台北東區平價港式飲茶 》雅苑港式餐廳 1000 元 挑戰點菜 | Taipei Dim Sum

Last Updated on 2019-01-29 by Foodelicious

雅苑粵菜港式飲茶餐廳是台北東區適合家庭聚餐的港式餐廳, 也是國父紀念館附近老字號的中式餐廳之一, 這次與朋友用 NTD $1000 挑戰點菜, 保證吃得飽.
Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant is suitable for family gathering at Taipei East District. It is also a long-lasting Chinese restaurant near SYS Memorial Hall.

雅苑菜單在文末 Ya Yuen Menu is at the end of article


雅苑港式餐廳位於國父紀念館捷運站一號出口附近, 也就是與 “麵屋壹の穴 ICHI 日式拉麵“同一邊. 雅苑港式餐廳附近有國聯大飯店. 餐廳位於二樓, 除了樓梯外, 也有標示位於大樓裡的電梯位置. 與米其林一星 “金蓬萊餐廳“一樣並無代客泊車, 附近停車位只有華視地下停車場與大樓後方, 但是能找到位置停車的機會很渺茫, 建議直接搭大眾運輸工具或是計程車前往.
Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant is near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station Exit one. It is at the same side as “ICHI Ramen”. The restaurant is located at the 2nd floor with indoor elevator and outdoor stairs.Same as “Golden Formosa Restaurant”, it doesn’t have the valet parking. Since it is Taipei East District, I would suggest to take public transportation or Taxi to go there.

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與朋友用餐是星期五晚上,雅苑港式餐廳並無坐滿人. 聽店員說, 週末才是一整天座無虛席, 屬於較為忙碌的時段, 這裡並沒有像 “兄弟飯店梅花廳港式餐廳” 有點心小推車, 而是用劃菜單的方式, 廚房再現點現蒸. 雅苑港式餐廳的包廂非常多, 我只照了可看到台北101風景的大包廂, 大約可坐 10 ~ 12 人, 雖然有低消, 但有卡拉OK 在包廂裡, 這個包廂非常適合大家庭聚餐.
My friend and I dined during Friday night. The staff mentioned that the weekends are their busiest times instead of weekday nights. Unlike “Brother Hotel Cantonese Restaurant”, there is no Dim Sim cart. Customers would need to order first and the kitchen would make it afterwards. There are quite a few private dining rooms at Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant. I only took the picture of the large private dining room that have karaoke and Taipei 101 View. This room is great for family gathering.




至於網路上所提到的服務態度問題, 老實說,雖然有收 10% 服務費, 但餐廳店員偏年紀較大, 難免會覺得店員不太微笑, 收空盤與將其他菜推向我的動作較大, 被解讀為粗魯, 但是其實我比較在意的是買單這件事, 有些客人是在桌邊結帳, 我們這桌被告知到櫃台結帳. 以下餐點總共加起來 NTD $990 (尚未加10%服務費), 餐點夠四人吃, 一人平均 NTD $250.
As for the service issue that mentioned on the internet, honestly, I would say it is because the staffs are about father/mother age. It is understandable for the staffs not to smile. What I mind is that they seemed to have different standards among tables. I was informed to pay at the counter. But, I saw one of the tables to pay at their table instead of counter. Total price is NTD $990 (without service charge). Those dishes are suitable for 4 people. Therefore, the average price will be NTD $250 per person. 


茶 & 辣椒醬

Tea & Chili Sauce
Price: NTD $30/person ; Free Chili Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

茶資為一人 NTD $30, 有烏龍, 香片和普洱的選擇, 我們選擇香片, 茶是用茶葉泡, 而非茶包. 茶壺也圍上布保溫, 相當不錯. 這家餐廳的辣椒醬不僅有辣味, 也會帶給舌尖少許麻感, 相當不錯.
The tea fee is NTD $30/per person. I ordered Scented Tea. The restaurant uses tea leafs, which is good. Also, their spicy sauce tastes great!



Signature Steamed Shrimp Dumpling
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一籠雅苑蝦餃皇有三個, 平均一個蝦餃皇 NTD $50.雅苑蝦餃皇 Size 頗大, 應該是我在台北市看到最飽滿的蝦餃皇. 半月型有著整齊的摺痕, 晶瑩剔透外皮裡除了蝦肉外, 也有筍絲, 內餡吃起來相當有脆感. 雖然沒有米其林三星“頤宮蝦餃皇”的濃郁海鮮風味, 但以一個蝦餃皇 NTD $50的價格, 雅苑蝦餃皇相當具有水準, 我相當推薦這一道港式點心.
Steamed Shrimp Dumpling is NTD $50/per unit. The size is quite large, probably the largest one. Half moon shape with transparent appearance is stunning. Besides shrimps, the filling also has bamboo. Even though it is not as delicious as “Le Palais Restaurant”, it is delicious based on its price. I would definitely recommend this dish.



