La Mesa Taipei 》台北西班牙餐酒館 | 換季新菜單登場

Last Updated on 2024-01-29 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down ; 搬到中山站附近 ) La Mesa 西班牙餐廳國父紀念館捷運美食之一, 也在台北東區餐酒館名單上, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到多款 La Mesa 的西班牙料理
(Closed Down ; Move to Zhongshan District) La Mesa Spanish Restaurant is one of the restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. It is also one of the Bistros at Taipei East District. I now have the opportunity to try their new menu

La Mesa 西班牙餐廳菜單在文末 La Mesa Taipei Menu is at the end of article


La Mesa 西班牙餐廳自 2012 年開幕, 至今在東區屹立不搖, 我身邊的朋友們幾乎都去過 La Mesa 餐廳聚餐, 走出國父紀念館一號出口左轉進巷弄內, 與 “麵屋壹の穴 ICHI” 和 “大師兄銷魂麵舖“ 在同一條巷子. 兩層樓建築店面和西班牙國旗在夜晚時並不明顯, 走進餐酒館內, 先入目的是斑駁紅磚牆與其長型吧台, 耳邊傳來輕快西班牙歌曲, 也同時嗅到來自開放式廚房的料理香氣, 二樓陽台四人座位也別有風情.
La Mesa Spanish Restaurant is opened at the year of 2012. Most of my friends already visited this restaurant, which is near the exit one of SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. The restaurant is closed to “Ichi Japanese Ramen Restaurant” and “Master Noodle Shop”. The 2-floors building and its Spain flag are not too obvious during the night. The 1st floor is decorated with red wall along the long bar counter and open kitchen. The second floor seating area has the view of the alley.

延伸閱讀: 其他國父紀念館捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

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西班牙文 La Mesa 的中譯是餐桌, 知名西班牙籍廚師 Mr. Paco 協助 La Mesa 老闆設計菜單與提供味道上的意見, 這次換季新菜單理所當然是以西班牙料理為主, 除了著名 Tapas 外 , 意想不到也有少許義大利與法國料理 (例如: 松露油牛肝菌菇寬麵和油封鴨腿), 牆上黑板也備註每日限量菜餚, 酒單上更是有來自不同國家的酒, “歐陸風格” 是這份新菜單的最佳形容詞. 因為餐廳準備的菜餚相當多, 我會從我最喜歡的料理開始寫.
The English translation of La Mesa is dining table. The owner and the famous Spanish Chef Mr. Paco worked together with each other and discover new menu and adjust flavors. The new menu mainly is Spanish Cuisine, along with Italian Cuisine and French Cuisine. The black board stated Special Menu. The wines are imported from various countries. “Mixed European Cuisine” is probably the best description of this new menu.

延伸閱讀: 其他西班牙料理餐廳 》Other Spanish Restaurant


香煎花枝 (小)

Pan Fried Calamari (Small)
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道料理其實是在店內小黑板上, 換句話說, 就是每日限量料理. La Mesa 擺盤和 “川賀居酒屋”烤透抽有點相似, 花枝圈整齊排好在長盤, 雪白色花枝上佈滿香料, 很多人說花枝是最不容易辨識新鮮度的海鮮, 但口感會因烹飪手法而異, 這道香煎花枝口感佳, 重點是不過硬,後來得知 La Mesa 西班牙餐廳是採用急凍花枝保持鮮度. 在品嚐花枝的同時, 蒜味與微焦味交錯, 西班牙煙燻紅椒粉 (Paprika) 帶給味蕾少許刺激感, 屬於小辣範圍. 也可擠上幾滴檸檬汁加以提味, 即使有order La Mesa 招牌西班牙海鮮燉飯, 我還是會推薦這道香煎花枝.
Pan Fried Calamri only appeared on the Today Special Menu, which means limited quantity. La Mesa chef displays the squid similar to “Kawaga Izakaya”. La Mesa Spanish Restaurant uses fast-frozen squid ingredient, therefore, it tastes much more tender than others. The garlic flavor along with spicy paprika stimulate the tastebuds. You could also squeeze a few lemon juice on the squid. If you already order this paella, I would still recommend this dish.



Burrata Cheese with Cherry Tomatoes & Organic Leaves
Price: NTD $340
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

布拉塔起司是莫扎瑞拉乳酪的一種, 在多數台北義大利餐廳, 幾乎都是像 “La Locanda 蘿莎娜小廚房” 用莫扎瑞拉乳酪切片搭配蕃茄切片作為小點, La Mesa 西班牙餐廳的作法將雪白色進口莫扎瑞水牛起司如同半熟蛋放置中間, 切下一小塊起司後, 象牙白色的起司如同小籠包肉汁流出, 綿密口感除了討喜, 吃下去也是種另類感受, 搭配酸甜聖女小番茄切片與風味獨特的芝麻葉淋上巴薩米克醋, 這是一道完全具備各種視覺與味覺的菜餚. 雖然這道算是義大利料理, 我仍舊推薦這一道.
Burrata is one type of Mozzarella Cheese. In most Taipei Restaurants, such as “La Locanda”, you would see the sliced Mozzarella Cheese pairing with sliced tomato. La Mesa Spanish Restaurant places the white Burrata Cheese in the middle of the plate. The creamy cheese flavor is absolutely delicious. The acidity from the tomato, unique Arugula flavors, and balsamic sauce are great pairing with each other. Even though the dish is Italian cuisine, I would still recommend this dish.



