Loulou Dining Express 》台北餐酒館推薦 (內有菜單連結)

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

( 2022. 10.16 結束營業 ) Lou Lou 餐廳 ULV Taipei 的第二個品牌, 也是 2021 新開幕法式餐酒館 , Lou Lou 菜單除了經典羅西尼牛排, 也有其他單點歐陸菜餚.
(2022. 10. 16 Closed Down ) Lou Lou Taipei is the 2nd Brand of ULV Taipei Restaurant. It is also a 2021 newly-opened French Bistro at Taipei City. Besides Rossini Steak, there are also several European Dishes on the menu.


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延伸閱讀: ULV Restaurant and Bar Taipei 》台北餐酒館 | 法式料理與北歐料理之邂逅


Lou Lou 餐廳訂位

Lou Lou Taipei Reservation

新開幕 Lou Lou Dining Express 離忠孝敦化捷運站 3 號出口約 10 ~ 15 分鐘路程, 餐廳藍色招牌在巷內非常明顯, 服務生非常友善與專業, 桌上擺放著酒杯, 與 “BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館” 一樣展現歐陸餐酒館風格 , Lou Lou 餐廳訂位可直接用 inline ( https://reurl.cc/2orL2O ) , 這裡適合朋友聚餐一起分享菜單與酒單.
Lou Lou Dining Express is about 10 ~ 15 minutes walking distance from Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station. The restaurant blue sign is quite obvious. The restaurant staffs are very friendly and professional. The dining environment is quite similar with “BeApe French Bistro”. You can reserve seats via inline ( https://reurl.cc/2orL2O ) . This restaurant is suitable for friend’s gathering to share.

延伸閱讀: 2021 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2021 Taipei New Restaurant & Cafe Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 2021 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

延伸閱讀: BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館 》位於台北巷弄內的2 樓挑高法式小酒館


Lou Lou 開瓶費

Lou Lou Taipei Corkage Fee

Lou Lou Dining Express 只有洗杯費, 沒有開瓶費. 2021 年 Lou Lou 自帶酒洗杯費為 NTD $80, 價格非常平易近人. Lou Lou 酒單跟 “Bottless 非瓶餐酒館” 一樣有氣泡酒單杯酒, 當然也有整瓶的紅白酒與 Soft Drink.
Lou Lou Dining Express 2021 Wine Glass Washing Fee is NTD $80, which is quite reasonable. Like “Bottless Bistro” , Lou Lou wine menu also has single glass sparkling wine. They also have a whole bottle red wine, white wine, and soft drink.

延伸閱讀: Bottless 非瓶餐酒館 》無庸置疑是南京復興餐酒館推薦 (內含菜單)


Lou Lou 菜單 (單點)

Lou Lou Menu Recommendation


Classic French Onion Soup
Price: NTD $190
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

我是吃午餐, 我選擇單點而不是午間套餐. 菜單上有類似”綻 1852 牛排館“的酥皮玉米濃湯, 我個人選擇另一道法式洋蔥湯, 若要加酥皮, 需要加 NTD $100. 我選擇不加. 洋蔥湯裡的肉是菲力側邊肉, 所以 NTD $190 我可以接受. 洋蔥湯喝起來並不苦 (有些市面上的會苦), 整體反而有牛肉的肉香與起司的奶香, 我個人蠻喜歡.
I didn’t order set during lunch. The menu has the puff pastry corn soup, just like at “ 1852 Steakhouse”. I ordered Classic French Onion Soup. If you want to add puff pastry, you would need to add extra NTD $100. I decided not to add puff pastry. NTD $190 is reasonable considering the beef is tenderloin. The onion soup tastes fair amount of meaty flavor and cheese flavor. Overall, I like this soup and would recommend it.

延伸閱讀: 1852 Steakhouse Taipei 》綻 1852 牛排館是公認台北平價牛排餐廳



Seafood and Basil Spaghetti
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

我沒有點羅西尼牛排或是奶油雞, 因為我覺得我一個人吃會膩. 所以我選擇海鮮羅勒義大利麵. 義大利麵麵體 跟 “麵日和” 炒得一樣好, Lou Lou 主廚有加多一點橄欖油, 是我喜歡的 Style!! 而且還撒了一些辣粉 (吃得出來不是廉價的那種), 值得一提的是花枝, 店員說是有用噴火槍炙燒一下花枝, 也有調味, 非常美味好吃.
I didn’t order Rossini Steak nor Frucassee de Poulet with Pilaf Rice because I eat alone this time. So, I ordered Seafood Spaghetti. The pasta itself is quite al dente and yummy as the pasta at “Men Biyori”. The chef put a bit more extra virgin olive oil into the pasta, which I definitely prefer. There are small amount of spicy powder, which is above average quality. The most surprising part would be the squid. The chef uses the torch to grill a bit and sauté to make more flavorful. Overall, it is very delicious and worth to recommend it. This seafood pasta might

延伸閱讀: Men Biyori 》麵日和是台北平價義大利麵推薦 Top 1 (文內有排名)

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation



Rossini Steak
Price: NTD $1180
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

羅西尼牛排是 Lou Lou Dining Express 的招牌料理 , 鵝肝換鴨肝, 我依舊記得上一次在台北吃羅西尼牛排是在 “十方長私廚餐廳” , 最近一次吃鴨肝則是在 “Luigi 路易奇洗衣公司” 的鴨肝滷肉飯. 整體來說, 我個人對鴨肝並沒有偏愛.菲力牛排切開是我喜歡的五分熟, 搭配黑松露醬汁依舊肉味十足, 鴨肝內臟並沒有苦味, 也許是被經典黑松露醬汁中和, 這道的美味馬鈴薯泥就像一個連結所有風味的要素. 我個人會建議點來與朋友分享, 價格是多數人可接受, 前提是你可以接受吃鴨肝.
Rossini Steak is Lou Lou Dining Express signature dish. The chef uses duck liver instead of goose liver. My recent Rossini Steak experience was at “Kitchen 10 Taipei”. Another duck liver experience was at “Luigi Bistro”. Overall, I am not obsessed with Duck Liver. The beef tenderloin is medium. The steak still has meaty flavor even pairing with the Truffle Jus. The duck liver is not bitter, maybe it is balanced with the truffle flavor. The creamy mash potato is delicious too. I would suggest to order to share with your friends. The price is quite acceptable too.

