Vice Versa 餐廳 》六人在這家台北餐酒館點什麼 (內有菜單)

Last Updated on 2022-02-08 by Foodelicious

(2022.2 更新) Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen 之前是白天賣咖啡甜點, 現在只有晚上營業, 成為台北餐酒館 , 這家台北廈門街歐風老宅餐廳也是古亭美食之一.
(2022.2 Update) Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen is Taipei Bistro by night. It is also one of the restaurants near Guting MRT station.


Vice Versa 餐廳 菜單 在文末 》Taipei Vice Versa Menu is at the end of Article

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Vice Versa 餐廳 訂位 & 低消

Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen Reservation & Minimum Charge

2021 新開幕的 Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen 離古亭站 8號出口與 9號出口大約 20 分鐘, 往和平西路一段的方向再轉進廈門街即可, 老實說, 一路走過來完全不像是往餐酒館的路. Vice Versa 餐廳4 位以下可以經過 inline ( ), 超過五人訂位則是要透過他們的 Line 群組. Vice Versa 餐廳目前只有晚餐時間營業, 每人低消 NTD $700.
2021 newly-opened Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen is about 20 minutes walking distance from Exit 8 & 9 of Guting MRT station. You would need to book reservation online ( ). If there are 5 people or above, you would need to book via their Line Group. The minimum charge is NTD$700/person. Vice Versa’s operation hour is only at dinner time.

延伸閱讀: 其他中正區餐廳美食 》Other Restaurants at Zhongzheng District

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Vice Versa 用餐時間限制

Vice Versa Restaurant Limited Dining Time

網路上提到用餐時間限制為 2 小時, 網路晚餐訂位選項只有 6 pm / 8:15pm, 當天我們 6pm入座後, 店家口頭告知第一輪訂位時間是 6pm ,大概接近 7:45pm 時, 店家會提醒買單. Vice Versa 餐廳座位區有類似 高腳靠背座位, 歐風沙發區, 廚房吧台區, 可惜網路訂位無法像 “侯布雄”選擇座位區. 這裡有許多酒款, 可請店員介紹.
The social media stated that their limited dining time is 2 hours. The website reservation dinner time only has 6 pm/8:15pm options. After we are seated, we were again informed that the 2nd round of customers will arrive around 8:15pm. About 7:45pm, the restaurant would remind you to pay the check. There are a few seating areas – high chairs long table area, sofa area, and kitchen counter seating area. Too bad that you are not able to reserve seating area like at “L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei” via online.  There are also various wines.

延伸閱讀: L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei 》侯布雄菜單 2021 幾乎全都點

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Vice Versa 餐廳 前菜

Vice Versa Restaurant Appetizer


Clam Pot
Price: NTD $288
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道不是像 ”隱鍋“的蛤蜊火鍋, 而是像 “SEA TO SKY “ 的白酒香料蛤蜊, 雖然菜餚名稱裡有 “鍋”這個字,Vice Versa 餐廳基本上是間接強調有湯汁. 由於價格偏平價, 蛤蜊份量並不多, 但是咬一口蛤蜊則是多汁, 有奶油與蒜香風味, 海鮮風味也十足, 若有剩的湯汁, 建議用爐烤香餅沾著吃, 我個人覺得這道不錯可點.
This is not the Chinese clam hot pot. This particular clam pot is similar with “SEA TO SKY”. Even though the dish name has “pot” word in it, it is actually a plate with fair amount of broth. Since it is price friendly, the quantity of the clams are not much. All clams are juicy and absorb fair amount of broth. The broth has buttery and garlic flavor along with strong seafood flavor. If there is any broth left over, you can dip the flat bread into the broth to eat. Overall, it is quite tasty. You might want to consider ordering it.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Hot Pot 》台北隱鍋火鍋餐廳適合不吃辣或吃小辣的饕客們

延伸閱讀: SEA TO SKY 台北 》 菜單除了點巨大藍絲絨蛋糕還能點哪些菜餚? (非業配)



Flat Bread
Price: NTD $88
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

因為Vice Versa 餐廳有提供 Pizza , 他們也將 Flat Bread 放在菜單上, 用意就與 “樓上見餐酒館” 提供的 Num餅一樣皆是搭配其他菜餚 – 湯汁或是布拉塔起司, 而且並不是免費的佐餐麵包.
Since Vice Versa restaurant offers pizza, they also put the flat bread on the menu. The intention is a bit similar with “See You Bar & Restaurant“ num bread. Both indicate that the breads are for broth or Burrata Cheese. And it is not free.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》在台北新開幕樓上見餐酒館菜單點了哪些菜餚



