台北東區美食 》al sorriso 義式餐廳 | 義大利食材百匯天堂

Last Updated on 2023-05-15 by Foodelicious

al sorriso 義大利餐廳台北大安區義大利餐廳之一, 是忠孝錢櫃附近的餐廳, 近年更在紅蝦評鑑得獎. 這次有榮幸二訪品嚐到這家餐廳的料理.
al sorriso Italian Restaurant is one of the Italian restaurants at Taipei Da’an District. It is near Cashbox KTV Zhongxiao Branch.They also won the Gambo Rosso Taipei Award. Now, I have the opportunity to have a second visit.

al sorriso 菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


al sorriso 餐廳位於 Home Hotel 裡, 早上提供給房客早餐, 另有提供午餐, 下午茶和晚餐. 餐廳櫃檯放置專業咖啡機, 酒杯則是倒掛. 午餐與下午茶氛圍較輕鬆, 晚餐時段桌子鋪上白色桌巾, 用餐氣氛瞬間升級. 我先介紹套餐, 再介紹單點菜餚.
al sorriso restaurant location is inside of Home Hotel. They offer breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea and dinner. In lunch time and afternoon tea time, the dining environment is quite delightful. The dinner time is more elegant since they display the white table cloth. I will introduce the set first, and then single dish.


延伸閱讀: 台北大安區美食 》 al sorriso 2019 晚餐套餐新菜單 Review


主廚套餐 ( Chef Set )

價格: NTD $1480/人
Price: NTD $1480/person
1. 有些菜色需加價
2. 用餐當日的主菜份量是單點份量,正式點餐套餐份量會比較少
1. Some dishes would need to charge extra
2. The following dishes are single dish order. The set quantity would be less than single dish order.



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

與 “ 裸餐酒 Naked Bistro “ 用一樣布籃裝佐餐麵包, 搭配橄欖油與巴薩米克醋, 並沒有奶油點綴. 單吃則是有麵包與少許香料香氣, 輕沾初榨橄欖油後有著赤裸清香, 較為特別的是有竹炭麵包條, 吃起來很像經典炸義大利條, 口感酥脆.
The breads are placed at the textile basket just like “Naked Bistro”. With Olive oil and Balsamic sauce, the bread tastes great without any butter. The most interesting part would be the charcoal bread stick. It tastes a bit liked fried pasta stick.


前菜: 精選火腿拼盤

Starter: Selected Cold Cut
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

前菜是精選火腿盤與主廚沙拉, 或可加價NTD$120 選水牛起司炭烤蔬菜,  al sorriso 廚師將兩種不同義大利肉品放在黑色長盤上, 深紅色圓型肉品 (圖右) 名稱為 Coppa, 雖然是偏乾系列的肉品, 但雪花般油花帶來的口感相當迷人, 整口的肉味穿插著豪邁的辛香料風味, 肉桂與蒜味居多, 完全是奔放的代表作. 粉色長型肉品 (圖左) 是 Mortadella, 來自義大利波隆那, 屬於偏濕系列的肉品, 吃起來口感柔軟,以黑胡椒風味為主導, 風味不會複雜, 我個人比較推薦Mortadella.
The starter is selected cold cut and chef salad. The other option would be add extra NTD $120 to order fresh Buffalo Cheese with grilled vegetable. Selected Cold Cut Dish replaced the Grilled Vegetable with Buffalo Cheese. al sorriso chef places two different types of meats on the long black plate. The dark red round shape ham is Coppa. It is a bit dry but the fats brings delicious flavor along with spices flavors, such as cinnamon and garlic. The long pink meat would be Mortadella. Its texture is more moist and soft. The flavor is dominated by black pepper. The flavor is less complex, therefore I recommend Mortadella.


開胃菜: 蘆筍松露燉蛋

Appetizer: Truffle Cream Brûlée with Asparagus
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一人一份開胃菜, 客人需要從”蘆筍松露燉蛋”或是”普羅旺斯炸蛙腿”選一道料理, 因為邀約, 餐廳提供這兩款菜餚給我與朋友, 當我看到菜單上寫著松露燉蛋時, 驚豔地發現居然是義大利黑松露松露刨片, 而非只有 5% 松露萃取物的黑松露醬 . 燉蛋表面看似不規則, 但口感相當軟嫩但不會過於濕潤, 蛋味十足, 主廚再將蕈菇置放在一起, 增加獨特香氣,  蘆筍絲則是帶給不一樣的口感, 相當不錯.
Customers would need to select “Truffle Cream Brûlée with Asparagus” or “Frog Legs Provencal”. When I see truffle, I thought of truffle sauce. However, I am impressed that this dish has the REAL truffle slice on the top along with other mushrooms. The appearance is not smooth, but the texture is soft as expected. The egg flavor is just right on the spot. Asparagus brings different layers of taste.


