台北大巨蛋美食推薦 》Restaurants Near Taipei Dome

Last Updated on 2024-11-28 by Foodelicious

(2024.11 更新) 這篇文章是關於 2024 台北大巨蛋週邊美食餐廳與咖啡甜點店名單 ,有標 “🔥Fire.jpg” 就是我的大巨蛋美食餐廳推薦.
(2024.11 Update) This article is regarding 2024 Restaurant, Coffee & Dessert Shops Recommendation near Taipei Dome. The one with “🔥Fire jpg ” are the ones that I recommend.

**Taipei Dome Pictures are all from Website


UPDATED: 2024.11.28

♛ The Newest Review Link 最新文章連結: 嵩 SUNG 台北大安 》菜單除了脆皮炸雞還點哪些 (內有低消)


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前言 Preface – Must Read

此篇台北大巨蛋鄰近區域 – 上至市民大道, 下至仁愛路四段, 左至延吉街, 右至基隆路一段.
Taipei Dome nearby area is between Civil Blvd, Renai Road, Yanji Street , and Keelung Road.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



台北大巨蛋週邊美食 – 西式

Taipei Dome Restaurant Nearby – Western


嵩 SUNG 台北大安🔥

SUNG Bistro

嵩 SUNG 台北大安 是 2023 新開幕的台北餐酒館, 珊瑚橘色時尚洞穴空間設計令人記憶深刻, 文章裡有嵩 SUNG 台北大安 菜單 , 低消, 評價與訂位等重點.
SUNG Bistro Taipei Da-An restaurant is a 2023 new Taipei Bistro. The coral orange color and its design is quite impressive. The article includes SUNG menu, minimum charge, review, and reservation… etc.

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店名: 嵩 SUNG 台北大安
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街131巷35號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站( BL 17)
電話: 02-8772-0358
Restaurant: SUNG Bistro TAIPEI DA-AN
Address: No. 35, 131th Lane,Yanji Street , Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: SYS Memorial Hall Metro Station (BL17 )
Tel: 02-8772-0358



布夫 La Bonne Bouffe🔥

瑞士起司美食哪裡買? 二訪搬家後的 布夫歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe 是台北瑞士起司專賣店, 也可內用, 布夫瑞士起司鍋最受歡迎, 這次則是品嚐內用菜單上的綜合瑞士起司盤與輕食.
Where to buy Swiss Cheese and Swiss Food in Taipei? La Bonne Bouffe moved to a new location. At my 2nd visit, I tried their Swiss Cheese Platter and light food instead of their Cheese Fondue on the menu. They also offer Swiss Cheese to purchase at the store.

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店名: 布夫歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段408巷13號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館站 (BL17)
電話: 02-3322-1120
Restaurant: La Bonne Bouffe
Address: No. 13, 408th Lane, Section 4, Renai Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT Station (BL17)
Tel: 02-3322-1120



Cin Cin Osteria

請請義大利餐廳 ( Cin Cin Osteria ) 位於國父紀念館附近, 是少數大安區裡適合家庭聚會的親子餐廳.
Newly-opened Cin Cin Osteria Restaurant is near SYS Memorial Hall. It is one of the family-friendly restaurants at Da’an district.

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店名: 請請義大利餐廳 ( Cin Cin Osteria )
地址: 台北市信義區逸仙路50巷22號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站( BL 17)
電話:02 8786 2056
Restaurant Name: Cin Cin Osteria
Address: No. 22, 50th Lane, Yixian Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT Station
Tel: 02 8786 2056



Compas Pasta House

康帕斯義麵屋菜單有多款自製手工義大利麵, 這家 2020 新開幕餐廳也是台北東區義大利麵餐廳之一.
Compas Pasta House has various handmade pasta. This 2020 newly-opened estaurant is also one of the Taipei Italian Pasta restaurants.

