豐舍 B.B.R Restaurant 》 在大稻埕品嚐與眾不同的料理套餐

Last Updated on 2019-02-06 by Foodelicious

屬於大稻埕美食之一的台北豐舍餐廳並不會被定義為正統台北法式餐廳, 而是以法式料理烹飪技巧融合台灣在地食材, 在迪化街美食地圖裡立足, 這次很榮幸可品嚐到台北豐舍的主廚套餐.
B.B.R Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Dadaocheng area. They offer French and Taiwanese fusion cuisine. I have the opportunity to try out their dining sets.

豐舍餐廳菜單菜單在文末 B.B.R. Menu is at the end of article


台北豐舍餐廳全名是 “豐饒薌舍 Brasserie Bonne Recolte“, 若是開車, 可停在台北橋下停車場, 若是搭接運, 可直接從大橋頭捷運站一號出口走, 過馬路後往台北橋方向, 再轉入迪化街即可. 若是要安排迪化街一日遊, 我倒是建議從北門捷運站經過 “Mikkeller Bar Taipei”, 一路逛迪化街到豐舍餐廳.
The complete name of the restaurant is Brasserie Bonne Recolte. If driving, the customer can park at Taipei Bridge Parking Lot. You can walk out of the No. 1 Exit of Daqiao Tou MRT station and walk across the street. Then, you would need to turn into Dihua Street after walking about 5 ~ 10 minutes. However, if you are planning to have a one day trip at Dadaocheng, I would suggest to walk from the Beimen MRT station. So, you can also enjoy the “Mikkeller Bar Taipei” while walking toward B.B.R Restaurant.

延伸閱讀: Mikkeller Bar Taipei 》台北大稻埕米凱樂啤酒吧 | Taipei Craft Beer Bar



台北豐舍餐廳匿藏在華麗巴洛克式建築後方, 戶外座位和標註菜單靈感的黑板讓人記憶深刻, 走進豐舍餐廳的兩層樓灰色建築裡, 一樓裝潢與餐桌沙發椅主要色調是法國經典三色 – 藍紅白, “台灣菸酒吊掛招牌“彷彿告知客人跳出傳統框架來看待豐舍餐廳的風格. 二樓則是偏法國鄉村秋楓色調, 文末影片有更多細節. 挑選窗邊入座, 聽著法式輕快歌曲, 用餐氛圍並沒有想像中地拘謹, 這時才注意到有一片大黑板上寫著套餐價格與內容, 與 ”Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳“ 一樣皆有每日現流海鮮料理菜單, 豐舍餐廳標註不收服務費.
Taipei B.B.R Restaurant is like a hidden gem in between Baroque style architecture building. The outdoor seats and the black board get bystanders’ attentions all the time. Walking into the gray building, the indoor design is unexpectedly impressive. The 1st floor indoor design colors are blue, red and white, just like the French Flag. The 2nd floor color is more like autumn season color style. There are more details in the video at the end of article. After seating, I finally notice the large black board that stated the set menu and daily special. B.B.R Restaurant also has daily seafood options, just like at “Chateau Zoe Restaurant“. The most interesting part would be there wont be any service charge.



酒單裡的酒款充足, 也有酒櫃, 店員皆有專業餐酒搭配知識, 當天用餐搭配兩款主廚挑選的酒, 因此也可將豐舍餐廳歸類為台北餐酒館. 菜單上有 NTD $600, NTD $1000, 和 NTD $1400 套餐, 這次跟朋友品嚐豐舍主廚詹勝凱準備的 NTD $1400 和 NTD $1000 套餐.
B.B.R Restaurant also have wine/alcohol menu . Staffs have professional knowledge regarding pairing wine with food. It can be categorized as Bistro as well. The staff assisted us to select two wines to pair with our cuisines. The menu has NTD $600, NTD $1000 and NTD $1400 sets. B.B.R Restaurant chef prepared NTD $1400 and NTD $1000 Set for us.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Price: NTD $180/瓶
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

豐舍餐廳除了 Badoit 品牌氣泡水外, 有較少見的法國 Abatilles 品牌氣泡水, 細緻氣泡並不會過於喧賓奪主.
Besides Badoit brand sparkling water, B.B.R. Restaurant also offers French brand Abatilles sparkling and mineral water. The bubbles are smooth, which works quite well with all the dishes.



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

法國麵包片口感酥脆, 橄欖油與酒醋風味並不是很明顯, 佐餐麵包可續, 但是套餐份量頗多, 我不會建議再續麵包.
The french bread slice is crispy. However, the olive oil and the balsamic sauce flavors are not obvious. You can ask for more breads, but I wouldn’t suggest it due to the quantity of the set.


