(2024.2 更新) Tamed Fox 信義店是台北信義區早午餐推薦之一, 許多人不知道 Tamed Fox 信義店菜單 與 安和店菜單 並不相同. (2024. 2 Update) Tamed Fox Xinyi is one of the Taipei Xinyi Brunch recommendation. Many people didn’t know that Tamed Fox X...
( 2025.1 更新) 之前瘋傳一篇 “台北民生社區美食地圖”, 我在此篇文章會提到位於富錦街的餐廳外, 也會標註中式西式和民生社區平價美食推薦. (2025.1 Update) There was an popular article about “MingShen Community Foodie Map” . Besides the restaurants on Fujin Street,...
2022 新開幕的 Heritage Bakery & Cafe 信義分店 位於 Bellavita 百貨 B1 , Heritage肉桂卷是台北肉桂卷推薦之一 . Heritage Bakery & Cafe Xinyi Branch is newly opened at Bellavita B1. Heritage cinnamon roll is one of the Tai...
AW Cafe Wine Bistro 是少數有戶外座位的大安站美食, 白天為早午餐與下午茶, 夜晚則是餐酒館, 頗具特色. AW Cafe Wine Bistro is one of a few restaurants that has outdoor seating area near Da’an MRT station. During day time, AW Cafe is a brunc...
侯布雄法式茶點沙龍是信義區下午茶選擇之一, 這篇文章會提到侯布雄法式茶點沙龍訂位, 低消, 菜單等事項. SALON DE THE de Joël Robuchon is one of the Xinyi District Cafes that offer afternoon tea. This article will mention SALON DE THE de Joël Robuchon ...
(2024.5 更新) 2022 新開幕 主廚市場 CHEF MARKET 位於春大直, 讓 春大直餐廳美食 名單多了和牛研究室 , 瞞著爹立吞 , POKE Lee , Woolloomooloo Yakka 與其他知名店家. (2024.5 Update) At 2022, CHEF MARKET is opened at Chun Place 1F at Dazhi area . There...
(2023. 9 更新 ) Cafe de Lugano 是台北文華東方酒店餐廳, 也是頗具歐式風格的台北戶外咖啡廳之一, Cafe de Lugano 菜單有早午餐,甜點,也有酒精飲品. (2023. 9 Update ) Café de Lugano is one of the Taipei Mandarin Oriental Hotel restaurants. It has Europea...