台北東區啤酒餐廳推薦 》ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店搬新家新菜單

Last Updated on 2019-05-12 by Foodelicious

ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店新地址依舊在忠孝敦化餐酒館名單上, 歸類為台北大安區啤酒餐廳.
ABV Bar & Kitchen Caribbean Branch’s new location is still on the Zhongxiao Duanhuan MRT station bistros list. It is also one of the Beer Restaurants at Da’an District.

ABV 加勒比海菜單在文末 Taipei ABV Bar & Kitchen Caribbean Menu is at the end of article


ABV Bar & Kitchen 在大台北地區有三家餐廳分店 – ABV 板橋店, ABV 地中海分店, 和 ABV 加勒比海分店, 在這次重新開幕記者會時, 老闆提到因為原先店面租約一次漲了16%, 恰巧附近也有適合的新店面, 決定搬新地址, 這次離忠孝敦化捷運站更近, 倒是新餐廳並沒有戶外座位, 裝潢風格依舊與船艙和海盜主題有關, 店內佔地頗大, 相當適合朋友聚餐或是公司部門同事聚餐.藉由這次喬遷, ABV 加勒比海菜單也多了南美洲國家風格料理, 例如智利, 阿根廷和秘魯. 這次受邀品嚐了他們的新菜單.
ABV Bar & Kitchen total has three branches – Penthouse, Mediterranean and Caribbean. The main reason of moving is the landlord raised 16% of rent. Now, the new location is closer to Zhongxiao Duanhuan MRT station. However, there isn’t outdoor seats like before. The design theme is still pirate and ship related. The restaurant is also suitable for co-workers’ dining event.Thanks to the move, ABV Caribbean chef team also add Southern America style cuisines (For example, Chili, Argentina, and Peru). I was invited to try their new menu.


延伸閱讀: 一訪舊 ABV 加勒比海餐酒館 》ABV Bar & Kitchen Caribbean
延伸閱讀: 板橋餐酒館美食推薦 》 ABV PENTHOUSE BISTRO | 城市夜景搭配精釀啤酒與美食

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

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Chicharron Crispy Pork Belly
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

不管是哪個國家, 一定會有所謂的國民下酒菜代表作, 台灣是鹹酥雞, 秘魯則是這道 Chicharron 豬肉料理. 遠看極似台灣方正型炸豆干, 意想不到的是這道酥炸豬五花品嚐起來跟“米其林一星金蓬萊”的蓬萊排骨酥相似. 不僅外皮酥脆, 肉質因為多汁油脂而軟嫩, 豬肉醃製一天造就更多鹹香風味, 即使冷了也相當美味, 不管有無要喝啤酒, 我都會推薦這一道料理.
There is always a best dish to pair with beers in every country. In Taiwan, the best pairing snack with be herb salted chicken. In Peru, this Chicharron is the presentation of beer pairing dish. This crispy pork belly tastes just like the Crispy Fried Spareribs that I tasted at “Golden Formosa Restaurant”. The appearance is crispy. The meat texture is tender and juicy because of the fats. The pork is marinated within one day to create more salty and meaty flavor. Even after the dish cools down, the crispy pork belly still tastes delicious. I would definitely recommend this dish.



Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

ABV 加勒比海店員一邊端這道料理上桌, 一邊說這道燒烤傑克雞翅很辣. 其實我平常只吃小辣, 也不太吃雞翅, 但是因為這道料理香味實在太誘人, 同桌記者也稱讚不錯吃, 我忍不住拿起一支雞翅入口, 雞翅表面塗滿辛香醬料, 就像 “美國 Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill” 的牛肋排一樣全部覆蓋住, 第一口隨即能感受到雞肉嫩口感, 再來是鹹香風味, 隨後舌尖才會感受到辣香的強力後勁. 後來得知雞翅除了用牙買加香料醃製外, 也用15 種辛香料製作的牙買加綜合煙燻香料塗抹雞翅, 可以說是辣得透徹. 相較於另一家專賣雞翅的 ”Gumgum Beer & Wings 雞翅啤酒吧 “, 我反而比較喜歡 ABV 的燒烤傑克雞翅, 因為除了風味較多層次外, 單價算起來還是 ABV 較便宜, 我真心推薦給愛吃辣的人.
This Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings dish is spicy. Even though I don’t usually eat spicy food and chicken wings, the spice aroma is way too attractive. The chicken wing appearance is covered with sauce, just like at “US Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill”. The first bite can taste the tender of the chicken meat. The tastebuds can taste the strong spicy impact afterwards. The strong spicy flavor comes from the 15 different Jamaican spices. Comparing with “Gumgum Beer & Wings Bar”, I would recommend ABV’s dish.