開胃菜: 普羅旺斯炸蛙腿

Appetizer: Frog Legs Provencal
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一人一份開胃菜, 客人需要從”蘆筍松露燉蛋”或是”普羅旺斯炸蛙腿”選一道料理.  這道料理偏法式, 兩隻健壯蛙腿放置在白色長盤, 其實蛙腿本身並沒有味道, 通常都會加香料來輔助.  因此深褐油炸表層佈滿香料, 香料包括常見的奧勒岡與百里香, 入口一瞬間, 蒜味蓋過其他香料味, 酥脆表皮搭配嚼勁口感, 若喜歡吃蛙腿的人, 不妨試試.
Customers would need to select “Truffle Cream Brûlée with Asparagus” or “Frog Legs Provencal”. Two people would need to share Two frog legs are placed at the white plate. The frog meats itself don’t have much flavor. But the chef marinated with spices, such as orengen and thyme. The garlic flavor dominates. The crispy appearance with chewy meat texture. I would recommend to people who like to eat frog legs.


湯品: 廣島牡蠣竹筍濃湯

Soup: Hiroshima Oyster Bamboo Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一人一湯品. 跟 “L’origine by La Credenza 歐傑洛義式餐廳 ”一樣是桌邊服務, 店員將湯倒入碗中, 象牙白看似濃郁湯頭其實吃起來較清爽, 類似絲瓜濃湯, 湯頭完全是夏季代表作, 建議加一旁的黑橄欖鹽粉末來搭配.,牡蠣的肥美無庸置疑, 球芽孢子甘藍也相當清脆.
Each person selects one soup. The table service is the same as “L’origine by La Credenza”. The ivory white soup broth seemed to be thick, but it actually tastes refreshing. It is perfect for summer time. You can also pair with the black olive salts on the side to increase its flavor. The oyster is not doubt quite delicious along with the crisp brussels sprout.


湯品: 根島生態蝦綜合蔬菜濃湯

Soup: Istand Eco-Shrimp Vegetable Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一人一款湯品,根島生態蝦來自印尼根島紅樹林復育計畫, 這款根島生態蝦徹底顛覆許多人對印尼產品的廉價與品質不好的刻板印象. 網路搜尋後, 才知道原來根島生態蝦都販售到迪士尼樂園與台灣五星級飯店. 橘紅色湯頭裡放置如明蝦Size的根島生態蝦, 肉質緊實且蝦味十足, 湯頭喝起來並沒有 “50/50 Cuisine Française”的龍蝦湯濃郁, 湯頭以蔬菜風味為主, 相當適合夏天.
Each person selects one soup. The shrimp is originate from Indonesia Eco-friendly island. Surprisingly, this particular shrimp appears in many high-class sales channel, such as Disney and five starts hotel. The shrimp meat texture is firm and tasty. However, the broth is not as thick as “50/50 Cuisine Française” lobster soup. The broth is dominated by vegetables though, which surprised me.


麵食: 手工麵疙瘩與堅果

Homemade Gnocchi in Padano Sauce with Nuts
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一人一款義大利麵食, 燉飯系列須加價, 乳白色醬包覆著餐廳自製麵疙瘩, 口感偏軟嫩而非像 “Botega del Vin 義大利餐廳“偏緊實, 每個人都有喜愛的派系. 這道麵疙瘩每一口皆是迷人濃郁乳酪風味, 在台北吃過蠻多餐廳的義大利麵疙瘩, 幾乎都不搭配配料 (頂多再多刨起司), 單純享受乳酪與麵疙瘩.  但是al sorriso 主廚特別再加上烘烤脆堅果與酸甜果乾讓這道料理讓多種口感.
Each person selects one Italian pasta or risotto. Risotto series would need to add extra charge. The ivory white sauce surrounds the hand-made Gnocchi. The texture is soft , unlike “Botega del Vin”’s firm texture. Each bite is the thick cheese flavor. Most Italian Restaurant in Taiwan do not add any side dish or ingredients with the Gnocchi (Maybe more Cheese). But al sorriso chef puts the baked nuts and dried fruit to increase its tasty complexity.


麵食: 羅馬式牛尾燉飯

Roman Ox Tail Stew with Cheese Risotto
Price: Extra NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一人一款義大利麵食, 燉飯系列需加價. 主廚將紅褐色牛尾切成小塊, 而非像單一羅馬屠夫式燉牛尾Size偏大塊. 光吃深褐色牛尾會稍微過鹹, 建議將牛尾肉品拌燉飯一起入口, 一口即可感受到鹹肉香與起司風味的纏綿, 軟爛肉質與稍硬義大利米燉飯造就口感不同. 我會推薦給愛吃燉飯的人.
Each person selects one Italian pasta or risotto. Risotto series would need to add extra charge. The chef cuts the ox tail into small pieces instead of large. If only eat the ox tail, it would be a bit overly too salty. I would recommend to mix the ox tail with risotto. So, you can feel the meaty flavor and creamy sauce together in each bite. The meat texture is soft along with semi-hard Italian rice is perfect.


