餐桌上的魚百科 Book Review 》Fish Wikipedia Book Review

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

我買 “餐桌上的魚百科”這本書之前, 我已經將信義誠品3F有關魚的書籍都已經翻過一遍.
Before I purchased “Fish Wikipedia” book, I already checked all books regarding fishes at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore . So far, this book has the most detailed knowledge about fishs.

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Book Name 書籍名稱: 餐桌上的魚百科 Fish Wikipedia
Author 作家: 郭宗坤 Chef Kuo
ISBN: 978- 986-408-094-6
** This book only has Chinese version.
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大致上整理出細讀後這本書的的特色和重點 There are a few selling points about this book!


用四季來歸類 Categorized with Season

現在許多餐廳都講究“當季食材”, 偏偏在台灣販售的當季食材特別多且複雜, 尤其是海鮮的部份. 我之前吃無菜單日本料理基本上跟師傅講預算是多少, 師傅直接搭配. 現在紀錄關於餐廳的無菜單日本料理時 (例如: 山花割烹) , 就需要這本所謂的百科, 當季的魚食材有時也會出現在這本書, 讓我的工作輕鬆許多.
Nowadays, most restaurants are using seasonal ingredients. Especially in Taiwan, there are way too many and complicated seasonal ingredients. Back in the days, I only need to tell the Japanese chefs regarding the budget. However, now, I would need to take notes about what I eat. This book offers great amount of fish knowledges to make my workers easier.


千奇百怪的名字 Weird and Interesting Name

陸地上的動物跟蔬果名稱非常好記, 但海裡游的魚有著千奇百怪的名字, 翻了一遍 “餐桌上的魚百科”, 大概70%的魚名稱我都沒聽過, 例如“打鐵婆”, 書裡會提到通常出現的季節, 分佈狀態, 備註如何選魚, 料裡建議和魚的全圖.
Fish names are probably the most complicated and difficult to remember. Honestly, I am not familiar with 70% of fish names. The book will state regarding fish informations, such as season, location, check and cuisine suggestions. The most important is that it has the fish picture.



為了滿足更多讀者, 作者也簡單寫入食譜, 讓愛好烹飪的人可以做參考.
The book also has cuisine recipes, which can different types of readers.


延伸閱讀: 關於其他飲食書籍評論