Fried Fish Fillet with Cilantro Green Sauce
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

料理剛端上桌, 每個人都迫不及待地拿了一塊炸魚柳來吃, 原本以為炸魚柳的魚肉是緊實像商業用魚柳, 但是 ABV 炸魚柳肉質卻是鬆軟,但麵衣還是帶有少許酥脆. 其實這道料理的主角是青醬, 很多人對青醬的印象都是羅勒葉, 這次是用芫荽, 也就是香菜, 醬料質地像 Sour Cream, 吃起來以大蒜風味為主導, 香菜與檸檬香氣十足, 其實炸魚柳沾了佐醬就不用再擠檸檬汁. 若是有習慣點炸物的人可以嘗試看看.
The fish is tender unlike other fried fish fillet from commercial package. But the coating is still crispy. Honestly speaking, I consider the Cilantro Green Sauce dominates this dish instead of the fish fillet. Most Taiwanese assume the green sauce is made with basil. But, this time is with cilantro. The sauce has garlic and lemon flavor. The cilantro flavor is not too strong, which is great. I would recommend to people who like fried snack.



Caribbean Style Roasted Seabass Fillet
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

以加勒比海為主題的餐廳怎能沒有海鮮料理? 色彩繽紛時蔬襯托出亮眼的銀灰色鱸魚, 魚皮有著最迷人的燒烤痕跡,  與Michael Wendel 烹飪的”德國啤酒節烤風味鯖魚”一樣皆是火烤方式, 最大的不同是 ABV 鱸魚皮並沒有鯖魚酥脆, 魚皮釋放出的油脂讓鱸魚肉質相當細緻,  若是吃膩炸物下酒菜, 倒是可以點這一道料理.
The chef uses roasted method, just like Michael Wendel’s “Roasted Mackerel” at 2018 Taipei Oktoberfest. The only difference is the ABV Caribbean’s seabass is not too crispy and yet the meat texture is tender instead of dry. If you are tired of fried snack, you could order this dish.


牙買加香料烤豬肉佐阿根廷青醬 (70 oz)

Jamaican Roasted Pork With Chimichurri
Price: NTD $2200 (70oz) ; NTD $1200 (35 oz)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道料理有分 35oz 和 70 oz 的選項, 但是兩款皆是需要三天前預訂. 圖片是 70oz, 這一道料理端上桌相當具有視覺感. 菜餚簡介寫 “ 運用13 款香料元素, 塗滿肉身, 醃製 48 小時之後, 再慢火燒烤 3 小時, 達到中心溫度 76 度”, 這道料理稱作 “搞工” 應該不違過.  肉的風味並沒有特別突出, 豬肉油脂不多, 我會建議要沾特製青醬, 而不是只單吃肉品. 青醬是芫荽與奧勒岡兩種香草製成, 比之前的秘魯醬更多層次風味, 也因為青醬加了橄欖油, 可取代肉品油脂.  我會建議 6 人點 35oz, 畢竟 ABV 加勒比海有相當多不錯的料理. 對了, 請記得要求店家提供專業較鋒利的切刀
There are two options – 35oz and 70oz. This dish will need to order three days prior. The picture shows 70oz. The dish introduction stated “The chef uses 13 different types of Jamaican spices to marinate 48 hours and roast for three hours. In another word, this dish is a lot of works. There isn’t much fats within the pork. I would suggest to dip into the Chimichurri sauce, which is made with cilantro and oregon. I would suggest 6 people to order 35oz. After all, there are quite a few delicious dishes at ABV Caribbean.



