2021 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2021 Taipei New Restaurant & Cafe Guide
Last Updated on 2022-01-16 by Foodelicious
(2022.1 更新) 2021 台北新開幕餐廳 懶人包陸續更新中, 消費者習慣看實際餐廳體驗文來查詢細節, 因此做了一個 2021 新開幕餐廳懶人包讓大家一目瞭然.
(2022.1 Update ) There are many 2021 new restaurants in Taipei. Most customers would prefer to read a blog post with real experience. Therefore, I made a “2021 New Restaurants & Cafes Guide”.
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UPDATED: 2022.1.16
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目錄 / Table of Contents
前言 Preface
此篇除了有 2021 台北新開幕餐廳外, 也包括 2020 年10, 11, 12 月開幕的餐廳, 這次也加進 重新裝潢新開幕的餐廳, 會在文章裡標註.
Besides 2021 Taipei New restaurants, I also include the restaurants that are opened during Oct, Nov, Dec 2020. This article also include remodeled and reopened restaurant. I will put remark.
延伸閱讀: 2020 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2020 Taipei New Restaurant & Cafe Guide
2021 台北新開幕餐廳
2021 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
串串 23
台北西門町美食名單上多一家新開幕餐廳 – 串串 23 , 串串 23 西式居酒屋 是西式串燒搭配台灣 23 號精釀啤酒, 成為頗具風格的台北餐酒館之一.
There is another new restaurant near Xinmen MRT station – 23 Grill Bistro. 23 Grill restaurant concept is Western style Izakaya, which pairs with 23 Brewing Company’s beer.
吃完台北秀花鍋菜單裡的海陸套餐後, 豐富且新鮮的海鮮食材讓我把這家新開幕火鍋餐廳放進我的台北東區美食推薦名單裡.
Showhua Hot Pot restaurant is at my Taipei East District Restaurant recommendation list. I tried out their Surf and Turf hot pot set, and it is delicious and price friendly.
澳門贏到足 – 鍋物私房菜二店是忠孝敦化美食餐廳, 在澳門贏到足菜單裡, 可以選擇加價大七酒造清酒加進卜卜蜆鍋裡, 成為具有特色的台北蛤蜊鍋.
Yin Dao Zu Restaurant 2nd branch is a new restaurant near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. In the menu, you can add extra money to pour the sake into the clam hot pot.
at ease by Paul Lee
at ease 餐廳需要站著吃晚餐, 用餐限制 2 小時, 強烈建議訂位, 4人一桌比較不會擠. 6人就側站 (?!) , 這裡菜餚是 Tapas 份量, 價格是正餐價格, at ease 餐廳適合喜歡到新開幕餐廳嘗鮮的人.
You would need to stand to eat in this particular restaurant – at ease Bistro. The limited dining time is 2 hours. I would strongly suggest to reserve seats. Four people per table is perfect. The dish is tapas quantity but with regular price. at ease restaurant is suitable for people who like to discover new restaurants.
五方食藏 忠孝店
五方食藏的定位是 Deli , 中文翻譯是熟食店, 販售輕食與零售食品, 因為台北東區房租頗貴, 這裡的菜餚價格偏高, 請自行斟酌 , 五方食藏忠孝店的優點是可以容納 8- 10 人的座位 , 很適合大團體聚餐, 交通也方便. 我個人會建議點蕪菁葉檸香白鯷魚 Pizza 與甜點.
TAKE FIVE restaurant is positioned as “Deli”, which offers light food and food products in consumer package. Since the rent in Taipei East District is high, the overall dish price is also a bit high as well. The selling point of TAKE FIVE restaurant is suitable for 8-10 people, which is large group gathering. I would suggest you to order “Pizza with anchovy in lemon vinegar and turnip tops” and their dessert.
Mooo Burger
台北 Mooo Burger 是 Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳的第二品牌, 觀察 Mooo Burger 菜單後發現食材與價格都與平常台北漢堡店不太一樣.
Mooo Burger is 2nd brand of Chateau Zoe restaurant. After checking Mooo Burger menu, I found out the ingredients are price are different from other Taipei Burger restaurant.
Malavida 餐廳
台北 Malavida 西班牙餐酒館 有著紅色燈光的異國風格裝潢, 是 國父紀念館站美食 之一,Malavida 菜單 除了有現代創新西班牙菜餚, 也有傳統家常西班牙菜餚.
Malavida Spanish restaurant indoor design is quite eye-catching since it is red light. It is also one of the 2021 new restaurants in Taipei City. Malavida menu includes both traditional Spanish dishes and modern Spanish dishes.
01Burger 台北
2021 新開幕 01 Burger 是台北東區漢堡店, 最特別的莫過於菜單上的 01Burger 漢堡包是炸刈包, 內餡則是偏中西合併風味.
01 Burger Shop is one of the 2021 Taipei new restaurant. It is also one of the Taipei East District Burger shops. The burger itself is substituted with fried Taiwanese bun with fusion filling.
LOPFAIT 樂斐法式餐廳
台北 LOPFAIT 樂斐法式餐廳 是 “ MiraWan “ 創造的新品牌, LOPFAIT 樂斐菜單 提供正統法式料理套餐, 成為 2021新開幕的台北 Fine Dining 餐廳之一.
MiraWan Restaurant created a new brand – LOPFAIT French Restaurant. LOPFAIT menu offers French Cuisine Set. It becomes one of the 2021 new Taipei Fine Dining Restaurants.
除了落地鐵花窗店面設計搶眼之外, 登波也是赤峰街美食咖啡之一, 最有名的莫過於登波美式肉桂捲.
Coffee Dumbo is one of the Chifeng Street Coffee Shops. The most popular item would be their Cinnamon Roll.
這間民生社區美食餐廳在我的台北夏威夷生魚拌飯推薦名單上. 吃完 KuKui Poke 餐廳, 就覺得他們的“客製波奇碗” 值得點, 原因有三個-新鮮漁貨,季節蔬果, 店家自製醬料與自製辛香料.
The restaurant is located at Minsheng Community. there are three main reasons that you should visit Kuikui Poke Taipei to order “Build Your Own Poke Bowl”! Three reasons are – Fresh Fish , Seasonal Vegetables and Fruits, Store-made Sauce and Spices.
Loulou Dining Express
Lou Lou 餐廳 是 ULV Taipei 的第二個品牌, 也是 2021 新開幕法式餐酒館 , Lou Lou 菜單除了經典羅西尼牛排, 也有其他單點歐陸菜餚.
Lou Lou Taipei is the 2nd Brand of ULV Taipei Restaurant. It is also a 2021 newly-opened French Bistro at Taipei City. Besides Rossini Steak, there are also several European Dishes on the menu.
KATSU 鑫熟成豬排蓋飯
KATSU 鑫熟成豬排蓋飯專門店是最熱門的 台北中山站美食, KATSU 鑫菜單 上目前只有一款主餐 – KATSU 鑫熟成豬排蓋飯.
KATSU SHINBYASHIN is a popular Zhongshan restaurants. KATSU menu only has one item – KATSU Japanese Fried Aged Pork Chop Rice.
M One Cafe A11
M One Cafe 信義 A11 店 是 2021 新開幕信義區餐廳之一, M One Cafe 菜單豐富受到許多人喜愛, 強烈建議要先訂位.
M One Cafe A11 is one of the 2021 New Restaurants in Taipei Xinyi District. Most people like the various dishes on M One Cafe Menu. I would suggest to reserve seats in advance.
Vice Versa 餐廳
Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen 白天賣咖啡甜點, 晚上則成為台北餐酒館 , 這家台北廈門街歐風老宅餐廳也是古亭美食之一.
Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen is Taipei Bistro by night. It is also one of the restaurants near Guting MRT station.
