( 2020.1 二訪更新) 1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊是台北松江南京捷運站附近的進口酒商實體門市, 二樓與三樓皆有VIP室, 也有品酒教室, 1855 Premier Cru store front is located at Songjiang Nanjing MRT station, Taipei City. Second and Third Floor has VIP ar...
這次在2019台北國際食品展覽會西班牙館, 西班牙豬肉業聯盟安排知名台北西班牙餐廳 “隱丹廚” 現場 Demo 如何將西班牙豬肉食材發揮到日常料理食譜. At 2019 Food Taipei, INTERPORC Spain arranged famous chef from famous Taipei restaurant “Hidden by DN” to do a live demo fo...
西班牙火腿不光只有伊比利火腿, 也有另一款台灣人較不熟悉的塞拉諾火腿 ( Serrano Ham ), 這次很榮幸能採訪到西班牙豬肉廠商和侍肉師關於塞拉諾火腿. There are two types of Spanish Ham - One is Serrano Ham, and the other one is Iberico Ham. I have the opportunity to in...
美國肉類出口協會和州立牛肉委員會於2019年5月拜訪台灣, 我很榮幸有機會參加舉辦在台北問鼎麻辣鍋養生鍋店的媒體餐敘. US Meat Export Federation headquarter and several State Beef Councils visited Taiwan on May, 2019. I am honored to be invited to the Media D...
驚喜製造團隊打造的無光晚餐是什麼? 無光晚餐好玩嗎? 以下文章會提到2019 無光晚餐心得和10個大家都想問的問題. 此外, 這一場將是無光晚餐最終場, 錯過以後在台灣就體驗不到了!! What is “Dining In The Dark” event? Is the event fun? In the article down below, you would read regarding t...
台灣凱麥有限公司引進加拿大 Howe Sound 精釀啤酒品牌的新產品 - Ascension TRIPLE IPA, 我很榮幸地受邀參加 Howe Sound 的新品發表會. Faireast International Trading Company imports Howe Sound Brand Canada Craft Beer. I have the honor to attend t...
藝奇 ikki 新日本料理餐廳是西門站日本料理餐廳之一, 我這次在藝奇新日本料理台北衡陽店參加難得一見的 2019 春旬新菜上市餐酒會. ikki Japanese Restaurant is one of the Japanese Restaurants near Xinmen MRT station. I have the opportunity to attend to their 2019...
TourMeAway 除了提供有英語導遊陪伴的免費台北城市散步外, 也有付費私人英文導遊客製化行程服務. Where to find Free Taipei City Tour or Taipei Customized Tour? TourMeAway offers English speaking tour guide for several free tours, including Chil...
台北萬豪 INGE'S Bar & Grill 餐廳和酒吧是不僅是台北景觀餐廳, 也是許多饕客大直高級餐廳的首選之一. INGE'S Bar & Grill is located at Taipei Marriott Hotel 20F. It is one of the restaurants that can see Taipei View. It is also one of...
Buttermilk 餐廳是台北中山意舍酒店餐廳 , 是中山站美式餐廳之一, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到眾所皆知的美國阿嬤秘方炸雞. Buttermilk Taipei is located inside amba Taipei Zhongshan Hotel. It is one of the American restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. I ha...