Burrata Cheese
Price: NTD $298
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我在 “Wild Donkey 野驢小餐館” 吃過搭配無花果的布拉塔起司菜餚, Vice Versa 店員並沒有提到這款乳酪是不是像“慢慢弄”的台灣製乳酪, Vice Versa 乳酪吃起來與看起來都是像我在 “ A Mano Pizza Taipei “ 吃到的義大利進口乳酪.我後來才注意到碗底的醃漬橄欖, 微鹹微酸不至於蓋過乳酪風味, 我個人比較喜歡單純的布拉塔起司.
I ate Burrata Cheese with fresh figs at “Wild Donkey Restaurant”. Vice Versa staff didn’t mention that the cheese is made in Taiwan like “Man Mano Cheese Lab”. However, Vice Versa burrata cheese tastes and looks like the Italian imported cheese at “A Mano Pizza Taipei”. I noticed the pickled olives at the bottom. A bit salty and acidity didn’t cover the milky flavor. I personally would prefer simply Burrata Cheese.

延伸閱讀: Wild Donkey Taipei 》野驢小餐館菜單是 Farm To Table 的最佳代表作

延伸閱讀: 慢慢弄乳酪坊 》台北新鮮義式手工起司專賣店 | Taipei Fresh Cheese

延伸閱讀: A Mano Pizza Taipei 》義舍廚房菜單除了披薩還點哪些菜餚?



Confit Mushrooms Garlic Balsamic
Price: NTD $158
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我上次吃到 “非肉類“的油封菜餚是在 ”侯布雄“的油封甜椒. 油封肉類通常是靠肉的油脂, 像油封香菇就會用到橄欖油, 有著濃郁野菇氣息的蘑菇吃起來頗軟.
Last time I ate “confit non-meat dish” was at “L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei”. The chef would use olive oil for confit process for vegetables. The flavorful mushroom tastes quite soft.

延伸閱讀: L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei 》侯布雄菜單 2021 幾乎全都點



Marinated White Anchovies
Price: NTD $168
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

白鳳尾魚 (Anchovy ) 很常出現在地中海料理菜系. 這道醃白鳳尾魚並沒有許多初榨橄欖油在盤底, 一盤約六小片醃白鳳尾魚, 單吃鹹度偏高,下酒菜無誤.
Anchovy ingredient always appears at Mediterranean cuisine. This marinated white anchovies dish doesn’t have much Extra Virgin Olive Oil. There are six small marinated white anchovies on the plate. Overall, it is quite salty and it pairs good with alcohols.



Cured Salmon
Price: NTD $248
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

這道鹽漬鮭魚在台北歐式餐廳很常見, 倒是搭配的蝦夷蔥我只在 “Fireplay” 吃過, 撒在馬斯卡彭乳酪上的鹹鴨蛋黃更突顯出鮭魚本身的滑嫩.整體有適量鹹度.
The cured salmon is quite common at European restaurants at Taipei City. Regarding this particular chives, I tasted at “Fireplay”. The chef spreads the specific chives with the salted duck egg yolk powder at the Mascarpone cheese. The cured salmon is tender and has fair amount of salty flavor.

延伸閱讀: FirePlay Taipei 》 炭燒柴燒料理都難不倒新加坡籍主廚 Nick


Vice Versa 餐廳 沙拉

Vice Versa Restaurant Salad


Kale Salad Blue Cheese Dressing
Price: NTD $298
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

羽衣甘藍食材是在歐美餐廳常見的食材,反而在台灣西式餐廳比較少見, 而且也比較高價. 我上次吃到炸羽衣甘藍是在 “蘭 Orchid “, 這次 Vice Versa 餐廳則是做成單純爽脆的羽衣甘藍沙拉, 藍乾酪沙拉醬降低羽衣甘藍的經典苦味, 紅色碎肉片則是脆豬肉, 增加鹹味, 整體不錯吃. 因為食材偏貴, 所以價格比其他菜餚高.
Kale is a common ingredient at Western restaurants. However in Taiwan, kale is quite expensive and not common. Last time I had kale was at “Orchid Restaurant”. This time at Vice Versa restaurant, it is just simply crisp Kale salad. The blue cheese dressing decreases the classic bitter flavor from the kale. The red color ingredient is crispy pork, which increases the salty flavor. The overall taste is above average. Since the ingredient cost is higher, the dish price is higher too.