Price: NTD $980
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

與 “El Marqués Tapas Bar 餐廳“不一樣, La Mesa 的海鮮燉飯並不用預約, 份量也比 “PS Tapas” 多, 足夠二至三人分享, 店員用防熱手套將鐵鍋端上桌, 且親切告知小心被燙傷. 店家採用西班牙米, 燉飯吃起來米心偏微硬, 若將飯放置久一些即有鍋巴口感, 三隻 Size 頗大的天使紅蝦如同藝術品放置在中央, 雪白色花枝圈口感偏硬, 視覺上胎貝頗小, 取而代之是意想不到的雞腿肉切塊, 一口飯佐一口肉, 用充沛油脂包裹著稍硬的燉飯入口, 我已將傳統這兩個字拋一邊, 多一層辛香風味來自西班牙香腸, 整體算是不錯, 我會推薦給二人以上分享.
Unlike “El Marqués Tapas Bar”, You don’t need to reserve Paella at La Mesa Spanish Restaurant. The quantity is much more than the paella at “PS Tapas”, which would be great for 2 ~ 3 people to share. The Spanish rice is a bit hard and delicious as the traditional Paella. Three large size shrimps are placed in the middle like an artifact. The snowy white calamari rings have the hard texture. But, the clam is a bit smaller than expected. The most surprising part would be the chicken thigh meat. I can clearly taste the chicken fats paired with the rice. It is a great and delicious combination even though it is not a typical and traditional Paella. I would recommend for 2 people to share.



Croquetas with Spicy Aioli
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

雖然台灣人稱 Croquetas 為西班牙可樂餅, 但請注意 Croquetas 是用麵粉製作, 而非馬鈴薯. 此款 Tapas 與 “Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館”的拿坡里炸麵糰外型有幾分相似, La Mesa 酥炸奶球偏淺褐色, 第一口感受得到外酥內鬆軟, 麵衣表層內的白醬 (Bechamel) 品嚐起來相當有奶味但不膩, 而辣味美乃滋帶來的辣香並不會奪走白醬的奶香味. 建議四人分享.
The main difference between Croquetas and Koroke would be the ingredient. Croquetas is made by with flour instead of the potato. This dish appearance is similar with “Vicolo Trattoria”’s Frittatina. The appearance is light brown color. It is crispy on the outside. The Béchamel filling is creamy but not overly too sweet. The Spicy Aioli isn’t overly too spicy as well. I would suggest 4 people to share this dish.



Price: NTD $40
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

La Mesa 店員推薦若是有點與醬汁有關的料理 (例如以下兩道菜餚 -油烤蒜味蝦或是手工肉丸佐番茄醬), 建議也點這款法國長棍麵包拿來沾醬. La Mesa 刻意不將麵包切開, 讓內部保持濕度與熱氣, 在撕開麵包的同時, 手能夠感受到熱氣, 相當能夠吸收醬汁.
The staff mentioned that if ordering sauce-related dishes, you can order the French bread for dipping. The bread is not completed cut in order to prevent getting cold and hard. The bread can absorb the sauce easily.



Garlic Shrimp
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

La Mesa 西班牙油烤蒜味蝦料理與市面上所販售西班牙蒜味蝦視覺上不太一樣, 其他餐廳是用Size 較小且頭尾完全脫殼的蝦, La Mesa 是用 Size 較大的蝦, 一部分蝦背吸收了鐵鍋底部艷紅色醬汁, 本來以為是辣油有點猶豫, 入口後才察覺蝦油的海鮮風味與蒜味遠遠超過紅椒辛香風味, 這是一道算是重口味且經典的下酒菜.
La Mesa’s garlic shrimp is different from other garlic shrimp at other restaurants. Other restaurant uses smaller size shrimp though. La Mesa chef uses larger size shrimp along with red oily sauce. I though it red oily sauce is hot sauce. But instead, it is shrimp oil with fair amount of garlic and small amount of paprika. This is a classic tapas dish.



Albondigas with Sofrito Sauce
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Sofrito Sauce 又稱做西班牙番茄醬, 應該算是常出現在西班牙料理的紅醬, 一道菜餚有四顆手工肉丸, La Mesa 不光是用豬絞肉, 也採用牛絞肉, 吃的時候肉味十足, 但綜合香料也不甘示弱, 完全就是一道異國風情的下酒菜. 我會建議四人分享.
Sofrito Sauce is also called Spanish Tomato sauce, mostly seen at Spanish cuisine. There are four meat balls, which are mixed with pork and beef. The meaty flavor is perfect pairing with various flavorings. I would suggest 4 people to share.


Sangria 招牌西班牙水果酒

Price: NTD $250/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

酒單上有來自各國的酒, 來到西班牙餐廳, 當然要品酌Sangria 招牌西班牙水果酒, 雖然作法簡單, 但卻需要較長的時間來製作, 紅酒內加入肉桂棒, 柳橙和蘋果一起浸泡48 小時, 再加入冰塊, 果香與肉桂香並存但各不會搶鋒頭, 清爽口感適合搭配海鮮燉飯或是有醬汁的料理.
La Mesa has various wines from different countries. But, since I am at the Spanish restaurant, We of course try out the Sangria . La Mesa Sangria is mixed with tangerine, apple and also cinnamon sticks fro 48 hours. The fruity flavor mixed with cinnamon flavor. It is refreshing and pairs well with the paella or sauce-related dish.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: LA MESA 西班牙餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街137巷33號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02-2778-7676
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Restaurant: La Mesa Taipei Spanish Restaurant
Address: No.33, 137th Alley, Yaji Sreet, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT Station
Tel: 02-2778-7676
Operation Hour: Check Facebook








