Curio Comma Taipei 》台北逗號洋行私廚 | 在英式古典氛圍裡享受料理

Last Updated on 2024-01-29 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) 逗號洋行是是一家台北天母私廚, 也同時販售英式古董傢俱, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到台北逗號洋行的私廚美食.
Curio Comma Private Kitchen also sells British vintages at Tianmu, Taipei. I have the honor to taste the cuisines from this Private Kitchen.

逗號洋行私廚價位與菜單在文末 Curio Comma Menu is at the end of article


Curio Comma Private Kitchen Traffic

逗號洋行私廚位於天母大葉高島屋附近的士東路上, 鄰近停車場則是天母棒球場, 離芝山捷運站有點距離, 步行大約 20 分鐘.逗號洋行有兩層樓, 一樓擺設著英倫風格的古董傢俱, 也有進口精緻餐具與茶具, 皆可現場購買. 從樓梯往上走向二樓有看到與 “WINE-derful 餐廳“一樣以葡萄酒空瓶裝潢的風格, 二樓則是開放式廚房與寬敞中島, 可與主廚互動, 二樓窗外可看到綠意盎然的寧靜街道
Curio Comma Private Kitchen is located at Shidong Road near DaYeh Takashimaya Department Stores. The nearby parking lot is at Tianmu Arena. It would take about 20 minutes to walk from Zhishan MRT station. British vintage furnitures and utensils are displayed at Curio Comma 1st floor. There are empty wine bottles as decoration at the stairs, just like “WINE-derful Restaurant”. The 2nd floor is the open kitchen and private kitchen dining area. The open kitchen and its counter is perfect for interacting with the chef. The guests can see the street views from the 2nd floor as well.



Curio Comma Private Kitchen Price

逗號洋行私廚採預約制, 在欣賞逗號洋行私廚的古典裝潢和餐桌擺盤時, 與老闆娘閒聊得知通常一天只接兩組客人, 中午一組, 晚上一組, NTD $16,800 為包場的低消價位 (不含酒水, 需雙方討論細節),私廚則是會準備Riedal 品牌葡萄酒杯, 菜單則是有分 NTD $2100, NTD $2800, 和 NT $3500, 菜單內容則是需要與店家討論, 若是堅持要坐同一桌, 我會建議 8 ~ 10 人即可達到低消. 我與朋友共六人坐的那一張古董餐桌則是可以伸展至長桌. 這次逗號洋行私廚為我們準備的是 NTD $2800/套餐.
Curio Comma Private Kitchen only takes reservation. The owner mentioned that they only serve two sets of people per day, one at the lunch time, the other one at dinner time. The minimum charge of the private kitchen is NTD$16800 (excluding wine/water fee. Details would be discussed). They also offer the famous Riedal Brand wine glass. The dining set has three types of price – NTD $2100, NTD $2800, and NTD $3500.If insisted sitting at the same table, I would suggest 8 ~ 10 people to achieve the minimum charge. Our dining set is NTD $2800/per set.


逗號洋行私廚套餐 ( 10 道料理)

Curio Comma Set (10 Dishes)
Price: NTD $2800/per set




松茸菌, 牛肝菌菇粉 | 玉米脆餅, 玉米蛋黃醬 | 竹炭馬賽泡芙

Matsutake, Grounded Porcini | Sweet Corn Crisp, Sweet Corn Mayo | Bouillabaisse Stuffing in bamboo charcoal Puff
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

逗號洋行私廚主廚 Oscar 曾經在丹麥Amass餐廳實習工作, 從第一道開胃小菜即可深深感受到和 “JE Kitchen” 相似的北歐料理風格 – 永續理念, 簡單來說, 就是藉由食品醃製或乾燥或發酵, 善用每項食材零浪費的概念. 店員將兩個神秘木盒端上桌且緩緩地打開, 煙燻櫻桃木香氣伴隨著每位客人的驚嘆聲繚繞在空間.
Chef Oscar worked as an intern at Amass restaurant at Denmark before. Nordic cuisine is more like a theme, which is to aim to make maximum use of ingredients. Chef Oscar shows the concept at the first appetizer, which is similar with “JE Kitchen”. First, the staff opens the two wooden boxes and sensed the smoked cherry tree aroma.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區餐酒館之北歐餐廳 》JE Kitchen 2019 新菜單裡有令人難忘的料理