木白甜點 *新地址
新地址位於善導寺捷運站附近 , 可內用, 外帶 向陽甜點 與 季節性的水蜜桃塔, 不錯吃, 推薦.
The new address is located near Shaodo Temple MRT station. You can dine-in or get it to-go. I to-go green tea tart and seasonal peach tart. Overall, it is quite delicious. I would recommend it.
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永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 位於微風南山 2 樓 , 無疑是近期最受歡迎的 台北信義區下午茶, 網路上都提到茗璐邸特調奶茶是必點.
Yong Shin Milk Tea Store is located at Breeze Nanshan Mall 2F. It is the most popular afternoon tea place at Taipei XInyi District.
李氏香拌的麵食與麻婆豆腐都是中辣, 我個人比較推秘製辣醬牛肉乾拌麵 ( NTD $190), 肉燥切丁與牛肉油脂增加鹹香度, 非常搭麻辣風味, 比較特別的是有些許甜味. 這道比較好吃. NTD $200以下, 可點.
Lee’s Beef Noodle’s noodle and Mapo Tofu here is in the medium spicy level. I would prefer the Mala Spicy Beef Noodle (Dry) NTD $190.This dish is medium spicy. The braised pork and beefs bring the salty and meaty flavor to this dish. It pairs well with the Mala flavor along with slight sweetness. This dish tastes better than others. The price is under NTD $200. You can try it!
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2020年 10底開幕的 MASA TACO 是信義安和美食推薦之一, 中山站分店則是在2021年開幕, 也是少數台北自製新鮮塔可玉米餅的專賣店. 文內有提到 MASA TACO 菜單 特色推薦有哪些?
MASA TAIPEI , which was opened at the end of Oct, 2020. is one of the Xinyi Anhe food recommendations. MASA is also one of a few fresh-made Tortilla Taipei restaurants. I would also list out the selling points of MASA Taipei Menu.
Nido 巢 *重新裝潢
Nido 巢重新裝潢新開幕囉!! 由於在二樓, 需要先在二樓按電鈴上樓, 一進去是一個非常地安靜空間, 請想像圖書館.我點了美味的超級八布丁與不錯喝的冷泡咖啡.
Nido Cafe is remodeled and now re-opened!! Since the cafe is at the 2nd, you would need to press the door bell to get to the 2F. The environment is very , like a library.I tasted the yummy Super 8 pudding and drank Cold Brew Coffee.
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綠境 Aroma *重新開幕
綠境 Aroma 曾休息一陣子因為老闆娘懷孕生小孩, 於2021年3月重新開幕, Facebook 上提到菜單不定期更換, 所以我點的麻婆豆腐不一定有, 而且這裡雖然以辛香料搭配出名, 可是其實並不會過辣, 我這種吃小辣的人可以接受, 老闆說不方便透漏之前在哪裡工作. 但是有想到用臺灣壽司米與複雜配菜的也是不簡單. 我個人推薦綠境, 饕客們公認這家小餐館有高水準美食.
Aroma Facebook sometimes will announce the menu on their facebook. They will change the menu time by time. So, you might not have Mapo Tofu set option. The food here is not too spicy even though it is famous for its mixed spices. The owner didn’t want to tell me where he worked before. I would definitely recommend Aroma restaurant. Most foodies consider this restaurant has high level and delicious food.
首先, SEA TO SKY 餐廳正式座位區是看不到台北 101 , 我會建議避開與海膽有關係的菜餚, 牛排與豬肉能不點就不點, SEA TO SKY 並沒有水族箱養生猛海鮮, 只有海鮮吧. 如果你依舊想跟朋友到這裡用餐, 我只建議四人同行, 而且建議白天用餐.
First of all, you cannot see Taipei 101 from SEA TO SKY formal seating area. I would suggest to avoid dishes with uni. You really don’t need to order steak nor pork here. SEA TO SKY doesn’t have an aquarium for the live seafood. If you still would come, I would only suggest 4 people in one table. And the dining time is day time.
