KATSU 鑫 》關於這家熟成豬排蓋飯的五件事情 (內有菜單)

Last Updated on 2021-10-05 by Foodelicious

KATSU 鑫熟成豬排蓋飯專門店 2021 新開幕餐廳 之一 , 也是最熱門的 台北中山站美食, KATSU 鑫菜單 上目前只有一款主餐 – KATSU 鑫熟成豬排蓋飯.
KATSU SHINBYASHIN is one of the 2021 new restaurants. It is also a popular Zhongshan restaurants. KATSU menu only has one item – KATSU Japanese Fried Aged Pork Chop Rice.


延伸閱讀: 2021 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2021 Taipei New Restaurant & Cafe Guide

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前言 (必讀)

Preference (Must Read)

KATSU 鑫熟成豬排蓋飯專賣店是台北預約困難 “Ashin 阿鑫小料理” 的第二品牌, 經營第二品牌的方式與 “VG Seafood Bar 餐酒館“ 第二品牌 ” Tongan Curry 通庵熟成咖喱“ 一樣, 除了價格是年輕人可以接受外, 主廚/老闆大部分是技術指導, 通常是讓副主廚展現身手, 像我去用餐時, 主廚就不在店裡.

換句話說, 不需要抱著一種心態 -「 一定要吃到主廚阿鑫親手做的作品 」, 你去的時候, 主廚/老闆不一定在.

KATSU tonkatsu restaurant is the 2nd brand of “Ashin Restaurant”. The second brand operation style is similar with “VG Seafood Bar Bistro” ’s 2nd brand – “Tongan Curry Restaurant”. The price is more acceptable among teenagers. Chefs/Owners are mostly advisor. Most of the time, sous chef did most of the jobs. When I dined in, the chef wasn’t at the restaurant.

In another words, don’t held the thought about「 I must eat the foods that are made by Chef Ashin himself. 」.When you visit the restaurant, the chef might not be there.

延伸閱讀: Tongan Curry 通庵熟成咖喱 》台北最受饕客歡迎的咖哩飯專賣店 (內含菜單)

延伸閱讀: 台北大安區餐酒館 》VG Seafood Bar Restaurant (內附菜單)


1. KATSU 鑫 訂位

KATSU Reservation

KATSU 鑫不提供訂位, 皆是現場登記候位, 需要先到窗口登記候位單紙本, 留下姓名與電話後三碼,不是像勝王排隊 , 會現場叫名字, 如果過號, 要再等兩號, 就像醫院過號那樣. 我11:03am 到, 只等了 20 分鐘, 排我前面的人不知道到哪裡去, 所以我建議是乖乖地在現場等吧.
KATSY restaurant does not take reservation. You need to fill out name and last three digits of the cellphone number. They will call your time on site. I arrived at 11:03am and waited 20 minutes. I would suggest to wait on site instead of wondering around the area.

延伸閱讀: 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide


2. KATSU 鑫用餐環境

KATSU Dining Environment

請想像日式拉麵店或是 “麵日和” , 目前有隔板, 沒有梅花座, 只是有些擁擠. 桌上有放三種搭配豬排的調味料 – 七味唐辛子, 九鬼金芝麻, 和式黃芥末 , 我個人最愛七味唐辛子, 不會過於辛嗆蓋過豬肉香.
Please imagine Japanese Ramen or “Men Biyori“. Now they have Partition. It is a bit crowded. There are three spices, which include Shichimi, sesame, mustard SHICHIMIthat can pair with the fried pork chop. I personally like spicy Shichimi pairing with the pork chop.

延伸閱讀: Men Biyori 》麵日和是台北平價義大利麵推薦 Top 1 (文內有排名)


3. 湯/小菜/飲料/水

KATSU 鑫的水在餐廳最裡面, 需要自己去倒水, 老實說, 走道偏窄, 當天用餐的客人幾乎都點可爾必思. 湯與小菜皆可續, 但我沒看到其他人續 .
You will need to pour the water by yourself at the end of restaurant. Honestly, it is a bit too crowded. Instead water, most people order Calpico drink. You can refill the appetizer and soup. But I didn’t see anyone refill.


4. KATSU 鑫豬排評價

KATSU Fried Pork Chop Review

KATSU 鑫熟成豬排蓋飯
KATSU Fried Pork Chop Rice
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

KATSU 鑫菜單只有一款 – 熟成豬排蓋飯. 豬排應該是里肌肉?! 咬起來外層酥脆, 豬肉本身吃起來不會硬或是乾, 口感確實比其他家的里肌肉嫩,兩顆半熟蛋搭配白飯與醬汁正合我意, 只是可能醃得有點久, 吃起來蠻鹹, 需要搭配飲料.朋友提到豬肉是採用知名台灣豬肉品牌 – 花田喜彘 , 其實對我來說, 炸功反而更重要. NTD $320 定價還可以, NTD $280 我會更快樂, 只是中山站租金與食材成本不太可能. 我個人會建議等不用排隊時再去吃即可, 不用特地排一小時去吃.
KATSU menu only has one dish – Aged Fried Pork Chop Rice. I assumed that it is pork tenderloin?! The fried pork chop appearance tastes crispy. The meat is not dry nor dense. The texture is definitely tender than other restaurant’s fried pork chop. Two half-boiled sunny up eggs pairs with rice and sauce are my preference. However, it is a bit salty for me. My friend mentioned that the pork is from famous brand – “Family Brand”. To me, the frying skill is more important. I would be happier with NTD $280. But, with the rent and ingredient cost, NTD $320 is probably the suitable price. I personally would suggest to visit when there aren’t people lining up. Waiting one hour to eat seemed a bit extreme.



5. KATSU 鑫菜單



KATSU 鑫 短秒影片

KATSU Short Video


KATSU 鑫 資訊

KATSU Information

店名: KATSU 鑫
地址: 台北市大同區南京西路64巷16-3號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2559-8810
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KATSUSHINBYASHIN/
Restaurant: KATSU Fried Pork Shop Restaurant
Address: No. 16-3, No. 64 Lane, Nanking West Road, Datong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT station
Tel: 02-2559-8810



