Taipei Sushi Restaurant 》 三訪終於吃到海峽會辰壽司菜單

Last Updated on 2023-05-06 by Foodelicious

這次三訪海峽會辰壽司 , 品嚐日籍料理長 阪口琢磨 準備的 NTD $7500/人 頂級 omasake 辰壽司午餐菜單, 內有 榮獲 500 盤之一的「 日本小肌壽司 」.
I finally dined at Taipei CS Club Sushi restaurant. I tasted the NTD $7500/per person High-End Lunch omasake menu that is prepared by Japanese Executive Chef Sakaguchi Takuma. Kohada Nigiri is also one of the dishes.


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前言 Preface – Must Read ⭐


這篇文章的照片皆是「 無修圖 」, 展現出漁貨菜餚的真實顏色
✅ 我吃的是「 辰壽司 」, 生食 90% + 熟食 10% 菜單為日籍料理長 阪口琢磨準備
圖一為餐廳提供的比對圖表, 解釋「 壽司, 割烹 與 會席 」三個類別的差異.

Let’s straight to the points:

The pictures in this article are non-filtered and non-edited. So, you can see the actual color of the seafood dish.
✅ I dined at the CS Club Sushi ( Chen Sushi ). The menu is 90% Raw food and 10% of cooked dishes. The menu is prepared by Executive Chef Sakaguchi Takuma
The restaurant provides the comparison chart that explains the difference between CS Club 「 Sushi , Kappa Kaiseki 」

延伸閱讀: 一訪辰壽司割烹 Sushi Kappou 》在海峽會品嚐日式無菜單料理美食

延伸閱讀: 二訪辰壽司割烹會席 Sushi Kappou 》雙活蟹會席料理



辰壽司 訂位

CS Club Sushi Reservation

海峽會辰壽司地址為台北市松山區敦化北路167號B1 , 離小巨蛋捷運站 1 號出口約 10 分鐘路程. 請記得海峽會的餐廳都需要事先預約 , 不能 Walk-in. 辰壽司訂位沒有 inline, 需要打電話訂位, 專線為 02-7707-6666 . 不用擔心, 即使不是海峽會的會員也可以用餐!
CS Club Sushi Restaurant’s address is B1 , No. 167, Dunhua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City. It is about 10 minutes walking distance of Exit 1 of Taipei Arena MRT station. Please note that you would need to reserve seats in advance. The reservation phone number is 02-7707-6666. No worries, you don’t need to be the CS Club member to dine there.


辰壽司無菜單價位 ⭐

CS Club Sushi Menu Price (Lunch & Dinner )

海峽會辰壽司的網站上有標不同的價位, 餐廳也提供比較表給消費者看. 朋友與我這次吃的是 NTD $7500/人 頂級 omasake 辰壽司午餐菜單 (圖片右上角).
CS Club has various prices. They also provide the price list and dish difference for the customers to choose. My friend and I choose the NTD $7500/per person omasake Lunch Menu.




辰壽司- 印象深刻且不錯吃菜餚

CS Club Sushi – Impressive and Delicious Dishes

螢烏賊 / 醋味增 / 大豆苗

Firefly squid / Miso / Snow Pea Leaf

我常聽到螢烏賊食材, 卻很少吃到螢烏賊. Size 適合一口吃, 我喜歡螢烏賊圓滑口感, 醋味噌是多數饕客公認最適合搭配螢烏賊的醬汁, 辰壽司師傅自製醋味噌不會過嗆, 反倒是增加日式和風風格, 大豆苗爽脆, 食材與醬料互相襯托帶出最佳風味, 這是我當天最喜歡的菜餚之一.
I often hear about Firefly squid, but I rarely taste the firefly. The squid size is one bite size. I like the smooth texture of the squid. The miso sauce and firefly squid is the classic and great combination. The miso is not overly too strong, but enhances the Japanese cuisine style. The snow pea leaf is crisp. Both ingredients and sauce bring out the best flavor of this dish. This is one of my favorite dishes of the day.


小鯽魚握壽司 ( 小肌 )

Kohada Nigiri

聽喜歡吃日料的朋友說, 小肌壽司很少出現在台灣日式料理餐廳, 原因是小肌壽司需要多年日料經驗才能處理地很好. 辰壽司料理長阪口琢磨 擅長「 江戶前壽司風格 」 , 這一貫小肌壽司有著輕盈醋香與鹹香, 平衡小肌本身的濃郁鮮味, 整體不錯吃. 這一貫小肌壽司獲得 RAW 主廚江振誠喜愛而成為 “台灣 500 盤“ 之一.
My friend mentioned that Kohada Nigiri rarely appears at Japanese Restaurant in Taiwan. The main reason would be that the chef will need years of experience to make the Kohada Nigiri tasty. The Executive Chef Sakaguchi Takuma is an expert in「 Edomae Nigiri-Zushi 」category. This Kohada Nigiri doesn’t have heavy aroma nor flavor. The acidity and mild saltiness balance the heavy seafood aroma. The umami becomes delightful and overall delicious. Many foodies, includes Michelin Chef Andre, agree this particular sushi needs to be awarded.