TERRA 土然巧克力專門店
觀察 Terra 土然巧克力專門店菜單, 發現這家並不是單純的台北溫州街下午茶餐廳, 而是店家藉由可可風味飲料與甜點來推廣巧克力 Bean to Bar 的概念.
After checking Terra Bean to Bar Chocolate menu, you would realize this is not a simple afternoon tea place at Taipei City. The store promotes Bean to Bar concept with chocolate beverages and desserts.
Settle Taipei 餐酒館
Settle Taipei 餐酒館裝潢有著拉丁美洲熱帶雨林的風格, 酒單與菜單也是充滿異國風情.
Settle Taipei Bistro decoration is full of Latin America Rainforest style. Its cuisine menu and cocktail menu also has different styles than other bistros and bars.
Will’s Teppanyaki
比起其他 台北高級鐵板燒餐廳 , 新開幕 Will’s Teppanyaki 菜單價位相對合理, Will 主廚經驗豐富, 曾在萬豪酒店 Mark’s Teppanyaki 鐵板燒擔任副主廚. 我個人蠻推薦, 因為高檔且價格合理的鐵板燒等級
Comparing with other high-end Taipei Teppanyaki restaurants, Will’s Teppanyaki menu price is quite price-friendly. Chef Will has fair amount of experience as sous chef at Mark’s Teppanyaki restaurant at Marriott Hotel. I personally recommend it because they use high-end ingredients with reasonable price.
千壽 Senju
台北千壽是少數有日式庭園與榻榻米包廂的日本餐廳, 預約制的 千壽 2021 年三月開放讓「 非千壽會員 」訂位, 千壽午間套餐價位更是讓人覺得親切.
Senju Japanese Restaurant is one of few restaurants that has Japanese style backyard and Tatami private dining rooms. Recently, Senju Taipei announced to accept non-member to reserve seats.
Pai Pai Cannoli *重新裝潢
Pai Pai Cannoli 義大利甜點店 重新裝潢在 2021 年新開幕, 也是饕客們公認的台北義大利卡諾里卷推薦. 新 menu 選項增加更多, 也開始賣 Gelato.
Pai Pai Cannoli Italian dessert shop is remodeled and reopened at 2021. It is the shop that foodies consider the best cannoli at Taipei City. Their menu increased many items. They also start offering Gelato.
Dongyi Local Restaurant
新開幕的東引快刀手位於市民大道附近, 是南京三民站東引小吃店的獨立分店, 何謂獨立? 因為是女兒開的, 有自己的想法與經營方式. 牛油乾麵依舊是招牌. 目前下午有營業.
Newly-opened restaurant- Dongyi Local Restaurant is located near SYS Memorial Hall near Civic Blvd. It operates during afternoon. Their signature dish is Noodle with Butter fats and Sesame Paste .
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2020 年 10,11,12月台北新開幕餐廳
2020 Oct, Nov, Dec Taipei New Restaurant Guide
這家雙連站甜點店老闆是日籍夫婦, 摸摸桃子洋菓子菜單上的焦香巴斯克起士蛋糕眾所皆知, 公認這家為 2020 年底新開幕的台北甜點店推薦.
Gâteau de momochee dessert shop owner is Japanese. Their Basque Cheesecake is quite famous. It is one of the popular Taipei Dessert Recommendations that is opened at the end of 2020.
Fa Burger
Fa Burger 是 2020 年底開的餐廳, 菜單推薦是帶骨牛小排巧巴達, 戶外吧台座位與食物好吃程度讓 Fa Burger 法堡 成為我的大安站美食推薦之ㄧ.
Foodies consider Short Ribs Ciabatta as Fa Burger menu No.1 item. Fa Burger is opened at the end of 2020. I would consider this place as one of the my food recommendation near Da’an MRT station.