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餐廳: 康帕斯義麵屋
地址: 台北市松山區八德路三段106巷69號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站( BL 17)
電話: 02-2570-0389
Restaurant: Compas Pasta House
Address: No. 69, 106th Lane, 3rd Section, Ba-De Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2570-0389


La Piola Cucina Italiana

國父紀念館捷運附近的餐酒館又征服了一家 – La Piola Cucina Italiana 義大利餐廳, 老闆則是來自義大利, 專攻北義料理, 考驗台北上班族對於正統異國美食的接受度.
I tried another Bistro, which is La Piola Cucina Italiana, near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. The owner is Italian and focuses mostly on Northern Italian cuisine.

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店名: La Piola Cucina Italiana
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路308巷45號1樓 (MAP)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站( BL 17)
電話: 02-2740-6638
Restaurant: La Piola Cucina Italiana
Address: No. 45, 308th lane, Guanfu South Road, Taipei City (Map)  
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2740-6638


JE Kitchen

JE Kitchen 是國父紀念館站週邊餐廳之一
JE Kitchen is one of the SYS Memorial MRT restaurants.

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餐廳: JE Kitchen
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路346巷48號 (MAP)
捷運站:國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02-2741-7115
Restaurant: JE Kitchen
Address: No. 48, 346th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT: SYS Memorial Hall
Tel: 02-2741-7115


台北大巨蛋週邊美食 – 日式

Taipei Dome Restaurant Nearby – Japanese


Jokichi Yakiniku

上吉 Yakiniku 是台北燒肉推薦之一, 上吉燒肉菜單近期增加平日與週末的日式燒肉午間套餐.
Jokichi Yakiniku is one of the Taipei Yakiniku Restaurant recommendations. Jokichi restaurant now has weekday weekend Lunch Set Menu

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店名: 上吉燒肉
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街131巷41號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02-8772-5765
Restaurant: Jokichi Yakiniku
Address: No. 41, 131th lane, Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-8772-5765


麵屋壹の穴 ICHI 🔥


台北國父紀念館捷運拉麵店眾多, 延吉街巷內有一家跟”麵屋武藏“販售的湯頭系列相似, 皆是魚介湯頭系列.
There are many ramen restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. ICHI Ramen restaurant, which is located at Yanji Street, sells similar fish broth as  Menya Musashi Ramen

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店名: 麵屋壹の穴 ICHI RAMEN
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街137巷22號  (MAP)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02-2711-4319
Restaurant: ICHI RAMEN
Address: No. 22, 137th Lane, Yanji Street, Taipei City   (MAP)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2711-4319


Okaeri お帰り你回來啦 🔥

Okaeri RAMEN

走進位於華視附近“Okaeriお帰り吃碗拉麵吧”, 就如傳統的拉麵店有日本設計風格但只有少許位子, 廚師在吧台後的開放式廚房忙碌地烹煮拉麵,隨而散發出微微的豬骨湯底香味.
Entering Okaeri ramen restaurant, you can immediately see the traditional design with a few seats. You can see the chefs working at the open kitchen by the long counter. Mild meaty aroma are mixed with hints of stir-fried aroma appear while sitting down.

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店名: Okaeriお帰り吃碗拉麵吧
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街60號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: (02)8772-7832
Restaurant: Okaeri Ramen
Address: No. 60 , Yanghi Street, Taipei City  (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: (02)8772-7832


漢堡排 嘉 – 大巨蛋店

Hamburg Yoshi – Taipei Dome Branch

漢堡排 嘉 – 大巨蛋店的大門是在台北大巨蛋外圍, 我點的是炭火橫隔膜排套餐( NTD $650) ,套餐有 – 日本國產牛 F 1 橫隔膜 x 1 與漢堡排 x 2 . 很特別的是套餐不是全部放在盤子上一起 serve. 而是陸續上菜. 份量多. 現場排隊無訂位.
Hamburg Yoshi Restaurant is located outside the Taipei Dome Branch. I ordered Japanese Skirt steak set (NTD $650)The set includes 1 piece of Japanese domestic F1 skirt steak and 2 hamburger patties. Interestingly, instead of serving everything on one plate, the dishes are brought out one by one.

