Blaze Pizza 餐廳 》美國比薩連鎖餐廳 | Fast-Fire’d Pizza

Last Updated on 2018-05-23 by Foodelicious

位於 Ontario Mills MallBlaze Pizza 是連鎖比薩餐廳, 投資者包括 NBA 知名球星詹皇 (Lebron James).
My family and I visited Blaze Pizza at Ontario Mills. Blaze Pizza, which is invested by Lebron James and other shareholders, is a chained restaurant.


經營方式與 “Chipotle 連鎖墨西哥餐廳“相似, 客人先從料理檯最前方決定12 吋比薩的醬底, 再隨著排隊人潮在料理台告知店員想要的配料, 再由專業烘烤人員將半成品比薩放入烤爐, 過程完全透明化. 我猜之所以可以在3分鐘內烘烤是因為店員事先將比薩餅皮加熱, 文末影片提供更多細節.
The operation style is similar with “Chipotle Mexican restaurant”. The customer select the paste of the pizza base at the beginning. Then, the customer would need to inform which toppings to add on the pizza. At the end, the professional baker would bake the pizza in the oven. Surprisingly, the pizza can be baked within 3 minutes. I assumed the reason would be they pre-heated the pizza dough. The video at the end of article reveals more details.


菜單選項相當簡單, 除了已搭配好的招牌比薩, 也可選擇自己隨意搭配比薩 (Build Your Own Pizza), 甚至餅皮也可選擇薄片餅皮, 厚片比薩或是無麩質比薩 , 價格相當平價, 只需 USD $8.55.
The menu selection is simply. Because the signature pizza, you can also select “Build Your Own Pizza”. You can choose the thin crust, thick or gluten-free pizza dough. The price is very budget-wise, which is only USD $8.55.




Tomato Based Pizza
Price: USD $8.55
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我們先選擇了薄片餅皮與少量番茄醬底, 再依序請店員加上火腿, 青椒 , 起司等基本配置, 因為醬少, 所以較不鹹, 品嚐起來中規中矩, 比薩外圍相當酥脆, 可是越靠近中心點越濕軟, Blaze Pizza 販售的並不是所謂的 Gourmet Pizza, 也就是較高品質的比薩, 但是填飽肚子是絕對沒問題.
We selected the thin pizza with small amount of tomato base. The toppings include ham, green pepper, cheese..etc. The taste is not salty since there isn’t much the tomato paste. The pizza is crispy at the outside but too moist in the center. Blaze Pizza doesn’t not offer Gourmet Pizza. But you can definitely fulfill the craving.




Garlic Based Pizza
Price: USD $8.55
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

第二份比薩則是請店員抹上很多的大蒜醬, 再加上適量番茄泥與蘑菇, 我本身就很愛大蒜麵包, 滿口蒜味再加上我愛的蘑菇, 相當不錯!
We added many garlic sauce base on the second pizza. We also added tomato and mushroom toppings. I personally like garlic flavor and mushrooms! So, I actually prefer this pizza!






店名: Blaze Pizza
地址: 1 Mills Cir, 1000, Ontario, CA 91764, USA (MAP)
營業時間: Check Google
Restaurant Name: Blaze Pizza
Address: 1 Mills Cir, 1000, Ontario, CA 91764 (Map)
Tel: 909-582-1944
Operation Hour: Check Google
