Port 23 Taipei 》Folio Hotel 台北大安區飯店餐廳之海鮮饗宴

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業) Port 23 餐廳是屬於台北大安區異國料理餐廳之一, 位於 Folio Hotel Daan Taipei 1樓, 這次有這個榮幸嘗試到Port 23 秋冬季新菜單.
(Closed) Port 23 Restaurant is located at Folio Hotel Daan Taipei near Da’an MRT station. Now, I have the opportunity to try out their 2018 new Autumn & Winter Menu.

Port 23 菜單在文末 Port 23 Menu is at the end of article


Port 23 餐廳離大安捷運站不遠, 介於”饞食坊” 和信維市場的 “万家紅麵線”. Port 23 聽起來與相當美式作風, 詢問之一下才知道原來 Port 23 和 “al sorriso” 皆是屬於義大利料理餐廳. Port 23 餐廳的 Port 中文翻譯是海港,象徵旅人來往交會之處, 希望客人能夠在餐飯的時間交流情感, Port – Folio 名稱組合起來是 Portfolio的意思. Port 23 餐廳與其他飯店餐廳一樣都是房客用早餐的地方, 商業午餐和下午茶也相當受到附近上班族之青睞. 這次試的料理皆是單點, 並不是套餐.
Port 23 Restaurant is near Da’an Restaurant. The location is located in between “Zen Food restaurant” and “Wanjia Vermicelli Restaurant”. Port Restaurant sounds like American Restaurant, but instead, it is a Italian Restaurant, just like “al sorriso Italian Restaurant”. Also, the restaurant is named PORT because they wish the travelers to interact with others during dining time.  Also, the word “port” combines with Folio becomes Portfolio. Just like other hotel restaurants, it is a restaurant that offers breakfast for hotel guests. This time, I try out their single dish instead of set.

延伸閱讀: 其他大安捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Daan MRT station

 台灣飯店餐廳酒吧 Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar

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Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這是一人份湯品, 湯品顏色看似與暖橘色傳統法國馬賽海鮮魚湯不大一樣, 這道義式鄉村馬賽海鮮魚湯品呈現偏橘褐色. 雖然本質是魚高湯, 但 Port 23 餐廳將蝦高湯份量增加, 品嚐起來雖然不濃稠, 蝦的獨特醇厚風味佔據了整個味蕾, 奪走魚高湯與其他辛香料的風頭, 事先已去殼的蝦沾上更多類似蝦膏風味, 但口感依舊不錯, 店員特別強調蝦是來自花蓮的無毒蝦 (名為女兒蝦), 而非泰國進口蝦. 倒是湯裡的紅石斑份量不多, 半熟干貝處理得比 “ T+ T 餐酒館“ 好, 相較之下, 淡菜部分則是顯得較為遜色. 我會建議若沒喝過馬賽海鮮魚湯的人可點來兩人分享.
Unlike Traditional Bouillabaisse, Port 23 Restaurant’s soup is dark orange color. Also, Port 23 Restaurant enhances the shrimp broth. Therefore, the shrimp flavor dominates the tastebuds, instead of the fish broth and flavorings. The staff mentioned that the shrimps are from Taiwan, instead of Thailand. However, there isn’t much fish meat in the broth. But, the scallop is cooked better than “T+T Bistro”. I would suggest this soup to people who never try Bouillabaisse before.


繽紛自然水耕嫩葉沙拉佐桑椹油醋汁 (含堅果)

Pesticide-Free Hydroponic Lettuce with Mulberry Vinaigrette
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此款沙拉顏色和 “海倫咖啡”沙拉一樣繽紛,常見的松子食材藏在沙拉盤底層. 蔬菜之清脆已不在話下,單吃沙拉顯得單調, 建議淋上一旁附的酒紅色桑椹油醋汁, 當舌尖感受到有桑椹顆粒的同時, 酸甜感也刺激著味蕾, 藏在細節裡的糖漬黑豆, 可以說是帶來不一樣的驚喜. 這道沙拉較適合四人分享.
The color of this dish is similar with the salad at “Helen’s Coffee”. The crisp vegetables with Mulberry Vinaigrette is an interesting combination. The hints of acidity along with the sweetness stimulate the tastebuds. The sugar coated black bean brings more surprise to this dish. I would suggest this salad for party of 4.



White Mushrooms with Shrimp of Garlic Cumin
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道名稱很有趣, 前半段小農白蘑菇聽起來相當簡約清淡, 但後半段 “蒜香小茴香蝦仁” 符合此道菜餚賦予視覺上的重口味, 蘑菇與蝦已經是異國料理常見的組合, 原本以為只有單一蒜味主導 (像 “PS Tapas” 的西班牙蒜味蝦), 菜餚裡因為多了兩個重要元素 – 梅林醬油與小茴香, 味蕾受到梅子風味與來自小茴香的辛香風味雙重重擊, 整道料理意外地討喜. 若是平常就愛吃重口味食物, 可考慮這道料理. 
The appearance of this dish is similar with garlic shrimp dish at “PS Tapas”. I assume that the flavor is dominated by single flavor – garlic. But, Port 23 Restaurant adds two more interesting ingredients – plum flavor soy sauce and cumin. The taste has hints of spicy along with long-last plum flavor. Overall, it is pretty flavorful. I would suggest this dish for people who like strong flavor cuisine.