Beef and Cheese Cubano Sandwich
Price: NTD $340
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

之前在ABV 加勒比海舊店就已經吃過古巴三明治, 印象本來就不錯, 這次牛肉內餡是用燒烤方式, 搭配迷人起司片與少許墨西哥辣椒與洋蔥, 要一口咬下才會過癮. 我會建議 2 ~3 人再點這道牛肉起司古巴三明治.
I already tried their Cubano Sandwich at the old location. The roasted beef pairs great with cheese and Mexican pepper and onion. I would suggest 2 ~ 3 people to order this sandwich.



“Cazuela de Marisco” Seafood Stew
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

精彩海鮮內容包括常見的淡菜,蝦,花枝與貝類, 因為鍋物較淺, 湯底份量並不多, 也沒有想像中地濃郁, 倒是香料風味十足.
The content includes mussels, shrimp, squid …etc. Since the pot is not deep enough, there is only small amount of the stew. The broth is not as thick as expected. But, there is fair amount of spice flavor.



Quinoa Seafood Salad
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道料理擺盤設計出乎意料, 感覺就很像在海鮮吧 (例如: 花酒藏海鮮吧) 吃的 Shrimp Cocktail 料理. 這道除了有白蝦與其他海鮮外之外, 最特別的是有藜麥, 海鮮搭配藜麥是一個不錯的組合. 建議提醒店員這道藜麥海鮮塔要先上菜, 要不然風味很容易被其他料理蓋過.
This display is quite interesting and out of expectation. It is similar to the shrimp cocktail at the seafood bar (for example: Aplus Grill & Seafood Bar). Besides white shrimp and other seafoods, there is also quinoa ingredient. Seafood pairs with quinoa is a interesting match. I would suggest to ask the staffs to serve this dish before every other dish.



Peruvian Quinoa Salad w/Fried Pork
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

跟“海倫咖啡”荳蔻年華黎麥雞肉沙拉一樣皆是用木盆, 藜麥與生菜是絕配, 再加上炸豬肉簡直可成為一道正餐, 只是炸豬肉並沒有酥炸豬五花來得酥脆, 但是若是這道菜餚與藜麥海鮮塔做選擇, 我會選擇這一道且四人分享較適合.
This dish is similar with the salad at “Helen’s Coffee”. Quinoa is also a perfect match with the salad. However, this fried pork is not as crispy as the crispy pork belly dish. I would suggest to order this dish than the Quinoa Seafood Salad. However, this dish would be more suitable for sharing.



“Chimichanga”Deep Fried Burrito
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

若不仔細看, 還以為只是單純墨西哥飯捲Burrito, 也以為是用頗具厚度的法國麵包搭配米飯作成捲, 切一口來吃才知道是餐廳將一整個墨西哥飯捲油炸再對半切, 視覺上米飯內餡飽滿, 主導風味並不是內餡裡的豬肉與培根, 而是辛香料, 每一口飯皆是辛香. 若喜歡外國香料飯應該會很喜歡這道料理.
The chef deep-fried the traditional Mexican Burrito. There is only small amount of pork and bacon flavor. The dominated flavor is spices flavor rice. Every bite is full of spices.



Banana Quesadilla
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

之前台灣流行鹹法國薄餅, 現在 ABV 加勒比海分店將墨西哥式鹹卡莎蒂亞做成甜的卡莎蒂亞, 墨西哥餅有花生醬,香蕉,杏仁和巧克力, 搭配香草冰淇淋.
A while ago, salty French crepe is quite trendy. Now, ABV Caribbean chef creates sweet Quesadilla. In this dessert dish, Quesadilla has peanut butter, banana, almond, and chocolate. They also serve this dessert with vanilla ice cream.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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延伸閱讀: 台北公司部門聚餐餐廳推薦 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide




餐廳: ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段233巷61號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 02-2721-6997
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ABVBEER
Restaurant: ABV Bar & Kitchen Caribbean
Address: No. 61, 233th Lane, 1st Section, Duhuan South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station
Tel: 02-2721-6997
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm




