✅ 龍蝦伊麵 ( 麵硬, 無奶油) – (預訂)
✅ 蝦餅 & 山楂陳醋骨: (預訂)
✅ 豉椒炒生腸
✅ 荔蓉釀帶子 or 琥珀百花釀帶子 (預訂)
✅ XO 百花釀油條: 建議蝦內餡 x3 , 三星蔥內餡 x 3
✅ 蒸蘿蔔糕 (預訂)
✅ 瑤柱粥 & 避風塘海草蝦 (預訂)
✅ 馬蹄條 (預訂)
✅ 鹹魚薑米炒勝瓜 (季節性/預訂)
✅ 家傳核桃花生露 or 杏仁茶 (預訂)


There are many dishes at Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood restaurant. My friends and I mostly have the reserved dishes or seasonal dishes. The following recommendation is just for reference. Please remember to reserve seats and dishes. I would suggest 6+ people to dine. You can also dine with 4 people, but there might be leftover for to-go.

📣 Dish recommendation for 3 ~ 4 people to order
✅ Lobster Noodle (No Butter) – ( Reserve)
✅ Sautéed Pork Intestine with Fermented Black Bean Paste
✅ Shrimp Patties with Deep-fried Pork Ribs Tossed with Vinegar and Chinese Hawthorn Berries (Reserve)
✅ 3 x Stuffed Fried Dough Puffs with Shrimp Paste; 3 x Stuffed Fried Dough Puffs with Green Onion filling
✅ Deep Fried Water Chestnut Cake (Reserve)


📣 Dish recommendation for 6-8 people to order
✅ Lobster Noodle (No Butter)- (Reserve)
✅ Sautéed Pork Intestine with Fermented Black Bean Paste
✅ 3 x Stuffed Fried Dough Puffs with Shrimp Paste; 3 x Stuffed Fried Dough Puffs with Green Onion filling
✅ Shrimp Patties with Deep-fried Pork Ribs Tossed with Vinegar and Chinese Hawthorn Berries: (Reserve)
✅ Deep Fried Water Chestnut Cake (Reserve)
✅ Deep Fried Taro Scallops or Shrimp Ball Stuffed with Scallop (Reserve)
✅ Dried Scallop Congee & Deep-fried Shrimp with Garlic:  (Reserve) Our pot is for 12 people.


📣 Dish recommendation for 8 people+ to order
✅ Lobster Noodle (No Butter) – ( Reserve)
✅ Shrimp Patties with Deep-fried Pork Ribs Tossed with Vinegar and Chinese Hawthorn Berries (Reserve)
✅ Sautéed Pork Intestine with Fermented Black Bean Paste
✅ 3 x Stuffed Fried Dough Puffs with Shrimp Paste; 3 x Stuffed Fried Dough Puffs with Green Onion filling
✅ Dried Scallop Congee & Deep-fried Shrimp with Garlic: (Reserve) Our pot is for 12 people.
✅ Steamed Loofah with Ginger & Salted Fish (Seasonal/Reserve)
✅ Deep Fried Taro Scallops or Shrimp Ball Stuffed with Scallop (Reserve)
✅ Deep Fried Water Chestnut Cake (Reserve)
✅ Steamed Turnip Cake (Reserve)
✅ Walnut Peanut Dessert Soup or Apricot Kernel Drink (Reserve)




Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant Video





九記港式海鮮 資訊

Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant Information

店名: 香港九記港式海鮮
地址: 台北市中山區長春路104號 (Map)
捷運站: 松江南京捷運站
電話: 02-2541-0546
Restaurant: Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant
Address: No. 104, Changchun Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Songjiang Nanjing MRT station
Tel: 02-2541-0546




九記港式海鮮 菜單

Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant Menu

2021.8 Menu Link:九記港式海鮮餐廳-138884662860736/menu