延伸閱讀: Orchid Restaurant 蘭 餐廳 》台北約會餐廳之適合喜歡法式料理的情侶們


Vice Versa 餐廳 Pizza

Vice Versa Restaurant Pizza

瑪格莉特 Pizza

Margherita Tomato Basil
Price: NTD $198
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Vice Versa Pizza Size 比 “Salt & Stone“ 的12 吋 Pizza 小一倍吧. 餐廳有協助切六小片, Pizza 邊緣並沒有烤焦. 由於是現桿麵皮, 微脆且帶有嚼勁, 這款瑪格莉特 Pizza有番茄香氣但吃起來酸度不高, 莫扎瑞拉乳酪風味也不濃烈, 以「非Pizza 專賣店」標準與價格, 這款 Pizza 算中上.
Vice Versa Pizza Size is smaller than 12 inch pizza from “Salt & Stone”. The restaurant assisted cutting the pizza into 6 pieces. The sides are not burned. It tastes quite crispy with a bit chewy. The tomato flavor and mozzarella cheese flavor are not strong. However, since Vice Versa restaurant is not a professional pizza restaurant, I wouldn’t ask too much considering the price is friendly.

延伸閱讀: Taipei 101 Salt & Stone 》台北 101 4樓義大利餐廳值得品嚐


薩拉米香腸 Pizza

Salami Tomato Mozzarella
Price: NTD $268
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

這款義式臘腸Pizza 偏辛辣.
This salami pizza tastes a bit spicy.


帕爾瑪火腿 Pizza

Parma Ham Tomato Mozzarella Arugula
Price: NTD $288
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Vice Versa 餐廳菜單有五款 Pizza , 有四款皆是番茄醬為基底, 恰巧也有莫扎瑞拉乳酪, 這款帕爾瑪火腿Pizza也不例外, 我們六人點了三款 Pizza, 因為口味相似, 我個人覺得點瑪格莉特 Pizza就可以.
There are 5 types of pizza at Vice Versa Restaurant menu. Four pizzas have tomato base and mozzarella. After all three pizzas, Margherita pizza is probably the better choice.


Vice Versa 麵 & 燉飯

Vice Versa Restaurant Pasta & Risotto


Beef Cheek Ragu Pappardelle
Price: NTD $298
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道牛頰肉義大利寬麵是 Vice Versa 餐廳的招牌, 份量並沒有像 “ A.B House 義式私房料理餐廳 “多, 原本以為會是番茄肉醬為底, 孰不知並沒有, 少許牛頰肉絲搭配起司讓肉香更為濃郁, 我本來就很喜歡寬麵的嚼勁, 以 NTD $298價格 , 整體吃起來不錯吃.
This dish is Vice Versa restaurant’s signature dish. The quantity is not as much as “A.B. House Italian restaurant”. Interesting enough, this pasta is not tomato based. There are only small amount of beef cheek meats pair with the cheese. Overall with NTD $298, it is quite tasty along with strong meaty flavor.

延伸閱讀: A.B House 義式私房料理 》台北永康街義大利餐廳推薦



Spaghetti with Puttanesca Calamari Clams
Price: NTD $298
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

我當初看到英文名稱, 我原本以為是像 “享.香檳海鮮餐酒館” 的煙花女義大利麵, 實際上 Vice Versa 的義大利麵並不是以番茄醬為底, 這道食材只有簡單食材 – 橄欖, 鯷魚,酸豆,烏賊與蛤蜊. 吃起來並沒有預期地特別. 如果喜歡海鮮, 我個人會推另一道蛤蜊鍋.
When I see the English dish name, I thought that it is Spaghetti alla Puttanesca with tomato base. This dish only has simply ingredients – olives, anchovy, capers, calamari, and clams. Overall, it tastes average. If you like seafood, I would recommend the other dish – clams pot.

延伸閱讀: 信義新光三越A9餐廳 》Chambistro – 香檳搭配料理的餐酒館



Truffle Mushroom Risotto Parmesan
Price: NTD $298
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

義式燉飯現在成為台北餐酒館菜單上常見的菜餚, 主廚放的松露醬份量倒是比其他餐廳多一些, 帕瑪森起司讓燉飯更加濃稠, 可惜此道燉飯的米心略軟.
Risotto is one of the most common dishes at Taipei Bistro menu. There are more truffle sauces within the risotto. The parmesan cheese enriched the risotto as well. However, the rice tastes too soft.