薌舍套餐 Deluxe Set

一人份套餐包括佐餐麵包, 沙拉, 湯品, 主餐, 甜點, 飲料
Includes Salad, Soup, Main Course x 2 , Dessert, Drink
Price: NTD $1400 / Set



Milk Fish, Shiso, Pomelo
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

價位不同的套餐則是有不一樣的前菜和湯品, 當店員端這道菜餚上桌時, 外觀就如一般佐餐沙拉, 主廚詹勝凱提到紫蘇是自家種植, 我決定先從清淡風味的生菜開始品嚐, 淡雅葡萄柚風味與清脆生菜一拍即合, 豐舍餐廳的虱目魚肚切片並不會像一夜干偏重鹹與硬質口感, 虱目魚肉先藉煙燻鹹香開啟味覺, 這時才感受到微嫩口感 , 與生菜互相襯托出有趣的沙拉組合.
Different sets come with different appetizer and soup. The appearance of this salad is just like regular salad. Chef Michael mentioned that Shiso were grew by themselves. I decide to start with the light flavor, which is the refreshing grapefruit flavor lettuce and shiso. The milk fish has fair amount of great smoky and slaty flavor along tender texture. It is an interesting salad combination.



Water Chestnut, Lycium Chinese, Rice Wine
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道湯品外觀與 “A CUT Steak House”的蘑菇卡布奇諾湯有點相似, 以正統法式栗子濃湯作為靈感, 豐舍主廚詹勝凱 (Michael) 發揮食材巧思用菱角取代栗子, 以法式烹飪方式打成泥狀, 堅果香氣隱藏在口感飽滿的奶油濃湯裡, 風乾枸杞則是帶給味蕾少許辛香,若是帶外國人來用餐, 我會建議將菱角和枸杞展示給外國客人看.  整體組合可以說是 Fushion 的最佳範例.
The appearance of this soup is similar with mushroom cappuccino at “A Cut Steak House”. The inspiration concept is the French Style Chestnut Soup. Chef Michael uses Water Chestnut instead of the regular chestnut. The nutty flavor is hidden in between the creamy soup. The dried Lycium offers hints of spicy flavor. If you are bringing foreign customers to dine, it would be great to show them the actual Lycium Chinese and Water Chestnut. This overall dish is a great and successful fusion cuisine example.



Iberico Ham, Wild mushroom, Rice
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

菜餚外觀看似在 “Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar “ 的西式燉飯, 最引人注目是知名西班牙 Joselito 品牌的伊比利火腿, 許多知名餐廳 (例如台北侯布雄,台中鹽之華和 “L先生義法餐廳“” ), 乳白色油脂與炙紅色火腿肉編寫出美味極致的交響曲, 豐舍主廚解說他採用台灣在地西螺米, 而非義大利長米或是在地花蓮米, 其實我其實有點擔心會吃到像 “JUJU Spanish Gastrobar” 軟爛燉飯的口感, 品嘗燉飯時, 我隱約可品嚐到西螺米的微硬米蕊和野菇獨特的大地氣息.
The appearance of this dish is similar with the western risotto dish at “Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar”. The Jamón Ibérico ham gets my attention when the dish is served. The chef uses the famous Joselito brand, which are used by Taipei L’ATELIER de Joël Robuchon, Taichung Fleur de Sel Restaurant & Bar and “Monsieur L Restaurant”. The ham is very excellent and very tasty. The chef mentioned that he uses Taiwanese rice. I was worried about the mushy taste, like at “JUJU Spanish Gastrobar”. However, I can still a bit of hard texture of Taiwanese rice.



燒烤紐約客, 味噌黃豆醬汁

Strip Loin, Miso, Soy Bean
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我看到 Menu 時, 非常好奇牛排淋上味噌黃豆醬汁是怎樣的風味, 先切一小塊淋較少醬汁的五分熟紐約客, 豪邁風格肉香充足, 口感偏有嚼勁. 台北豐舍主廚佐淡鹹白味噌調味, 也間接加強黃豆風味且將醬汁增加濃稠感, 我個人是覺得黃豆顆粒口感在視覺上不經意地搶了牛排主角光環, 但整道料理相當不錯也很特別.
When I see the menu, I am very curious about the flavor of steak mixed with miso and soybean flavor. While tasting the small piece of steak without the sauce, the meaty flavor fulfilled the appetite. The chef uses white miso, which has less salt. The miso enhances the soy bean flavor and its texture. I personally think that the soy bean grains texture grabs all the attention. This dish is overall special and tasty.



Chocolate Fondant
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

由於台北豐舍餐廳沒有自家的甜點師傅, 與專業麵包甜點店合作, 雖然熔岩巧克力甜點放置在熱盤, 切下瞬間並沒有巧克力浮誇地流出, 較為可惜.
B.B.R Restaurant cooperates with professional dessert shop. Sadly, the chocolate fondant didn’t burst out of the chocolate while cutting down.



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

飲料可選咖啡或茶, 我則是選烏龍茶, 風味偏淡雅.
You can choose Tea or Coffee. I choose Oolong Tea, which is quite delightful.


