Fogant 法式餐廳 》關於這家內湖美食餐廳的五個重點

Last Updated on 2022-11-14 by Foodelicious

Fogant 餐廳 2022 新開幕的台北法式餐廳 , 主廚 Xavier Wang 提供的法國料理歸類於 Casual Dining , Fogant 午餐與晚餐價位頗合理.
Fogant restaurant is a 2022 Taipei New Restaurant. Chef Xavier Wang offers Casual Dining French cuisine. And, the lunch and dinner set prices are quite reasonable.

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Fogant 訂位與交通

Fogant Reservation and Transportation

我當初看到「 Fogant 」 這個餐廳名稱, 原本以為是法文, 孰不知是「 Focus 」與「Elegant 」的結合字體, 我自己中文翻譯是專注在法式優雅風格. Fogant 餐廳地址為台北市內湖區民權東路六段200號, 在內湖國防醫學院對面, 交通可以選擇以下方式:

✅ 開車: 這是最方便也是最簡單的方式, 附近很多停車場與停車位
✅ 捷運: 若是藍線, 可考慮到昆陽捷運站搭計程車. 或是到內湖線的葫洲站搭計程車.

Fogant 訂位是採用 inline ( ) ,餐廳主要色調為法國藍( Bleu de France ) , 與 “Loulou Dining Express” 顏色相似, 座位足夠可以辦品酒會 , 這裡也適合約會或是朋友聚餐.

At first, I thought that「 Fogant 」 is French. In fact,「 Fogant 」 is combined with「 Focus 」and「 Elegant 」. You can reserve via inline ( ) to reserve. The main color is Blue de France, which is similar with “Loulou Dining Express“. Fogant restaurant location is No. 200 , 6th Section, Minquan East Road, Neihu District, Taipei City. You can select the following transportation:

✅ Drive: This is the best transportation method. There are many parking lots and spaces nearby.
✅ MRT Station: You can take the taxi from Kunyang MRT station or Huzhou MRT station.


延伸閱讀: Loulou Dining Express 》台北東區餐酒館

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Fogant 停車

Fogant Parking

Fogatn 餐廳在內湖國防醫學院對面, 附近很多停車位.
There are many parking lots and spaces nearby.


Fogant 菜單價位與開瓶費⭐

Fogant Menu Price and Corkage Fee

Fogant 法式餐廳的菜單價位如下

✅ 平日午間套餐: NTD $1280/人
✅ 平日晚餐套餐/週末午餐套餐/週末晚餐套餐: NTD $2680/人
✅ 餐酒 Pairing: NTD$1000/ 3 杯 ; NTD $1250/4杯
✅ 目前不接待12歲(含)以下的客人
✅ 750ml 葡萄酒開瓶費是NTD $1000, 一瓶烈酒開瓶費是NTD$1500.

Fogant French Restaurant menu prices are the following

2022. November Menu Price
✅ Weekday Lunch Set: NTD $1280/person
✅ Weekday Dinner Set / Weekend Lunch Set / Weekend Dinner Set: NTD $2680/person
✅ Pairing: NTD$1000/ 3 glasses ; NTD $1250/ 4 glasses
✅ They do not accept guests under 12 years old.
✅ 750ml Wine Corkage Fee is NTD $1000/bottle. The high % alcohol corkage fee is NTD $1500/bottle




Fogant 菜餚內容

Fogant Menu Content

我吃的是 2022. November 平日晚餐套餐/週末午餐套餐/週末晚餐套餐: NTD $2680/人
I ate the 2022.November Weekday Dinner Set / Weekend Lunch Set / Weekend Dinner Set: NTD $2680/person



Grape Shrimp/Split Peas/Yuzu
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

我自從在 “Pasti” 與 “草頭西” 吃到葡萄蝦 (金殼蝦) 後, 葡萄蝦成為我喜歡的海鮮食材之一. 我很驚訝能在Fogant 餐廳的開胃前菜吃到葡萄蝦, 主要原因是台北大部分西餐廳皆是採用胭脂蝦. 第一口即可感受到薄脆塔皮且完整, 柚子與雪豆襯托出生食級葡萄蝦的誘人鮮甜海鮮風味. 蠻好吃!
Grape Shrimp becomes one of the seafood ingredients after I tasted Grape Shrimp at “Pasti” and “Catouxi Bistro”. I am quite surprised to taste grape shrimp at Fogant’s Amuse Bouche. The main reason is that other Taipei Western restaurants use regular shrimp. Grape Shrimp tastes better. I can taste the crispy and completed tart texture. The yuzu and peas pair great and enhance the seafood flavor from the grape shrimp. It is quite delicious.

延伸閱讀: PASTi Trattoria 》關於這一家台北義大利餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》搬家後訂位困難的草頭西餐酒館


澄清雞湯 | 鴨油 | 香菜苗

Consommé / Duck Fat/ Coriander
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

台北西式餐廳很喜歡添加一些創新調味在傳統菜餚裡, 關於傳統湯品, 我其實喜歡Fogant 餐廳的法式澄清雞湯 , 最初先聞到熟悉的雞湯香氣, 澄清雞湯清澈無雜質, 味蕾可感受到濃郁雞湯風味, 微量鴨油讓雞湯風味更香醇. 這一道湯品是當天我最喜歡的菜餚.
Many Western restaurants like to add unique flavors into traditional cuisine in order to be creative. As for soup, I actually prefer Fogant restaurant’s traditional Consommé. The broth is clean and yet has thick chicken soup flavor. Small amount of duck fats upgrade and enhance both chicken soup aroma and flavor. This soup is my favorite dish of the day.

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



季節魚生 | 酪梨 | 酸豆蛋白醬 | 鮭魚卵

Seasonal Sashimi / Avocado / Gribiche / Salmon Roe
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

主廚 Xavier 採用鮪魚塔塔 (Tartare ) , 生食級鮪魚並沒有經過熟成, 底層是法式酸豆蛋白醬 ( Gribiche ) , 與常見的法式蛋黃醬不同, 這一道的法式酸豆蛋白醬不會過於厚重, 搭配酪梨醬一起吃 , 整體簡單俐落, 而且鮪魚仍舊可以維持原始海鮮風味.
Chef Xavier uses Tuna sashimi tartare, which does not go through the aging process. Gribiche Sauce, which is cold egg-white sauce with capers, is placed at the bottom. The sauce itself is not too thick nor heavy. Tasting the tuna with avocado and the Gribiche is a good tasting experience. The tuna still remains to keep the original seafood flavor.


麵包 | 鹽之花奶油

Bread & Butter with Fleur de sea
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

麵包可續, 有稍微炭烤, 因此有焦香, 奶油撒上鹽之花讓整體不單調.
You can add more breads. The Fleur de sea on the butter is quite delicious.


干貝 | 甜玉米 | 奶油鼠尾草

Scallop/Sweet Corn/Butter Sage
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

北海道干貝置中, 若是搭配右邊的鵝黃色甜玉米泥, 有點蓋過海鮮風味, 我個人比較喜歡搭配綠色的奶油鼠尾草醬, 鼠尾草是個性強烈的食材 , 常與奶油互搭組合成醬, 奶香尾韻與干貝海鮮風味是不敗組合. 我希望醬與干貝有些距離, 讓我可以先單吃一小塊不沾醬的干貝後, 再選擇搭哪一款醬.
Hokkaido Scallop is placed in the middle. If you dip into the yellow color sweet corn sauce on the right side, it might cover the seafood flavor a bit. I personally prefer the green color butter sage sauce. Sage is a strong spice with strong character, which always pairs with butter. The buttery flavor of the butter sage pairs great with the scallop seafood flavor. I sincerely wish that there is a bit distance between the sauce and the scallop. I would like t to take a bite of scallop solely. Then, I can decide which sauce I am going to pair later.



Seasonal Fish / Clam / Zucchini/Fennel Butter
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

網路提到主廚 Xavier Wang 會到市場挑選魚款, 因此時令鮮魚會不定期更換. 這次主廚採用長尾鳥. 乾煎後有微脆口感與嫩魚肉, 吃起來有濃郁海鮮風味, 再搭配櫛瓜的清脆感, 搭配茴香奶油是不敗組合, 蝦油與蛤蜊醬汁則是偏點綴的角色.
Chef Xavier Wang will go to the market to select the fish. Therefore, the seasonal fish might be vary. This time, the chef uses snapper. The snapper fillet is crispy on the appearance and has tender fish meat. While tasting, you can taste the thick seafood flavor from the snapper. Pairing with the Fennel Butter is a great combination. The clam and shrimp oil do not appear to be obvious though.



Aged Duck Breast / Beetroot/ Chicken Jus
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

鴨胸已經是台北法式餐廳的基本菜餚, Fogant 餐廳將鴨胸熟成三天, 外表滋潤油亮, 鴨胸吃起來跟預期地一樣嫩, 真心希望鴨皮可以更脆一點. 雞肉自然醬的英文是 Chicken Jus , 實際上, Jus 是烹煮肉類自然產出的肉「 汁」, 並不是濃稠質地的醬料. 鴨肉在雞肉自然醬洗禮下提升整體肉香程度. 甜菜根醬賦予味蕾些許酸甜度, 紫紅色甜菜根薄片與食用級白色繁星花的點綴讓這道菜餚 match「 Fogant⠀」的概念 – Focus Elegant ( 專注在法式優雅風格).
Duck breast is the basic dish of Taipei French Restaurants. Fogant restaurant aged the duck breast for three days. The meat is tender, but I wish that the duck skin can be more crispy. Chicken Jus enhances the meaty flavor. The beetroot sauce offers fair amount of acidity and sweetness to the tastebuds. The purple beetroot slices and white flower decoration match the Fogant Concept – Focus Elegant.


法式羔羊|發酵辣椒|酒漬地瓜 | 干邑白蘭地

Lamb Rack / Fermented Chili/ Sweet Potato/Cognac
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Fogant 餐廳主廚 Xavier 有多年在法式餐廳的工作經驗, 他之前在澳洲一頂帽的 Rockpool Bar & Grill , 之後在台北 Monsieur L Restaurant 與 50/50 Cuisine Française 法式餐廳. 能將「 羊排 」烹調到好吃已經是最基本. 主菜兩選一 : 美國頂級肋眼心或法式羔羊 ( 需加價 +NTD $400 ) . 主廚會建議羊排五分熟. 羊排擺盤與 “蘭餐廳” 完全不同, 主廚先將帶骨羊排烹調, 再將骨頭去掉且精修. Fogant 餐廳的羊排份量多, 嫩度適中有些扎實, 不錯吃, 搭配鮮黃色的發酵辣椒泥挑逗味蕾, 也間接蓋住些許羊肉的肉香. 這道菜餚的啤酒漬地瓜吃起來甜且軟.
Fogant Restaurant Chef Xavier has many years of working experience at French Restaurants. He worked at Australia Rockpool Bar & Grill, Taipei Monsieur L Restaurant and 50/50 Cuisine Française. Cooking tasty Lamb Rack is the basic skill. You can select between USDA Ribeye or Lamb Rack (+NTD $400 ). The lamb dish display is different from “Orchid Restaurant”. Chef Xavier cooks the lamb rack with bones, but debone it afterwards. So, he only serves medium lamb meat with tenderness. There are more Lamb meats than expected. It is pretty delicious. The tastebuds can sense yellow fermented chili sauce stimulation, which covers a few of meaty flavor. I like the beer-soaked sweet potato, which is sweet and soft texture.

延伸閱讀: Orchid by Nobu Lee 蘭餐廳 》二訪菜單的威靈頓牛排與羊排皆美味


愛玉 | 桂花| 水果

Aiyu / Osmanthus/Fruit
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

關於餐廳級的愛玉, 我吃過 “logy” , 這次在 Fogant 法式餐廳也吃到頗為特別的愛玉, 桂花與手撕新鮮柚子. 整體風味平衡 , 不錯吃, 水果會依季節不同而改變.
I tasted Restaurant level Aiyu dessert at “logy”. This time at Fogant restaurant, I tasted quite special Aiyu dessert along with Osmanthus and fresh hand-ripped yuzu slices. The overall flavor is balanced. It is quite delicious. The fruit selection may be vary due to season.

延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》2022 台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食


甜點: 布朗尼 or 法式千層

Brownie or Mille Feuille

甜點可二選一, 布朗尼 or 法式千層.
You can choose one – Brownie or Mille Feuille

布朗尼| 蘋果 | 薄荷

Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

甜點是 Fogant 餐廳自己做的, 上方是炙燒焦糖蘋果切片與香蕉泥, 每一口的巧克力布朗尼都可以吃到核桃, Fogant 餐廳的布朗尼本體比 “RADICI TAIPEI” 好吃許多.只是後來加的檸檬薄荷醬汁 (圖2) 有點搶走布朗尼主角的風采.
Fogant Restaurant makes their own dessert. The grilled caramelized apple slice and banana cream are on the top. You can taste the walnuts at each bite of Brownies. Brownie tastes better than “RADICI Taipei”. However, the lemon mint sauce (pic 2) covers my favorite brownie’s chocolate flavor.

延伸閱讀: RADICI TAIPEI 》有戶外座位的台北大稻埕餐酒館


法式千層| 馬達加斯加香草

Mille Feuille / Madagascar Vanilla
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這裡的千層是像 “侯布雄下午茶” 的千層蛋糕, 以餐廳套餐甜點來說 , Fogant 餐廳的千層甜點不錯吃, 千層脆, 我喜歡簡單且風味十足香草奶油餡.
Their Mille Feuille is similar with “SALON DE THE de Joël Robuchon” Mille Feuille. As a restaurant set dessert, Fogant restaurant Mille Feuille tastes quite good. I like the crispness along with simply Madagascar Vanilla Cream filling.

延伸閱讀: SALON DE THE de Joël Robuchon 》關於侯布雄下午茶的五件事


咖啡 or 茶

Coffee or Tea

I ordered hot Chamomile Tea.


Fogant 餐廳 – 餐酒 Pairing

Fogant Restaurant – Pairing

餐酒 Pairing Price: NTD$1000/ 3 杯 ; NTD $1250/4杯
Pairing: NTD $1000/3 glasses ; NTD $1250/4 glasses

CANVAS Chardonnay 2020

來自加州 Napa 的夏多內白酒, 有蘋果香氣, 鳳梨風味為主導, 洋梨風味為輔, 酸度明顯, 此款白酒是搭配季節魚生 ( 鮪魚塔塔) 與北海道干貝兩道菜餚.
This California Napa Chardonnay has apple aroma. The pineapple flavor dominates the wine flavor. The acidity is quite obvious. This white wine is to pair with tuna tartare and scallop dishes.


Santa Cristina Toscana IGT 2018

這款義大利托斯卡尼的混釀紅葡萄酒搭配熟成鴨胸. 需要靜置幾分鐘才能感受到柔和單寧, 紅色莓果風味搭配鴨胸肉一起吃很適合.
This wine is from Toscana, Italy. This blend red wine is to pair with aged duck breast dish. You can sense the soft tannin after a few minutes. The red berry flavor pairs great with the duck breast.


Cetena Rossa Toscana 2018

這一款義大利酒與上一款混釀義大利酒不太相同 , 這一款紅酒是 100% Sangiovese , 微高單寧與紫羅蘭香氣明顯, 不會過於厚重, 黑莓風味搭配有著濃郁肉香的羊排很適合
This wine is 100% Sangiovese. High Tannin and Violets aroma are quite obvious character. The black berries flavor with lamb meat is an interesting combination.


Baumer Rhein Riesling Landwein

來自德國的 Riesling 白酒是屬於微甜白酒, 作爲甜點酒, 有著青蘋果與葡萄柚風味, 經典礦石依舊存在.
This Germany Riesling is served as dessert wine. It has green apple and grapefruit flavor. The minerality is the classic flavor of Riesling.


結論 – Conclusion ⭐

Fogant 餐廳是 2022 新開幕台北法式餐廳, 以下為總結

✅ 套餐價格 match 美味程度
以現在台北西式餐廳套餐價格 , Fogant 餐廳價格算是正常與實惠, Fogant 有些菜餚不錯吃 – 例如葡萄蝦開胃前菜, 澄清雞湯, 五分熟羊排

平日午間套餐: NTD $1280/人.
平日晚餐套餐/週末午餐套餐/週末晚餐套餐: NTD $2680/人


✅ 有午餐時段與晚餐時段
跟朋友可以相約 在捷運站搭計程車. 若是開車, 吃完午餐後, 可考慮順便去內湖 Costco 或是附近的星巴克坐坐. 內湖上班族則是可以在下班時來Fogant 餐廳吃晚餐


✅ Fogant 餐廳提供法式料理而不是 Fusion
Fogant 餐廳提供法式歐陸料理 , 並不是Fusion創新料理. 我個人是比較喜歡這種法式偏歐陸風格的菜餚


Fogant Restaurant is a 2022 new Taipei French restaurant. The following is the conclusion:

✅ Set price matches the delicious level.
Comparing with other Western restaurant price, Fogant Restaurant price is quite reasonable. And some of the dishes are quite delicious – For example, grape shrimp, Consommé , and medium Lamb Rack.

Weekday Lunch Set: NTD $1280/person
Weekend Dinner Set /Weekend Lunch Set/Weekend Dinner Set: NTD $2680/person


✅ Fogant restaurant offers both Lunch and Dinner
You can meet your friends at MRT station and take the taxi to the restaurant. If you drive, after eating, you can shop at Costco or drink coffee at nearby Starbucks. People who work at Neihu can dine here after work.


✅ Fogant Restaurant offers French cuisine instead of Fusion
Fogant Restaurant offers French/European cuisines instead of Fusion creative cuisine. I personally prefer the French/European style dishes.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Fogant 餐廳資訊

Fogant Restaurant Information

店名: Fogant 餐廳
地址: 台北市內湖區民權東路六段200號1樓 (Map)
捷運站: 昆陽捷運站 or 葫洲捷運站
電話: 02-8791-0288
Restaurant: Fogant Restaurant
Address: No. 200 , 6th Section, Minquan East Road, Neihu District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Kunyang MRT station or Huzhou MRT Station
Tel: 02-8791-0288