在白煙散去的同時, 可看到各種食材各扮演不同角色, 風乾松茸菌代表著蘑菇,竹炭馬賽泡芙模擬石頭隱約藏在深褐色的蒜味可可粉裡, 一旁的迷你挖土鏟則是完全模擬歐洲鄉野風格. 我會建議從玉米脆餅開始吃, 因為風味較不明顯. 夾起風乾松茸菌時才發現夾層裡有少許牛肝菌菇醬, 為味蕾帶來一抹獨特的大地氣息, 灰黑色竹炭馬賽泡芙是我認為當天用餐最特別的菜餚, 品嚐時最初會感受到微苦, 泡芙內餡如名則是醇厚的海鮮風味, 與 “Port 23 餐廳“馬賽魚湯一樣濃郁, 整體菜餚不僅有視覺效果, 也賦予美味與趣味.
You can see different types of ingredients at the box. Dried Matsutake represents the mushroom. The bamboo charcoal puff represents the stones and are hidden under the chocolate powder. The scene is similar with European countryside. I would suggest to eat corn crisp at the beginning, which doesn’t have much flavor. There are fair amount of mushroom sauce in between the dried matsutake. The most surprisingly ingredient would be the puff. The tastebuds would sense the thick seafood flavor after the first bite. The taste is similar with the “Port 23 Restaurant”’s Bouillabaisse, which is quite delicious.


延伸閱讀: Port 23 Taipei 》Folio Hotel 台北大安區飯店餐廳之海鮮饗宴


炭烤冬瓜, 蛤蠣 , 薑絲, 鹽定, 蓮藕

Charcoal Grilled White Gourd, Clams, Sliced Ginger, Suaeda Maritima, Lotus Root
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這是一道冷盤小菜, 即使是炭烤, 冬瓜依舊微甜清新, 來自蛤蠣的適量海鮮風味與薑絲就如台灣人所熟悉的蛤蠣薑絲湯一樣是絕配,逗號洋行主廚運用台灣食材, 風乾蓮藕搭配翠綠色鹽定有少許鹹味,鹽定是生長在台灣西部的植物, 生長在吹著海風的環境, 單吃帶有點微鹹.  這道料理看似西式的Tapas, 但每樣食材勾勒出台灣風情魅力, 我會建議當作 Tapas 一口品嚐, 除了風味堆疊, 也有多重口感.
This is the cold appetizer. Even thought the winter melon is grilled, the taste is a bit refreshing with hints of sweetness. The pair between clams and sliced ginger are perfect. Chef Oscar uses Taiwanese local ingredients, which includes dried lotus root and Suaeda Maritima. I would suggest to eat this dish as tapas. The overall is a bit salty and yet refreshing at the same time.


法式雞肉澄清湯, 東方美人茶晶凍, 蔬菜小丁

French Chicken Consommé, Oriental Beauty Tea Jelly, Veggies
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此道熱湯是採用 Table Service,逗號洋行私廚店員先是端上只有東方美人茶晶凍與蔬菜小丁的湯盤, 隨後注入偏淺褐色且清澈的雞肉澄清湯,東方美人茶晶凍經過溫熱湯頭洗禮下而逐漸溶解, 均勻攪拌散發至熱湯裡, 並沒有明顯的茶香. 雞肉澄清湯風味偏清淡,偏向健康路線, 並沒有像”B.B.R.豐舍“喝到的澄清湯濃郁.
This soup is served with table service. The staff pours in the broth into the Oriental Beauty Tea jelly and veggies. However, it doesn’t have any tea flavor. Unlike “B.B.R. Restaurant” , the Consommé from Curio Comma Private Kitchen is a bit light.

延伸閱讀: 豐舍 B.B.R Restaurant 》 在大稻埕品嚐與眾不同的料理套餐



松針煙燻豪野鴨胸肉, 蒜味可可粉, 孢子甘藍, 焦糖紅蘿蔔, 野莓醬汁

Pine Leaves Smoked Duck Breast, Garlic Cocoa Powder, Brussel Sprout, Caramelized Carrot, Wild Berries Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

到私廚用餐最有趣的是在廚房中島看主廚準備菜餚, 逗號洋行私廚主廚 Oscar 將看似三分熟的鴨胸肉放置在台灣五葉松上, 主廚採用與米其林餐盤餐廳 “L先生義法餐廳” 一樣的台灣豪野鴨食材, 油脂厚實的鴨胸肉在台灣五葉松點燃後, 炙燒成7 ~ 8 分熟, 漸次釋放竹香與微淡誘人肉香, 品嚐時不僅有獨特燻香, 也可感受到鮮嫩味美的鴨肉, 穩坐這道菜餚的主角.我個人是偏好經典鹹香風味, 我並沒有沾一旁的甜而不酸的野莓醬汁, 這是我當天最滿意的料理!
The most interesting part of the Private Kitchen is to watch how chef prepares the dishes at the counter. Chef Oscar displays the duck breast above the pine leaves. The chef uses high cost Taiwanese duck, just like at “Monsieur L Restaurant” . Then, the chef uses torch to fire up the pine leaves in order to bring the smokey flavor. The duck meat is quite delicious with classic salty flavor. I didn’t pair with the sweet berry sauce though. This dish was my favorite dish of the day.