豐饒套餐 Signature Set

一人份套餐包括佐餐麵包, 沙拉, 湯品, 主餐 , 甜點, 飲料
Includes Salad, Soup, Main Course x 1, Dessert, Drink
Price: NTD $1000 / Set
Remark: I personally would recommend this NTD $1000/set. (我個人比較推薦 NTD $1000 套餐)



Sticky Tofu, Garlic Butter, Pickled Cabbage
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

饕客有分成兩派, 一派是不容許主廚將他們所謂的療癒系食物套上不同的框架, 另一派則是 “Keep An Open Mind”, 我是後者. 取名為記憶香是因為臭豆腐與醃泡菜是主廚的美食回憶,  這就是經典的普魯斯特效應 (Proustian Effect), 也就是氣味勾起情緒與回憶.  我再三確認這是一人份沙拉, 份量比想像中地多. 若不是店員上菜時解釋, 我不會知道原來這道菜餚是以法式羊奶乳酪沙拉 (French Style Goat Cheese Salad) 發想, 以台式臭豆腐取代乳酪, 經過 2 ~ 3 週發酵時間, 但不採用油炸烹飪方式, 而是抹上蒜醬進烤箱, 加重蒜蓉風味,若是不習慣吃重口味的人, 可搭配一旁的自製醃泡菜.   我相當推薦這一道料理,  可以稱作豐舍的招牌菜餚, 當然前提是可接受臭豆腐的獨特風味.
Sticky Tofu and pickled cabbage combination is a typical and traditional Taiwanese street food. The chef mentioned that the inspiration comes from French Style Goat Cheese Salad. He uses sticky tofu to substitute for the cheese. The cooking method is not the typical deep-fry. The tofu is baked in the oven along with the garlic butter. The refreshing pickled cabbage is perfect pairing with the sticky tofu, just like it always does. I would recommend this dish only if you like to eat sticky tofu though.



Peeled Chili Pepper, Chicken , Ginger
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

湯盤裡置放著熟雞肉切丁和少許剝皮辣椒丁, 店員再以跟 “al sorriso 義大利餐廳“ 一樣的 Table Service 方式將清雞湯注入湯盤中,清雞湯其實就是法式澄清湯 (Consommé )的一種, 湯頭本身看似清淡雅緻, 雞湯的濃香和辛辣皆具有衝擊性, 比較適合喜歡吃辣的人品嚐.
B.B.R Restaurant staff offer table service, just like at “al sorriso Italian restaurant”. It is actually Consommé, with chicken meat and peeled chili pepper. The overall taste is quite spicy but with thick chicken flavor. This dish is more suitable for people who likes to eat spicy food.



Confit Duck Leg, Litsea, Garlic
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

台北豐舍主廚詹勝凱採用高成本品質佳的宜蘭豪野鴨品牌, 菜餚端上桌後, 店員將鴨肉與鴨骨輕鬆地分開的同時, 不僅酥脆鴨皮綻開的聲音響亮, 鴨油豐富香氣更是迎面而來,連坐在另一端的朋友都聞得到, 帶給嗅覺久違的震撼感, 通過舌尖能感受到油脂無意地介入讓鴨肉變得更嫩, 不走搞剛風格, 卻能穩坐主角角色.  馬告 (山胡椒) 可稱作為台灣食材驕傲, 幾乎多數台北異國料理或是創意料理餐廳都會使用, 台北豐舍主廚用的花蓮馬告帶有點香茅香, 而非刺激性的黑胡椒香. 北非小米 ( Cous Cous ) 吃起來偏軟, 一旁的配菜則是會依季節不同而更改.
Taipei B.B.R. Restaurant Chef Michael uses Yilan Ho-Yeh brand Duck. The staff easily separates the bones and the meat. The aroma of the duck fats overwhelmed my friend and I. The duck meat become extremely tender because of the fats. The Litsea offers lemongrass flavor instead of black pepper flavor. The cous cous tastes a bit softer than expected. The side dishes would change accordingly due to the season.



Sesame, Soy Milk, Crumble
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

豆腐蛋糕口感吃起來像蜂蜜蛋糕般綿密, 芝麻香氣在口中散開, 會讓人想再點一份的美味程度. 用餐完後也可點一杯飲料.
The tofu cake tastes like Castella (Japanese Honey Cake). The sesame flavor tastes quite delicious. Also, you can order a drink afterwards.


單點: 火燒蝦天使麵

Shrimp, Brandy, Angel Hair
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

台北豐舍餐廳主廚採用成本較高的台灣火燒蝦品種, 而不是常見的泰國蝦. 去殼火燒蝦視覺上雖然比一般常出現在海鮮義大利麵的蝦小, 但在馬德拉白蘭地 (Madeira Brandy) 洗禮後升級成為有適量甜度的海鮮風味, 多數台灣人對清炒海鮮義大利麵的印象皆是小清新, 而這道火燒蝦天使麵則是看似清淡卻有尾韻深厚的香醇, 也增加對這道料理的美味慾望.
B.B.R Restaurant chef uses higher cost of Taiwanese shrimp instead of Thai shrimp. This particular shrimp is smaller. But with Brandy, this dish upgrade to the sweet seafood flavor.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 豐舍 B.B.R
地址: 台北市大同區迪化街一段350號 (Map)
電話: 02-2557-9935
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrasseriebonneRecolte/
Restaurant: Brasserie bonne Recolte (B.B.R.)
Address: No. 350, 1st section, Dihua Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Daqiao Tou MRT station
Tel: 02-2557-9935
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


豐舍菜單 》 Brasserie bonne Recolte (B.B.R.) Menu