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店名: 漢堡排 嘉 – 大巨蛋店
地址:台北市信義區忠孝東路四段515號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: N/A

Restaurant: SUNG Bistro TAIPEI DA-AN
Address: No. 35, 131th Lane,Yanji Street , Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: SYS Memorial Hall Metro Station (BL17 )
Tel: N/A




小倉屋是少數開在台北東區鰻魚飯日本餐廳, 遠離中山區日本料理一級戰區, 選擇在國父紀念館捷運站附近.
Kokuraya is one of a few eel rice restaurants in Taipei East District. They decide to open near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station instead of Zhongshan District.

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店名: 小倉屋
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路280巷27號 (MAP)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02- 2721-8555
Restaurant: Kokuraya Eel Rice
Address: No. 27, 280th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02- 2721-8555


台北大巨蛋週邊美食 – 中式

Taipei Dome Restaurant Nearby – Chinese


Top Soy Milk Shop

台北 24 小時美食在哪裡? 老漿家是台北東區 24 小時中式早餐店, N訪品嚐過老漿家菜單 , 決定寫成文章.
Where are Taipei 24 Hours Restaurants? Top Soy Milk Shop is a 24 Hours Chinese Breakfast restaurant at Taipei East District.

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店名: 老漿家
台北市大安區延吉街110號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
Restaurant: Top Soy Milk Shop
No. 110, Yangji Street, Da’an District , Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhua or SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2779-0602



Yu Hsi Restaurant

台北適合家庭聚餐的餐廳又一家! 玉喜飯店是許多饕客們的台北東區餐廳美食之一, 這次也吃到朋友推薦的玉喜飯店預訂桌菜.
Yu Hsi Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Taipei East District. It is also suitable for Family gathering. We also tasted their reserved-only dishes.

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店名: 玉喜飯店
台北市大安區忠孝東路四段289號3F (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02-8773-8898
Restaurant: Yu Hsi Restaurant
Address: 3F, No. 289, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Da’an District, Taipei City(Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-8773-8898




Jian Beef Noodle and Soy Milk

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Noodle Shop

一品牛筋乾拌麵 (小) NTD $180 非常地好吃! 牛筋的軟嫩最誘人, 鹹香微辣, 覺得不夠辣可加他們的辣椒醬. 我很推薦這一道. But, 感覺我是不是要點 “一品紅燒牛筋湯麵” (NTD $195 ) 比較划算?有湯可以有飽足感.
Braised Beef Tendon Dry Noodle (Small ) NTD $180 is delicious! The tenderness of the beef tendon is excellent. The tastebuds can sense the meaty flavor with minor spicy aroma. If you want more spicy flavor, you can add their custom-made spicy sauce. I would recommend it. However, maybe I should order the Beef noodle soup (NTD $195)? It can fulfill my appetite.

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店名: 不一樣乾麵
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街70巷5弄10號(Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 02-8773-1781
Restaurant: Noodle Shop
Address: No. 10, 5th alley, 70th lane, Yangji Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zongxiao Dunhuan MRT station
Tel: 02-8773-1781





Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant

雅苑粵菜港式飲茶餐廳是台北東區適合家庭聚餐的港式餐廳, 也是國父紀念館附近老字號的中式餐廳之一, 這次與朋友用 NTD $1000 挑戰點菜, 保證吃得飽.
Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant is suitable for family gathering at Taipei East District. It is also a long-lasting Chinese restaurant near SYS Memorial Hall.

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餐廳: 雅苑粵菜港式飲茶餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路202號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02-2752-1112
Restaurant: Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant
Address: 2nd Floor, No. 202, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2752-1112



台北大巨蛋週邊 – 咖啡甜點

Taipei Dome Restaurant Nearby – Coffee & Dessert

coco.Brownies 光復店🔥

coco Brownies 可可布朗光復店是 2022 新開幕台北東區下午茶甜點店, 難得有戶內外座位, 也可內用, 可外帶每日新鮮出爐的布朗尼回家享用.
coco Brownies Store Guangfu Branch is a 2022 new Dessert Store near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. There are outdoor/indoor seating area. You can also purchase fresh baked brownie for to-go.

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餐廳: coco Brownies 可可布朗
光復店地址: 台北市大安區光復南路96巷12號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02-8772-9089
Restaurant: coco Brownies
Address: No. 12 , 96th Lane, GuangFu South Road, Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall Station
Tel: 02-8772-9089


The Normal Coffee 🔥

藍白色裝潢的 The Normal 咖啡 是國父紀念館站咖啡店之一, 也是我的台北大安區咖啡店推薦首選.
The Normal Coffee is one of the SYS Memorial Hall MRT coffee shops. It is also on my list of Da’an District Coffee Recommendation List.

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店名: The Normal Coffee
地址: 台北市仁愛路四段413號1樓 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02-2775-4066
Restaurant: The Normal Coffee
Address:No. 413, 4th Section, Re’ai Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2775-4066



Olivia Coffee Roaster 🔥

Olivia Coffee Roaster 是少數台北東區不限時咖啡店之一, 提供免費Wifi , 少數插座和安靜環境讓很多文字工作者喜歡到這家咖啡店工作.
Olivia Coffee Roaster is one of a few coffee shop with unlimited dining time. It offers free wiki, a few wall sockets, and also quiet environment.

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店名: Olivia Coffee Roaster
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路346巷50號 (MAP)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02- 8771-3507
Restaurant: Olivia Coffee Roaster
Address: No. 50, 346th Lane, Guangfu South Road Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02- 8771-3507



Annyoung Cafe

這家台北東區韓系咖啡店的全名是 Annyoung Cafe 你好咖啡, 菜單裡的蜂蜜海苔年糕是必點, 這裡也在台北網美下午茶名單.
Annyoung Cafe is a Korean Style Coffee Shop at Taipei East District. The must-order dish would be Korean Rice Cake with Honey & Seaweed. Annyoung Cafe is also a Taipei Instagram-friendly coffee shop as well.

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店名: Annyoung Cafe
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街70巷5弄2號1樓 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站 & 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 0958-033-013
Restaurant: Annyoung Cafe
Address: 1F, No.2, 5th alley, 70th Lane, Yanjing Street, Da-An District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station & SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 0958-033-013



Sugar Miss

Sugar Miss 甜點店起初是以大理石豆腐岩和室內裝潢而出名, 近期開始推出不同口味的千層蛋糕, Sugar Miss 成為台北賣千層蛋糕的甜點店.
Sugar Miss Taipei is famous for its marble cake and indoor design. Recently, they started promoting their Mille Crêpes. Therefore, Sugar Miss becomes one of the dessert shops that sells Mille Crêpes.

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店名: Sugar Miss 甜點店
台北市大安區光復南路290巷4號1 樓 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02-2771-5320
Restaurant: Sugar Miss Dessert
Address: No. 4, 290th Lane, GuongFu South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2771-5320



Lady M

來自美國紐約的Lady M 是2017台北新開幕蛋糕店名單中最受矚目, 在台灣目前有國父紀念館旗艦店與晶華飯店專櫃.
Lady M, which was originated from New York City, opened its oversea stores near Taipei SYS Memorial Hall MRT station and also Regent Hotel.

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店名: Lady M
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路240巷26號1樓 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
電話: 02-7730-8660
Restaurant: Lady M
Address: No. 26, 240th lane, Guanfu South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-7730-8660


台北大巨蛋週邊美食 – 其他

Taipei Dome Restaurant Nearby – Others


Deep Fry Snack Store

初炸小食店是國父紀念館捷運站美食推薦之一, 看似平凡的台式小吃店面, 深藏著西餐主廚精湛廚藝, 意想不到的角椒起司鑲肉和炸豬腳是初炸小吃店的招牌下酒菜料理.
Deep Fry Snack Store is one of the SYS Memorial Hall restaurant recommendations. It seemed to be a regular Taiwanese snack store that sells Herbs Salted Chicken. But, with the owners’ experience, the outcome might surprise you.

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店名: 初炸小食店
地址: 台北大安區光復南路308巷57號 (Map)
捷運: 國父紀念館捷運站(BL 17)
Restaurant Name: Deep Fry Snack Store
Address: No. 57, 308th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2776-5855