主菜: 主廚特製爐烤伊比利僧帽肌

Main Course: Roasted Iberico Pork Pluma with Vegetable
Price: Extra NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一人一款主餐, 此款伊比利僧帽肌需要加價NTD $150.圖顯示的是單點份量, 套餐主餐約一半份量. 伊比利僧帽肌其實就是價格不菲的老饕豬肉, 也就是豬上蓋肋眼, 號稱伊比利豬最軟嫩的部份, 油脂與瘦肉比例為 3:1, 一口咬下時, 油脂滋潤伊比利豬肉, 口感相當嫩, 肉香幾乎蓋過酥脆表層上的紅椒粉與七味粉, 底層的百合黑蒜醬汁黯然失色. 我認為這道料理與朋友分享最合適.
Each person selects one main course.  Roasted Iberia Pork Pluma would need to charge extra NTD $150. The set main course would be the half quantity as the picture shows. The Iberia Pork Pluma is probably the most high-cost area. The fats vs slims are about 3:1. Each bite is tender and full of meaty aroma. It is almost covers the pepper powder and Japanese 7-flavors powder. I would recommend this dish for sharing.


主菜: 法式小羊排佐茄子泥

Main Course: Roasted Rack of Lamb
Price: Extra NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

一人一款主餐, 法式小羊排需加價 $120 ,圖顯示的是單點份量, 套餐主餐約一半份量.  我很少到義大利餐廳吃牛排, 幾乎都是點其他料理. 四支Size適中帶骨羊排放置在同一邊, 迫不及待品嚐, 五分熟粉色羊排吃起來相當多汁, 先煎後烤讓表層稍微酥脆, 香料倒是沒有很明顯, 羊排肉香出乎意料地肉香十足, 無花果與球芽孢子甘藍緩和口中的肉香, 這道料理雖然偏法式, 我和朋友一致認為這道料理是當天最出色的料理.
Each person selects one main course. The roasted rack of lamb would need to charge extra NTD $120. The set main course would be half of the quantity as the picture shows. I rarely order steaks at Italian restaurant. Four medium size of lamb racks are placed at the same side. The medium-rare meat is juicy and its appearance is a bit crispy The spices are not obvious. Thick meat flavor is unexpected. Even though this dish is more of the French style, but it is still delicious.


綜合起司盤 (單點)

Assorted Cheese Plate
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道料理為單點, 排列順序是以風味清爽到風味濃郁, 由右到左分別是 Lagrein, Ossau Iraty (中上), Gorgonzola (中下), Taleggio. 來自北義的 Lagrein為四種乳酪內質地最硬, 風味偏弱, 此款乳酪為熟成起司, 較為特別的是在紅酒裡浸泡, 可惜的是只有單一堅果風味.Ossau Iraty (中上) 是法國羊乳酪, 口感是半硬質, 我個人認為風味並不是很明顯. 經典藍紋乳酪氣味較強烈, 但這款Gorgonzola (中下) 的蕈菇風味較濃郁, 是我喜歡的乳酪類型. 最左邊是常見的Taleggio, 氣味偏濃郁, 質地軟得很討喜. 我會建議點酒的人點.
This dish is separately order. The dish is placed from light flavor to thick flavor. From right to left is Lagrein, Ossau Iraty (Top middle), Gorgonzola (bottom middle), Taleggio. The Ligroin is a aged cheese from Northern Italy. The flavor is not as strong as expected. But the nutty flavor is quite attractive. Ossau Iraty (Top middle) is French Goat Cheese, which doesn’t have obvious cheese flavor though. Gorgonzola (Bottom middle) has strong mushroom flavor, which I prefer. The left side would be the most common cheese – Taleggio. The cheese flavor is strong. I would recommend for people who order wine.



Chicken Liver Crostino
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此道料理為單點, 雞肝慕斯脫膜完美, 鹹蛋黃碎末灑落在雞肝慕斯上, 建議將雞肝慕斯如同抹醬般塗滿一旁的麵包切片, 單吃其實味道會出乎意料地重, 鹹蛋黃碎末中和了雞肝的重量級經典氣味, 抹完麵包切片會有剩慕斯, 所以我建議抹麵包時抹多一點.
This dish is separately order. The round shape Chicken liver mousse is flawless. The salty egg powder are spread over the chicken liver paste. You can spread the chicken liver on the toasts. The salty egg covers the classic chicken liver paste. Also there would be leftover. I would suggest to spread more paste on the toast though.



*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受


延伸閱讀: 台北餐酒館懶人包 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE





店名: al sorriso 義大利餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段219-2號 (Map)
捷運: 忠孝復興捷運站
營業時間: 以 Facebook 為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alsorriso.tw/
Restaurant Name: al sorriso Italian Restaurant
Address: No. 219-2 , 1st section, Fuxing South Road 1st Section, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-8773-5013
Operation Hour: Check Facebook




