屬於大稻埕美食之一的台北豐舍餐廳並不會被定義為正統台北法式餐廳, 而是以法式料理烹飪技巧融合台灣在地食材, 在迪化街美食地圖裡立足, 這次很榮幸可品嚐到台北豐舍的主廚套餐. B.B.R Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Dadaocheng area. They offer French and Taiwanese fusion cuisine. I ...
兩位台灣侍水師於2018 年創立 Water Selection 品水師嚴選網購平台, 如同網站名稱, 由專業侍水師把關挑選且在網路平台販售全球優質水. “Water Selection Online Store” is created by two Taiwanese Water Sommeliers at the year of 2018. As the name stated, they t...
2018 台北米其林餐盤推薦名單裡少不了 JE Kitchen, 也是國父紀念館美食之一, 近期推出 JE Kitchen 2019 菜單, 我很榮幸地可品嚐到具有北歐風情的料理. JE Kitchen is on my 2018 Taipei Michelin Plate Restaurant Recommendation list. They recently promote their 20...
台灣進口平價葡萄酒有哪些? ISLA NEGRA 智利之星葡萄酒系列即在 500元以下的平價葡萄酒名單上, 而且不用到酒專, 直接在便利商店、全聯社和大賣場皆有販售 Which wine is price-friendly at Taiwan? Imported Wine ISLA Negra from Chile offers below NTD $500 wines. You can also...
(Closed Down ; 搬到中山站附近 ) La Mesa 西班牙餐廳是國父紀念館捷運美食之一, 也在台北東區餐酒館名單上, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到多款 La Mesa 的西班牙料理 (Closed Down ; Move to Zhongshan District) La Mesa Spanish Restaurant is one of the restaurants near SYS ...
Folio Hotel Daan Taipei 屬於台北大安區住宿飯店之一, 因為是大安捷運站附近的飯店, 其交通相當方便. Folio Hotel Daan Taipei is located at Taipei Da’an District. Its location and traffic is easy to access since the hotel is right next to ...
中山國中站居酒屋相當多, 川賀居酒屋也可算是民生東路居酒屋之一, 招牌料理是一蟹兩吃之奶油螃蟹粥, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到主廚的居酒屋料理. Kawaga Izakaya is located near Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station. Their signature dish is Crab with Butter (2 cooking meth...
ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店新地址依舊在忠孝敦化餐酒館名單上, 歸類為台北大安區啤酒餐廳. ABV Bar & Kitchen Caribbean Branch’s new location is still on the Zhongxiao Duanhuan MRT station bistros list. It is also one of the Bee...
JE Kitchen 榮獲 2018 台北米其林餐盤, 也在我的台北大安區美食推薦名單裡, JE Kitchen 商業午餐價格是出名地合理, 我有這個榮幸可品嚐到廚師團隊準備的料理. JE Kitchen is one of the The Plate restaurants at 2018 Taipei Michelin Guide. It is also at my recommended r...
香港商班德威有限公司 (台灣分公司) 成為捷克百爺啤酒台灣獨家代理商, 在這次新產品發表會也提到百爺和百威有哪裡不同. Brandwerk Taiwan (Hong Kong Limited Taiwan Branch) becomes the sole distributor of Budějovický Budvar from Czech Republic in Taiwan. In this...