2019 Chanel Sublimage Taipei Hotel Event 》2019 香奈兒頂級奢華探索之旅活動

Last Updated on 2019-09-09 by Foodelicious

我很榮幸以 VVIP 身份參加在晶華飯店辦的 2019 香奈兒頂級奢華探索之旅,據我所知美妝部落客則是在遠企參加活動, 最大的不同是 VVIP 是可以到飯店房間體驗產品. 2019 活動短秒影片在文末.
I feel honored to attend 2019 Chanel Sublimage Taipei Hotel Event as Chanel VVIP. The most difference would be the VVIP can experience Chanel Sublimage series at the hotel room.


步入香奈兒頂級奢華探索之旅的飯店房間裡, 柔金色 Chanel Sublimage 保養產品擺設在可拍照的背板旁, 工作人員隨後在 VVIP 進入時即遞上一杯熱茶,也不會催促客人進入房間體驗, 非常親切. 洗手間則是放著 Chanel 的香水, 可以說是一整套的奢華體驗.
The golden color package of Chanel Sublimage series are placed at the event. Chanel staff serve the hot tea to the VVIP. The most important part is that the staffs wont rush you. Chanel perfume is also placed at the restroom. I consider this is a whole set of Chanel Sublimate experience.


飯店房間因為佔地頗大, 香奈兒會安排兩位 VVIP 在同一個房間, 當然會隔開, 因為女生都知道這種保養兼按摩體驗都必須將內衣撤掉, 隨後香奈兒專屬保養老師會詢問有臉有哪些地方需要加強, 我則是黑眼圈部位,保養老師會用香奈兒頂級奢華系列來實行整個體驗, 大概整個體驗 30 ~ 40 分鐘, 黑眼圈確實有消失, 整套香奈兒頂級奢華都非常不錯. 體驗完後, 香奈兒員工帶到另一個大房間享受下午茶, 甜點和咖啡都相當有水準, 原本以為體驗到這裡就結束, 最後香奈兒員工會帶 VVIP 到專屬化妝室化妝, 完全有巨星的感覺.
Due to the large hotel rooms, Chanel would place two VVIPs in one large room. Chanel staffs would ask if there is any face area need to be improved. Mine is the eye area, which is improved later on. This whole experience is about 30 ~ 40 minutes. Afterwards, Chanel staff will take the VVIP to another room for afternoon tea dessert. When you think the experience is over, they bring you to another room for putting up makeup. The whole experience makes me feel quite good.



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