Linguine with Shrimp and Broccoli in Lobster Cream Sauce
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道料理色澤呈現 “50/50 Cuisine Française” 龍蝦湯的暖橘色, 因為價格為 NTD $380, 整體義大利麵份量並不多, 夾起義大利麵時,每一口上色均勻的義大利麵皆是濃郁龍蝦醬帶來的海鮮風味, 用味蕾感受到海港風情. 這道料理的底層有如同雪花般的帕達諾起司, 更增加了醬汁黏稠度, 搭配兩隻去殼女兒蝦更增加飽足感. 我會建議一人享用, 因為會吃上癮.
This dish has warm orange color, just like at “50/50 Cuisine Française” lobster soup. Since the price is only NTD $380, the cuisine quantity is not much. Every inch of the Linguine is coated with perfect color and lobster seafood flavor. The snowflake of the cheese enhances the overall seafood flavor. Two shell-less shrimps are perfect for fulfilling the appetite. I would suggest this dish for one person purpose instead of sharing because it is quite satisfying.



Pan-Fried Red Grouper with Seasonal Vegetables in Mediterranean Sauce
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

這次秋冬新菜單偏健康少油, 厚切紅石斑雖然淋上適量海鮮醬汁, 魚肉並無刻意多做調味 , 但卻很明顯可品嚐到鮮美魚味. 配料除了常見的蘆筍與紅蘿蔔外, 也特別加上Pizza常見的橄欖, 也許是因為從湯品開始就享用海鮮, 這道料理的醬汁反而較無記憶點.
Healthy and less oil are the two main themes about this new menu. The red grouper is spread with fair amount of Mediterranean Sauce. Even though the fish meat is not marinated, you can taste the refreshing fish flavor. Besides the common asparagus and carrot, this dish also has olives. Maybe because my friend and I taste the seafood from the beginning, the Mediterranean Sauce didn’t seem to have special flavor, comparing with other dishes.



Tiramisu Milano Style
Price: NTD $230
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當一家餐廳菜單上出現提拉米蘇時, 通常都是像 “Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館” 無刻意用容器包裝的方型提拉米蘇, 或是像 “Piccola Botega” 用卡布奇諾杯裝. Port 23 餐廳則是將提拉米蘇裝進玻璃杯. 與其他家提拉米蘇最大的不同是有帶有濃郁巧克力風味的布朗尼 (一般提拉米蘇只有手指餅乾), 品嚐起來也是乳香十足帶有點微酒香, 內餡裡更有大量堅果做為襯底, 整體品嚐起來算是不錯, 若是在台北市找尋好吃的提拉米蘇, 可嘗試Port 23 餐廳的提拉米蘇.
When I see the Tiramisu on the dessert menu, I usually think of the Square Shape Tiramisu at “Vicolo Trattoria Restaurant” or the tiramisu in the coffee cup, like at “Piccola Botega”. The difference would be the brownie with thick chocolate flavor. Most tiramisu only have cookies. The overall taste is full of milky flavor with hints of alcohol flavor. Also, there are fair amount of nuts in it. If you are looking for delicious Tiramisu, you could try the Tiramisu at Port 23 Restaurant.



Dutch Baby Pancake with berries
Price: NTD $230
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

近期最受歡迎的甜點非荷蘭鬆餅莫屬, 台北目前最受歡迎的荷蘭鬆餅在”瑪黑家居選物”, Port 23 餐廳只有一款莓果荷蘭鬆餅, 而且兩者都是荷蘭鬆餅, 卻不盡相同. Port 23 餐廳的荷蘭鬆餅切開時, 內層就如烤布蕾或是葡式蛋塔, 品嚐起來更是充滿蛋香, 藍莓帶來的酸甜風味讓整道甜點相當美味, 瑪黑家居選物的荷蘭鬆餅則是偏蓬鬆, 反而顯得較為單調. 搭配的草莓冰淇淋裡也能品嚐到草莓顆粒, 相當不錯.
The most popular dessert recently is Dutch Baby Pancake. The most famous dessert place would be at “Marais Taipei”. Port 23 Restaurant only has one dutch baby pancake with berries. Even though both are the same dutch baby pancake type, Port 23 Restaurant’s pancake tastes a bit like creme brulee. The eggy flavor along with blueberry acidity and jam sweetness. The strawberry ice cream is also tasty as well.

延伸閱讀: 瑪黑家居選物 》台北中山捷運站下午茶 | Marais Taipei



Fresh Apple Juice
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Port 23 餐廳的飲料品項除了單品現榨果汁外, 也有綜合果汁, 而且名稱相當有趣, 用一星期名稱來命名 (例如星期一), 我朋友點了現榨蘋果汁, 用之前很流行的電燈泡杯裝, 我只喝了一口, 算是不錯.
Port 23 Restaurant drink has Fresh juice and also mixed juice. And the names of the juice is quite interesting, which is Monday ~ Sunday. My friend ordered Fresh Apple Juice. I only tastes one sip, it is not too sweet and maintain the fresh apple flavor.



Salted Caramel Earl Grey Latte
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這次秋冬飲料Menu也同時推出不同品項熱奶茶, 我點了海鹽焦糖伯爵拿鐵, 紋路如同大理石的蛋型保溫杯造型特別, 原本認為會以焦糖甜味為主導, 但卻以英國伯爵茶與鮮奶為主導, 微冷後也不會過膩, 我會推薦給喜歡喝茶味較重的人.
Port 23 Restaurant promotes different types of hot milk teas. I ordered Salted Caramel Earl Grey Latte. I though that the caramel sweetness would dominate this drink. Instead, the tastebuds is wrapped with the Earl Grey Milk Tea flavor. I would suggest this drink to people who prefer tea flavor.


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餐廳: Port 23 義式餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區信義路四段30巷23號 (Map)
捷運站: 大安捷運站
電話: 02-6626-0656
營業時間: 看網站
Website: https://www.folio-hotels.com/daan/port23
Restaurant: Port 23 Restaurant
Address: No. 23, 30th Lane, 4th Section, Xinyi Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Da’an MRT Station
Tel: 02-6626-0656
Operation Hour: Check Website


菜單 MENU: https://www.folio-hotels.com/daan/port23