Salotto 19 食酒客廳
Salotto 19 餐廳於 2020年11月開幕, 也是台北餐酒館之一, 也是 Antico Forno 老烤箱的姐妹店, Salotto 19 菜單卻沒有 Pizza 與義大利麵, 皆是單點下酒菜菜餚.
Salotto 19 Bistro is opened during Nov, 2020. It is one of the Taipei Bistros. It is also the 2nd restaurant of Antico Fomo. Salotto 19 menu doesn’t have pizza nor pasta.
Ah-Wa Soba Noodles
阿花蕎麥麵 是 2020年新開幕餐廳, 也是台北中山區美食之一, 菜單上販售的蕎麥雞湯麵以及現煎豬排深受在地人的喜愛.
Ah-Wa Noodles is one of the newly-opened restaurant at 2020. It is also one of restaurants at Zhongshan District.
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Peppino Pizza
Peppino 培皮諾小館 ( Peppino Taipei ) 是 2020年底的台北新開幕餐廳, 我蠻喜歡 Peppino 菜單上的精選披薩選項, 有人說這裡的 Pizza 像台式 Pizza, 每個人皆有自己的喜好, 我是之後會再訪.
Peppino Pizzeria is one of the newly-opened Taipei restaurants. I like their signature pizza dish. Many mentioned that their pizza is like Taiwanese pizza. Everyone has his/her preference. I will revisit for sure.
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Feed the Curry
餵公子吃咖哩是 2020 11月底新開幕台北餐廳 之一, 餵公子吃咖哩菜單 中午販售印度香料與日式咖哩飯, 晚上則是下酒菜選項, 這次與朋友是晚上包場, 即可成為台北無菜單私廚. 我個人建議是先平日中午去吃咖哩飯, 再決定之後要不要包場.
Feed the Curry is one of the newly-opened restaurants at the end of 2020. The restaurant offers curry rices by day, and omakase by night. My friend and I reserve all six seats, the chef custom-made your private menu. My personal suggestion would be to visit there during weekday lunch for curry rice first. So you can decide if you want to reserve the restaurant for omakase.
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See You Bar & Restaurant
樓上見餐酒館是2020年11月新開幕台北餐酒館, 饕客們都知道主廚是之前 MUME 餐廳副主廚, 樓上見菜單價位偏中等.
See You Bar & Restaurant is one of the newly-opened Taipei Bistros. Most foodies know that the chef has working experience as sous-chef at MUME restaurant.
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Draft Land Xinyi
Draft Land 2020年底在信義區新開幕, 店面單純販售Cocktails on Tap, 非酒吧經營模式, 推廣“立飲”歐美 style. 我喝的是港式凍檸烏龍 NTD $250, 以 Vodka, 烏龍茶, 烏梅, 桂花, 檸檬 Mix 而成
Draft Land needs no introduction. Draft Land recently open a bar (?!) at Xinyi District. It offers cocktails on tap. There isn’t any seat. I ordered their Hong Kong Oolong Tea Collins NTD $250. The remix content includes Vodka, Oolong Tea, Ume , Osmanthus, and Lime.
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台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
♛ 我的台灣餐酒館定義
2. 台北餐酒館為西式為主, 但也有少部分是中式/日式/韓式餐酒館
3.餐廳販售總共酒款超過 5 款, 不拘限葡萄酒, 威士忌, 精釀啤酒,清酒, 調酒
備註: 餐廳可歸類於餐酒館若符合以上所有項目. 由於台灣與國外用餐文化不同, 我對餐酒館的定義頗為廣泛.
♛ My Definition of Taiwan Bistro
1. The restaurant menu must have à la carte dishes.
2. Most Taipei Bistros are western style. Only a few Taipei Bistros are Taiwanese/Japanese/Korean Bistros
3. The restaurant offers more than 5 alcohol items, which applies for wines, whiskeys, craft beers, and sakes.
Remark: The restaurant is categorized as bistro if qualified for ALL above definitions. Due to the difference of foreign and Taiwan dining culture, I am more opened to the Taiwan Bistro definition.
Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes
連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide