Olivia Coffee Roaster 》 國父紀念館捷運站不限時咖啡店 | Taipei Coffee

Last Updated on 2019-10-13 by Foodelicious

(2019.10 二訪更新)   Olivia Coffee Roaster 是少數台北東區不限時咖啡店之一, 提供免費Wifi , 少數插座和安靜環境讓很多文字工作者喜歡到這家咖啡店工作.
Olivia Coffee Roaster is one of a few coffee shop with unlimited dining time. It offers free wiki, a few wall sockets, and also quiet environment.


Olivia Coffee Roaster 菜單連結在文末 Olivia Coffee Roaster Menu is at the end of article

某天不經意經過這家咖啡店時, 被銀白色室外裝潢和時尚感的水滴狀招牌吸引, 走進咖啡店時, 佔地不大, 呈現長廊狀, 發現室內桌椅擺設皆與幾何圖型六角相關, 菜單上有輕食和意想不到的精釀啤酒, 自己可以坐在屬於自己的角落, 唯一的缺點是椅子皆是沒有靠背, 長期坐會不太舒服, 我選擇坐在吧台.不僅可以看到 Barista 用 跟 Hooked To Go Cafe 類似的填壓器, 也可以一邊跟Barista 聊天.
Silver-white outdoor design and water drop shape sign attracts more bystanders than expected. The coffee shop isn’t large but with hallway design. They offer light food and even draft beer.  You can pick your favorite spot and sit down. The only down side is that their chairs are not very comfortable if you try to stay and type at the computer for a long time. I chose to sit at the bar side, so, I can chat with the Barista


English Name: Cappuccino
Price: $130
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

 二訪點的卡布奇諾也非常好喝, 奶泡綿密, 店員技術好到讓這杯咖啡有表面張力, 喝起來完全沒有苦味. 他們有跟甜點店合作, 甜點品項一點都不馬虎!
I ordered their Cappuccino at my 2nd visit. The staff really knows how to make the foam. The coffee tastes without any bitterness, which is great. Also, they cooperates with famous pastry shops for desserts.


1 + 1 Expresso + Cappuccino

English Name:1+ 1 Expresso Cappuccino
Price: $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

老闆運用巧思命名, 例如 “嘿! 小白!” (Flatwhite) , 其實只是加入較少牛奶卻能達到平衡而不失拿鐵風味. 我點 “1 + 1 Expresso + Cappuccino” 的原因是我在永康街 8% Ice Bistro 有喝過類似的組合, 皆是卡布奇諾加上濃縮咖啡.兩家的產品擺設是完全不一樣的風格. 8% Ice Bistro 是將卡布奇諾加上濃縮咖啡放在木盤上一起端過來, 也附上一張小卡說明咖啡豆的產地與由來. 在這家咖啡店, Barista 先端上 Expresso , 我很驚訝店家居然會採用高檔且時尚感十足的 “illy Art Collection” 的 Expresso 杯 (似乎是限量杯) , 卡布奇諾大約三分鐘後完成.
The boss has his own humor to name one of the coffee “Flatwhite”. It is simply less milk but still remains its latte flavor. I ordered “1 + 1 Expresso + Cappuccino” since I saw the similar set at Yonggan 8% Ice Bistro.  Two coffee shops has different product display. 8% Ice Bistro placed the Cappuccino and Espresso on the wooden plate along with a small card stating the coffee bean’s origin. In Olivia Coffee Roaster, Barista brings out limited edition “illy Art Collection” espresso cup with medium brown color espreseso. Later on, the Cappuccino is served.


忍不住先喝一口具有表面張力的卡布奇諾,奶香不會過重, 濃郁烘烤堅果風味相當迷人, 即使加入Expresso, 咖啡苦味與酸味並不存在, 也品嚐得到帶有點蜂蜜風味,星巴克的卡布奇諾品質不是很穩定, 有時奶泡沒打好, 有時牛奶風味蓋住咖啡風味, 屬於較為大眾化. 而 Olivia Coffee Roaster 則是以咖啡風味為出發點.
Unlike other coffees, its Cappuccino didn’t have strong milky flavor. Instead, it has thick and attractive aroma of baked nuts. Even pouring in the espresso, the flavor still doesn’t have bitterness nor sourness, instead of it has hints of honey sweet flavor.



少數台北市咖啡店( 例如 爐鍋咖啡, Fika Fika Cafe, 豆咖啡) 都選擇自己烘豆, Olivia Coffee Roaster 也選擇租另一個地方自己烘咖啡原豆, 我會推薦這家位於台北東區的咖啡店給講究喝咖啡的人.
A few coffee shops (such as Luguo Cafe, Fika Fika Cafe and Bean Coffee) choose to roast the coffee beans by themselves. Olivia Coffee Roaster rented another place to roast their own bean as well. I would definitely recommend this coffee shop to the people who enjoy tasting coffees.



延伸閱讀: 2019 台北咖啡推薦 (分區) 》 Taipei Coffee Recommendation


Restaurant Name 店名: Olivia Coffee Roaster
Address: No. 50, 346th Lane, Guangfu South Road Taipei City 台北市大安區光復南路346巷50號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oliviacoffeeroaster/
Nearby MRT station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02- 8771-3507
營業時間: 1pm ~ 9pm

Olivia Coffee Roaster  Menu 