延伸閱讀: RAW TAIPEI 》台北米其林二星餐廳美食 ( ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單 )



Japanese Maguro (Tuna) Nigiri Series

我上次在 “花蕉 ”吃到日本青森縣進口的鮪魚, 這次在辰壽司吃到來自日本沖繩進口的鮪魚. 不同於其他日料師傅 , 日籍料理長阪口琢磨唯獨挑選三年熟成赤醋來製作醋飯, 溫和且醇厚襯托出不同風格的鮪魚握壽司 – 熟成兩週的大腹和赤身握壽司 , 味蕾可品嚐到迷人的旨味 ( Umami ). 我個人偏好辰壽司的鮪魚系列握壽司

✅ 鮪魚赤身握
✅ 鮪魚中腹握
✅ 鮪魚大腹握

Last time, I tasted Japanese Maguro from Aomori, Japan at “Hanasho Restaurant” . This time at CS Club sushi, I tasted the Japanese Maguro from Okinawa. Different from other Japanese chefs, Chef Sakaguchi Takuma uses three years aged red vinegar to make sushi rice. It will create and develop different style of Maguro Nigiris, includes the two weeks aged Otoro and Akamai Tsuke nigiri. The tastebuds can sense the delightful umami. I personally prefer CS Club sushi Japanese Maguro Nigiri series.

✅ Tuna marinated in Soy Sauce Nigiri (Akamai Tsuke)
✅Tuna Belly Nigiri (Chūtoro)
✅ Tuna Belly Nigiri (Otoro)

延伸閱讀: 花蕉 Hanasho 》二訪品嚐台北 Omakase 日料晚餐菜單



Monkfish Liver / Fig stewed with Brandy and vinegar

辰壽司曾製作出無花果天婦羅, 這次我品嚐到用白蘭地與醋煮過的無花果, 微甜無花果搭配旨味特殊的鮟鱇魚肝, 連同酥脆最中餅一起入口, 這一道的組合很特別, 不錯吃.
CS Club Sushi chef once made the fig tempura. This time, the fig is stewed with brandy and vinegar together. Tasting the slightly sweet fig, Monkfish Liver,  Monaka all together is a new and yummy combination.



Charcoal Grilled Largehead Hairtail

在高級日料餐廳 , 備長炭能提升旨味, 太刀魚又稱為 “白帶魚” , 在許多西式餐廳 (例如: “Pasti “ 與 “草頭西” ) 皆有吃過白帶魚捲 , 在日料餐廳 “山花割烹” 則是吃到全熟的燒烤太刀魚. 每逢春夏季時, 太刀魚的脂肪較為豐富, 辰壽司料理長則是選擇輕輕地用備長炭炭燒著亮皮, 微酥脆魚皮口感帶著燻香入口, 魚肉保持著鮮嫩.
The charcoal grilling will enhance the umami flavor. Largehead Hairtail is also the so-called Silverfish. I have tasted the silverfish at many western restaurants, such as “Pasti” and “Catouxi Bistro”. In “Sanka Japanese Restaurant”, I tasted the fully-cooked Largehead Hairtail fish. During spring/summer time, the fish fats become quite abundant. The fish skin appearance is slightly charcoal grilled, which becomes hints of crispy. The fish meat remains tender as expected.

延伸閱讀: PASTi Trattoria 》關於這一家台北義大利餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》搬家後訂位困難的草頭西餐酒館值得再訪

延伸閱讀: 山花割烹》台北大安區日本料理無菜單餐廳


子持槍烏賊/ 甜醬/ 柚子皮

Spear Squid / Sweet Sauce /Grapefruit Peels

我上次是在”辰壽司割烹”吃到槍烏賊握壽司, 這次在辰壽司則是吃到 7 ~ 8 分熟的槍烏賊 , 口感脆爽, 味蕾能感受到微甜風味加上柚子皮的清新感 , 這一道菜餚很適合搭酒.
I tasted the Spear Squid nigiri at “CS Club Sushi Kappou”. This time, I tasted the spear squid with crisp texture. The mild sweetness pairs well with the refreshing flavor of grapefruit peels. This dish is suitable for alcohol pairing.

