Nola Kitchen 》紐澳良小廚有少見的美國南方料理

Last Updated on 2019-08-09 by Foodelicious

紐澳良小廚是少數台北有美國南方料理的餐廳, 這次除了楓糖鬆餅炸雞紐澳良濃湯飯外, 店家也準備新推出的現剖生蠔套餐給我們.
Nola Kitchen is one of a few Taipei restaurants that offer America Southern Cuisine . Besides the fried chicken waffle and gumbo, the restaurant also prepares the recent promotion – which is the fresh shuck Oyster.


紐澳良小廚菜單 在文末 Nola Kitchen Menu is at the end of article


About Nola Kitchen Linsen Branch

紐澳良小廚目前有三家- 林森店, 信義象山店和台中崇德店, 這次用餐是在紐澳良小廚林森店, 離華山文創園區有些距離, 紐澳良小廚林森店最靠近善導寺站 2 號出口, 有趣的是雖然地址在林森南路2號, 實際上是在喜來登酒店後方的巷弄內, 一個不注意就會錯過. 餐廳除了有戶外座位外, 林森店外面有沙坑可以讓小孩遊玩, 可惜當天下雨沒有照到完整外部環境.詢問後才發現其實也有很多家庭會來紐澳良小廚林森店聚餐.
Nola Kitchen has three branches – Linsen branch, Xinyi Branch and Taichung Branch. This time, we dine at Nola Kitchen Linsen branch. The location is a bit far from Huashan Creative Park. The closest MRT would be Shandy Temple MRT Station. Even though the address is at Linsen South Road, it is actually at the alley behind Sheraton Hotel.It is quite easy to miss the sign. Besides outdoor seats, they have an sands playground for kids. Nola Kitchen is also suitable for family dining. However, it was raining that day. I am not able to take the whole front yard picture.

延伸閱讀: 2019 台北華山文創園區美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurant and Cafe



紐澳良小廚林森店內部裝潢與 “ABV Bar & Kitchen” 皆帶給人一種輕鬆不拘束用餐氛圍, 桌上的Tobasco 醬,濕紙巾,餐具收納桶更是讓美式南方風格更加顯著, 座位寬敞與長桌適合部門聚餐. 紐澳良小廚林森店下午依舊營業.
Nola Kitchen is similar with “ABV Bar & Kitchen”, which has easy dining environment. Tobacco, wet napkin, and utensil container enhance more America Southern Style. The seats are comfortable and suitable for staff dining. Nola Kitchen Linsen Branch operates during afternoon.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區啤酒餐廳推薦 》ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店搬新家新菜單

延伸閱讀: 台北公司部門聚餐餐廳推薦 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北下午營業的餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Restaurants that opens in the Afternoon Recommendation (By District)


這次紐澳良小廚與圓山 “英國生蠔海鮮小屋” 聯名推出新鮮空運且現剖英國生蠔.
Nola Kitchen cooperates with “Taipei British Oysters Shed” to promote fresh shuck British Oyster

一顆生蠔特價 NTD $88
4 顆生蠔 + Nola 啤酒 NTD $528
6 顆生蠔 + Nola 啤酒 NTD $688
*加 NTD $40 由啤酒升級為白酒*

One Oyster NTD $88
4 units Oyster + Nola Beer NTD $528
6 units Oyster + Nola Beer NTD $688
*Add Extra NTD $40 to upgrade from beer to white wine*



4 顆生蠔 + Nola 啤酒

4 units British Oyster + Nola Beer
Price: NTD $528
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

紐澳良鄰近美國密西西比河, 美國人在密西西比河畔邊開了許多家海鮮餐廳, 紐澳良招牌料理不外乎有生蠔, 小龍蝦 ..etc. 因此, 紐澳良小廚與 “英國生蠔海鮮小屋” 聯名推出生蠔餐搭酒. 整體生蠔鮮嫩, 滴上幾滴檸檬汁更勾勒出清爽的鮮味, 我會建議3 ~ 4人分享這一道料理. 搭生蠔的啤酒是 “Nola 精釀美式小麥艾爾啤酒“, 比較特別的是這款是店家自釀啤酒, 啤酒泡沫很快地散去, 有微柑橘風味並沒有明顯苦味, 不會覆蓋著生蠔的海鮮風味. 我個人是比較推薦搭配Nola 啤酒而不是白酒, 因為若生蠔吃完, 啤酒尚未喝完, 啤酒還是可以搭配其他紐澳良小廚的料理.
New Orleans is near USA Mississippi River. Americans open seafood restaurants near the river. The famous dish ingredients always include oyster, small lobster..etc. Therefore, cooperating with “Taipei British Oysters Shed” for oyster is a great summer promotion. I would suggest to share this oyster dish with 3 ~ 4 people. Nola Beer is American Style Wheat Ale. The foam is easy to disapper. There are hints of critic flavor, but no bitter flavor. It won’t cover the seafood flavor. I personally recommend Nola Beer instead of white wine. The ale can pair with other dishes.

延伸閱讀: 英國生蠔海鮮小屋 》 Taipei British Oysters Shed | 新鮮英國生蠔空運直送


4 顆生蠔 + 白酒/杯

4 units British Oyster + Sauvignon Blanc
Price: NTD $528 + NTD $40 = NTD $568
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

蘇維翁白酒 ( Sauvignon Blanc )單杯價格 NTD $220. 搭配生蠔價格較划算一些. 這款來自阿根廷的白酒酒體偏輕盈, 酸度不會過高, 充沛果香會是台灣女生喜愛的酒款, 搭配生蠔相當適合.
The single glass of this Sauvignon Blanc is NTD $220. This Argentina wine body is light with low acidity. The thick fruity flavor would be Taiwanese girls’ favorite. This wine pairs great with the oyster.


楓糖鬆餅炸雞 (小)

Chicken’s Waffles Junior
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

台北人逐漸開始認識美國南部的炸雞, 接受度也越來越高.  楓糖鬆餅炸雞是紐澳良小廚的招牌料理, 也是美國南方獨特的料理組合. 紐澳良小廚(小) 有兩塊無骨雞腿肉, 醃製過後再炸, 端上桌前已先淋上些許楓糖漿, 但不至於讓外皮變軟或是過膩, 酥脆外皮伴隨著微甜風味入口, 充沛油脂與嫩雞肉都是我個人蠻喜歡的特色. 鬆餅則是採用自家配方製作而成.
Taipei people start to know about American Southern Fried Chicken. The fried chicken with maple syrup and waffle is Nola Kitchen’s signature dish. This junior size has two boneless chicken thigh meats. Even though with maple syrup on the chicken skin, the appearance is still crispy. I personally also like the fats and the tender meat quite much. The waffle is made with Nola Kitchen’s special recipe.



Gumbo with Seafood, Chicken & Sausage
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

當時店家詢問要準備紐澳良濃湯飯 (Gumbo) 還是紐奧良海鮮飯 (Jambalaya) 給我們時, 我有點猶豫不決, 因為兩款都是美國南方經典料理, 後來決定點紐澳良濃湯飯 (Gumbo) . 湯頭是這道料理的靈魂,飯連同濃稠高湯一起入口, 湯頭海鮮風味佔一大部分, 辛香雖然少量, 但衝擊性不可忽視. 對台灣人來說, 這是一道非常獨特的料理.
It is difficult to choose between Gumbo and Jambalaya since both are classic American Southern dishes. I selected gumbo. Its broth has strong seafood flavor along with various spices. When eating the rice with broth, the spice impact would stimulate the tastebuds as expected. This is a special and unfamiliar dish for Taiwanese.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 紐澳良小廚 (林森店)
地址: 台北市中正區林森南路2號 (Map)
捷運站: 善導寺捷運站
電話: 02-3393-7662
營業時間: 11:30am ~ 9:30pm
Restaurant: Nola Kitchen – Linsen Branch
Address: No. 2, Linsen South Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT Station: Shandao Temple MRT Station
Tel: 02-3393-7662
Operation Hour: 11:30am ~ 9:30pm


紐澳良小廚 菜單 》 Nola Kitchen Menu