延伸閱讀: Kitchen 10 Taipei 》十方長私廚餐廳將台北私廚重新定義

延伸閱讀: Luigi 路易奇洗衣公司 》菜單價位適合每道料理都想嚐一口的人



Duck with Orange Sauce
Price: NTD $620
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

鴨胸食材是法式餐酒館的基本食材, “Naked Bistro 裸餐酒“ 與 “Smith & Wollensky Taipei” 都有. 在 Lou Lou Dining Express 終於可以吃到不是教科書上的莓果醬汁, Lou Lou 主廚採用柳橙醬汁搭配鴨胸, 柳橙風味意外地 Match. 油脂滋潤著鴨肉, 肉質有適量的嫩度蠻好切, 鴨皮微脆不錯吃. 建議點與朋友分享!
Duck Breast is the basic ingredient for French Bistro/Restaurant. Even “Naked Bistro” and “Smith & Wollensky” has this ingredients too. In Lou Lou, I finally tasted the duck breast with “non-berry” sauce. The chef uses sweet orange sauce, which is full of fruity flavor. It tastes quite delicious. The duck meat is tender along with crispy duck skin. I will suggest you to order.

延伸閱讀: Naked Bistro 裸餐酒 》二訪重新裝潢新開幕的台北東區餐酒館

延伸閱讀: Smith & Wollensky Taipei 》噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客牛排不再是隱藏菜單



Classic Creme Caramel
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

店員說要搭配上面微甜奶油一起吃, 因為咖啡風味很濃, 這盤甜點建議跟別人分享, 如果常吃台北傳統布丁甜點 ( 例如 “雞家莊”布丁) 的人會覺得過濃, 濃的程度大概是 Expresso 程度.
Because of strong coffee flavor, the staff suggested to pair with the cream on the top. I would suggest to share this flan with your friend. If you always eat traditional flan ( such as “Chi Chia Chuang” flan ), you probably will consider the coffee flavor is too strong.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Restaurant 》雞家莊菜單除了三味雞還有哪些台菜推薦



Beef Tartare
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

越來越多韃靼菜餚出現在不同類型的台灣餐廳, 例如 “Salotto 19 食酒客廳”的遊牧韃靼 , “蘭亭鍋物割烹” 的韃靼和牛金稻香. 這道菜餚吃起來洋蔥味並不會嗆, 類似肉排造型的生牛肉整體調味似乎重了些, 導致吃起來沒有記憶點, 我個人還是比較喜歡 “和牛 47”的義式生牛肉塔塔, 可惜這道菜餚只有附兩片麵包片, 不確定可不可以多幾片?!
More Beef tartare dishes appear in different style of Taiwanese restaurant. For example “Salotto 19” and “Lanting”.The beef tartare tastes average due to the beef is marinated too much. I still prefer the “Wagyu 47” Italian Style Tartare. Also, this dish only comes with 2 slices of bread. I am not sure if you can ask for more.

延伸閱讀: Salotto 19 食酒客廳 》菜單沒有 Pizza 也沒有義大利麵

延伸閱讀: Taipei Hot Pot 》 蘭亭鍋物割烹菜單料理比預期地豐盛與多樣化

延伸閱讀: 台北和牛 47 》 Wagyu 47 | 品嚐和牛美食欣賞台北101高空景觀



Price: NTD $195
Foodelicious: 👍

這道是我最失望的菜餚, 青菜是花椰菜搭配茄子泥, 我個人不推薦.
The dish is very disappointing. The vegetable is Brocoli vegetables with mashed eggplants sauce. I don’t recommend at all.


巴伐雅無酒精 IPA

Bavaria 0% IPA
Price: $220
Foodelicious: N/A

朋友點的, 我沒喝.
My friend ordered it. I didn’t drink it.


結論 Conclusion

我會建議 4 ~ 6 人到 Lou Lou Dining Express 分享用餐, 這裡也有小黑板菜單,  目前我已將 Lou Lou 放進 台北五大餐酒館推薦與台北東區美食推薦名單裡.
I would suggest 4 ~ 6 people to dine at Lou Lou Dining Express. They also have little black board menu. I would definitely re-visit if friends decide to go again. Now, I put Lou Lou Taipei into “Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation List” and “Taipei East District Food Guide”.

延伸閱讀: 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE (BY DISTRICT)




Loulou 短秒影片

Loulou Short Video


Loulou Taipei 資訊

Loulou Restaurant Information

店名: Loulou Dining Express
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段345巷2弄15號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 02-8773-6001
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Louloutaipei/
Store: Loulou Dining Express
Address: No. 15, 2nd Alley, 345 Lane, 4th Section, Re’Ai Road, Da’an District, Taipei City(Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station
Tel: 02-8773-6001


Lou Lou 餐廳菜單

Lou Lou Restaurant Menu

Menu Link: https://www.facebook.com/Louloutaipei/menu

2021/ 9月菜單 2021 September Menu