延伸閱讀: 辰壽司割烹 Sushi Kappou 》在海峽會品嚐日式無菜單料理美食



Young Sea Bream Nigiri

辰壽司料理長端出春子鯛 (圖二 ) , 並解釋春子鯛是真鯛的幼魚, 也是亮片魚之一, 魚皮上的裝飾刀痕頗美, 並沒有過多的旨味, 樸實甘甜很適合握壽司的第一貫.
The chef brings out the Young Sea Bream (Pic 2) and explains that this fish is still in its early age. There isnt much umami aroma nor flavor. It is suitable for the first nigiri on the menu.




Scallop Nigiri

多數台灣饕客喜歡吃干貝握壽司, 我必須說, 這貫握壽司外型並沒有讓我聯想到干貝, 辰壽司這一道干貝食材並沒有經過炙燒, 也不是完全生食, 而是用柴魚高湯燙10秒 , 以2 ~ 3 分熟姿態呈現,  吃起來有著嫩滑的口感, 並不會過於厚實, 不錯吃.
Many Taiwanese foodies love eating scallop nigiri. I have to say that I didnt recognize the scallop on the top. The scallop is not grilled nor in raw condition. The chef mentioned that it is cooked 10 seconds with Japanese Dashi Broth. It has smooth texture along with delicious taste.




Snow Crab Nigiri

滿滿的松葉蟹握壽司呈現眼前, 完全不會脫落, 吃起來很過癮.
There are large amount of snow crabs on the top of rice. It doesn’t fall down and it feels great to eat this nigiri all by myself.



Eel Nigiri

我上次吃星鰻握壽司是在 “小新和食”, 是用噴火槍炙燒, 辰壽司師傅則是用備長炭微炙燒, 並沒有鰻魚飯的鰻魚如此酥脆與重調味. 這一貫星鰻握無刺且不錯吃.
I had cooking torch-grilled eel nigiri at “Ashin restaurant” . This time at CS Club sushi restaurant, I tasted charcoal-grilled eel nigiri. It doesn’t have too many flavors nor crispy like the eels on the Japanese eel rice. The eel nigiri is boneless and delicious.

延伸閱讀: Zhongxiao Fuxing Food 》小新和食酒場菜單價格經濟實惠

延伸閱讀: 台北鰻魚飯推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI EEL RICE GUIDE (分區)



Seaweed Roll with Sea Urchin

上次吃馬糞海膽是在 “樂魚料亭”, 這次馬糞海膽色澤為橙黃,搭配用三年熟成赤醋製作的醋飯, 別有一番風味, 也很有記憶點.
Last time I had sea urchin  at “Leyu Ryotei”. It tastes quite memorable pairing with the three-year-old aged sushi rice in CS Club Sushi.

延伸閱讀: 樂魚料亭 Leyu Ryotei 》關於這家中壢日式無菜單料理的四個重點


辰壽司- 其他不錯吃的菜餚

CS Club Sushi – Other Delicious Dishes


Noresore with Japanese Dashi Broth

星鰻苗是星鰻的幼魚, 可以生食, 因為食材是透明, 日料主廚們通常都用花花草草來點綴裝飾這一道菜餚. 這一道星鰻苗清爽滑溜, 柴魚高湯並不會蓋過其特色.
Noresore is the young stage of eels, which can be served as raw. Due to the transparent color, the chefs usually use flowers or greens to decorate this dish. This dish is refreshing and smooth.



Kichiji Shabu

“喜知次” 有海中紅寶石之稱 , 端上桌時 , 有注意到此款魚有豐富油脂, 吃起來頗細緻,
Kichiji fish is called the ruby of the ocean. While serving, you can see the fair amount of fats. It tastes quite smooth and tender.


鰆魚/ 蘿蔔泥高湯

Spanish Mackerel / Daikon Broth



Aji Nigiri



Squid Nigiri



Golden Eye Snapper



Arkshell Nigiri ( Akagai )



Prawn Nigiri




Charcoal Grilled Mackerel with Seaweed




Negimaguro ( Maguro paste with green onion )






Tofu Soup



Hand-made Matcha Ice Cream


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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辰壽司 資訊

CS Club Sushi Information

店名: 辰壽司
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路167號B1 (Map)
捷運站: 小巨蛋捷運站
Restaurant: CS Club Sushi (Chen Sushi )
Address: B1 , No. 167, Dunhua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei Arena
Tel: 02-7707-6666





