雞湯大叔 》白蘭地燉雞湯鍋物試吃心得 | Chicken Broth with Brandy Flavor

Last Updated on 2019-06-17 by Foodelicious

雞湯大叔 (Broth Master) 是一個品牌, 也是一家2017年即將在台北行天宮捷運站新開幕的鍋物餐廳, 這次我有這個榮幸受邀搶先試吃雞湯大叔的白蘭地燉雞湯鍋物.
Broth Master is a brand, and also a restaurant that will be opened near Taipei Xingtian Temple MRT station. Now, I have the opportunity to trial taste their Chicken Broth with Brandy Flavor.


進食品業前, 就已經知道有些餐廳會用雞粉降低成本, 但是雞湯大叔堅持採用真食材, 熬煮老母雞六小時, 五星級主廚也採用西式食材, 例如白蘭地, 創造出顛覆消費者對傳統雞湯的印象.
Before entering the Food & Beverage Industry, I already knew about some restaurants using chicken broth powder to lower the price. But “Broth Master” insists on stewing the real aged chicken for 6 hours. The 5-star chefs R&D team also decide to use western food ingredients – such as Brandy instead of traditional chinese medicine.



試吃會開始前已事先燉煮湯頭, 主廚親自示範雞腿肉抹上麵粉, 放在平底鍋煎至7~ 8 分熟, 再將雞腿肉切塊放置在高級餐廳才看得到的展示盤, 隨後放上奶油切片與白蘭地, 呈現法式料理Style. 再加上季節性蔬菜與鍋物, 一字排開有著霸氣的視覺效果, 廠商解釋在即將開幕的餐廳會讓客人自行加入雞肉, 蔬菜與白蘭地.
The chef did a demo by covering the chicken leg with flour, cook the chicken and display beautifully on the display plate with sliced better and a glass of Brandy. Various vegetables is also displayed at the table. The chef explained that they will let the customers to pour in the brandy, and put all the related food ingredients inside by themselves.



已事先準備好的鍋物呈現眼前時, 再三確認是一人份, 而非二人份, 老母雞熬煮出的雞湯顏色偏淺, 湯頭口感稍微帶有點膠質的口感, 但不至於像重熙老麵的雞湯頭般濃郁, 每一口都能感受到微微的白蘭地香氣.
I double-checked the hot pot is one person size instead of two since it is a bit of larger than expected. The soup broth is a bit light yellow with fair amount of collagen. However, it wasn’t as thick as Chongxi Ramen Restaurant. Every sip can taste hints of Brand aroma.



當令蔬菜中包括較不常見的櫛瓜, 新鮮香菇吸收湯的精華後相當軟嫩, 雞腿肉表皮因為煎過而帶有點脆度,肉質咬起來軟嫩, 而不會過於乾澀, 口感十足.
Various vegetables include a rare ingredient – zucchini. The fresh mushroom absorbs the essence of chicken broth, which tastes quite delicious. The chicken appearance is a bit of crispy but the meat is tender. Generally speaking, the delicious level is medium-high.



此道料理很明顯是以健康為導向, 蔬菜, 雞肉與白蘭地的結合為研發團隊的巧思, 我會期待這家新餐廳的開幕, 但是我會跟我朋友一起去分享這一鍋再加點其他料理
Combining vegetables, chicken meat and brandy is the creative idea from the team. I am looking forward to bring a friend with me to share this hot pot and order other dishes to pair with in the future.


延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide



*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受


店址:台北市中山區民生東路131號1樓(行天宮捷運站1號出口右轉一分鐘) (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Broth.master/
Tel: 02-2537-3893
平日 11:30-14:30 | 17:30-22:30
假日 11:30-22:30




