Shang Palace 》在台北香宮除了烤鴨還推薦點什麼

Last Updated on 2023-05-14 by Foodelicious

台北遠企香宮果木掛爐烤鴨在饕客圈裡眾所皆知, 獲得米其林餐盤的香宮是歸類於高級粵式餐廳, 並不是台北烤鴨專賣餐廳.
Shang Palace Roasted Duck is quite famous at Taipei City. As one of the Taipei Michelin Plate restaurants, Shang Palace is categorized as Cantonese restaurant.

香宮菜單在文末 Shang Palace Menu is at the end of article


香宮位於香格里拉台北遠東國際大飯店 6 F, 從信義安和2號出口或是六張犁出口走路皆可抵達, 先是看到簡約櫃檯, 有趣的是並沒有看到跟 “Bencotto Italian Restaurant“ 一樣的2019 米其林餐盤紅色獎牌, 也許是保持低調? 餐廳室內設計確實如同宮庭, 有著寬敞且裝潢華麗的走廊和豪華包廂, 值得一提的是香宮最豪華的包廂和 “頤宮 Le Palais”有得比. 我個人覺得香宮非常適合宴客或是家庭聚會餐廳.
Shang Palace is located at 6F of Taipei Shangri-La Hotel. It is near Xinyi Anhe MRT station Exit 2 or Liuzhangl MRT station. Interesting enough, I couldn’t find the Micheline Plate Award at the counter. The restaurant inner design is truly like a palace. The private dining room is as large and high-end as “Le Palais“. Shang Palace is suitable for treating guest and family gathering.


延伸閱讀: Bencotto Taipei 》台北文華東方酒店義大利餐廳新菜單新主廚

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀


香宮餐廳頗大, 各有用餐區域, 因為當天我們這桌用餐人數多, 我們被安排在餐廳最裡面的圓桌, 與其他小桌在完全不一樣的地區 , 當天星期日晚上用餐的人其實不多, 間接服務生也相對地少, 導致對客人的服務有些疏忽. 例如, 需要自己通過走廊去找服務生, 我們那一區並沒有固定服務生, 茶資 NTD $90以人計算而不是以壺計算, 對於我們的十人大桌, 放兩壺應該是最基本的SOP, 此外,也有漏單的狀況 (後來已補上), 較為可惜.
Shang Palace is large and has separated dining area. Since we have 10 + people, we are seated at different area in different area. There aren’t too many staffs at Sunday night. Therefore, the service is quite mediocre. For example, we have to walk through the hallway to find staffs. The tea fee is NTD $90/person. With 10 + people, the standard SOP service would be 2 tea pots in one large table. Also, they missed one of our orders (they served the particular dish after reminding).




Shang Palace Roasted Duck served in two Ways
Price: NTD $1980
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

香宮脆皮烤鴨需要先預訂, 香宮一鴨二吃是 NTD $1980. 因為我們這次來主要是吃烤鴨, 點了“兩份一鴨二吃 (NTD $1980 x2 = NTD $3960). 第一吃是片皮鴨搭配捲餅, 可選原味或全麥餅皮, 我們是選原味餅皮, 由於原味餅皮蒸過, 顯得偏濕潤, 但不容易破. 香宮果木掛爐烤鴨烤鴨是採用壁爐吊掛式烤法, 採用的是西式餐廳 “Wildwood” 用的龍眼木, 鴨則是採用“台北逗號洋行私廚“用的台灣豪野鴨. 師傅熟練地將全鴨切片, 依序在餅皮放上鴨皮鴨肉, 蔥絲,黃瓜絲和甜麵醬, 我並沒有撒上香宮準備的冰糖, 咬第一口捲餅時, 先是聽到酥脆鴨皮ㄎㄠˇ的聲音, 豪野鴨油脂偏多, 因此鴨肉嫩度比其他家烤鴨高, 完全沒有柴的口感, 至於微微的果木煙燻味需要單吃鴨肉才感覺得到. 此為2019年吃的烤鴨, 聽說2020年初變差了.
Shang Palace Roasted Duck needs to be reserved in advance. Roasted duck served in Two Ways is NTD $1980. Since we have 10+ people, we ordered double. First way would be the traditional roasted duck wrap roll. You can choose the original wrap or wheat wrap. The original wrap is steamed and therefore it is quite moist. Shang Palace kitchen has a large oven with vertical hanging frame for the duck. They use logan wood, like at “Wildwood”. The kitchen uses Taiwanese Duck, which is also used at “Curio Comma Taipei”. I placed the green onion slice, cucumber slice, duck skin and duck meat on the wrap. However, I didn’t add the sugar that Shang Palace prepared. The duck skin is crispy. The Taiwanese duck meat has quite fats to enhance the tenderness. If you would like to sense hints of wood fire aroma, you might need to eat the duck meat solely though. This is 2019 review instead of recent review.

