我買 “餐桌上的魚百科”這本書之前, 我已經將信義誠品3F有關魚的書籍都已經翻過一遍. Before I purchased “Fish Wikipedia” book, I already checked all books regarding fishes at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore . So far, this book has the most detailed k...
雞湯大叔 (Broth Master) 是一個品牌, 也是一家2017年即將在台北行天宮捷運站新開幕的鍋物餐廳, 這次我有這個榮幸受邀搶先試吃雞湯大叔的白蘭地燉雞湯鍋物. Broth Master is a brand, and also a restaurant that will be opened near Taipei Xingtian Temple MRT station. Now, I...
我在誠品看到的起司書籍大致上只有 2~3 本, 我考慮很久才購買這本”世界起司輕圖鑑”, 只因為起司這項食材在台灣市場並沒有非常成熟. There are 2 ~ 3 Books regarding Cheese at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore. I know about this book “Knowledge of Cheese” a while ago, but did...
不久之前, Youtuber “Simon and Martina” 在日本東京銀座的五明餐廳享用秋田牛鐵板燒時, 提到秋田黑毛和牛(Akita Beef) 比 神戶牛 (Kobe Beef) 更美味. Youtuber “Simon and Martina” dined in Gomei Restaurant in Tokyo, which offers Akita Beef. They men...
台灣的葡萄酒書籍很多, “WINE FOLLY” 看圖學葡萄酒是其中一本用近期最夯的視覺資訊圖表 (Infographic) 來讓更多初學者理解葡萄酒. There are many books in Taiwan regarding wines. Wine Folly is one of the popular books that use Infographic for beginners t...
我要講的不是像FIELD小田食光的鮮果氣泡水, 也不是新鮮水果組列排成的食物, 而是像美國紐約布魯克林的彩虹貝果. I am not talking about FIELD restaurant fresh fruit sparkling water nor various fresh fruit sandwiches. I am talking about New York Brooklyn R...
每次到信義誠品去看書時, 總是會看到“料理科學”這本黑白封面的書放在3樓的飲食相關區域, 偶爾會去翻內容, 但總是覺得科學這兩個字聽起來離我太遙遠, 直到看到一篇“以酒入菜, 料理更美味??”後, 就決定買這本書. Every time I went to Eslite Xinyi Bookstore, I always see the black and white cover “150 Kit...
上次介紹了世上最貴的西馬尼黑雞, 這次來介紹主廚們心目中如神戶和牛級等級的匈牙利曼加利察豬 (Mangalitsa Pig). Last time, I wrote about Ayam Cemani Chicken. This time, I am going to tell you about Mangalitsa Pigs, which chefs would consider “The K...
這本“世界咖啡地圖 (The World Atlas of Coffee)”是我在信義誠品3樓猶豫了半小時後才購買, 原因為寫關於咖啡書籍的作者太多也太優秀, 後來翻內容後才購買我的第一本關於咖啡的書籍. I was having hard time deciding which coffee book to purchase at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore 3F. Then,...
牡蠔品種就跟酒的品種有不同外觀與風味, 葡萄園有所謂的Terroir (具特殊風土條件), 牡蠔產區也有所謂的Merroir (具特殊海洋生態條件), 通常海洋溫度越高,牡蠔生長越快, 也會帶有較多鹹味. 台灣氣候較熱,牡蠣成熟期短,因此形狀較小. Oyster is like wine, which has different appearance and flavor. Each vineya...