Tianmu Japanese Restaurant 》豚馬日本料理餐廳 | 芝山站美食推薦

Last Updated on 2019-05-19 by Foodelicious

豚馬日本料理餐廳是中價位的天母日本料理餐廳, 也是芝山站美食推薦之ㄧ, 豚馬板前“竹”套餐和豚馬清酒更是讓人印像深刻.
Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant is one of the budget-wise Japanese Restaurants at Tianmu area. It is also on my Tianmu restaurant recommendation list.


2019 豚馬日本料理菜單 在文末 2019 Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant Menu is at the end of article



Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant Traffic

豚馬日本料理餐廳位於芝山捷運站對面, 從兩個出口步行到餐廳花大概五分, 與石牌站“品鮨日本料理“一樣皆在捷運站馬路邊, “鳥哲餐廳” 也在附近, 餐廳附近剛好也有公車站牌, 交通相當便利.
Tun Ma Japanese restaurant is right next to Zhishan MRT station. The location is near the road path, just like “Pin Chi Japanese Restaurant”. The nearby restaurant includes “TORI TETSU Restaurant”. There is bus stop near the restaurant.

延伸閱讀: 品鮨日本料理 》台北石牌捷運站美食 | Japanese Food

延伸閱讀: Tianmu Restaurant 》鳥哲有桂丁雞串燒也有限量鳥哲拉麵

延伸閱讀: 其他芝山捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants at Zhishan Restaurant



About Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant

豚馬在天母算是老字號的日本料理餐廳, 外觀看起來較為樸實, 餐廳內部裝潢色調與“富 四季割烹”有些相似, 和台北大安區 “山花割烹”一樣有板前座位和4 ~ 6人座位, 適合小家庭聚餐.入吧台座位後, 店員端上與 “井上禾食”一樣的杯子和茶, 豚馬日本料理菜單上有單點也有無菜單套餐, 我則是選擇每日中午和晚上皆有提供的竹套餐 (NTD $1000). 如果你常去吃 NTD $2500 + 的米其林等級日本餐廳, 你已經回不去了, 所以我建議你不要去這一家餐廳, 豚馬並不適合你.
Tun Ma restaurant has been at Tianmu area in a while. The restaurant appearance is simply. The indoor main color is similar with “Fu Japanese restaurant”. Same as “Sanka Japanese Restaurant”, Tun Ma Japanese restaurant also has counter seats and regular table seats. It is suitable for small family gathering. After seating, the staff would serve the tea, which the cup is exactly the one I saw at “Jin-Shan Japanese Restaurant”. The menu has regular dish and also sets. I select the Bamboo set, which is only limited at the counter seat. The set is served both at lunch and dinner time. If you often eat at NTD $2500 + Michelin Level Japanese Restaurant, I would suggest you ignoring this restaurant. This restaurant is not for you.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Restaurant 》富 四季割烹同時有日本料理職人水準與親民價格


延伸閱讀: 山花割烹》台北大安區日本料理無菜單餐廳 | 信義安和捷運站 | Taipei Japanese Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 六張犁捷運站海鮮丼 》 井上禾食 | Taipei Da’an District Restaurant




豚馬日本料理竹套餐 (吧台限定)

包括: 胡麻沙拉, 刺身, 七貫握壽司, 烤時令魚, 湯品與甜點
備註: 烤時令魚換成鮑魚茶碗蒸
Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant – Bamboo Set (Counter Seat Only)
Includes: Salad, Sashimi, Nigiri, Soup,Dessert
Price : NTD $1000/person




Salad with oriental sesame sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

沙拉內容不定期更換. 我原本預期日本料理套餐沙拉會與 “Le Feu 鐵板燒”一樣只有生菜和少許日式胡麻醬, 孰不知端上桌的沙拉不僅有花枝和蘆筍, 竟然也有玉子燒, 每樣食材皆相當到位.
The salad ingredients may vary. I was expected the salad only has cabbage and small amount of oriental sesame sauce, just like at “Le Feu Teppanyaki”. I was surprised to see squid and asparagus in this dish. There is even tamagoyaki (Japanese omelette) at the salad. Each ingredient play a great role in this salad.

延伸閱讀: Le Feu 鐵板燒 》台北大安區平價鐵板燒 | Taipei Teppanyaki



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我必須承認我以為豚馬日本料理餐廳會像 “欣葉日本料理“一樣並不講求生魚片部位, 沒想到料理師傅放上厚實鮭魚肚和紅魽肚, 兩款魚品光是視覺上就讓人蠢蠢欲動,沒有魚腥味和筋, 口感豐潤迷人, 完全超乎預期.
I assumed the sashimi would be like “Shinyeh All-you-can-eat Japanese restaurant”, which it doesn’t serve special parts of sashimi. I am surprised again regarding Tun Ma restaurant served sashimi belly, which is probably the most delicious part of the dish died to the fats. I love this dish, especially the salmon belly.

延伸閱讀: 欣葉日本料理中山店 》 台北平價吃到飽餐廳 | Taipei Buffet Restaurant



Nigiri (7 units)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

握壽司會依季節而更換, 吃完刺身後, 已經對這家餐廳印象相當好, 七貫食材較好的握壽司價格在台北大概 NTD $500 (?!).   第一貫是甜蝦握壽司, 脆彈口感再加上少許芥末籽刺激著味蕾, 這是那天用餐我最喜歡的握壽司. 炙燒比目魚加微辣鮮紅蘿蔔泥則是不用沾醬就相當美味, 將炙燒鰻魚握壽司包覆著醋飯一次入口, 享受著剛融化的油脂和感受鹹香風味則是一大享受.
The nigiri might vary time to time.After eating sashimi, I am fully satisfied that I choose this restaurant. The usual price for 7 high-cost ingredients are about NTD $500 (?!)  First nigiri is the raw shrimp along with mustard seeds. The refreshing taste along with hints of stimulation is great. The grilled Halibu along with spicy mashed radish is tasty without any other sauce. The eel nigiri is also perfect with both salty and meaty flavor at the same time.


坐在板前就跟在 “逗號洋行私廚”廚房半島可近距離看師傅職人做料理, 他從盒裡拿出海苔, 再將海苔包裹干貝, 再放滿晶盈剔透鮭魚卵, 可惜入口時海苔較為軟, 無法享受到雙重口感. 軟絲握壽司, 日本青鯛魚握壽司和微量柚子胡椒, 和鮭魚泥則是因為前面幾款握壽司太出色, 而顯得表現平平.
I like the counter seats because I can watch the chef’s work, just like at the private kitchen “Curio Comma Taipei”. The chef uses the seaweed to wrap the scallop and put on fair amount of roes. However, the seaweed is a bit softer than expected. The other three nigiris tastes good as wel.

延伸閱讀: Curio Comma Taipei 》台北逗號洋行私廚 | 在英式古典氛圍裡享受料理



Steamed Egg with Abalone
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

當時是店員直接詢問烤時令魚要不要換成鮑魚茶碗蒸, 可能要去吃之前先詢問店家可不可更換為鮑魚茶碗蒸, 我則是立馬答應因為活體鮑魚水族箱就在我眼前, 這款蒸蛋雖然沒有很特別, 但搭配了海帶,鮑魚, 和菇類等食材, 完全將此款菜餚升級.
The staff asked if I want to change the grilled fish to steamed egg with abalone. Of course I said yes since the live abalones are right in front of me. However, I would suggest you to ask if you can change the grilled fish prior the visit. This might not be a regular dish. The steamed egg itself is not special. However, the seaweed, abalone, and mushroom completely upgrade this dish.



Miso Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

其實一連串吃下來, 到湯品時已經相當飽, 味噌湯不會過鹹且也有魚肉.
I was actually full while drinking this soup. The overall taste is not too salty and it has fish in the soup.



Panna Cotta with Brown Sugar
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

黑糖奶酪表層也不會像有些市面上的黑糖奶酪是乾的狀態, 甜度是愛吃甜點的人可接受的範圍.
The Panna Cotta is not overall too sweet. The dessert is tasty as well.



Price: NTD $320/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此為豚馬純米吟釀, 嚴格上來說, 餐廳請日本酒廠來福酒造貼上自己餐廳的Logo, 再請其他台灣清酒商進口, 所以價格較高.
Tun Ma Japanese restaurant asked the Japanese Sake manufacturer to put on Tun Ma sticker. So, the price of this sake is higher than expected.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




餐廳: 豚馬日本料理
地址: 台北市士林區福華路152號 (MAP)
捷運站: 芝山捷運站
電話: 02-2831-7757
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/豚馬日本料理-426952177366213/
Restaurant: Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant
Address: No. 152, Fuhwa Road, Shilin District, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT: Zhishan MRT station
Tel: 02-2831-7757
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


2019 豚馬日本料理菜單 》 2019 Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant Menu