Steamed Glutinous Rice with Chicken Wrapped in Lotus Leaf
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一籠荷香珍珠雞有兩個, 一個平均 NTD $50. 當朋友打開荷葉時, 糯米飯絲毫沒有在荷葉上留下任何痕跡, 光是視覺上就知道這份珍珠雞的米飯相當紮實, 口感並不會過於黏牙, 雖然沒有浮誇荷葉香氣, 但米飯有少許鹹香, 與雞肉丁與小蝦米內餡一起入口時, 鹹香風味倍增. 我會推薦給愛吃米飯的人.
This dish is NTD $50/per unit. When my friend opened the leaf, the rice did not stick at the lotus leaf. The texture is dense. The flavor has salty and meaty aroma together. The filling has chicken meat and small shrimp. I would recommend this dish to people who like to eat rice.



Mixed Puff With Pork
Price: NTD $90
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一道脆皮鹹水角有三個, 一個平均 NTD $30 , 這道脆皮鹹水角是我朋友之前去香港常點的一道點心. 在台灣港式餐廳似乎很少人點這道點心, 也是我第一次吃到脆皮鹹水角. 三個飽滿不油膩的脆皮鹹水角像個麵包般放在籃子裡, 口感酥脆的外皮包裹著黏牙糯米, 兩種不同口感, 再搭配充滿油脂的豬肉碎末內餡, 也許有人會說這道點心過於油膩, 但我個人認為還不錯, 若是有多於四人用餐, 我會建議點來試試口味.
This dish is NTD $30/per unit. My friend visited Hong Kong a lot and she always order this dish – Mixed Puff with Pork. However, it is my first time to try this dish. Three large mixed puff with pork are placed at the small basket just like breads. The crispy appearance wrapped the sticky rice and pork inside. The impression is quite good for the first time. However, some might say that it is too oily. But if there are more than 4 people at the dining table, I would recommend this dish to try out.



Stir-Fried Rice Noodle with Beef
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道乾炒牛河是我點來吃看老字號粵菜港式飲茶餐廳是不是有所差別, 不管是熱騰騰的河粉或是之後靜置稍涼後的河粉皆不會糾結, 牛肉鹹香當然少不了, 但是若是比價格或是品質, 公館捷運站的“鳳城燒臘”稍微勝出.
I just ordered this dish to compare with other Cantonese restaurants. The rice noodle texture is not as clingy as expected, which is good. The beef is also delicious as well. However, comparing with the price and quality, the “Phoenix Cantonese restaurant” still wins.



Shui Mai
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一籠有四個燒賣, 平均一個 NTD $33. 看起來雖然挺立, 但個頭比欣欣秀泰影城旁的 “點心道” 小 (一個也是平均 NTD $33), 形狀也沒有相當ㄧ致, 至少內餡吃起相當Q 彈口感, 建議沾雅苑港式餐廳的芥末醬.
This dish is NTD $33/per unit. The size of the Shui Mai is smaller than “Dim Sum Express” (same unit price). However, at least the filling is delicious with the restaurant’s mustard sauce.



Rice Roll with Crispy Chinese Donut and Green Onion
Price: NTD $110
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道蔥花油條腸粉又稱作炸兩, 我似乎只有在“龍都酒樓”看過這一道點心. 除了油條外, 雅苑港式餐廳也有販售蝦腸粉和牛肉腸粉. 最為特別的是這道蔥花油條腸粉有附醬汁, 圖二從上至下分別是胡麻醬, 甜麵醬和醬油, 店員指示可依據喜好淋上醬油, 微鹹腸粉皮依舊Q彈, 炸油條口感酥脆, 其實單吃太單調, 可依據以好加甜麵醬或是胡麻醬, 我比較愛胡麻醬.這是一道可點可不點的點心.
Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant also offers shrimp rice roll and beef rice roll. But, this dish is quite rare, which is with crispy Chinese donut. There are three sauces, which are sesame sauce, sweet fermented sauce and soy sauce. The staff mentioned that the customer can pour in the soy sauce by preference. You can dip the sesame sauce or sweet fermented sauce. I prefer the sesame sauce.



Custard Bun with Salty Egg
Price: NTD $110
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

端上來時熱騰騰, 但咬下一口時, 金黃色奶油內餡並沒有如預期地多, 因此並沒有所謂的流沙口感, 反而是像台式奶油麵包內餡, 搭配鬆軟外皮, 奶油風味多過於蛋黃的鹹香, 整體算是不錯只是少了一點流沙口感, 較為可惜.
The custard filling doesn’t have the classic Cantonese custard burn, which is a bit disappointing. There are more of the custard flavor than the classic egg yolk salty flavor.

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餐廳: 雅苑粵菜港式飲茶餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路202號2樓 (Map)
電話: 02-2752-1112
營業時間: 打電話確認
Website: http://www.yayuen.com.tw
Restaurant: Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant
Address: 2nd Floor, No. 202, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Tel: 02-2752-1112
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