Vice Versa 肉類

Vice Versa Restaurant Meat


Tomahawk Steak with Truffle Mashed Potato
Price: NTD $2688
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此道料理需預訂. Vice Versa 餐廳的戰斧牛排是去骨, 通常戰斧牛排都不會詢問幾分熟, 也不會明確告知有幾 oz , 基本上戰斧牛排都是給 3 ~ 4 人份. 牛排置放在長方形木盤上, 海鹽與松露馬鈴薯泥置放於兩旁, 牛排外層有適量焦度, 吃起來嫩度高, 不錯吃, 可惜脂肪偏多, 我跟朋友們幾乎都是切掉不吃, 我後來有搜尋其他人的照片, 他們吃的戰斧牛排皆是正常脂肪比例, 所以我們的戰斧牛排應該是單一案例?!
You would need to reserve this Tomahawk Steak dish. Usually, the staff won’t inform you the oz of the steak. This dish is basically for 3 ~ 4 people. The steak is placed on the rectangle plate with sea salt and smashed truffle potato. The appearance is a bit burned but the meat itself is quite tender. Sadly, the fats (white parts) are a bit too much than expected. My friends and I cut it all off because we don’t like eating the white parts (fats). I searched for other people’s steak pictures at vice versa. Their steaks look normal. But, our steak seemed to be off balance with the percentage of the fats.



Grilled Chicken
Price: NTD $488
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍

烤雞是 Today’s Special, 並沒有在菜單上, 單獨吃雞肉有些香料風味, 可惜偏乾, 我個人不推薦.
The grilled chicken is on Today’s Special. It is not on the menu. Overall it is a bit dry, i don’t recommend it though.


Vice Versa 甜點

Vice Versa Restaurant Dessert


Creme Brûlée
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

Vice Versa 餐廳的烤布蕾是每日限量, 我個人會建議先預訂. 這款甜點表層頗薄且焦糖風味濃郁, Creme Brûlée 吃起來滑嫩如同雞蛋布丁,份量夠 2 ~ 3 人吃.
Vice Versa restaurant’s creme brûlée is limited quantity. I would suggest to reserve first. The creme brûlée has fair amount caramel sweetness. The texture is quite silky, just like eating a flan. The quantity is actually suitable for 2 ~ 3 people.



Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我們有請老闆先預留白天才販售的可頌多拿滋 (Cronut ), 我們有留巧克力, 起司與原味, 價格我不確定. Vice Versa 的 Cronut 外型比較討喜, 可是我個人還是比較喜歡“吉可頌”的 Cronut.
We ask the restaurant to reserve the cronuts that are only offered during day time. We have Chocolate, Cheese and Original flavor. However, I am not sure about the price. Vice Versa cronut is IG-friendly, which means has better appearance. I personally like the cronuts at MyCroissant by Guillaume.

延伸閱讀: MyCroissant by Guillaume 》 N訪後的台北吉可頌推薦排行榜



結論 Conclusion

台北餐酒度密集度高的區域是大安區與松山區 ( 例如 “Bottless 非瓶餐酒館” ), 以價格來看, Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen 應該是「中正區」還算不錯的餐酒館.

我會建議四人, 需先訂位, 建議點的菜餚有

✅ 牛頰肉義大利寬麵
✅ 烤布蕾 -建議預訂
✅ 蛤蜊鍋
✅ 爐烤香餅 – 點來搭配蛤蜊鍋
✅ 布拉塔起司 -如果沒吃過布拉塔起司, 可點.
✅ 羽衣甘藍沙拉 – 如果沒吃過羽衣甘藍, 可點但是價格有點偏高

如果你朋友們覺得填不飽肚子, 可預訂戰斧牛排松露馬鈴薯泥, 可是我不能保證脂肪比例是正常, 因為我們這桌戰斧牛排脂肪偏多.

There are lots of Bistros at Da’an district and Song Shan district (“Bottless Bistro” ). Based on the price, Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen is probably the proper bistro at「 Zhongzheng district」

I would suggest 4 people. You would need to reserve seats first. There are a few suggested dishes.

✅ Beef Cheek Ragu Pappardelle
✅ Creme Brûlée – Reserve first
✅ Clam pot
✅ Flat Bread – Basically to pair with the clam pot broth
✅ Burrata Cheese – If you never try Burrata Cheese before, you can order it.
✅ Kale Salad – If you never try kale before, you can order it. However, the price is a bit high.

If your friends didn’t fulfill their appetites, you can also reserve the Tomahawk Steak. However, I cannot guarantee the fats vs meat percentage is on spot. Our steak is off balance, which has lots of fats.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Vice Versa 短秒影片

Vice Versa Short Video


Vice Versa 餐廳資訊

Vice Versa Wine Shop & Kitchen Information

餐廳: Vice Versa Wine Shop & Kitchen
地址: 台北市中正區廈門街94號 (Map)
捷運站: 古亭捷運站
電話: 02-2366-0078
Restaurant: Vice Versa Wine Shop & Kitchen
Address: No. 94, Xiamen Street, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Guting MRT station
Tel: 02-2366-0078


Vice Versa 菜單

Vice Versa Wine Shop & Kitchen Menu

菜單是 2021.5 月版本

The menu was from 2021.May




