ISLA NEGRA 智利之星葡萄酒 Review 》新世界進口紅酒

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

台灣進口平價葡萄酒有哪些? ISLA NEGRA 智利之星葡萄酒系列即在 500元以下的平價葡萄酒名單上, 而且不用到酒專, 直接在便利商店、全聯社和大賣場皆有販售
Which wine is price-friendly at Taiwan? Imported Wine ISLA Negra from Chile offers below NTD $500 wines. You can also purchase at many sales channels, which also include 24 hours convenient stores, PX Mart and other hypermarkets.


ISLA NEGRA 智利之星葡萄酒價格親民, 很難想像是智利葡萄酒知名酒廠 Cono Sur 旗下的一個品牌, ISLA NEGRA 智利之星酒廠位於智利國家中部濱海地區聖安東尼奧 ( San Antonio ), 此款新世界葡萄酒品牌主要是出口遠征歐洲, 近年更在亞洲市場打開知名度. 在台灣的各大便利商店 ( 7-11、全家、萊爾富、OK 便利商店) 與其他零售通路 (例如全聯, 美聯社, 家樂福..etc) 皆可買到, 但是請注意並不是每一款酒都有販售. ISLA NEGRA智利之星更有在家樂福秋冬季 Wine Fair上受到推薦。這次有這個榮幸品酌到智利之星美洛蘇維翁,珍藏級美洛和珍藏級卡本內蘇維翁.
It is hard to believe that ISLA NEGRA wine series belong to one of the brands under famous Chile Winery Cono Sur. ISLA  NEGRA winery is located San Antonio, which is at the middle area of Chile. Most of this particular New World Wine brand are exported to Europe. Recently, ISLA NEGRA wine series are successfully promote to every sales channel (for example, 7-11, Carrefour…etc). Now, I have the opportunity to try out their ISLA NEGRA Cabernet Sauvignon, ISLA NEGRA Merlot, and ISLA NEGRA Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot.

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警語: 警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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ISLA NEGRA Seashore Cabernet Sauvignon
Package: 750ml
ABV: 12 %
Price: NTD $399
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這一款紅酒不需要用開瓶器, 相當方便, 轉開瓶蓋注入酒杯中, 深紫紅色酒體偏飽滿卻不厚重, 但是搶先品酌時, 風味顯得微緊縮, 我會建議讓酒在杯中靜止1分鐘後, 再次品嚐時, 濃郁李子果香與風味佔據味蕾, 單寧並沒有想像中地高, 尾韻偏長且深厚, 最特別的是尾韻結束後竟然有堅果風味, 但是這款酒並沒有在橡木桶而是在不鏽鋼桶陳釀, 我連喝兩杯之後才確定自己的味覺, 我本來就很喜歡堅果風味, 我會推薦這支酒給小資族試試, 全家便利商店, 全聯與惠康皆有賣.
This wine doesn’t need a wine opener. The wine color is dark red mixed with violet colors. I would suggest to pour into the glass and let it rest for a minute. While tasting this medium-full wine body, the thick aroma and flavor of black plum covers the tastebuds. The tannin is not as high as expected. The long finish leaves a bit of nutty flavor at the tastebuds. However, this wine is not aged at the oak, but in Stainless Steel. I actually try twice in a roll to make sure of the nutty flavor. I personally like the nutty flavor. I would suggest this wine to people that have a budget concern. You can purchase it at Family Mart, PX Mart and Wellcome Supermarket.



ISLA NEGRA Seashore Merlot
Package: 750ml
ABV: 12 %
Price: NTD $499
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一款紅酒需要開瓶器, 照片上也許有色差, 酒體顏色其實是偏深紅寶石色, 比上ㄧ支酒 (卡本內蘇維翁) 的酒體更偏向輕盈, 品酌時仍舊會感受到輕柔單寧刺激著舌尖, 喝起來與上一支卡本內蘇維翁有點相似,  風味差異在於整體喝起來李子風味並沒有過於濃烈,  較可以搭配多種料理, 不會只侷限在紅肉料理, 這款酒在 7-11統一超商和全聯社皆可買到. 
You would need a wine opener for this wine. The wine color is more of the dark ruby color. Comparing with the last wine (Cabernet Sauvignon), the wine body is medium. The tastebuds is stimulated by the soft tannin. The overall black plum flavor is not strong. Therefore,you can pair this wine to many cuisines, not limited to red meat related dishes. You can purchase this wine at 7-11 and PX Mart.



ISLA NEGRA Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot
Package: 750ml
ABV: 12 %
Price: NTD $290
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一款紅酒需要開瓶器, 此款混釀酒是 85% Cabernet Sauvignon 和 15% Merlot. 與前兩款最大的不同處在於香氣, 這款酒並非只有單一果香, 入口前嗅到的香氣中, 香草氣息也相當有存在感, 當品酌時, 也許是因為 85% Cabernet Sauvignon的關係, 李子果香又再一次霸佔味蕾, 其他風味皆被覆蓋住. 值得一提的是這瓶葡萄酒在台灣市佔率相當高, 因為價格 NTD $290, 被視為 CP 值高的紅酒, 7-11統一超商, 全家便利商店, 萊爾富 , OK便利商店,全聯社 都有賣
You would need a wine opener for this wine. This wine is blended with 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Merlot. The difference between this one and the above two would be the aroma.  Besides fruity aroma, ISLA NEGRA Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot also has fair amount of vanilla aroma. However, while drinking, the black plum once again covers the tastebuds completely. You can purchase this wine at most of the sale channels, including 24 hours 7-11 store, Family Mart, Ok mart, Hi Life and PX Mart. And the price is only NTD $290.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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