延伸閱讀: Curio Comma Taipei 》台北逗號洋行私廚 | 在英式古典氛圍裡享受料理

延伸閱讀: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant 》信義新光三越餐廳推薦


第二吃有生滾鴨架粥或是白菜豆腐湯的選擇, 我比較推薦白菜豆腐湯, 因為用鴨骨熬煮的乳白色湯頭濃郁但不會過於油膩或過多膠質, 搭配吸湯汁的豆腐和爽脆白菜相當不錯. 另一款生滾鴨架粥我不建議點, 因為粥的湯頭太淡.
The second way is boiled duck bone congee or boiled duck bone soup with cabbage and tofu. I would recommend the soup with cabbage and tofu. The chef uses the duck bone to stew the broth. The broth is not too oily nor too much collagen. The tofu absorbs the broth and becomes quite delicious. As for the congee, it doesn’t have much flavor and not worth ordering.



Pan-Fried US Beef Fillet Steak
Price: NTD $1280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我是看帳單時才知道原來圖片是中 Size (NTD $1280 X 2 = NTD $2560), 這款和牛並不是像 “和牛 47” 燒烤, 因此沒有燒烤香氣或是痕跡. 市面上的牛柳口感都是偏硬, 香宮的牛柳吃起來特別地軟嫩美味, 鹹香程度也不會太擾人. 我只推薦四個人點這道菜餚, 反倒是大桌每人分享有點不太夠.
The picture shows medium size (NTD $1280 X 2 = NTD $2560). The steaks aren’t grilled like “Wagyu 47”, therefore, there isn’t any grill mark on the appearance. Comparing with other restaurant’s fillet steak, The texture of Shang Palace steak is much more tender and delicious. It isn’t too salty as well. I would only recommend 4 people to order this dish though. More people is difficult to share.

延伸閱讀: 台北和牛 47 》 Wagyu 47 | 品嚐和牛美食欣賞台北101高空景觀



Sautéed Assorted Vegetables Served in a pumpkin
Price: NTD $688
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道香宮金盅田翠八景需要事先預訂, 就像我在 “明福台菜”那篇文章提到每一桌幾乎都有一位要求每餐都要吃青菜水果, 這道菜餚剛好可滿足那種人. 金盅就是南瓜, 南瓜先蒸過, 將南瓜肉取出與其他七種食材一起炒, 比較特別的是食材裡有百合和夏威夷豆, 點了烤鴨再點這道菜餚會是個不錯的選擇, 不用搭配飯食, 可以獨當一面.
You would need to reserve this dish prior. As I mention at “Ming Fu Restaurant” article, there are still a few people that insist to eat vegetable in every meal. So, this dish would satisfy them for sure. The pumpkin filling is stir-fried with 7 other types of ingredients. The most surprising ingredients would be lily bulbs and macadamia. It is a good option to pair with roasted duck.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin 》在明福台菜海鮮餐廳除了點佛跳牆也要點糯米雞



Deep-Fried Prawns With Wasabi Mayo and Salted
Price: NTD $980
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

圖片裡是雙份 (NTD $980 X 2 = NTD $1470), 之前在美國港式餐廳有時候會點鳳梨蝦球或是核桃蝦仁, 我對於美乃滋與蝦的組合一點都不陌生. 香宮雙味鴛鴦蝦球是原味和山葵風味, 美乃滋吃起來不會過重, 也不會過甜, 山葵風味也不會過於突兀, 裹粉不會太厚, 可感受得到蝦是鮮脆, 只是價格部分我個人認為較高.
The picture shows double size ( NTD $980 X 2 = NTD $1470) since we have 10+ people. Back at America, I used to order Pineapple Shrimp or Walnut Shrimp dish. So, I am familiar with mayo combines with shrimp. The green coating is wasabi flavor, which brings interesting flavor combines with mayo. The coating are not too heavy. So, you can taste the crispy shrimp appearance. However, the price is a bit high.



Braised Homemade Tofu with Assorted Mushrooms
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道看似平凡, 後來翻菜單時才知道是香宮自製的豆腐, 難怪特別地嫩且不容易破碎. 豆腐與菌菇都是我喜歡的食材.
The selling point of this dish is self-made tofu by Shang Palace. The tofu is not easy to break but yet quite soft as well. Both tofu and mushrooms are my favorite ingredients.


燕窩焗蛋塔 (3個)

Baked Egg Tart Topped with bird’s nest (3 pieces)
Price: NTD $388 / 3 units
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

三個燕窩蛋塔價格是 NTD $388, 一個平均 NTD $130, 我個人蠻喜歡葡式蛋塔, 恰巧香宮蛋塔是像葡式蛋塔有著酥皮般的塔皮, 蛋塔內餡的嫩滑相當不錯, 燕窩反倒是像個配角. 若喜歡吃葡式蛋塔的人可以點來吃.
Three Baked Egg Tart Topped with bird’s nest are NTD $388. One egg tart is approx. NTD $130. I personally like Portuguese Egg Tart, which is similar with Shang Palace’s egg tart. The tart itself has layers along with creamy egg filling. However, the bird’s nest is not as special as expected though. But, if you like Portuguese tarts, you can order to eat.


2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


店名: 香宮
地址: 台北市敦化南路二段201號 6F (香格里拉飯店 6F) (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和站 & 六張犁站
電話: 02-7711-2080
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: Shang Palace
Address: 6F, No. 201, 2nd Section, Duannan South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe & Liuzhangli MRT station
Tel: 02-7711-2080
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


香宮 菜單 》 Shang Palace Menu

English Menu Link:


