美國肉類出口協會 x 問鼎麻辣鍋媒體餐敘 》US Meat Export Federation Media Dinner

Last Updated on 2019-05-16 by Foodelicious

美國肉類出口協會州立牛肉委員會於2019年5月拜訪台灣, 我很榮幸有機會參加舉辦在台北問鼎麻辣鍋養生鍋店的媒體餐敘.
US Meat Export Federation headquarter and several State Beef Councils visited Taiwan on May, 2019. I am honored to be invited to the Media Dinner at Taipei Wenting Hot Pot Restaurant.


這次餐敘有非常多美國牛肉業界的重量級人物參加, 除了美國肉類出口協會總部高階主管外, 也有許多美國州立牛肉委員會會長和牧場主人, 我被安排坐在Colorado Beef Council, Beef Board, Iowa Beef Council, Nebraska Beef Council, Pleasurewoods Farm 牧場主人那一桌. 在這網路知識爆炸的年代,我裡所當然要把握機會詢問專業人士, 增加關於 “從產地到餐桌”的牛肉知識. 這篇文章會著重在我問的五個關於美牛的問題, 閒聊內容, 和問鼎麻辣鍋養生鍋餐廳 Review.
There are many important people in US Beef Industry joining the dinner. Besides USMEF International Marketing Program VP , there are also several States Beef Councils and ranch owners. I was seated with Colorado Beef Council, Beef Board, Iowa Beef Council, Nebraska Beef Council, and Pleasurewoods Farm owner. I have the opportunity ask beef related questions to clarify and increase my “Origin to Table” beef knowledge. This article will include three sections – Five Q&A, Casual Chatting Topics, and Wenting Hot Pot Restaurant review.


Five Questions about US Beef


1. 美國和牛與日本和牛的品嚐差異?

What is the taste difference between US Wagyu Beef and Japanese Wagyu Beef?

以前許多台灣人誤以為只有日本有和牛, 現在和牛逐漸成為台灣老饕近年嚮往的潮流, 每家中高級餐廳菜單上皆有各國的和牛. 這次問到美國牛肉專業人士關於美國和牛與日本和牛的品嚐差異. 日本和牛油花密度高, 雪白油脂佈滿整塊牛肉, 相對柔嫩度非常高, 但相對少數人無法接受過多油脂的膩度.反觀美國和牛, 雖然是日本和牛品種, 但在成長環境不同, 例如美國牧地寬廣, 牛的運動量較大,  造就美國和牛油花分佈為均勻, 適量嚼勁口感則是眾所皆知, 美國牛隻在最後肥育階段因特別以玉米飼養,造就其特有的鮮甜口感.
Long time ago, many Taiwanese assume that only Japan has Wagyu beef. Nowadays, most Taiwanese consider Wagyu as a trend and see many types of Wagyu Beef from different countries. However, different origins of wagyu beef have different texture and taste. Japanese Wagyu beef’s marbling fats density are higher. The overall taste is extremely tender. However, there are still some people who are used to the oily taste. As for US Wagyu beef, due to the environment, the marble fats are spread evenly on the surface. The taste is not as oily as the Japanese Wagyu Beef. At the last stage, the cows are feed with corn. This feeding method determine the taste with fresh taste instead of bland taste.

圖片來源: 娜姐 Foodelicious Wagyu 47 – Japan A5 Wagyu Beef


2. 日本牛肉有所謂的區域之分 (例如,秋田黑毛和牛), 美國牛肉也是用區域來分類嗎?

Japan Beef is categorized with areas (For example, Akita Province Beef ). Is USA beef categorized by states as well?

美國牛肉目前並無具體地區分類, 大部分是以品牌作為區分, 例如知名美國級黑牛豬 Snake River Farms 品牌, 牛都是以用玉米五穀為飼料, 飼養時間也比一般牛長, 遵照日本的培育方式, 油花偏多, 也造就頂級美國牛肉品牌的地位.
Unlike Japanese beef, USA beef is not categorized with areas, such as Akira Province Beef or Kobe Beef. It would be categorized as brands. The world-famous Snake River Farms brand beef is one of the great examples. The cows are feed with corns and grains and its breeding time is longer. Snake River Farms brand stated that they follow and cope with Japanese Wagyu breeding environment. Therefore, Snake River Farms brand beef has more marble fats than other US brands.

圖片來源: 5/6/2019 娜姐 Foodelicious – Wenting Hot Pot Restaurant USA Beef


3. 美國牛肉只有 Prime 與 Choice 等級嗎?

Are Prime and Choice the only classifications of US Beef quality?

其實美國牛肉有很多等級, 外銷到世界各地的美國牛肉大部分是 Prime 和 Choice, 讓很多人誤以為美國牛肉只有兩種等級. 美國牛分為八個等級-極佳級 (Prime), 特選級 (Choice), 可選級 (Select), 合格級 (Standard), 商用級 (Commercial), 可用級 (Utility),切塊級 (Cutter) 和製罐級 (Canner), 嚴格來說美國牛肉等級裡只有 Prime, Choice, Select 可以做成牛排. 最簡單的辨識方式則是Prime 等級的牛肉有著大理石紋路般的油花, Choice等級的牛肉油花較少.
US Beef has many classification levels. However, most exported beef are Prime and Choice grading. Many foreigners would assume that there are only two types of levels. There are total eight gradings – Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter, Canner. Generally speaking, the restaurants only use Prime, Choice, and Select level beef as steaks.

圖片來源: 5/6/2019 娜姐 Foodelicious – Wenting Hot Pot Restaurant USA Beef


4. 因為美國海運時間較長, 從美國牧場到台灣總代理商倉庫皆是全程冷凍嗎?

Due to the long ocean shipping time from USA to Taiwan, do you store the beef in frozen status during transportation process?

運輸過程狀況是依照客戶的要求而不同, 有全程冷凍, 也有在美國先切分部位, 真空包裝後, 全程冷藏且濕式熟成. 與專業運輸商合作也是相當重要, 貨櫃要有溫濕控, 確保牛肉品質.
The transportation process and status are decided by the clients. Some beef products are in frozen status during the transportation. There are also pre-cut in USA, vacuumed-sealed in refrigerated status during the transportation process. It also considered wet aging process. Cooperating with professional shipping company is very important. The container must have both temperature control and humidity control in order to keep the beef in its best condition.

圖片來源: 5/6/2019 娜姐 Foodelicious – Wenting Hot Pot Restaurant Aging Process


5. 請問 2018 美國牛肉外銷到台灣的數量?

The data status of total quantity of exported USA Beef to Taiwan?

其中一位州立牛肉委員會會長協助查詢線上美國 Drovers 牛肉雜誌, 美國牛肉出口數量至台灣在 2018進口量: 59,640噸, 成長量34% , 台灣火鍋店,牛排店, 和燒烤店越開越多, 對美國牛肉需求近五年來都持續成長.
According to US Drovers Magazine, US export beef to Taiwan has grown 34% (Total: 59,640 mt) in 2018 comparing with 2017. There are more new hot pot restaurants, steak houses, grilling restaurants open at Taiwan. The demand has increased during the recent 5 years.

圖片來源: 5/6/2019 娜姐 Foodelicious – Wenting Hot Pot Spicy Hot Pot



Casual Chatting

因為我現在的工作是寫食品行銷文案吸引消費者, 總以為“放音樂給動物聽“是行銷文案, 在同桌剛好有一位牧場主人, 他說有些畜牧業放音樂給動物聽是千真萬確, 他就是其中之一. 此外, 我也提到台灣與美國一樣有不同等級的牛排館, 例如孫東寶和 “ A Cut Steak House”, 就跟美國一樣有 Black Angus Steak House 和 Smith & Wollensky 不同等級的牛排餐廳.
I often need to write marketing proposal and plan for food products. I often think “playing music to the animals/livestock” is just marketing wordings. However, the ranch owner mentioned that he also plays the music to the cow. As another casual topic, I mentioned that Taiwan also have different level of steak house, just like US has Black Angus Steak House and Smith & Wollensky.

圖片來源: 娜姐 Foodelicious – A Cut Steak House


閒聊時也提到美國牛肉可以在台灣火鍋店 (“橘色涮涮屋”) , 燒烤店 (“和牛 47”) , 和 經典牛排館( “168 Steak House” ) 看到, 當然也有中式餐廳. 至於消費者端, 普遍台灣人都只認零售商或是大賣場提供品質好的牛肉, 例如 Costco 提供品質好的美國生牛排, 對於個別品牌忠誠度尚未建立. 這次餐敘我受益良多, 也解答我多年來對美國牛肉的疑問.
I also mentioned that Taiwanese can eat US Beef at Hot Pot restaurants (“Orange Shabu Shabu”) , Grilling restaurants (“Wagyu 47”), and Classic Steak Houses (“168 Steak House”) and of course Chinese restaurants. As for the consumer aspect, most Taiwanese consumers only recognize the markets that offer good quality of beef. For example, Taiwanese consider Costco offers great quality of beef. We Taiwanese not yet developed brand loyalty toward particular US Beef brand. During this media dinner, I gained more knowledge regarding beef.


圖片來源: 娜姐 Foodelicious – Orange Shabu Shabu


地址: 台北市信義區基隆路二段23號12F-1
Tel: 02-2736-1200
Website: http://www.usmef.org.tw/trade/
U.S. Meat Export Federation (Taiwan Office)
Address: 12F-1, No. 23, 2nd Section, Keelung Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City





Wenting Hot Pot Zhongxiao Branch

問鼎麻辣鍋養生鍋是忠孝敦化捷運站附近餐廳之一, 先是看到兵馬俑在一樓大門, 佛祖頭像裝潢在往二樓階梯牆上, 進入餐廳內更有許多中國傳統宮廷服飾, 讓客人隨意 Cosplay , 尊貴龍紋鍋相當古色古香, 最特別的是有變臉活動, 文末影片有更詳細的變臉表演和餐敘.
Wenting Hot Pot restaurant is located near Zhongxiao Duanhuan MRT station. There are several traditional decoration – Terra Cotta Warriors, Buddha head decoration, and Emperor Cloths for cosplay. The most special part would be the Face-Changing performance. The video down below has more details regarding the performance and event.


活動安排在十人一桌,共三桌的包廂, 火鍋有四種湯底- 麻辣鍋, 胡椒豬肚雞鍋, 養生鍋, 蔬菜鍋, 我趁外國賓客都還沒抵達時, 搶先喝這四種湯底, 我個人覺得麻辣鍋和胡椒豬肚雞鍋還不錯, 麻辣鍋的辣度雖嗆, 但舌尖依舊可以感受微麻, 豬與雞一起烹調的鍋則是豚骨風味佔比較高. 若是請客, 除了世界和牛拼盤 (NTD $1280) , 我會建議點鮮採杏鮑菇 (NTD $228) 或是鮮採香菇 ( NTD $228) , 因為視覺效果令人驚豔. 也有免費美甲區和哈根達冰淇淋吃到飽, 非常適合宴客.
I was seated at ten people/table private dining room. There are 4 types of hot pot broths – spicy broth, pork bellywith chicken broth, Chinese medicine broth, and vegetable broth. I tried all 4 broths before the guests’ arrival. I would suggest both Spicy broth and pork belly with chicken broth to the people who like to eat hot pot. The tastebuds can sense the stimulation with high level of spicy flavor. I sensed more pork flavor instead of chicken flavor in the mixed broth. Besides the Wagyu Plate (NTD $1280), I would recommend the fresh mushroom (NTD $228). The visual image is definitely stunning. There are also free manicure and all you-can-eat Haagen-dazs ice cream.



♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 問鼎麻辣鍋養生鍋忠孝店
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段210號 (MAP)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 02-2731-2107
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wentinghotpot/
Restaurant: Wenting Hot Pot Restaurant (Zhongxiao Branch)
Address: No. 210, 4th Section, Zhongxiao Fuxing East Road, Taipei City. (MAP)
Nearby MRT: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station
Tel: 02-2731-2107



