加拿大精釀啤酒品牌- 濠灣 》Howe Sound Ascension Triple IPA Beer Review

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

台灣凱麥有限公司引進加拿大 Howe Sound 精釀啤酒品牌的新產品 – Ascension TRIPLE IPA, 我很榮幸地受邀參加 Howe Sound 的新品發表會.
Faireast International Trading Company imports Howe Sound Brand Canada Craft Beer. I have the honor to attend their new product launch – Howe SoundHowe Sound Ascension Triple IPA.


這次新品發表會請來濠灣啤酒廠創辦人Leslie Fenn 和釀酒師 Franco Corno 介紹濠灣啤酒. 加拿大世界知名產品是楓糖漿和冰河礦泉水, 許多人都不知道加拿大有國產精釀啤酒品牌. 濠灣啤酒廠位於加拿大英屬哥倫比亞 ( British Colombia), 鄰近台灣人熟悉的溫哥華, 附近的Squamish山谷曾經是啤酒花種植重要地區.
Howe Sound Brewing owner Lesli Fenn and Brewing Mater Franco Corno introduced the new product at the event. Canada is known for its maple syrup and its Iceberg water. Many people do not know that Canada has its local craft beer brand. Howe Sound Brewery is located at British Colombia, Canada,which is near Vancouver. The nearby Squamish city was an beer hops growing area in Canada.

備註: 人像圖片是新品發表會主辦單位提供.


在這次新品發表會的佈置裡, 看到熟悉的天空纜車淺藍色鋁罐啤酒包裝 – Howe Sound Pale Ale Sky Pilot, 這次的主角則是 Howe Sound Ascension Triple IPA 玻璃罐裝 650ml. 由於品酌份量較少, 只能敘述簡單Review, 關於進貨價格, 需直接詢問台灣凱麥有限公司 (公司資訊在文末) , 若是想與朋友分享這款啤酒, 可到 ABV Bar & Kitchen 的各家分店.
In this new product launch event, there are other Howe Sound brand beers. For example, Howe Sound pale Ale Sky Pilot, which has the light blue can package. The new product is Howe Sound Ascension Triple IPA, which is 650ml glass bottle package. As for the price, you would need to ask Faireast International Trading Company (Contact Information is at the end of the article). If you want to share one bottle with your friend, you can visit ABV Bar & Kitchen.

ABV Bar & Kitchen Website: http://abv.com.tw

延伸閱讀: 板橋餐酒館美食推薦 》 ABV PENTHOUSE BISTRO | 城市夜景搭配精釀啤酒與美食

延伸閱讀: 台北東區啤酒餐廳推薦 》ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店搬新家新菜單



Howe Sound Ascension Triple IPA 650ml

ABV: 11%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

剛開始學喝精釀啤酒時, 我必須承認 IPA 通常不是我的首選, 也許是初飲 “輕井澤高原啤酒 IPA” 覺得苦淡, 喝到”美國 Stone Brewing 的 Stone Mocha IPA” 覺得濃苦. 當我知道這次Howe Sound 精釀啤酒新品是 Triple IPA 時, 先入為主覺得應該是又苦又濃, 孰不知, 這款 Howe Sound Ascension Triple IPA  喝起來卻是跟我預期地不一樣.
I have to admit that IPA is not my usual priority. My first IPA is “Karuizawa IPA Beer”, which it is a bit too light and bitter for me. Later on, “Stone Mocha IPA” is a bit too thick and bitter. When I realize the new product is triple IPA, I first assume it would be over bitter and overly too thick. However, the trial taste of Howe Sound Ascension Triple IPA is different from my expectation.


Howe Sound Ascension Triple IPA 顏色為經典琥珀色, 也許是因為份量不多, 啤酒泡沫薄, 拿起酒杯品酌時, 來自啤酒花的充沛果香撲鼻而來, 品酌時, 味蕾察覺到微甜, 並不會過苦, 百香果和葡萄柚風味在每一口都可以感受到, 並不是只有剛開始一兩口, 我個人比較喜歡風味可以持久的啤酒, 由於是加了許多啤酒花的 Triple IPA, 酒精濃度相對也比較高, 我個人推薦這款啤酒, 喜歡果香也可接受微苦啤酒的人應該也會喜歡這款啤酒, 由於包裝是650ml 玻璃罐, 比較適合 3 ~ 4 人分享, 最適合的地點莫過於國父紀念館的“ABV Bar & Kitchen”.
Howe Sound Ascension Triple IPA color is amber. The beer foam is thin. Before taking the first sip, the nose would sense the fruity flavor from the hops is thick and flavorful. The passion fruit and grapefruit flavors are thick and last-long. Since this craft beer is Triple IPA, there are large amount beer hops, which brings high ABV. I would recommend this beer to whom can accept the fruity flavor and hints of bitterness. Since the package is 650ml glass bottle, it would be better to share with 3 ~ 4 people. The best gathering restaurant would be “ABV Bar & Kitchen”.

ABV Bar & Kitchen Website:http://abv.com.tw

延伸閱讀: 板橋餐酒館美食推薦 》 ABV PENTHOUSE BISTRO | 城市夜景搭配精釀啤酒與美食

延伸閱讀: 台北東區啤酒餐廳推薦 》ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店搬新家新菜單



♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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警語: 警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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啤酒品牌釀酒廠: Howe Sound Brewing
國家: 加拿大
台灣進口商和總代理: 凱麥有限公司
地址: 桃園市中壢區大同路31號6樓
電話: 03-427-0960
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faireastcanadiancraftbeer/
Beer Brand: Howe Sound Brewing
Country of Origin: Canada
Taiwan Importer and Sole Distributor: Faireast International Trading Company
Address: 6F, No. 31, Datong Road, Taoyun City, Taiwan
Tel: 03-427-0960




