Wood Ranch Restaurant 是 Irvine Spectrum 裡的餐廳之一, 在南加州是知名連鎖BBQ 燒烤餐廳. Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill is one of the restaurants in Irvine Spectrum. It is a famous chainstore at Southern California.
南加州橘郡海邊餐廳有哪些? 位於 San Clemente 的 The Fisherman’s Restaurant & Bar 就是其中一家餐廳. Which restaurant is located nearby the ocean at Southern California Orange County? The Fishermans Restaurant & Bar- S...
位於 Walnut, CA 的 Ninja Sushi 是一家平價日本料理餐廳, 老闆與服務生皆為日本籍. Ninja Sushi, which is a price-friendly Japanese restaurant, is located at Walnut, California. Both owners and waitresses are both Japanese.
位於 Ontario Mills Mall 的 Blaze Pizza 是連鎖比薩餐廳, 投資者包括 NBA 知名球星詹皇 (Lebron James). My family and I visited Blaze Pizza at Ontario Mills. Blaze Pizza, which is invested by Lebron James and other shareholder...