奶油風琴小馬鈴薯, 酸奶油, 肚臍橙

Hasselback Potato, Sour Cream, Navel Orange
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道料理其實是來自瑞典, 當這道料理端上桌時, 造型有如迷你風琴的小巧馬鈴薯, 適量酸奶油與有些許甜酸肚臍橙切丁放置在上方, 視覺擺設讓人眼睛為之一亮,  我立刻想到之前在美國牛排館經常吃到的大馬鈴薯, 中間切開放滿酸奶油, 就如同當時的感受, 充滿澱粉味與奶油香, 這也許就是所謂的美食回憶.
The Hasselback potato dish is originated from Sweden. The mini potato along with the sour cream brings back the memories of my favorite buttery dish back at USA – Dakota Potato with Sour Cream. The navel orange brings both sweet and acidity to this dish. The overall taste is full of starch and also buttery flavor.



Cranberry Vinegar Ice Blended
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

蔓越梅果醋清口冰沙並不會過酸, 也不會有碎冰的狀況.
The cranberry vinegar doesn’t have too much acidity.


美國 Prime 紐約客, 青龍椒, 晚香玉筍, 甜菜根泥, 蒜苗粉, 波特紅酒牛肉濃汁

Prime Strip Steak, Managanji Green Pepper, Wild Asparagus, Beet Puree, Grounded Leek, Port Wine Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

主菜可選美國 Prime 紐約客或是脆片東寶黑豬五花 (看文末菜單), 我是選五分熟牛排. 我在廚房中島看逗號洋行私廚主廚將所有食材組合在一起, 焦糖風乾洋蔥片和蘑菇表層輕劃過的刀痕有如雕刻藝術品, 晚香玉筍不僅外型像蘆筍, 吃起來也極像蘆筍般清脆, 美國 Prime 紐約客吃起來頗有嚼勁, 搭配波特紅酒醬相當適合.
You can choose the steak or pork for the main course (see the menu down below). I chose medium-rare Prime Strip. I watched the process of how Chef Oscar puts all the ingredients together. The mushroom and dried onion are like artwork. The wild asparagus is also crisp. The steak tastes a bit chewy but pairs well with the Port Wine Sauce.



Salted Egg Yolk Macaroon
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

中式鹹蛋黃搭配法式馬卡龍會擦出怎樣的火花? 重點其實是馬卡龍內餡的綿密烏豆沙, 甜中帶鹹就如中式酥餅, 相當特別.
How would salted egg yolk interact with French dessert- macaroon. The filling is creamy red beans, which tastes a bit like Chinese pastry.


嫩薑生巧克力蛋糕, 半打發香緹,法國米歇爾頂級可可粉

Ginger Sticky Chocolate Fudge Cake, Lava Chantilly, Michel Cluizel Powder
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

上一道馬卡龍是所謂的Pre-Dessert, 這一道才是正式甜點, 主廚採用兩款全球知名高級品牌 Cocoberry 42% 和 Michel Cluizel 72% 黑巧克力, 用極少麵粉而做出類似布朗尼黏稠口感, 西式甜點技法並融合傳統中式元素 – 薑. 入口先是巧克力風味為主導, 薑味則是後勁強, 相當特別.
The macaroon is a pre-dessert. This chocolate fudge cake is a official dessert. The chef uses two famous brands – Cocoberry 42% and Michael Cluizel 72% black chocolate. They use limited flour to make the sticky brownie taste. However, the ginger flavor is a bit stronger than expected.


手沖熱咖啡 (印尼蘇門答臘曼特寧 )

Indonesia Gayo Mountain Mandheling Coffee
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

與其他西式餐廳的套餐飲料相比, 逗號洋行的套餐飲料顯得相當有誠意, 提供的是手沖熱咖啡, 採用來自印尼蘇門答臘的曼特寧, 整體風味不會過酸, 反而是有混合熱帶水果乾與可可的風味.
Comparing with the set drinks at other restaurants, Curio Comma’s set drink is quite special. The Mandeling coffee tastes like dried fruit mixed with cocoa. It is not overly too bitter nor too much acidity.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 逗號洋行 curio-comma
地址: 台北市士林區士東路238號 (MAP)
捷運站: 芝山捷運站
電話: 02-8866-1030
營業時間: 打電話確認
Restaurant: Curio Comma
Address: No. 238, Shidong Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT: Zhishan MRT station
Tel: 02-8866-1030
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


逗號洋行私廚菜單 》Curio Comma Menu



